
Chapter 1142: Deep Water (II)

"Brush..." At the same time, in a volcano crater flowing with lava, there was a group of dilapidated and charred palaces. These palace complexes surround the central volcano, forming towns around them.

Countless weird demons were bathing in flames and moving around. In the center, a 10,000-meter lava pool was boiling continuously.

Suddenly, lava rose into the sky, and a huge figure appeared from the bottom of the pool in the center.

It is a full hundred meters tall. Its upper body is made of bones and muscles, with red and white intertwined into a cruel color. It has three green eyes and countless bone spurs more than ten meters long. Its lower body is a whirlpool of flames. Just when it appeared, all the demons around it fell silent, and then, a sound of kneeling down echoed through the crater.

"Greetings to the great Lord of Fire!!" A voice like the tide filled the volcano, and the demons danced wildly, turning into a real hell.

Crash... Pieces of lava flowed down from it. The huge demon seemed to have no feeling. In the skeletal head, three green eyes stared at the sky. After a long time, he said: "He's here..."

No one answered, and all the demons looked at each other. Who is he? Except for the sudden madness a few days ago, the Fire Lord has not shown his body for thousands of years. What can make a great lord miss him?

"I smell his stink..." It took a deep breath, and a ten-meter-large vortex appeared in the air due to its uncontrolled power. After several minutes, it lowered its head and waved, A flame vortex of more than ten meters in size has appeared.

Another huge figure was revealed in the whirlpool. It was a demon of flesh and blood, covered in black scales. The center of the head seemed to be split open, spraying green flames. The lower body was like an ugly centaur, lying on a huge On the bed of bones, there were countless lemures and servant demons surrounding it.

It was holding a golden lacquered bone vessel, with something unknown inside, burning with billowing black smoke. Strangely, it has no right arm.

"Are you here to make fun of me? Lord Tao Andro of the Fire Demon?" The huge demon drank the liquid in the wine vessel in one gulp, threw it away, and billowing black smoke came out of his ugly nostrils: "If you hadn't become a After two thousand years of incarnation, is it your turn to show off your power?”

"Stop your persecutor paranoia, idiot." The Fire Lord sneered and said seriously: "He's here."

With just three words, the huge demon suddenly jumped up as if being pricked by a needle. The mouths of the two huge fangs spurted out demonic breath, roaring crazily: "I knew it... I knew it!!"

"He will definitely come!! He will definitely come!!"

"He has been guided to the channel of Tiragandes. Even if he leaves midway, he will definitely be here! If he wants to go back, he can only go to Tiragandes!! If it weren't for you, a waste with unclean hands and feet! He should be Just fall at my feet in the valley of Descadripo! Then let me step on his humble head and be burned to ashes by the flames of hell!”

It suddenly stood up, standing up like a fierce horse, its huge demon wings spread out, and the lemures covering its body screamed and turned into ashes. Its equally green eyes stared at the Fire Lord: "But... what did you do?"

"You let him escape! Let him escape!! As the incarnation of the great demon god! You actually let a human ant escape from our hands! You useless trash!!"

"Do you want to fight me to the death? Damn it." In the extinct volcano, the Fire Demon Lord also roared. Countless buildings were reduced to ashes with his roar, and the entire volcano began to boil. Through the flame curtain, two huge demons were hostile to each other, neither of them willing to bow their heads.

After a long time, the Fire Lord grinded his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Forget it... You can't kill me, and I can't kill you. I just remind you, don't underestimate this mortal."

"He can cut off your right arm at the level of a high-level demon, and he can escape the pull of my mind. This human being is very difficult to deal with... In my opinion, Master Mammon has a total of 7,600 incarnations, staying in Tilagang There are only a hundred people in Dis. There is no need to provoke him. I just saw something interesting in him."

"Even if I'm the only one, I can crush him into powder!!" Descadribo Valley roared crazily, the flames all over his body suddenly rose, and he roared: "A hell rift... That's a hell rift!!"

"Such a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity...the opportunity to capture an upper realm...just slipped past my eyes! If it were just like this...I wouldn't have cast a single glance at this maggot..."

"But, he actually cut off one of your arms?" the Fire Lord said mockingly.

An extremely angry roar resounded through the curtain of fire. These words made Descadripo Valley completely crazy. The Fire Lord sneered and said: "For the sake of us being the incarnations of Lord Mammon, let me tell you something. ”

"The maggots in your mouth are already in the same realm as us. You may not be his opponent."

"Cowardly Tao Andro, how dare you underestimate the great slaying lord?! I will crush that maggot completely and tell everyone that the saints of other races are not worth mentioning in front of the devil!!"

"And that damn woman... I'm going to make her into a skeleton and tie her to the head of my bed, so that everyone can see what will happen if I touch Lord Mammon's majesty!"

It ground its teeth and lay down, waving its stubby fingers: "Go away, coward. Only when I place this maggot's head in front of you will you realize how powerful the Killing Lord is."

As soon as he finished speaking, the flame vortex disappeared without a trace.

"Powerful?" The Fire Demon Lord quietly looked at the spinning and extinguishing vortex, and then sneered after a long time: "Just you?"

"You don't even know that you need to suppress the emotions in your blood to attack the Demon King, but you dare to ask me for strength... If it weren't tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years ago, Lord Mammon just happened to take a fancy to your current body, you give me Not even suitable for carrying shoes.”

"Let them fight first... I have a hunch that this human being is very strong... very strong. Don't provoke him if nothing happens. Descadripo Valley... This is the difference between us. I know what danger is, and you …”

"Just a reckless man..."

The huge figure sank into the lava pool again, and the surroundings returned to silence.


In Andrina's castle, the two looked at each other quietly. Black Eyes has already left the hall knowingly.

After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi raised his glass casually: "Speaking of these meaningless things is useless in itself. Aren't you asking me to come just to let me be the golden touch? So, you'd better protect me, even though I'm very I doubt you have this ability.”

"Don't worry, the people who dare to break into Ferrus Castle have not been born yet. The most they dare to do is outside the castle. As long as you don't go out, you are absolutely safe. Except for my brothers and sisters, whoever dares to break in is provoking Ferrus. The majesty of the family, even if I am just an unpopular daughter." Andrina took a deep breath and gritted her teeth: "Do you know why they are so anxious?"

Before Xu Yangyi could answer, it grinded its fangs and said in a cold voice: "They are warning me."

"You're like this, why don't they worry?" Xu Yangyi glanced at Andrina unabashedly, almost making her angry to death.

Calm down... Andrina took a deep breath again, opened her eyes after a few seconds and said, "There are still two months until Deputy Speaker Kendra Mo's 8,000th birthday."

"The Ferrers family has two Speakers and ten Deputy Speakers. And Deputy Speaker Kendramo... is very special."

"I am not valued in the family, and I don't want to hide it from you. Except for two or three of our children who are particularly outstanding, they have never seen their father. He has been at the core of deception all year round. Therefore, the entire Ferrers family actually The person in power is the Speaker. The Deputy Speaker is already one person below ten thousand people, and more importantly..."

It seemed to hesitate for a moment, then gritted its teeth and said, "It knows my mother."

"I once heard it say something about my mother, but of course I have forgotten it because it is not important. The point is, it has a close relationship with my mother. If it hadn't been for its secret help, I would have never had the chance to come to the place of violence alone. Time to develop. And..." It looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "You need it, you need it very much."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows slightly, noncommittal.

"You don't think that the killing of the two members of the Ferrers family is just over, right? Yes, although there may not be too many demons in the upper and lower houses who remember their names, they bear the surname of Ferrers. . This is why my dear brothers and sisters dared to kill you in public today."

"If this matter is not resolved for one day, you will never be safe even in my castle. However, as long as Speaker Kendramo speaks, this will not be the killing of congressmen by aliens, but a small dispute between family members. "

Xu Yangyi's fingers tapped the armrest rhythmically. Once the mark of Mammon is removed and it is confirmed that his demonic body is free of hidden dangers, the whole hell will be his pasture. As for the ranch, there is no need for hidden dangers.

There are too many behemoths here, even Taixu cannot dominate a world in this ancient plane. After the Demon King, there are eighteen Demon Lords, and after the Demon Lord, there is the legendary Yahweh. He couldn't allow the slightest hidden danger.

And killing the two members of the Ferrers family is obviously a huge hidden danger.

He didn't know when it would break out, but he never wanted to wait until it did.

"Can this Demon King-level deputy speaker give me unique skills?" After a long time, he asked slowly.

"Maybe." Andrina took a deep breath and said seriously: "Your meridians are now in complete initialization. You really need a high-level skill. Believe me, in hell, without real power, it is very fatal. .Deputy Speaker Kendra Mo is the highest link I have access to, I have no choice, and neither do you.”

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