
Chapter 1146: Chief Steward Xu Dela


The gathering of demons in the deception hell cannot convey the tyranny of the hell. It's still dark, gloomy and lifeless here.

"In one and a half days, Andrina will arrive at her clan's territory." Yuchang looked at Xu Yangyi, who had just come out after a day's rest, and said with a smile.

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "Since I have done the best I can, then I will do my best and obey fate."

"Anyway, it was a fellow Taoist who died, not a poor Taoist."

Yuchang clicked his tongue and said, "You look more and more like that dog now."


At this moment, the sound of low footsteps came, and Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly. This sound did not belong to any one he had ever heard.

"Kaka..." The door buzzed. After opening, a demon about two meters tall with black eyes slowly walked in.

The opponent's head is a triangle with crimson eyes, and his appearance is consistent with the devil's ugly appearance. The lower body is like a worm, with countless small claws extending from both sides, grabbing the ground.

"Is that him?" The demon glanced at Xu Yangyi and asked the dark eyes beside him with a low eyebrow.

"He is Princess Andrina's guest. Hydra is in charge." Black Eyes answered respectfully, not even daring to stand up straight.

The eyes of one person and one demon collided like lightning. Xu Dela's plump body sat unceremoniously on a chair. His intense scrutiny and wary gaze swept over Xu Yangyi's body inch by inch.

Honor the saint.

Both of them had a number in mind. Both of them are sages, and both are in the early stage.

"Where did it come from?" After a few seconds, it looked away dozens of times, poured itself a glass of wine with great familiarity, and shook it gently.

Xu Yangyi sat on the chair leisurely, tapping the armrest with his fingers rhythmically: "Who are you?"

when! The wine glass he had just picked up suddenly stopped on the table. Xu Dela's two-meter-tall body suddenly stood up, shrouding Xu Yangyi in its shadow, and said word by word: "I am asking you, human being."

Dead silence.

Black Eyes was covered in cold sweat. As a Nascent Soul, it stayed beside the two sages. Even the pressure it released unintentionally made its heart beat fast. Now it could only kneel on the ground with its five-body posture, not daring to say a word.

Xu Yangyi raised a finger, and then slowly pointed at Xu Dela: "Andrina told me before she left."

"You are the resident chief steward of the Ferrers family in the violent hell. You came here three hundred years before Andrina."

"However, this does not mean that you are qualified to speak to me in this tone."

boom! ! Before he finished speaking, a majestic spiritual energy burst out, and the surrounding space was distorted desperately. The pupils of dozens of Xudra's eyes suddenly shrank. It didn't expect that this human being was so powerful that he dared to attack it as soon as he came up. !

But as a saint, it reacted so quickly. In the blink of an eye, countless demonic energies gathered in front of it, forming a giant shield of black energy tens of meters high. Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise, and under the shocked gazes of Black Eyes and Xu Dela, the giant shield of demonic energy actually dented inward!

"You..." Xu Dela suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief. The next second, he heard a muffled sound, and his huge body flew backwards for tens of meters with an exclamation, hundreds of feet waving desperately. , drawing deep ravines on the hard ground, and then...with a bang, it hit the closed door.

Spider web patterns spread behind Xudra, who was extremely surprised. All his eyes were opened to the maximum, and his body was heaving. He looked in front of him in disbelief at the... human being who was sitting leisurely on the chair?

Is this really human?

"Are you surprised?" Xu Yangyi picked up the wine glass and took a sip: "Are you surprised?"

Xudra was sluggish. It took a long time to shake suddenly and regain his consciousness.

It can feel that the other party has just advanced to the realm of the Saint, and its meridians are in an initializing state. So...there was no magical amplitude just now...

With his own spiritual power, he directly defeated the tyrannical hell steward appointed by the House of Lords and Lords of Ferrers?

How powerful is the opponent's spiritual energy? !

"Who are you?" With a muffled sound, its body pressed to the ground again. This time, its disdain and arrogance had been replaced by shock and vigilance. It looked deeply at Xu Yangyi and asked word by word.

"Andrina's guest." Xu Yangyi replied unhurriedly: "By the way, Andrina asked me to come over to help. We are not in a superior-subordinate relationship. Do you understand?"

Black Eyes gritted its teeth and watched all this in shock. It was also immersed in the finger just now.

In the early stages of being a Saint, the difference in strength is actually so big? must have been the big manager who was caught off guard, right? It was far from the strongest human being it had ever heard of.

Xudra didn't speak again. Before coming, it heard that Andrina would hand over all her transactions to others. It didn't care. How much output could a shabby place like the Black Street produce? Andrina herself couldn't make ends meet. However, as a big steward and it concerns the princess, it must come over.

However, unexpectedly, the other party was actually handed over to a human! A mere human being!

Dissatisfied with yourself? Do you think any human being can replace you? Is it because it is a dark street that it has almost no income? Only taxes?

Don’t even look at how rubbish Black Street is!

"Humans..." The more it thought about it, the more angry it became in its heart. It stared at Xu Yangyi: "I don't ask you where you come from or why you come from. Countless alien races live in Tiragandes, and no race can Make a little splash, but..."

"From now on, you have lost the support of a big steward!!" It almost roared and said to Xu Yangyi: "Since the princess's territory does not need me, then from now on! You must report the territory's income and expenditure to me on time. ! I will also respond truthfully to the House!”

"Ah...are you regretting? Are you trembling? It's too late, humble race, because of your arrogance, your fragile alliance has lost my protection forever!!"

"I'm waiting...waiting for the princess to cut you into pieces and send you to me as sashimi! You will pay the most painful price for your arrogance!!"

Its roar echoed in the hall, but stopped suddenly, because... just opposite, countless green and black spiritual energy surged in Xu Yangyi's hand, twisting into a head-sized ball of spiritual energy.

"You!!!" The roar was not over yet. Everyone outside the Bone Castle saw that a bright brilliance penetrated directly through the Bone Castle, sending a small, deformed figure hundreds of meters away with a scream. Disappeared from view.

boom! The aura boiled for thousands of meters, and a ravine several meters deep was drawn on the ground, running from the entrance of the bone castle to the center of the black street. After a few seconds, the aura dissipated, and Xudra's heavy body suddenly fell to the ground, passing by There is a wreckage.

"Brush..." Waves of demonic energy gathered around it, and its claws gradually tightened. Then, with an extremely angry roar, it stood up crazily.

"Humans...damn humans!!"

", Hydra, have the final say! How dare you be so disrespectful to me...even the princess can't protect you!"

In the Bone Fortress, Xu Yangyi slowly withdrew his hand, faced the huge hole in front of him, and said calmly to the silent black eyes next to him: "Who is it? How did you endure this idiot for a thousand years?"

You just remembered to ask who it was now? !

Even the black eye and the one eye are straight, they all say that the devil is domineering, this man is more domineering than the devil!

That was a big steward... A big steward was directly beaten away! I didn’t have time to reveal my identity! Things haven’t been made clear yet!

"Sir..." It became more respectful, lying on the ground without daring to raise its head. Its voice was almost pious: "All the eighteen original families, any family is constantly expanding, and only the devil with the keenest sense of business can , will be assigned to other hells. This is an appointment order jointly issued by the upper and lower houses. They must report to the deputy speaker every hundred years. This is also one of the demons who are eligible to see the deputy speaker directly. "

"A hell can only send out three chief stewards at most, and Lord Xudra... is one of the three great stewards of the violent hell. In terms of administrative level, it is above the princess. The princess does not have a fiefdom. It is actually To develop power under the wings of Lord Hydra, all the income and expenditure of the territory must be reported to Lord Hydra, and then forwarded to the council by the chief steward... Your Excellency, you... you just blew it away, I'm afraid... "

It spoke very cautiously, but everyone could hear the deep worry in its words.

What are the consequences of pissing off a finance minister?

Needless to say, the funds needed could not be obtained, and the supplies sought were hopeless. If Andrina was the favored child, that would be okay. However, Mo Qiong has short ambitions, and with Andrina's stretched finances, he still dares to point fingers at Xudra? Not to mention that it is just the Nascent Soul.

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly and motioned for the other party to continue speaking.

Black Eyes bit his lip and whispered: "In the past... our finances... well, it was not very beautiful. The princess asked Lord Xudra not to write down the real number several times, and... and the House of Representatives issued The resources of the princess must be recorded by the chief steward... You, you have some misunderstandings with it now, I'm afraid... I'm afraid our days will be very sad in the future..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Yangyi raised his hand and interrupted: "Why not write down the real number?"

Black Eyes paused and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Because...for the past thousand years...we have been losing money..."

"What about the whole violent hell?"

"Same..." Black Eyes replied respectfully: "Sir, this is the territory of the Anthony family, and it suppresses us very seriously. However, with the efforts of the chief steward, the losses have been reduced..."

Xu Yangyi was speechless.

A demon that has been losing money for thirteen hundred years, the Ferrers family actually thinks it has a keen sense of money? Is it his brain structure that is different from ordinary people, or is it the other person?

Seeing that he didn't speak, Black Eyes said carefully: "Sir, Your Highness the Princess attaches great importance to Your Excellency Xudra..."

"That was before." Xu Yangyi didn't give it a chance to continue, and sneered: "When Andrina comes back, it won't need any big things to do."

"Go tell it that I don't want to cause trouble recently, so let it be calm. Otherwise... next time it comes so arrogantly, it won't be a matter of flying out."

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