
Chapter 1148: Demon King

Its figure is not conspicuous, and it tries not to walk in crowded places. After a thousand years, it has learned to hide.

But just as it was walking past a group of people, a golden fan inlaid with high-rooted jade was stretched out in front of it at an inappropriate time.

"Zhuo Andong Ferrers, Joanna Ferrers... It's really you two... Brothers and sisters who haven't seen each other for a long time." Andrina suppressed the rage in her heart, and said with a smile on her face that was as non-savage as possible.

As the saying goes, when the wall falls, everyone pushes it. It is the rotten wall, and these two people are the ones who push it, and they are the kind who push it with special force.

Andrina Ferrers, ranked 237th in the last round table meeting.

Zhuo Andong Ferrers, ranked 236th in the round table meeting.

Joanna Ferrers, ranked 238th in the round table meeting.

Too advanced, they have no idea of ​​fighting, so their target of fighting is placed among the top 250.

Unlike Andrina, their mother is still alive, so... they are treated completely differently.

"Isn't this Andrina?" Joanna looked as if she had just recognized it, and greeted others with surprise: "Sorry, I'll talk to my sister."

"Oh?" A slender demon looked at Andrina suspiciously: "Who is this?"

Those who can come here must have poisonous eyes. A civilization that has developed to such a powerful peak must have its own culture. They clearly see that Andrina is at most neat and tidy, and there is no luxury that a princess should have.

Demons are realistic creatures. Shabby = no use value, let alone cooperation. Is there anything special about this princess named Andrina?

"Andrina, my sister." Zhuo Anton is a black demon, shaking the wine glass and saying lightly: "A thousand years ago, because of the sadness of my mother's death, I went to the tyranny of the twelve hells to develop."

"Haha, what a coincidence, I also have some small business in the tyranny, I wonder where the princess's territory is?" Immediately, a demon as fat as a pig laughed.

Andrina wanted to grab the wine glass and splash it on the faces of the two demons.

Is this an introduction?

No! This is a ridicule! Ridiculing in front of everyone! Revealing one's own past!

"The last dispatch application seems to be in the black street." Joanna smiled.

Suddenly, the fat demon who had been smiling brightly just now seemed to have eaten a fly, and he was stunned for a moment and immediately laughed: "Is that can walk around more when you have time."

After hahaha, there was no follow-up.

"Black Street?" A female demon lady with hair that looked like a dancing venomous snake asked in surprise, "Why haven't I heard of this place?"

"Of course you haven't heard of it." Zhuo Anton said politely, "It is known as the 'sewer between tyranny.' How could a noble person like you have heard of such a lowly place?"

Suddenly, a series of complicated eyes swept over Andrina. However, it was the birthday of the Ferrers family after all, and no one continued.

If it was outside the city, or in another place, it would be completely different.

Andrina gritted her teeth and only by stroking her storage ring could she calm her furious heart. She didn't say anything more and got up and left. However, she was stopped by Joanna again.

"Dear sister, what gift did you bring this time?" It looked at Andrina with a smile: "I brought the heart of an emerald dragon. Sister is hundreds of years older than me, so it should be no worse than me, right? Even such a tribute may not be in the eyes of the Deputy Speaker."

"Of course." Andrina gritted her teeth and spat out these two words, trying her best to leave. Behind her, Joanna's hoarse laughter came.

"Wait..." Its eyes were a little red, and at this moment, it suddenly felt fearless.

Its uneasy heart was actually drowned by anger, and it looked forward to the beginning of the audience.

Rather than living like this, a princess has to look at people's faces, it is better to... completely believe in that cunning human!

As long as he can really bring herself out of this muddy shoal, Andrina swears that as long as it is there, it will never treat this human badly! Really treat him as a brother or sister!

"Feles is with you." It took a deep breath, looked at the huge, extremely luxurious palace in front of it, and walked in.

The hall was very spacious, filled with magnificent chairs, enough to accommodate thousands of people. In the center, there was a chair that was more than 20 meters tall.

It was silver-white without a trace of impurities, and the demonic energy on it was rolling like the sea. In the entire hall, some of the main members of the family had already arrived and were whispering.

"Complete Star Dome Crystal!" Andrina took a closer look and took a breath. Star Dome Crystal... The level could not be determined, but it was said that a certain part of the universe artifact Demon Furnace must use Star Dome Crystal. This is an incalculable treasure, and now, it has been made into a chair.

Its heart suddenly became uneasy again. It hadn't held a big party for five thousand years... This big party held on the occasion of its birthday was of great significance... Maybe... It was related to that incident. In such a competition, did its chips really have enough?

"It doesn't matter... it's not hard to find natural treasures if you are willing, but things that increase life span are absolutely precious! This is a truly heaven-defying thing. If it weren't for the need to collect 100 pieces of raw materials, my territory wouldn't be so barren. Now... I've already bought it, what are you worried about?"

Keep cheering yourself up, and finally, it settled down.

Guests came in waves, and it saw the princes, dukes, and some titles that it couldn't even name. There were still more than ten minutes before the official audience began, and all the princes and princesses began to slowly return here.

More and more people came, and more than ten minutes were both tormenting and tormenting. Finally, with a magnificent bell ringing throughout the Deception Palace, everyone was quiet.

Swish... the lights went out completely, and a few seconds later, a dense demonic aura, like hell completely opened, rose up in the hall of tens of thousands of meters.

Even though Andrina had been mentally prepared, she couldn't help sweating at this moment.

Too powerful...

This is the Demon King, a demon of the Taixu level, each of which is one of the masters of the plane. Even if it is a demon, it can only see the magnificent vortex in front of it at this moment, which is as magnificent as the Milky Way.

Swallow all minds.

Crushing all power.

Only chaos and nothingness remain.

All the black demonic energy swirled and whistled on the huge chair. After a few seconds, it formed a huge demonic energy vortex, and a skinny figure slowly emerged from it.

"Meet the Vice Speaker!!" As if it was agreed, the moment the figure appeared, the whole audience, the top families in the entire deception, all bowed down and knelt under this magnificent demonic energy.

Power is eternal.

Swish... The lights turned on again, and a skinny figure had already sat on the chair made of star crystal. It waved its hand casually, and all the demons dared to stand up.

The appearance could not be seen clearly, and the whole person seemed to be the incarnation of the ultimate demonic energy. At the same time, another nine streams of demonic energy poured in, equally powerful, equally shocking, and equally making people feel like the starry sky was collapsing in front of them.

"Meet the Vice Speakers!" The sound of a landslide and a tsunami resounded throughout the hall.

Nine figures, whose faces could not be seen, appeared on the nine reserved seats in the first row. Andrina dared to stand up and secretly glanced at the Demon King Kendramo on the main seat.

This peak demon who has been famous in the Sixteen Hells for thousands of years and holds great power, the peak of Taixu, is already old.

Although it could not be seen clearly, it could clearly feel the dusk in the demonic energy, and it could not help but touch the ring on its hand deeply.

"Thank you all for attending my last birthday party before I die of old age." Kendramo's voice resounded throughout the venue like thunder, and the pressure of Taixu made no one dare to relax. It looked at the whole audience deeply: "Unfortunately, there were many familiar faces last time, but this time... there are not many."

"Next time, I'm afraid the person sitting in this position will be replaced."

No one expected that it would start with these two sentences. The etiquette demons looked at each other, not knowing how to respond. Kendramo waved his hand in boredom: "The demons of the Eastern genealogy have a saying that when a man is about to die, his words are also good. When I was young, I killed too many people and conquered one plane after another. Countless heroes fell under the claws of this king. Now, the years have brought me destruction... I am no longer in the mood to clean up people."

"Today is not a killing meeting, but a real birthday celebration, so that this king can take another look at this place hundreds of years before he dies... Okay, stop talking nonsense, children, let me see what kind of gifts you brought to this king. I hope your gifts can make this king happy."

Andrina's fists were shaking slightly.

Its thinking has been running to the extreme. In these few short sentences, it could tell that the other party was desperate and quietly waiting for death.

In the end, it did not attack Du Bu... But the other party did not want to die, but had to accept the reality. He sounded open-minded, but in fact he had already resigned himself to his fate.

If... it could make the resigned demon king rekindle hope again...

"The once-in-five-thousand-year audience begins." A majestic demon stood up and said loudly: "Prince, princess, stand up."

Swish, swish, swish... Princes and princesses took a deep breath, stood up quietly with great trepidation and excitement. Looking down on the whole audience.

If there is a second protagonist tonight, it is them.

Whoever's gift can win the favor of the dying demon king, his ticket for this round table meeting will undoubtedly be on his head!

The stars surround the moon, they want to compete for the brightest star, and the others are just foils!

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