
Chapter 1152: Treasure Fighting Conference (IV)

I will update 4 chapters today and 1 chapter tomorrow~~ Finished posting this chapter today


Without anyone blocking him, everyone could feel Deputy Speaker Kendramo’s impatient mood.

All the princes, princesses, eldest princes, and sixteen princes all looked at Dan Luohua as if they were cannibals.

After all, someone has touched the deputy speaker's heart... Only then did they understand that what the deputy speaker wanted was not "posthumous affairs," but "living in the present."

It wants to live, and its obsession with life is extremely strong. It does not need anything that can be used after death. The black soul stone, the corpse of the Huangming clan, these "posthumous objects," are of no use to the proud Demon King!

It only lasts forever.

Swipe! The tentacles pulled the ivy and submerged it into the black mist. The black mist surged crazily. I don't know how long it took before a sigh slowly sounded from the sea tide's demonic energy: "I feel it..."

"The power of life spreads in my blood..."

"The feeling that makes me regain my youth... is really... amazing..."

In the dark mist, it leaned comfortably on the chair. The dark spots on its skin had begun to gradually disappear. A strong self-confidence instantly replaced the violence and repetition. It opened its eyes and suddenly felt that it could not continue to read. It's necessary.

"I'm very, very satisfied."

The thunderous voice filled the entire hall. Dan Luohua was overjoyed and hoarsely bowed: "I can get your approval, so my efforts have not been in vain!"

"I said that if I am satisfied, I will give you a corresponding reward. Come... let me give you the most generous gift. Even I have only prepared one copy of this gift."

Andrina suddenly raised her head. There was probably no one in the scene who could be more thoughtful than her.

It heard it... the deputy speaker had lost patience. Even the demon king would fight against the treasure that increased the life span of a thousand years. Its goal from the beginning was to live a life of one or two hundred years.

Now, someone has fed this greedy devil. Filled its endless appetite for life.

So, no interest.

How is this possible! !

It almost screamed, especially when it heard "It has only prepared one portion of the most generous gift", and finally stepped forward with trembling steps.

No consciousness, just instinct.

"Yes!!" Dan Luohua finally couldn't conceal his inner ecstasy. A thousand years of planning, just to get a small part of a twig, now... is completely worth it!

A generous gift from a demon king... The pores on its body were completely opened due to excessive excitement, and its body was trembling with excitement. It levitated. It closed its eyes, feeling the magic that pulled it like a black hole, and smiled, It flew straight past.

However, at this moment, an extremely anxious voice sounded: "Please... please wait a moment, Mr. Vice Speaker."

who! !

Dan Luohua's eyes suddenly opened and he looked at the scene like a murderer. Then he found that everyone on the scene was staring blankly at the seats of the prince and princess.

A not-so-tall female demonic figure stood out from the crowd. Zhuo Andong beside him had his mouth wide open and his eyes widened.

Not just him, but everyone else, all the princes, princesses, and every noble person present looked at its figure as if they had seen a ghost.

"Andrina?" After Zhuo Andong was stunned, a sarcastic smile appeared on his lips: "Okay... very good, if you want to die, no one will stop you."

"Is this Andrina?" Another prince asked the people around him in astonishment: "That princess who is ranked in the hundreds?"

"Is it crazy?" "Haha... This bastard has been exiled to the tyranny of the twelve hells, living deep in the black streets, the kind of place where maggots and scum dance together. Now, he wants to attract the attention of the Deputy Speaker? "Just that? What kind of tribute can Black Street have?"

Not only the princes and princesses, but also the top nobles also remembered the children of Mephistopheles clearly. Although they were unfamiliar, after taking a closer look, they immediately remembered them.

"Are you kidding me?" A grand duke frowned and asked, "What kind of tribute can the Black Street offer? It won't give out anything that will extend its life by one or two years, right?"

"I think that's pretty much it. I don't know where I got it from if I can increase my life within five years." A Marquis next to him sneered: "It should have seen that the life-enhancing thing was valued by the Vice Speaker, and then wanted to brush it off. The sense of existence, who told me to almost forget it?”

"Being banished to the underworld... without a family background, do you want to die?" "My mother died a long time ago, and I don't have any backing. It can't give out a treasure of 'longevity' of a few months or a year, right?" This is too embarrassing." "There are tributes in the black street? It's ridiculous."

Amid the endless discussion, Andrina turned a deaf ear to it, gritted her teeth, lifted up her outdated but neat skirt, and said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, Deputy Speaker, I...there is also a treasure here, and I also want to Please taste it.”

Strangely enough, when things came to an end, he calmed down and no longer flinched.

"It's Andrina..." Kendra Mo's voice carried some memories: "Are you sure?"

Just three words, carrying endless pressure. Andrina felt the majestic demonic energy, sweating all over her body, and said with a trembling voice: "I'm... pretty sure!"

"Since you are here, I will not treat you as an ignorant princess, understand?" Kendra Mo said lightly, and many princes and princesses gnashed their silver teeth. This is obvious favoritism! I heard that the deputy speaker and this bitch's mother were not clear, and now in front of so many people, he actually reminded them again and again!

"Damn it..." Zhuo Anton spewed flames from his mouth, and his fists were clenched and creaked: "I want to see what you, a poor bitch, can come up with! If there is anything wrong, I swear... There are so many princes and princesses on the scene, and the nobles will make you regret standing up! You will be exiled to the most distant ice field in the interstellar!!"

"I... understand." Andrina's throat moved, took a few deep breaths, and touched the storage ring, and a jade box flew out quietly.

Don't know whether to live or die...

Kendramo looked at the other party with infinite emotion, vaguely seeing the shadow of the old friend, it has reminded him, for the devil, this is rare, this is its hope of life, blaspheming this hope, not to mention it, even if its mother is here, it will never forgive.

Just a glance, it has no extra thoughts about the jade box.


Too ordinary, just an ordinary jade box, no restrictions, no seals, no spells, and no vitality it dreams of.

The vitality of the ivy just now was so great that it needed to be sealed with a spell, now... it really wanted to slap it, this kind of street stall-like thing, dare to bring it in front of itself? Did it help it out of interest, so this stupid demon is self-righteous?

"Just this thing?" Many people had mockery in their eyes, and looked at Kendramo's throne with great expectation on the surface.

The demonic energy was not volatile, as calm as a lake.

Closer, closer... Flying in front of the throne, everything was silent, a demonic hand grabbed the jade box and opened it casually.

No brilliance, no vision. In front of everyone, Kendramo couldn't give Andrina any face. He just glanced at her and threw her away casually: "Andrina, you let me down..."

Here it comes...

As expected!

Everyone looked at Andrina with dead eyes, expecting the deputy speaker to get angry, but at this moment, before the jade box fell to the ground, the calm demonic energy in the whole venue suddenly rolled back, thundering out of the ground! A hand full of demonic energy stretched out frantically and caught the jade box in a split second.

It was Kendramo again!

What happened?

Everyone looked at each other, it was the one who threw it and it was the one who took it, what happened...?

However, they didn't have time to think about it, because... Deputy Speaker Kendramo had already stood up trembling.

At the moment of throwing it out, it suddenly remembered something!

A story... that the Lord of Arms once dominated the throne, and all the seven demon gods were tempted.

Swish! Before Andrina could react, she was pulled by a huge force and flew to the side of the throne. Everyone was stunned.

"What's going on!?" Zhuo Anton stared at the throne in astonishment. Why... why did Andrina suddenly fly over?

The first time... countless firsts happened in this birthday party! The first effect has not yet appeared, and the audience was directly called to the stage!

Not only was it stunned, but everyone else was even more stunned. As they looked at each other, everyone felt an unlikely premonition.

"Could it be..." A Grand Duke stood up slowly, looking straight at the throne: "It... really took out something beyond the ivy from the black street?"

"Tell me..." If Dan Luohua's ivy had made the deputy speaker uneasy before, now it has lost its composure, and its voice is trembling violently: "Is this... that thing?"

"Yes." Andrina's heart was about to jump out of her chest, and her voice was equally hoarse: "It is it... As long as you input the magic energy into the leaf symbol, it can show the forbidden vitality."

No one spoke, and the hearts of the people below were hanging. Kendramo closed his eyes, took several deep breaths, and suddenly waved his hand. All the doors, windows, some low-level nobles and the juniors brought by him were blown out of the hall!

The nine deputy speakers looked at each other. What on earth was it? What could make Kendramo lose his composure like this?

Amid the heavy breathing, a magic energy was input into the box, and then a green light rose to the sky!



The sky was filled with clear clouds, carrying an indescribable strong vitality! This feeling... just spread, and it felt several times stronger than the ivy just now!

Under the green light, Kendra Mo's huge eyes suddenly widened, his eye sockets were slightly cramped, staring at the green clouds.

"What on earth is this..." A duke stood up suddenly, looking around in disbelief: "What on earth is this!!"

"How can there be such a strong vitality?!"

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