
Chapter 1150: Treasure Fighting Conference (Part 2)

At this moment, Andrina tightly grasped the storage ring in her hand, and her palms were full of cold sweat.

When she realized this, she almost stood up immediately and shouted for an audience, but when the time came, she felt that it was so difficult to take this step and say a word. The whole body seemed to be tied up by an invisible chain called anxiety and fear, unable to move.

The scene was silent, welcoming Kendra Mo's sharp eyes like lightning. After a few seconds, a voice suddenly sounded: "Then, this prince will show his ugliness."

A green and skinny demon stood up, and everyone's eyes were on it. This was the first pioneer, the pioneer holding a treasure, and it was impossible not to be remembered.

Taking a deep breath, there was no treasure in the long river, it closed its hands, and when it opened, a square box emitting flames, the size of a fist, surged between his hands.

It carefully made several seals, and the box slowly opened, like a blood-red lotus blooming in the void. The infinite essence of demonic energy, like opening the abyss of hell, gushed out of this small box crazily.

The rich demonic energy made the eyes of all the nobles on the scene flash. This one alone exceeded the sum of all the treasures of the eldest prince before.

The eldest prince gritted his teeth and looked at it with his fists below. The sixteenth prince... thought he had tried his best, but it turned out that... the dog that really bites never barks!

The blood-red lotus opened bigger and bigger with a bright red light, and everyone narrowed their eyes. Then, a fist-sized stone heart beat between its hands, and waves of demonic energy were like waves, hitting the surrounding walls.

"Stone of the Abyss Contract." The sixteenth prince took a deep look at the stone floating in the air, and a flash of intense heartache flashed across his face. This thing was left for himself to use in the future. But now he can't care about these.

"Perhaps you have heard of its name. It has been among the hundreds of treasures that are hard to find in hell all year round. But it is not well-known. Because it has only one effect..."

Its eyes were filled with excitement, and it looked at everyone fieryly, and finally fell directly on Kendramo: "That is to increase the probability of demons impacting the realm of the demon king by one level!"

"Heh..." As soon as this sentence came out, everyone at the scene took a deep breath. Then, they all looked at Kendramo.


This is a real treasure!

Kendramo is dying... but it still has two ways to survive.

One way is to extend its lifespan. However, lifespan is determined by heaven, and all treasures that increase lifespan can be called treasures. Only when a person is about to die can he realize the preciousness of lifespan. Let alone a hundred years, even eighty years or fifty years of lifespan-increasing treasures are worth Kendramo's half of his treasured wealth!

This is a change in values.

The second way is extremely rugged, that is to break through Taixu, advance to Dubu, and become a true demon king who dominates a hell like Mephistopheles.

Demon Lord!

From then on, except for the seven ethereal monarchs, the Lord of Arms, the three sisters of misfortune, the demon Buddha, the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons... there is no place in this hell that it cannot go.

The reason why the Abyss Contract Stone is not well-known is because there are too few demons who have reached the Great Perfection of the Great Void. This kind of thing is of concern to immortals and should not be heard by mortals, but... Kendramo is just the Great Perfection of the Great Void!

"The real killing move has begun..." A tall and thin demon noble looked deeply at the sixteenth prince: "From now on, any thing you take out will be a rare treasure in the whole hell. Even for us, it is a problem whether we have it at home."

"The Abyss Contract Stone... How long have I not heard of this name..." Another old demon with a dry face opened his dim eyes and silently watched this battlefield hidden with knives and fire. The veil of brotherly friendship was torn to pieces in an instant. The struggle for the royal family is far more bloody than the open swords and guns on this battlefield arranged by Kendramo.

The scene was horribly silent. The Sixteenth Prince suppressed his violent heartbeat and looked directly into Kendramo's eyes. The other party seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, the magnificent demonic energy that enveloped the entire room shook slightly, and a voice fell into the ears of the Sixteenth Prince like the sound of nature.

"Not bad."

"I am satisfied."

Countless breaths sounded from all directions. The silent confrontation just now was like a tight bowstring. Now, the Deputy Speaker shot the arrow called favor. The benchmark was also clarified, and everyone felt a little relieved.

The Sixteenth Prince's fists were trembling slightly, and his heart was ecstatic. He suddenly bowed and said: "It's not in vain to be favored by the Deputy Speaker!"

"Come, come here, the hero of the Ferrers family." Kendramo waved his hand slightly, his voice was extremely kind, and the violent outbreak just now seemed to have never appeared. The Sixteenth Prince's figure had already flown over without any hindrance.

Without refusing, it flew to Kendramo with a look of desire on its face. In the thick demonic energy, a finger had already touched its forehead.

"I said, whoever gives me what I want, I will give it what it wants. Now, welcome your gift."

"The protection of the demon king."

A string of extremely strange spells came out of its mouth, and then the whole body of the sixteenth prince was shrouded in a black light curtain. The demonic energy inside quickly increased, and thousands of black lights rushed straight to the sky. It was unknown how long it took for the demonic energy to completely dissipate, and a demon that had never been seen before walked out of it.

It is still green, but now it is covered with scales, and countless green flames emerge from under the scales. There are even barbs of bone spurs all over its body.

"This is..." Joanna looked at all this in a daze, and the folding fan in her hand was almost twisted off. With surging flames in her eyes, she said word by word: "Awaken the bloodline!!"

No one spoke, and they all looked at the ecstatic Sixteenth Prince with a fiery look. No one expected that its gift was generous, and the return gift from the Deputy Speaker was equally generous! All the children of Fellers have the blood of the Demon Lord in their bodies, but the amount is uncertain. The richer the blood, the higher the possibility of approaching the position of the heir!

"Bloodline... is related to the magical powers we can comprehend, the realm we can contact... the number of demons we can control... the level... the higher the bloodline, the more severe the suppression of the lower bloodline..." The eldest prince's eyes were about to burst, and the armrests of his seat were clenched so hard that they made a creaking sound. No one expected that the return gift from the Deputy Speaker would be so generous!

"In the past, the opportunity to awaken the bloodline must be obtained by great merit - a great merit for the entire demon race. Now, the deputy speaker actually defined it as a great merit for itself... and the other deputy speakers did not object!" Hundreds of princes and princesses looked at the silent crowd at the scene, and the desire in their hearts was about to explode!

An opportunity that can't be found in a lifetime!

Andrina's lips were dry, her heart was beating wildly, and she took a step forward quietly several times, but she retracted it countless times. Brothers and sisters from all directions, only a heavy breathing sound was left.

No one is a fool, everyone can see that this is once again, and once again reiterated that if there is no treasure, don't come up to show your ugliness!

Rewards make people's blood boil, and similarly, the representative punishment is unbearable to look back.

The uneasiness in its heart has turned into a surging tide. Under the silent warnings of the deputy speaker one after another, it suppressed all its confidence and swallowed up the trembling steps it wanted to take again and again.

"Since no other brothers come up, then this prince will not be polite." Finally, a second voice sounded, and a short red demon, wearing platinum armor, split the crowd and slowly walked to the center.

Without any nonsense, its body swelled up rapidly, and its eyes were bloodshot, and it kept getting bigger. Finally, it turned into a full ten meters in size. It opened its mouth and sprayed, and thousands of blue clouds crashed against the shore. A pure white lotus actually sprayed out of its mouth.

This mouthful seemed to have exhausted all its magic power, and its body quickly withered.

"Spiritual energy?" A grand duke narrowed his eyes. Demons are arrogant and look down on any race. In such a place, taking out things cultivated by other races will only make people laugh.

"Let's take a look. It shouldn't be that simple. After all, it has seen such a great success. Isn't it afraid of the vice-chairman's wrath?"

No one spoke. The room was filled with fragrance, and the green color was like a tide. A white lotus swayed, becoming more and more obvious and larger. After a few seconds, the white lotus slowly opened, and a cicada-like thing appeared inside, emitting a strong power of the void. However, it was a pure spirit.

"This is..." The Grand Duke, who had been mumbling just now, took a deep breath after seeing this scene, and almost stood up suddenly. In the end, he suppressed it, but his voice was already full of surprise: "It actually got this kind of thing!?"

It didn't stand up, but many younger demons who were brought to the world by their elders couldn't help but stand up, and a piece of suppressed exclamations rang out from their seats.

"Kongming Clan!" "This is the Kongming Clan Yuanshen!" "This... Is there still a Kongming Clan left in this world?" "This thing... really hasn't been seen for tens of thousands of years..."

Not to mention these juniors, when this thing just appeared, Kendramo took the lead in fluctuating his spiritual energy for the first time.

In the endless black tide, two blood-red eyes slowly opened. The devil came into the world with a hint of heat, and one could even hear its slightly rapid breathing.

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