
Chapter 1145: Pilgrimage of Ten Thousand Demons

"I won't joke about my future." Xu Yangyi glanced at it: "I did my best to get what you want. If I can't bring back what I want, Andrina, I don't need a useless partner."

This sentence woke Andrina up from her anxiety and her heart was pounding.

It was because of its identity as the legitimate daughter of the Ferrers family that it could have an equal dialogue with the other party. From this sentence, it understood that if it couldn't get it, as the only person who had seen Xu Yangyi's trace, the other party might not need to wait for its brothers and sisters, and would deal with it personally.

No, not maybe.

It must.

It suddenly realized that this was the real way to respect the saints, turning the hand to the clouds and rain, and the equal dialogue it thought it had, the moment the other party found it useless, no longer existed.

Who is the devil?

"I... got it..." Andrina bit her lip, but refused to give up her dignity as the legitimate daughter of the Ferrers family. She looked straight at Xu Yangyi reluctantly: "I will try my best, but you'd better expect me to come back intact first."

Take out a crystal skull, carefully, as if it were the most perfect treasure in the world, put the elixir into it, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

"I will leave immediately. During my absence, the steward of the Ferrers family here will hand over to you." It pursed its lips tightly because of the excitement and said hoarsely: "Wait for my good results... Your skills, Mammon mark, will become a reality with a word from the vice speaker."


"Woo woo woo..." The magnificent horn sounded throughout the bone fortress. From the huge bone cracks, thousands of ceremonial demons stood up, holding thick horns, and blew them desperately.

At this moment, all the demons in the black street who heard this sound stopped their actions.

The princess of the Ferrers family went out, and the idle people avoided it.

Xu Yangyi stood at the highest point of the Bone Castle, watching all this calmly. The dead and lifeless black street seemed to come alive at this moment. Countless demons poured out from the low houses like a tide. He saw skinny servants with hair, inferior demons peeping in the corner, and demons that had just evolved demon horns and had not yet grown tails... all kinds of strange things, a real spectrum of alien creatures.

"Boom!" The gate of the Bone Castle opened with a bang, and then a chariot made of Kunlun's first-class spiritual treasure Swallowing Flame Stone, with a ten-foot-long curtain, pulled by eight black, scale-covered, three-person-high unicorns, drove out from the main entrance.

The show was even bigger than the last time... Countless demon babies were flying around, and hundreds of imperial guards on both sides cleared the way. Wherever the chariot passed, there was a billowing flame. Just in front of the chariot, a huge shield, more than ten meters high, was carried by six strong dark green demons. It was a little dilapidated, but the roaring skeleton ram on it made the entire Black Street area, a whole hundred million people, crawl on the ground.

"Ka Ka..." This was just the beginning. The next second, a long figure appeared behind the chariot. It was a strange-looking demon with three humps on its back and a body like a frog. It moved neatly with the sound of the horn.

Countless precious lights gushed out from the skin of these demons. I don't know how many treasures they carried in their stomachs. Even the surrounding demonic energy was trembling, and these demons seemed to have reached their maximum limit and had difficulty taking a step.

The flag of the princess representing the Ferrers family gradually went away, and the entire team of hands spread hundreds of meters, forming a long black line leading to the end of the Black Street.

Kendramo, the deputy speaker of the Ferrers family, celebrated his 8,000th birthday. Princess Andrina Ferrers, set out!

No one knew that on the same day, the entire Twelve Layers of Hell, Deception, was in complete turmoil.

In the center of Deception, the capital of Deception, the City of Hypocrisy, a huge palace complex covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers, equivalent to a provincial capital on Earth, was crawling here.

Deep black is its keynote, deception is its veil, and sin is its soul. Countless towers soar into the sky, and the silver-gray flames representing deception rise from every corner of the city, forming a rare column of flames.

Countless deception demons soared into the sky, expressing their inner joy with noise in the sky. The 8,000th birthday of Kendramo, the fourth seat of the ten vice-chairmen who dominate Deception, is coming soon.

Surrounding the highest tower in the center, the throne of deception Mephisto, thousands of teams from all directions marched forward in the huge city group. It was like a group of black dragons and a sea of ​​demons.

"One Abyssal Fire Crystal. One box of Sky Emeralds, two Poison Dragon Eyes, one set of Crystal Dragon Armor..." In a team far ahead of Andrina, in the center, a huge skeleton demon was hung with countless houses. In one of the houses, a demon with two short horns on his head and burning flames all over his body was reviewing the list again.

"Prince, your gift must be the most valuable." A female demon beside him smiled and said, "Excuse me, among all the princes and princesses, no one has such a rich resource plane as the Emerald Forest. You were so wise not to exterminate the elves that the demons hated."

The prince did not reply. After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and looked at the silver-gray sky outside.

"Eight thousand birthdays... Kendramo is not far from death, and it should know it. However, this is at least three hundred years later. In these three hundred years, if I can win its support, I will definitely be able to go one step further among all the princes and princesses."

"For this list, I even plundered the entire Verdant Forest, not even sparing the dragon that protects it... I believe that nothing can compare to my gift! I must win its vote at the next round table meeting!"

On the other side, above the sky, a huge bat-like demon flew above, with a wingspan of a thousand meters and a body of hundreds of meters in size. Within a 200-meter range on its back, there was actually a small building deeply embedded in it.

A fat demon, with burning horns all over his body and two palm-sized demon wings behind him, holding a bone wine glass carved with gold and jade in his hand, his chest heaving sharply, greedily watching all the scenes flowing below.

"Master." The two servant demons knelt on the ground respectfully: "There are still ten minutes to reach the Palace of Deception."

"Very good!" The demon crushed the bone tool in his hand with one hand, stood up suddenly, and a bone box appeared in his hand, the size of a palm, his eyes emitting red light, looking at it intoxicatedly: "The Sin of Hell... This prince spent so much effort to find the treasure, the deputy speaker will definitely look at it... No matter what others bring. I believe... The old man's vote will be on my head at the next round table meeting!"

"Thousands of years of absorption, thousands of years of condensation, thousands of years of sublimation, the ultimate in sin... The heinous sins of tens of millions of lives can condense a Sin of Hell. I don't need to bring others, this one is enough."

In the east, a thousand-meter-long team on the ground slowly moved forward. On both sides, thousands of armored guards stepped on the sky-shaking steps and headed for the Palace of Deception.

It's not that there is no storage ring, but this kind of momentum is needed. How can a storage ring be as shocking as a thousand-meter team pouring down a long river of treasures?

In the center, there was a silver throne, 20 meters high, lifted by hundreds of people. On it sat a silver demon, which was rare.

Dan Luohua Ferrus.

One of the most powerful children of Ferrus, it was also one of the few children of Mephistopheles who could see him.

At this moment, it looked at the team behind it, stroked the storage ring in its hand, and finally showed a smile on its face.

"Want to compete with me?"

"You have no chance. There are only three demons who can compete with me." It licked its lips and stroked the ring with a fiery look: "In front of the magic of Ivy... everything you do is a joke."

"Deputy Speaker Kendramo, it will never need a lot of wealth now. It only needs life, life, and life! No matter how many natural treasures you have plundered, in the eyes of a dying old man, what is the difference between it and dung?"

"Ivy... I destroyed a whole plane for it! It can extend life for a hundred years, any race can do it, I think, the deputy speaker will never be indifferent!"

In the south, the same brilliant team, the same long army, the same countless treasure light spreading, and countless burdened demons. However, this time, there was a woman sitting on the blood-red chariot in the center.

"That bitch Andrina is here too. I saw her name on the guest list..." It seemed to say to others, but there was no figure inside.

"That rubbish actually had the guts to come to the Vice Speaker's birthday party. It seems that the lesson we gave it is not enough?"

As soon as the voice fell, a calm voice came from the void: "It?"

"The shabby black street, desperate to ask for help from outsiders. Stuck in this cesspool for a thousand years, it plans to pay tribute to the Vice Speaker with cheap local specialties from the black street? Who gave it the face? The plane is too courageous."

The female demon snorted coldly: "We don't ask for the best, but as long as it is better than it! The Vice Speaker helped it once, it really dares to be so thick-skinned. Come here... It's too shameless!"

The voice said lightly: "Have you investigated the people it invited?"

"No." The female demon was a little impatient: "For this birthday, I personally went to hunt for the heart of an emerald dragon. It only invited a human. Listen carefully, Zhuo Andong, he is just a human! A weak and insignificant race! If this human can make Andrina take out a tribute that exceeds ours, I will eat my heart! You are making a fuss!"

Zhuo Andong did not speak again, as if he acquiesced to this statement.

The female demon stood up, and as far as her eyes could see, under the red sky, silver-white flames were jumping, and black teams were mixed in. Hundreds and thousands of teams shining with precious lights illuminated half of the sky between deceptions.

Countless family emblems, countless dignitaries, fluttering flags, BMWs and carved cars, those who have heard of them, those who have never heard of them, as long as there are families with names in the deception hell, today, no one is missing. No one dares not to be present.

The towering Deception Palace in the center is like a vortex that swallows and spits out treasures, pulling the rare treasures gathered from all planes around it into this bottomless stomach.

The black dragon is entrenched, and all the demons are making pilgrimages.

"Look... this is a grand event attended by thousands of tribute teams, countless families, countless princes and princesses, people in power, and members of the upper and lower houses. The tribute that the poor and ugly bitch can bring out is just to let everyone recognize that it is just a pool of mud that can't be helped."

"So, the quagmire of the black street is very suitable for it."

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