
Chapter 1143: The Shadow of Mammon

Xu Yangyi nodded and said indifferently: "What do you want?"

"Elixirs that increase longevity are given as birthday gifts." Andrina said eagerly: "The lifespan of demons is generally three to four times that of humans, but Deputy Speaker Kendramo was severely injured when he conquered a plane when he was young. It has never recovered and its lifespan has been greatly shortened. I can’t let it die now.”

"Human Taixu has a lifespan of 3,200 years, while the Taixu Demon King has a lifespan of more than 10,000 years. It can't live much longer. But it can't die, at least it can't die now, and as the deputy speaker, there are too many The devil wants to curry favor with him during this birthday ceremony... Do you understand what I mean?"

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly. He suddenly liked the devil's trading method. It was simple and straightforward. As for whether there was deception, you had to see for yourself.

A stupid person will be eaten up and wiped clean by the devil without realizing it. Smart people, I am Daozu, and they are fish and meat.

"Your skills, as well as the matter of completely wiping out the Ferrers family, are all based on the deputy speaker's eight thousandth birthday." Yuchang said slowly in his consciousness: "And this Andrina , needing to establish a sense of presence in front of the other party, borrowing the other party's name to be the tree behind them. The other children of Mephistopheles will not allow it. They would rather Andrina die in the violent hell. "In the mire."

"So, they dare to attack you in front of their own sisters. This is a very simple line to knock the mountain away. But...if you don't handle it well, in the worst case, you may have to hide your name in Tiragandis for the rest of your life. "

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. No wonder Andrina was so eager. Its future was all tied to whether Kendramo could be satisfied with her gift.

"Alchemy." He said concisely and concisely.

Andrina lightly touched her finger, and a crystal-clear skull appeared in her hand, but it was chaotic inside and could not be seen clearly at all.

It recited a few spells, its skull gums opened silently, and an ancient parchment flew into the air.

It was not handed over to Xu Yangyi immediately, but he looked deeply into his eyes and said solemnly: "Last point, if you really want to return to your original plane, you can't go back without Deputy Speaker Kendra Mo's nod. go."

"I will tell you everything you want to know. How to eliminate the Mark of Mammon and how to return to the original plane. The premise is...if I can come back safely this time. If my birthday gift leaves the Deputy Speaker indifferent, I probably won't be able to Walking out of Ferrers Castle intact, I think you will let me return safely, right?”

It handed the parchment and a storage ring into Xu Yangyi's hands, with blazing fire in his eyes: "I will set off in a month."

After saying that, it left quietly.

Xu Yangyi played with the parchment thoughtfully, and after a few seconds, he slowly said: "You are negotiating with me with a magic weapon of the Taixu level. No wonder you dare not kneel before you see a revered saint."

"You feel it too? Its demonic energy is so strong that it's not normal." Yuchang floated out and said calmly: "It has another meaning that it didn't say. It's trying to measure your strength."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly: "It doesn't quite believe that I am the Grand Master. Likewise, I am also deeply suspicious of its sales channels. It wants to weigh me, and I also want to weigh how much it weighs. It's very suitable. "

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, a black brilliance burst out from between his eyebrows.

Deep, evil, and full of cunning, this is not the magic that should belong to this world. It must be said...these demonic energies are not strong, but they give him a feeling like a god!

"This is..." Yuchang was stunned. At the same time as the demonic energy exploded, Xu Yangyi's muscles all over his body were twisting crazily. As if in response, another piece of demonic energy rushed out from his body like a sea wave, filling the entire hall instantly!

Kakaka... white bone spurs sprouted out from the clothes, not many, and even a little evilly beautiful. The skin began to turn towards snow-white, with slight black tattoos suddenly spreading from the limbs.

"Demonization!" Yuchang gasped and retreated to the corner instantly. With a exclamation, the red thread also ran out of Xu Yangyi's dantian and looked at Xu Yangyi with heavy breathing.

Xu Yangyi himself was a little stunned.


I clearly didn't devour the demon this time, so why did I still turn into a demon?

Moreover... this time the demonization is different from the last time! He clearly felt that he was like a huge lighthouse, attracting something.

"Gulu..." A hungry voice sounded in his stomach, and he looked over in surprise. In his state, he has no need for food for a long time, but... what is this slight feeling of hunger and thirst in his body now?

It was the desire from the soul, just like when the cat Baer possessed by Xingtian saw countless evil spirits. It made his mouth salivate, and his body responded unconsciously to this hunger.

"Brush..." A circle of black light that could not be seen by others, but only he could see, suddenly burst out from his body. At this moment, the whole world seemed black and white.

The red flames in the sky lost their color, the beating river of hell on the ground turned pure white, and all living things turned white, just like... travelers in the dark night finally saw a brilliance that fascinated them.

"What on earth is this..." He looked around in confusion. It was very strange. Except that he was white, with fish intestines and red lines, there was only a white outline. He looked out, and his consciousness spread instantly, tens of thousands of hundred thousand meters...a few seconds later, his eyes flashed, and finally stopped.

The second white object…'s a group.

Four demons, all wrapped in black robes, the leader was about three meters tall, all high-level demons in the Jindan period. In the middle of his hands, a blood-red eyeball was floating in the air, and the strong wind blew its cloak wildly. Under the darkness covering the face, the two red eyes seemed to be searching for something.

The moment he saw them, Xu Yangyi's hunger and thirst in his body suddenly surged. A large amount of saliva overflowed from his mouth, and the empty stomach even made an unspeakable whine. There was only one thought left in his mind.

Swallow it!

They are your food!

Xu Yangyi took a few deep breaths and tried his best to suppress this instinctive desire. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the mortal realm, and finally saw a clear spring in the desolate desert.

Without waiting for him to adapt, the black light on his body was still fluctuating like a tide, stronger each time. And even more weird, as his body fluctuated, the eyeball in the other party's hand also fluctuated. It was like two hearts going in opposite directions, beating at the same frequency.

The strong wind blew the robes of several demons, and at this moment, the corner of his eyes suddenly jumped. The feeling of hunger and thirst disappeared instantly.

On the corner of the other party's sleeve, there was a coat of arms that made people's hair stand on end.

A waning moon, an inverted cross.

The mark of Mammon!

"Mammon believers..." He took a deep breath. Tiragangdis... but it was an aggregate of planes. Between each hell, there were several, even more than a dozen planes condensed, and they were separated by an unknown distance. I had only been in Tiragangdis for less than an hour, and the other party's tentacles had already stretched out.

"These people are just outposts... Is it the Flame Demon Lord, or the Deskadribo Valley? Except for them, no one wants to know where I am." His consciousness has been condensed together. Although he has not yet cultivated his consciousness, it is only a matter of breathing to strangle a few golden elixirs silently.

However, he did not take action.

Once he took action, he would tell the other party his approximate location. The other party obviously did not determine his exact coordinates.

There was a dead silence in the room. After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes with murderous intent.

One thousand meters.

His last tolerance period. If the other party goes one thousand meters forward, there is only one way to go.

But at this moment, the leading demon suddenly cried out, and then the eyeball in its hand suddenly burst and turned into flames.

A silver-gray will, so powerful that it has already materialized! The place where he is is the eye of the sea. Like a whirlpool in the sea cave, it absorbs madly from all directions and completely absorbs this abrupt will under his feet!

Boom boom boom... This scene cannot be appreciated in the real world. In the dark world of black and white, those silver-gray wills suddenly formed a huge family emblem, covering all the territories of Andrina!

The bone sheep roared, the king of deception Mephistopheles!

The change was too sudden, and several demons were obviously very shocked. After a long discussion, they turned around and left without hesitation.

"Swish..." The black light wave shook lightly, and the world returned to its original state again. He stood there with his hands behind his back, the demonization completely stopped, and retreated into his body. After a long time, he nodded to Yuchang.

"What's going on?" Yuchang flew over immediately and asked in a deep voice: "I feel... something just spread from you, mental power? It's not divine consciousness, it's completely different from our cultivation civilization."

"The followers of Mammon have arrived." Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and looked out the window: "They came so fast... It's really unexpected."

Yuchang took a deep breath and immediately asked: "Where are they?"

"They are just insignificant little people. The Ferrers family refused their investigation." Xu Yangyi sat on the chair with a gloomy face, tapping the bone wine glass lightly with his fingers. The world is like a new chess game. This sudden investigation completely sounded the alarm bell that had just been relaxed.

The Mammon mark was too unexpected. It was planted in the seven realms and crossed several planes, but it didn't disappear.

The maggots on the tarsal bones, the ghosts will not go away. If they are not removed one day, there will be a sword hanging on the beam three feet above your head.

"I wonder if the one behind them is Deskadripo Valley or the Lord of the Fire Demon... No matter who it is, they have noticed that I have come to hell. This time, they are not fully prepared, but the next time, I am afraid that the person who comes will be someone that Andrina cannot refuse."


No one spoke. The two words Mammon represent too heavy a meaning.

It has become a true legend. No miracles have appeared for hundreds of thousands of years. However, the two of them never doubt that Yahweh is still alive! Those unaware guides of the Gods in the Wolf Chief plane have inadvertently let them see a corner of the strongest creature in the universe.

Once Mammon really exists, even if there is only one possibility... this time bomb that will never explode will instantly become a nuclear bomb tied to the body!

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