
Chapter 1147: Rage

Dark eyes glazed over.

Didn't you express yourself clearly?

Or did the other party not understand the importance of the special position of chief steward?

Princess Andrina invited the chief steward over, obviously hoping that the two of them would get along better. Now that it's like this, I'm afraid the chief steward doesn't want to give face to a down-and-out princess. He... he doesn't intend to bow his head?

During several important conversations, Black Eyes was ignored. It had no idea that Xu Yangyi had broken through the alchemist. Nor did he expect that the elixir that touched people's hearts was already on its way to deceiving hell.

"Don't you understand?" Xu Yangyi's voice came coldly. Black Eyes trembled, and he immediately bowed and said: "I understand! I'll go immediately, old slave!"


"Damn...damn!!" In a castle that was not inferior to Andrina in scale, a piece of bone tool was suddenly overturned to the ground by a big hand, and blood-red liquid flowed all over the floor.

The furious Xudra was sitting on a huge bone bed, with flames all over his body.

This damn human... not even Andrina would talk to it like that! The entire dark street can be said to be covered by it! Otherwise, based on Andrina’s annual losses, it should have been recalled long ago! For the sake of its princess, I supported it and stood in its way, but now a little human under the sect dared to speak to me like this!

In front of it, countless servant demons were trembling and half-kneeling on the ground, not daring to touch their furious master.

"Master..." Finally, a servant demon gingerly picked up a stack of parchment and raised it above his head: "This is the latest approval form. Do you want to take a look?"

Xudela waved his hand, and a stack of parchment flew over. It slowly read it, and when it saw one of the pieces, it suddenly became furious, and the parchment instantly turned into ashes.

"Yi Ferrers?! This disgusting smell of spiritual power..."

"With the surname of Ferrers... the princess actually gave him the Yi Ya contract?! To a mere human!"

It was shaking with anger: "No wonder... no wonder this inferior race dares to be so provocative to me! It is so disrespectful to one of my dignified stewards! The princess is too stupid! What can an inferior race bring to it? Eya Contract ...It means he has entered the main line of the Ferrers family! It is so lack of consideration!"

"A dog relies on human power... Now you dare to ask me for someone! Ask me for approval?!" Crash... Amid its roar, the parchment spontaneously ignited without wind and turned into ashes. Its ugly expression was distorted: "Go... Go take someone...send them there."

"Ah?" The demon below was stunned. Wasn't he furious just now?

"Find him the most despicable devil and send it to him! Tell him that this is my attitude, the big manager Xu Dela! Even if he begs for mercy, he can only get scraps from me!"

"Even Andrina has to speak to me properly! Let alone a human!"

The servant demon hesitated for a long time before replying in a low voice: "But, Master, I heard...this man is the master invited by Her Royal Highness the Princess..."

"That's when Her Royal Highness the Princess is desperate! Do you understand! Idiot!!" Xudra said angrily: "Do you know that there are only two days left before the birthday of Demon King Kendramo! As a princess, how dare it not go?! It Just like a hungry evil spirit, as long as there is flesh and blood in front of it, it cannot refuse even if it is mixed with the most violent poison!"

"Every big gathering is a prelude to deciding the order of princes and princesses! What does it have? A shabby black street that I can't even look down upon! It can't give a decent birthday gift at all! Master? Ridiculous! A master will be attached to The desperate Andrina? Even if you are a master, what level of master are you? You losers have no idea how many real treasures will appear in the Ferrers family gathering!"

"All the heavens and worlds, with their endless thoughts, and the planes controlled by demons, all the rare and rare treasures will flow into the Palace of Deception along with this birthday! Princes, princesses, major ancient families, and The other deputy speakers...and all of this, who is good or bad, is decided by the deputy speaker!"

"Andrina is a pauper who doesn't even have her own plane, and has no qualifications to buy any precious gifts! Now tell me, can a so-called 'master' stand out in such a high-standard place where thousands of worlds gather? Get the favor of Demon King Kendramo?”

The roaring voice finally subsided as its chest calmed down. It held the armrest tightly and grinded its teeth and said: "The princess is just struggling to die, and her gift will definitely be ridiculed and reviled. The people who follow her will also fall." Damn it. But this is not my way of revenge. If a mere human dares to use force against me... just wait... I will impeach him immediately if he loses a piece of magic crystal! Councilors deprive it of its rights as a Ferrers family!"

"An inferior race also wants to mix with noble demons? This is wishful thinking!"

Xu Yangyi didn't know about its overwhelming rage, and wouldn't care if he did.

In the Skeleton Castle, he tapped on the armrest, his whole body covered in a cloak, swallowing the talismans and rotating the surface, blocking all spiritual consciousness, and the cloak completely blocked his face.

If you want to deal with demons, don't use human form if you can.

In front of him, ten cowering demons were already kneeling. I didn't even dare to raise my head. The highest level was only in the middle stage of foundation building, and the lowest level was in the early stage of Qi refining.

No one dared to speak. Although they didn't know who Xu Yangyi was, the mountain-like spiritual pressure on him was enough to make them unable to lift their heads.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but waved, and Black Eyes came over immediately. Then he slowly asked: "Why does the princess' business require Xu Dela to arrange manpower?"

"This is to prevent princes and princesses from becoming princes and one party becoming dominant. So a long time ago, the House of Representatives made a fuss about the magic crystal." Black Eyes said respectfully: "Sir, this is the person given to us by Your Excellency Xudela."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly and glanced around. Every demon was obviously in its twilight years. Some were missing arms and legs, and two even had congenital defects.

Is this Hydra's attitude?


He suddenly asked in a confused manner: "How many days are left until Demon King Kendramo's eight thousandth birthday?"

"The last two days, sir." Black Eyes immediately bowed and said: "Now...all the princes and princesses should have gathered in the Palace of Deception."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak again, signaled Black Eyes to deal with these people as he pleased, and left.

"Are you sure?" Yuchang asked in his consciousness.

"I have done the best I can." Xu Yangyi replied calmly: "In the past two days, the deception must have piled up a mountain of rare treasures. Whether it can stand out depends on Andrina's fortune. "

"What if there is a more powerful treasure?" Yuchang asked.


"Run?" Yuchang choked: "I thought your character wanted to fight pointlessly."

"Once your luck is really bad and an even more incredible life-extending treasure appears, if I stay, it will be like seeking death." Xu Yangyi's face was calm and his voice was cold, as if he was talking about something completely unrelated to him: "Let alone Mammon. The believer, Hydra, is Andrina. After completely losing the protection of the devil, if she wants to develop, she can only find the next supporter. "

"I am the bargaining chip it uses to find a backer. And a human being who has been seen by too many demons represents disaster."

"And don't forget, I am the great master of Eastern genealogy, and neither the East nor the West will allow me to exist."


Sixteen hells, between deception, the capital city is the city of hypocrisy, and the core is the palace of deception.

This huge city, which occupies a provincial capital, has completely opened its mouth to accommodate pilgrims coming from all directions. It is already the day of the birthday, starting from the morning, when the Aiolos family from the second hell arrives. , this giant city covering tens of thousands of square kilometers finally opened a total of 1.4 million gates.

Boom boom boom... The heavy obsidian arch was two hundred meters high and slowly closed. At the same time as they closed, in all directions, illusory demon spirits rose into the air and turned into fireworks and exploded.

The Palace of Deception, a side palace, couldn't be more sideways. Even the specialty trees of hell have not been repaired and are in a mess.

The sound of the demon spirit exploding was heard in the palace, and Andrina suddenly stood up. Look deeply at the sky outside.

It was wearing the best princess dress. Although it was as neat as new, it was clear that this was a style that was popular five hundred years ago. Even the golden paint on the folding fan in his hand is a bit dull.

A sea of ​​brilliance exploded over the Deception Palace. It didn't know what was happening to its territory, and whether Xu Dela and Yi had any contact. None of this matters anymore...

The important thing is that the dinner starts in an hour. One of the powerful people who dominated several super planes between deception was already waiting for their audience on the throne.

"Huh..." It took a deep breath, gritted its teeth and walked out of the hall.

No servants, no welcome, it is used to this kind of insult, no money, no strength, except the reputation of the Ferrers family, it has nothing left.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the flow of people in front finally started to increase. The core members of those familiar and behemoth families were all smiling and chatting with the princes and princesses.

"So, Her Royal Highness Princess Sullest, there is a wandering astral beast in your plane? And it is a great demon level? This is bad news, but do you think you can accept our virtual spirit investment? What about the help? Or... you can use the materials on it to pay off."

"Haha, dear Prince Gaoluo, long time no see. The Tianwang Gold Mine we jointly developed has dug up two rich mines this year. Come, cheers to our common victory." "Senior Councilor Soros? I really didn't expect that. You It's still the same spirit. Is it because of the new human plane you conquered this year? "Haha, isn't this Princess Xiver? What do you think of my last plan?"

Unlike the demons in small places, the demons here almost all know how to suppress their instinctive desires in order to reach the peak of strength. They are not so much demons as they are a gathering of nobles who look completely different from humans.

Andrina gritted her teeth and walked through the crowd. No one toasted her, but many probing eyes glanced at her. After all, it is so rare that it has not been set foot in the main city for thousands of years. I can’t even remember seeing it.

It just feels that everything around it is so dazzling, what is being talked about has nothing to do with it, communication has nothing to do with it, and everything has nothing to do with it!

Damn it!

It clenched its blood-red fist and silently wiped the storage ring on its hand.

Laugh... look down on me...

When we go to the audience, I will make you vomit out your blood!

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