
Chapter 1149: Treasure Fighting Conference (I)

/p\u003e                           Wuwuwu... The loud horn sound resounded throughout the hall. Above the hall, the demon faces slowly lit up one after another, seven in total. It represents the eternal awe of the people of hell towards the seven monarchs.

Of course, this is a ritual. The so-called ceremony is a formality that has to be done.

In the darkness, blood-red eyes lit up, and strange-looking servant demons dressed in high-end services slowly walked out, spreading a snow-white carpet from the tail to the feet of Demon King Kendramo.

See him, offer him gifts, and receive the devil's blessings.

Countless magic babies shuttled between the prince and the princess, and small wooden cards were handed out one by one. Andrina took a look, the 280th one...

A wry smile appeared on its face. On such an occasion, the first few dozen people on stage would be of great benefit. They would be the focus of everyone's eyes, including the attention of the devil, but what about the ones behind?

All you get is impatience. And more impatience.

"Damn..." It glanced around, saw the disdainful eyes of Joanna and Zhuo Andong, and secretly clenched its fists.

"First, the Chief Prince, Prince Gork has an audience."

A silver-gray demon came out, bowed slowly to everyone, and then lightly snapped his fingers. Suddenly, ten whirlpools of demonic energy slowly condensed around the entire hall. A few seconds later, ten succubus faces appeared with their eyes closed, five meters in size, all carved from a red material, lifelike. .

Immediately afterwards, the faces of all the succubi opened simultaneously, and ten long rivers of light poured down from the succubi's mouths!

Crash... The stream flew down three thousand feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way was falling from the sky.

Countless rare treasures, a gorgeous scene that could never be achieved with a storage ring, spewed out from the succubus's mouth. Most of them were not specialties of hell, but were plundered from unknown places. Forming a colorful galaxy.

The demonic energy boiled below, and all the rivers of treasures were submerged into the abyss of magic and transferred to Kendramo's private storage room.

Gork did not let go of the deputy speaker's demonic energy fluctuations at all, and it suddenly discovered...

No fluctuations?

Everything here is a precious treasure, but the other party doesn't like it now?

"As expected..." Its eyes flickered slightly: "If you don't come up with 'that thing', the adults will still look down upon you in this situation."

Another gentle snap of the fingers. The light in the entire venue was instantly extinguished, and it keenly captured the fact that the Vice Speaker raised his eyelids slightly.

Everyone was quiet. At this moment, one of the succubus faces stopped spewing the treasure river. Then, thousands of red rays of light spurted out from its mouth, dyeing the place into a red glow.

"This spiritual power fluctuation..." A nobleman frowned slightly and murmured: "Is this... the soul? The fluctuation of the soul?"

Brush... The black tide and the red light dance together. Under this light, the surrounding treasure rivers are dimmed. In front of everyone's eyes, something with no regular shape at all, like a black stone, half a meter in size, is shining. A crimson light loomed in the succubus's mouth.

"This is..." A virtual spirit raised his head, looked around in astonishment, and said with some surprise: "Is it that thing?"

Before he finished speaking, infinite talismans shone on the stone. At this moment, the whole place was silent. After a few seconds, the discussion quietly started, and then quickly spread into a low tide.

"It's really the Black Soul Stone!" A female demon opened a folding fan and gently blocked her mouth: "Although this thing is an original product of Tiragandis, it has been extinct for tens of thousands of years. There is only an unknown amount of light. I only saw Jinghong by chance many years ago, but the eldest prince can actually find its existence? "

Thousands of eyes were fixed on the black stone, and a confident smile finally appeared on the eldest prince's face.

The Black Soul Stone can store the devil's soul so that it can return to the Devil's Furnace and be reincarnated. For anyone, especially a dying figure like Kendra Mo, it is absolutely the ultimate temptation!

Snap your fingers for the third time, the lights turn on again, and everyone wakes up as if from a dream. A female Marquis Demon took a deep look at it and whispered: "In the current state of the Vice Speaker, all it needs is lifespan. The Black Soul Stone... is equivalent to giving it another life and giving it a chance to start over. possible……"

"Interesting..." A fat demon beside him smiled and said: "The Black Soul Stone appeared in the first scene. I only saw it once eight thousand years ago. This grand meeting is not easy."

Everyone understands.

The eldest prince wants to cut off his opponent's escape!

As soon as the move was made, it was filled with the smell of gunpowder. The undercurrent of the deputy speaker's grand audience before his death was far more powerful than these nobles thought!

"I really don't know...what will happen next, it's really exciting..."

"Click!" Next to Andrina, Joanna closed her fan tightly and pursed her lips tightly without saying a word.

Next to it, Zhuo Andong was also livid. The eldest prince's handiwork was too big, so big that it was beyond the scope of a prince!

Whose path did this bastard take? !

Andrina's face was slightly distorted. The Black Soul Stone... Reincarnation, how tempting it is for an old demon, and a demon with great power, one person is more powerful than ten thousand people. No one knows how tempting it is to be reincarnated. clear.

Is my life-extending elixir really the best? Will you shine in this rare treasure fighting conference?

At this moment, it, which was extremely confident in its own judgment, felt waves in its heart.

"Not bad." At this moment, a magnificent voice floated from the front, and one of the towering figures in the front finally spoke.

One of the ten vice-presidents praised it in person!

Gao Erke's eyes flashed, and he immediately looked at Kendramo. This gift cost him too much energy. Although one vice-president had praised it in person, he had to hear the devil Kendramo speak in person before he could settle down.

The devil's energy did not fluctuate at all. After a long time, he heard the other party say lightly: "It's thoughtful, next one."

"How could it be?!" "This... How is this possible!" "Why is it like this?"

One sentence stirred up a thousand waves! Before the guests spoke, the prince and princess had already raised their heads and looked at Kendramo in disbelief.

The black soul stone... Now it can only be seen occasionally in circulation, and basically only the name has been heard. The treasure that can make the devil live again is actually just thoughtful?

What does it want?

Gao Erke was completely stunned. This was a situation it had never expected.

"Go down." Kendramo waved his hand casually, and Golk realized that he had been standing there for too long.

"Yes..." With extreme regret, he gritted his teeth, passed through the brothers and sisters behind him, and returned to his seat with a sullen face.

No one laughed, but more of them were uneasy, including Andrina, whose uneasiness that had just been suppressed grew like wild grass.

What kind of treasure can make Deputy Speaker Kendramo nod?

The emcee demon saw the eldest prince sitting on the seat and immediately shouted: "Second Prince, His Highness Mamohan is here to see you."

In silence, a demon covered in green stood up, with a hideous face, bowed deeply to the throne, and also flicked his fingers, and then the same river of treasures fell from the sky.

This time, the river of treasures was silent. There was no slight discussion before, after all, the demons present were all demons who had seen the world, and for this kind of pomp, they could praise it slightly for the first time, but they were not surprised the second time. This is not strange, what is strange is...

Golke's hair stood on end to find that after its treasure river was emptied, no one spoke, but everyone looked at it. It read two words from the eyes of these demons.


Its heart was beating wildly, and its treasure river was a full minute longer than the eldest prince. However... how could it receive such a look?

In the field, the demonic energy shook slightly, and everyone felt it. This was impatience.

Any treasure, which was usually worth the deputy speaker to play with for a long time, now did not arouse its interest.

"That's it?" Kendramo's voice slowly said on the throne.

"Yes..." The second prince could hardly hear his own voice. There must be something wrong... What did he miss? Such a luxurious gift list, rare treasures from various planes, can't even get a smile from the other party?

"Go down." If Kendramo still had regrets for the eldest prince, he had no patience for the second prince at all.

Goerke gritted his teeth and went down. He didn't understand why the gift he had carefully prepared didn't move the other party's heart at all.

Kendramo stood up, and the magnificent magic flooded the whole place like a tide. He said word by word: "I am a little tired of this game."

"I hope, children, you are sincerely congratulating me, congratulating me on surviving this birthday. I hate deception, deception to me. I also hate insincerity."

Its voice was full of strong impatience and a suppressed eagerness: "Come... children... let me see if the Ferrers family has raised any waste!"

"I hate rules, so I break the rules. Let the damn birthday rules go to hell! I tell you, whoever can give me what I want here, I can give you what you want!"

"Come... present your treasures, as long as you think you can impress me. Forget that damn number!"

Its voice was a little hoarse, and all the princes and princesses suddenly understood something at this moment.

Kendramo was old and dying, and his great contribution to the Ferrers family made him fearless. I have fought in countless planes, and I have seen too many so-called treasures. This is clearly telling everyone that today, if you take out these things to compete with who has more treasures, but there is no treasure that can really touch its heart, then get out.

Ordinary treasures have no room to survive here!

What can hit the cold heart of a dead person who knows he is going to die?


Andrina felt that her whole body was electrified, and a trembling feeling spread from the soles of her feet to her scalp.

(End of this chapter)

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