
Chapter 1141: Deep Water (I)

Although it was very close, it was still far away. The foundation of Tiragangdis was various planes, which was equivalent to traveling between planes. Therefore, the speed of the space demon was getting faster and faster. At the back, it was almost invisible. Only the light on both sides could be seen.

Finally, a slightly normal palace group appeared below them, excluding the flames that were erupting all the time.

"Swish..." A flame with black smoke, carrying a meteor, rushed down, and the crystal wall system rippled like water waves, and then suddenly shook. The next second, the space demon appeared on an open space with billowing gunpowder smoke.

The big mouth opened, light poured in, and Xu Yangyi walked down. Look around carefully.

This is not a rich place.

Not far from them, there is a skeleton castle covering an unknown area. It is made of the bones of some beasts. Countless flames jump out from the cracks of the bones. But this is the most magnificent building in this area of ​​​​more than 100,000 meters.

Around, there are countless low houses made of dark wood. There is no aura of a big sect, let alone the spirit of the Nascent Soul. The road is unrepaired, and flames jump out of the cracked stones. There is no car, no guard. It is not like a city, but more like a village in the city.

In contrast, in the distance, you can see the city standing in a forest. Although it is mainly made of bones and stones, it is taller than New York on Earth, and the density even blocks the sunlight. In those places where castles are densely packed like forests, countless demon patrols are spraying overwhelming flames, forming a river of fire that circulates around the castles. Here, the sky is high and the clouds are light. It is quiet as a paradise.

The dead black spreads out for an unknown distance, without any vitality. There is no enthusiasm for cultivation. Even the demons living here have forgotten their violent and fierce nature and are as quiet as a doghouse.

"Welcome, new member of the Fellers family." Andrina was standing at the entrance of the Skeleton Castle, never forgetting its ceremonial guard. Hundreds of armored, two-meter-tall demons spread from the castle entrance to the place where the space demon stopped. Like the queen, this time she wore a princess dress made of unknown material, holding up the fat skirt and bowing from a distance: "Welcome to my territory."

"Ka! Ka!" All the soldiers slammed their spears to the ground, and the armor hummed, the sound was like a mountain torrent: "Welcome, sir!!"

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and walked towards the castle with him, walking After approaching, he quietly said, "It seems that you are not doing well."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Andrina's face, and her ugly features became even uglier. She replied softly, "Let's go in and talk."

"No need to go in." Xu Yangyi looked at it with a smile: "It's rare that you invited so many spectators. As a guest, I don't like being watched by others."

"Spectators?" Heiyan, who was following Andrina, was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to speak, Andrina's eyes flashed: "Are you sure... it's 'a lot' of guests?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded, and looked at it deeply. Andrina's heart immediately beat uncontrollably.

In this look, it felt endless murderous intent.

That's right, as the daughter of the Ferrers family, it can barely be on an equal footing with this distinguished great alchemist, but this "peer" seems equal, but in fact it is still cautious. It understood at the beginning of dealing with this human that this person is definitely not a good person.

"I didn't invite other guests." Suppressing the momentary fluctuations in his heart, it hissed, "So, I don't mind you driving them away."

Xu Yangyi slowly raised his hand and sneered, "Drive them away?"

"Wouldn't that be too kind?"

As soon as the voice fell, a loud bang suddenly erupted in the distance, as if something had fallen off a string, and then a thick black light shot towards them like lightning.

As fast as thunder, the demonic energy outside was rolling, and it was dozens of meters long! Wherever it passed, the void seemed to be burned out, and the dilapidated black houses around collapsed instantly, and it actually carved out a vacuum zone in this black forest!

The black eyes were dazed for a moment, and then they screamed at the top of their lungs: "Demon-killing crossbow!!! Protect the princess!! Protect the princess!! "

The sudden impact from thousands of meters away tore through the fierce wind, and the guards on all sides were stunned. In countless red eyes, they could only see that the ground was brought out by the fierce demonic energy. A deep gully, rushing across thousands of meters! Then, instead of shouting in fear to protect the princess, he...


The mighty army just now was scattered in an instant with a scream, and the weapons in their hands were scattered. The fleeing demons made the scene look extremely funny. The majestic welcoming scene just now was instantly in a mess.

Facing the fatal blow, Andrina's face turned blue. After all, it was also a Yuanying Great Perfection. From the beginning, it felt that the target of this attack was not it.

Just when the Demon-Slaying Crossbow was still hundreds of meters away from them, a blue-black light suddenly rose, and then the world stopped.

As if being oppressed by an invisible giant palm, the next second, with someone beside Andrina as the center, a circle of invisible ripples surged like a tide, and the Demon-Slaying Crossbow wrapped in endless demonic energy seemed to have no resistance at all and collapsed instantly!

Several exclamations sounded from a very far distance, Andrina could not hear them, but they were so clear in the ears of the Venerable Saint. Xu Yangyi said indifferently: "Since you are coming, why leave."

Not caring at all how far those invisible phantoms had escaped, he slowly raised his hand and shook it gently. Several screams spread across the kilometer, and a total of twenty figures screamed in disbelief, as if Pulled by the black hole, he jumped into the sky and flew towards them.

Before they could fly, nineteen of the twenty figures, with a casual snap of Xu Yangyi's fingers, screamed in the air and turned into a rain of blood, leaving only the last demon. With black scales, bone spurs all over its body, and red eyes filled with fear, it landed in front of Xu Yangyi like a plane. Before he could speak, he immediately dropped to the ground, like a docile rabbit.

"Meet the noble saint! I, I didn't do it unintentionally! I didn't know at all! If I knew, I would never dare..."

Before it finished speaking, its voice disappeared, leaving only its mouth trying to defend itself. Its expression became more and more frightened. After a second, it didn't dare to say anything except kowtow desperately.

"I ask, you answer, do you understand?" Xu Yangyi was very concise and to the point. The devil opposite him was trembling all over and did not dare to sweat.

"Who asked you to come?" He unlocked the demon's seal.

However, this time, the demon did not dare to say a word. Instead of kowtowing desperately, the scales all over his body stood up in fear.

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows in surprise, but Jin Danqi dared not answer the sage's question.

That is to say, the end after answering is worse than death?

"Brush..." Before he could say anything, a demonic flame burst out from his side, engulfing the demon in an instant and burning it to ashes in the blink of an eye.

"There are twenty people in total... belonging to three different forces." Andrina gritted her fangs and said, "I will never forget these family emblems..."

"I take back what I said before." Xu Yangyi smiled lightly and said: "You are not having a bad life."

"You have been through dire straits."

Andrina was obviously so angry at this scene that she was on the verge of going berserk. She was just trying her best to suppress her outburst. The great alchemist he invited... was assassinated before he even entered the door! This is not to kill the opponent, these killers don't even know who Xu Yangyi is!

This is a slap in the face... slap it in the face in front of your own guests!

"Come with me first..." The excessive anger made it smell like sulfur when it spoke, and it gritted its teeth and said fiercely: "One day, I will pay back all the shame of today. "

Just as Xu Yangyi guessed, the castle gave off a shabby atmosphere from the moment she entered. It was impossible to imagine that this was the legitimate daughter of a family that controlled one of the Eighteen Hells.

Faded oil paintings, candlesticks with peeling gold paint, incomplete bone vessels, and woolen carpets. It can be seen that Andrina tried hard to make Xu Yangyi's first impression better, but it was just to cover up.

It wasn't until I walked to the very end, in front of a bone-white door, that I finally saw the splendor of some aristocratic families. The extremely exquisitely carved container of the genius treasure was lit up with crystal candles, which were densely packed, making it look like daytime. Balls of light danced on the tops of the candles, and the surrounding strict and gorgeous reliefs formed a palace of sin.

"Kakaka..." The door slowly opened, revealing two skeleton chairs and countless murals. Many precious treasures of heaven and earth were carved into various utensils and placed in the space, making it look luxurious but not cluttered.

Andrina didn't say a word from beginning to end, and walked in with dark eyes, and the suppressed rage made the demon wings behind her tremble slightly. He forced himself to pour a glass of wine for Xu Yangyi, clutching the armrest with his hands: "Anthony family."

"And... there are my lovely brothers and sisters, the bastards of the Ferrers family."

"Besieged on all sides." Xu Yangyi took a sip of wine and said: "I heard that your father has three hundred children? A big family like yours, I'm afraid there are 299 brothers and sisters who wish you would die, right? The Anthony family? I heard you mentioned it? Once upon a time, the master of violence?"

"Anthony Manedas." The words full of murderous intent jumped out one by one from the gaps in Andrina's teeth. The cup she held was rattling, and uncontrollable flames floated on the surface of the wine. Coming and going: "The Demon King of Violence...the true master of violence."

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Is there another one?"

He could see clearly that the last emblem was a waning moon, with two spears intertwined into a cross, revealing the moon, and placed at the lower left of the moon.

"Don't you recognize it?" Andrina finally calmed down a bit, grinding her teeth and smiling: "Aren't you going to kill it? It has already been delivered to you."

"The waning moon, the spear, the moon represents the outside world, the spears intertwined into an inverse cross, representing the irredeemable... This is Mammon, the incarnation of Mammon. From the moment you came to hell, he has noticed you. …”

It stood up and smiled cruelly and profoundly: "It seems... you haven't eradicated the root cause..."

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