
Chapter 1151: Treasure Fighting Conference (Part 3)

/p\u003e        "The Kongming tribe..." Without waiting for the prince to speak, Kendramo spoke first for the first time, and his emotion was obvious: "In the plane we discovered, they are the only race that can exist in the form of a soul. They are equivalent to having no physical body, and their souls are extremely powerful. They are born to touch the space god... Are you... Prince Ma Ande of the 26th seat?"

"It's an honor for you to remember, Mr. Deputy Speaker." Ma Ande bowed, ignoring the blood-red eyes of the surrounding princes and the sixteenth prince, and said in a deep voice: "However, this Kongming corpse is not that simple."

"Everyone has seen that this is a Kongming corpse of Taixu Dayuan, which is completely in line with the realm of the deputy speaker. Moreover, it is not dead, and it still maintains a trace of extremely fragile soul. Mr. Deputy Speaker can move in here at any time..."

A moment of silence, followed by a low exclamation.


Everyone understood that this Ma Ande was delivering a body of possession! And it was a perfect possession body!

As long as Kendramo gets used to this body after hundreds of years, a powerful Kongming clan appearance and the vice-chairman of the devil's heart will be reborn again!

"It's unbelievable..." A marquis looked at Ma Ande in astonishment: "These princes and princesses... really can't be underestimated."

"The Kongming clan is too empty... They can find this. This treasure is more precious than the Abyss Contract Stone!" "Don't say tens of thousands of years, this thing is really hard to come by. Ma Ande is too lucky."

"Go down."

Just as the discussion was rising, two cold words suddenly appeared, and Ma Ande was stunned, and everyone in the audience was stunned, including the nine vice-chairmen in front. The whole scene was dead silent in an instant.

"Kendramo." After a few seconds, an old voice sounded from the nine figures, breaking the silence: "What does this mean?"

"None of us wants to see you fall, and everyone is trying to find a way for you. The corpse of the Kongming clan, and only a trace of extremely fragile Yuanshen remains, is your best shell. Occupying its body is another brand new you..."

"Don't mention that word..." Kendramo's voice suddenly sounded. The figure who spoke paused and said deeply: "For the glory of the Ferres family, you should accept this thing. This is definitely a treasure, even a treasure that even this king is tempted. It has tried its best to make us, who are in the Great Perfection of Taixu, like it, and Ma Ande is only a Yuanying Great Perfection."

"I said don't mention that word!!" Before it finished speaking, Kendramo's roar had resounded throughout the hall, and the crazy demonic energy fluctuated instantly, and the faces of countless nobles below turned pale. There were also nephews and nieces with low cultivation, who rolled their eyes and fainted on the ground in an instant, and the whole hall was buzzing.

"You..." The figure wanted to say something, but Kendramo gnashed his teeth and said, "Who said I would die?"

"Who dares to say I would die!! "

"I will not die... I will live forever with the world! Since I will not die, why do I need this corpse!"

Its voice was hoarse and hurried: "I am a demon, a glorious and noble deceiving demon! Such an ugly thing, do you want me to appear in front of you in the future?"

All the princes and princesses felt cold again in their hearts. Kendramo was already paranoid. It refused to think of or even hear that word. They also understood that Ma Ande's things were indeed treasures, but they violated the vice-chairman's taboo.

The vice-chairman was trying to survive, but it took out something that would only be used as a last resort. No matter how good it was, it would never be recognized by the vice-chairman.

Thoughts were repeated, moody.

Gulp... Zhuo Andong swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked around.

All around were princes and princesses ranked after the 100th place. After seeing the Abyss Contract Stone and the corpses of the Kongming Clan, everyone looked gray.

Unworthy of presentation...

Their so-called treasures, the three that appeared before, any one of them was enough to smash them to pieces. They spent all their efforts to find treasures, but in the end they didn't even get a chance to glimpse them.

Not only did he want the real treasure, but he was also unpredictable. Such a vice-chairman... they really didn't dare to meet him again.

Andrina clearly saw that several princes who seemed to want to meet him before all stood back after Ma Ande came back in a daze.

"Dear children." In the rolling demonic energy, two huge eyes swept the whole place, and the voice was already cold: "I remind you again... for the last time."

"Since you have chosen to attend my birthday, then show your sincerity. My return gift will not disappoint any of you... I have accumulated a treasure trove for nearly ten thousand years. As long as you take out what I really need, I will not be stingy at all!"

"But..." As soon as the topic changed, the bone-cutting cold seemed to freeze everyone, and said word by word: "Who dares to play with me again? I don't want my last birthday to be your last birthday."

The nine vice-chairmen in front seemed to want to say something, but in the end they said nothing.

Demons don't have much family affection. Lord Mephistopheles will not trouble great contributors like Kendramo because of the death of several children. Maybe he is still glad that there are fewer burdens. Of course, Kendramo will never touch those children with strong blood.

Ma Ande had already sat back in his seat, scratching his scalp in pain. He could no longer see through the real needs of the Vice Speaker. Now not only did he not get the reward, but people also knew that he was holding the treasure of the Kongming clan. His future days would definitely be wonderful.

The scene fell into dead silence. Kendramo's bloodshot eyes scanned everyone, but for a full five minutes, no one dared to stand up again.

"No more?" It spoke again, with great regret in its voice: "This king asks again... Is there, still, no, no?"

"Mr. Vice Speaker." Finally, another voice sounded, a silver-gray demon, with mouths all over his body. His chest was heaving, and it was obviously not calm either, and was also extremely nervous, especially since the Vice Speaker had just issued a stern warning, but he still stood up.

Andrina's hand holding the hem of her skirt loosened slightly, and just now, it almost screamed and rushed out. If it weren't for this prince, it might have really rushed out, but now, it actually felt a little... relieved?

The pressure was too great, this crucial step, just one step, it didn't dare to take it easily.

In silence, the emcee demon suddenly realized that he had failed in his duty, and shouted: "Third Prince..."

Before he finished speaking, Kendramo's demonic energy moved slightly, and he flew backwards dozens of meters without saying a word.

"The third prince, Dan Luohua. Ferrers." Kendramo's eyes flashed with an elusive expectation, and he said hoarsely: "Are you sure you want to see me?"

Dan Luohua pursed his lips deeply, gritted his teeth and bowed: "I have a real treasure, I hope the deputy speaker can identify it."

"Heh..." Kendramo leaned on the throne, with infinite magic energy in one hand, and said slowly: "Then let me see, can you not make my eyes light up."

Dan Luohua took several deep breaths, and a string of strange runes came out of his mouth. At first, everyone didn't feel anything unusual, but after a few seconds, Joanna exclaimed: "This, this is a life-sealing spell!!"


Everyone in the audience looked at Dan Luohua, and Kendramo suddenly put down his hand playing with the magic energy, and a strong expectation was revealed in his huge eyes.

This is different from the previous time when the corpse of the Kongming clan appeared. Before, it was expectation, but now, it is pure, from the obsession of the instinctive call of life!

The call of life!

At first, there was some discussion in the audience, but as the sound of the spell became louder and louder, everyone became quiet. Because they all heard that this was indeed a life-sealing spell.

Life-sealing... This means that it seals something with strong vitality, and this kind of thing has only one use!

Prolong life!

"It really is... It really is a life-sealing spell! How can it have this thing..." Joanna stared at Dan Luohua with her eyes wide open. Before she could say anything, she shouted like thunder: "Shut up!!"

Boom! ! Joanna was directly blown away by a powerful magic power for an unknown distance, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Quick..." Kendramo had already walked down tremblingly, step by step, revealing his old and weak steps, dragging and trembling towards Dan Luohua: "Quick... open it... let this king see what you brought..."

"Yes." The spell finally stopped, and then, a box about two meters long appeared in the air, with hundreds of restrictions on it, and a strong vitality, even with the box closed, made the demons present stand on end!

Andrina was stunned.

It appeared...

It really appeared!

Someone really has the treasure of longevity!

Its heart jumped to its throat, staring at the box, watching it open silently.

Sha... A brilliant green mist suddenly erupted from the box, sweeping across the entire hall, and even Kendramo's magnificent magic was paused.

The box was completely opened, and inside was an almost dry vine, but on this vine, there was a suffocating life force!

The life force leaked out! Unstoppable!

This shows how heavy the life elements it contains are!

"This is..." Kendramo's voice was hoarse, and then he laughed wildly towards the sky: "Ivy... This is ivy!!"

"The Crescent Forest on the Elf Plane is 32 million light years away from Tiragangdis. The equally powerful upper realm, the Void Elves, Moon Elves, and Tomorrow Elves ruled by the Elf King... They planted a world tree together, and 10,000 young branches grew in 10,000 years. This young branch is called ivy."

"Once picked and swallowed, it can extend life by 1,000 years. Every 100 days shortens 100 years."

"This king has been seeking ivy for many years but couldn't get it, and you actually got it... Come... Tell me, child, this ivy is almost withered, how long has it been there?"

"The elves are too difficult to enter, so it takes too much effort to take it out. This ivy has been there for a total of 900 days." Dan Luohua said respectfully.

"Nine hundred days... that is, there are still a hundred years!" Kendramo looked at the ivy with red eyes without regret. In full view of the crowd, the surging black fog exploded, and a purple tentacle with sharp teeth rushed out of the black fog and headed straight for the ivy.

It couldn't bear it anymore!

It wanted to eat the ivy now, this was what it really wanted! The real protagonist of this audience!

(End of this chapter)

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