
Chapter 1153: Treasure Fighting Conference (V)

Before he finished speaking, in the blue light, a tree made of spiritual light slowly grew out of the box, and then stretched out its branches and leaves. In the midst of the demonic energy, a big tree with vitality grew out!

The green light spots representing life swayed in the sky, and actually suppressed the rolling demonic energy at the scene. Everyone looked at this spiritual light tree that was more than ten meters high. And Kendramo's eyes revealed an incomparable passion.

So dry...

The tongue, throat, lips... are all so dry... A call from life made it want to eat the other party in one bite.

In the surging demonic energy, there was silence. A slightly trembling hand, covered with black spots, slowly stretched out from the demonic energy, as if to grab the green tree, but in the end, it suppressed it and suddenly turned the box around to face everyone.

"Elixir?!" As soon as he turned around, a deputy speaker in the front row stood up immediately: "Alchemist of the Eastern genealogy? No! That's not right! Those who have this technique are great alchemists!"

"Is it really an elixir?!" "And there are great alchemists left from the Eastern genealogy killers, who have drifted to the Eighteen Hells!?" "Heh... Unbelievable... Haven't seen a living Eastern genealogy alchemist for thousands of years?" "Seven thousand five hundred years ago... The Eastern genealogy Taotie Demon King descended and crossed the border to kill the alchemists of his own clan... We rushed there desperately, but only saw corpses! This group of damn maggots!"

Countless top nobles, the direct descendants of the demons of the Deception Hell, stood up with extremely complicated eyes, and swished... Soon, the whole hall was filled with shadows, and the magnificent vitality washed over every cell of the demon, and the long-lost feeling... made them almost open their arms and groan.

"What a terrifying vitality..." A general's eyes flickered, his chest rose and fell, and he wanted to rush forward with a flash, but just as he moved, there was a loud bang, and the endless demonic energy in front of him exploded like a tidal wave! Forming a terrifying wall of demonic energy!

Among the faces of countless screaming creatures, there was Kendramo's cold killing intent. The general was covered in cold sweat. He felt that as long as he moved half a meter forward, no matter who he was, Kendramo would dare to kill him on the spot!

Killing intent is like substance!

This is its birthday.

Whoever dares to steal this thing is going to make it difficult for it!

The first time... This birthday has seen countless firsts, and it is another first time. Even Ivy did not appear, and the deputy speaker attacked for a treasure!

"Hu..." Under the heavy pressure of Kendramo's terrifying demonic energy, the chaos that was almost suppressed by the whole audience just now finally subsided. A marquis suppressed the desire in his heart and took a deep breath. In an instant, he felt that tens of thousands of pores opened up, and his heart was relieved. It is so much richer than the withered ivy before! Enough to make people open-minded!

Indescribably rich!

A trembling vitality!

The magic of the oriental genealogy!

Swish... As if feeling the gazes of the crowd, the west wind blows the green trees, and the flowers representing rebirth slowly bloom, and the green leaves slowly stretch out, forming their aura, hovering in the entire hall, spreading for a thousand meters. Shining on the greedy faces of all demons.

Who doesn't want to live longer?

Who doesn't want to live as long as the sky? Spring as long as the earth?

"So beautiful..." A female demon covered her mouth with a fan: "Our family has only had three pills in total, and created three great demons with unspeakable magic... I didn't expect to see this thing today..."

Beside him, another demon also sighed: "Abyss Soul Stone, Kongming Clan Corpse, Black Soul Stone... These are all legendary things, everyone just looks up to them, but after all, they are just legends, and pills... are completely targeted! They are always hanging in front of us, but we can never eat them..."

"Maybe it is not as precious as Kongming Clan Corpse and Black Soul Stone, but it is definitely the most suitable!" "And for the Vice Speaker, the most suitable is the best. In terms of preciousness, who is as precious as its collection?"

One nail and one eye, if you change to a pure gold nail, you can't nail it into this eye.

The scene was silent, no one thought that the round and black was ugly, black and ugly, but only felt that it was deep and full of infinite charm. It was simply heart-stirring.

This scene was so gorgeous that everyone forgot to speak. They were immersed in the beautiful scenery of the green trees until Kendramo gently closed the box. With a "click", everyone shook and came back to their senses.

Then, there was a low discussion, and immediately, it turned into a roar.

Countless voices exploded in Andrina's ears. It maintained a respectful posture like a stone sculpture, but its heart was rising and falling with these voices, and every pore was blowing the horn of battle.

Charge! Break through the enemy lines! This is the victory of the princess!

It couldn't hear what was being said in the suddenly noisy scene, but it could hear that the key words "Great Alchemist", "Eastern Genealogy", "Black Street", and "Andrina" were constantly running through the mouths of all the top nobles.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed up, and Kendramo's eyes were stern, without any consideration. The giant palm of the devil's energy was hit, and the next second, a circle of terrifying ripples ran across the entire hall!

Even the core of the deception was shaken by the shock. Several vice-chairmen immediately took action to cover up the evil spirit of the two people's fight, otherwise, the scene would definitely be littered with corpses.

Because... Kendra Mo just used all his strength! There was no hesitation!

If a tiger protects its food, it will kill anyone who dares to rob it!

"What are you going to do! Deputy Speaker Ronald?" The demonic energy in Kendramo's body was boiling like a sea, and it was about to explode. His blood-red eyes stared at the figure in another piece of demonic energy in front of him: "Do you want... Want my life?”

This is its destiny.

Its continued life.

Whoever moves is the enemy of life and death!

Ronald's demonic aura moved slightly, and then he realized that what he did was completely inappropriate. Kendra Mo had nothing to say if he wanted to fight him to the death.

Stealing someone's wealth is like killing one's parents. Even a fool can see how long this elixir can extend one's life. This is killing people! Are multiple parties not allowed to fight to the death?

"You misunderstood." Ronald was silent for a few seconds before grinding his teeth and said, "I just want to take a look."

"A life-extending elixir comes from the hands of a great alchemist. I am also an alchemist! I have been studying Eastern genealogy for thousands of years! I just want to take a look at the real master's work! That's all! I don't have any Strange!"

After saying these words, the figures of the deputy speaker in front of him all felt extremely embarrassed.

He has been calling himself an alchemist for thousands of years...Don't you know that demons don't have any side talents? You can’t even control fire and you still think you’re an alchemist?

However... this spirit of research... is worthy of our admiration... well, very admirable.

"Dreaming!!" Kendra Mo almost slapped the other person's face with a mouthful of liquid, and said coldly: "I don't care about you. If you want to see it, you can ask my niece if there is anything left."

Nephew, niece?

The eldest prince, Dan Luohua, the sixteenth prince... and all the other princes, princes and daughters suddenly turned pale at this moment.

The devil has no jokes.

Speaking of being a niece, Andrina will carry the title of niece from now on. The Demon King will not care about their life or death, but Kendra Mo, who is in charge of the faction, will not! And... I don’t know how many years this elixir can extend your life! For at least a few hundred years, Andrina will live an extremely comfortable life!

"This... damn bastard!!" Zhuo Andong's eyes turned red. Joanna was knocked away by the angry demon king and disappeared. It was the only one at the scene, and it was the only one closest to Andrina's ranking.

They had already thought about it, this time they did not seek to be the best, they just wanted to compare with Andrina, but... now Andrina has achieved success alone in front of them, this huge gap is almost unacceptable to them!

"How could this happen..." Dan Luohua's lips turned a little white, obviously he is the best... he is the top one! You are the brightest star besides the moon tonight!

Why...why can a rat who was exiled to the dark streets seize the bridgehead he already occupied! Kick yourself off? !

It was not in the mood to ask about the efficacy of the elixir. It was not an idiot. Regardless of the vitality it exuded, the two speakers had lost their composure just now, and if they questioned it again, they would question Taixu's gaze.

Looking for death?

All the princes and princesses had mixed feelings in their hearts, wishing to kick the bitch Andrina to death, but no one dared to move, but they had to put on a smile and congratulate Kendra Mo on a long and happy birthday.

Kendramo suppressed the excitement in his heart. He couldn't help but return to the room immediately and swallow it. However, he still pressed his hand, walked to Andrina in person, helped her up with his own hands, looked at the jealous eyes of all the princes and princesses, smiled and said: "Princess, thank you for the gift, I am very satisfied, very satisfied, satisfied Awesome, never been so satisfied! ”

"You are good, very good, quite good. I admit, this is the best gift I have ever received in my life, and now, I give you my gift."

In the demonic aura, he raised three fingers: "Three times."

"You have three chances to make your request. As long as it is within my ability, I will definitely fulfill your request."

"From now on, the lion's head flag of the Kendramo Branch and your flag will shine together."

"Zi..." The faces of the princes, princesses, and most of the nobles who had been calm just now really changed.

New forces are rising!

It’s ridiculous to say that it’s just because of an elixir. This elixir is not as valuable as the bodies of the Kongming Clan, not as valuable as the Black Soul Stone, and not as valuable as the Abyss Contract Stone. However, it is used in the right place and for the right occasion. Right person.

It's not because it's precious, it's just because it fits, 100%.

Kendra Mo's meaning has been made very clear. From now on, whoever dares to give Andrina a hard time will have trouble with her and will have three more chances! What a gift!

Yes, it had previously given a gift to others to improve their bloodline. However, the end of the gift also meant that the money and gifts had been cleared, and Andrina... had a long history and had no intention of ending this friendship immediately!

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