
Chapter 1154: Seriously Talking Nonsense

4 more, 1 more tomorrow... I am so tired... I really can't write too much in one day when I am old... Eh? WOW7.3 is launched tomorrow... I have to open up new land again... EMMMM


"The rise of new nobles." A Grand Duke took a deep breath and looked at the elixir with great complexity: "The complicated situation in hell has led to very few great alchemists. There are none in the local area, so we can only capture them from the outside world. This is the magic of the elixir... The birth of an elixir actually led to the ascension of the new nobles of the Ferrers family..."

It chewed on the scenes at the scene with emotion, and a divine consciousness quietly came out: "Go."

"Immediately investigate all the information of Princess Andrina. Its fiefdom, age, hobbies, focus on investigating... this hundred Who has it contacted in the past year. "

As it ordered, it ran around the venue, "Don't move the liquid funds for the time being, leave 10 million magic crystals, yes, don't move them anyway, I have a hunch that we may have a big business." "As soon as possible, I dare to guarantee that when this king transmits this divine consciousness, others are also transmitting it. Prepare the invitation immediately. If you can't invite Princess Andrina first after the birthday party, you don't have to come to see me."

The undercurrent was surging, the prince and princess were extremely unwilling, and other families immediately saw the joy of business opportunities. Kendra didn't take it seriously. Now, what else is more important than living?

It gently held Andrina's hand, and suddenly felt that it was so foresighted that it knew its mother at the beginning.

"Dear child, tell me, its effect?"

Andrina was about to speak, Ronald suddenly laughed and said, "Child, stand up and say, everyone here is equal, you are its child, and also the child of our Ferrers family. "


Is there such an operation?

All the vice-chairmen looked at Ronald in astonishment. This crazy scientist... when did he become so smart?

But poaching people in front of Kendra Mo, is he really a man?

Andrina was trembling slightly all over, and she stood up as calmly as possible. She had never laughed so happily in the past thousand years.

Its eyes swept over all the princes and princesses, like a proud swan. At this moment, it was the princess, not Andrina.

It saw that Zhuo Anton's face was pale, and he didn't dare to face its gaze, and retreated. There were other people who had made things difficult for it, and at this moment, they all lowered their eyes and didn't dare to look at each other.

An indescribable sense of comfort spread in her heart. This is the life of a princess. After so long, it finally has a second spring.

"Five hundred years, sir." It said softly.

"Are you... sure?" Even Kendra Mo's voice was a little hot at this moment.

This birthday celebration was perfect. It felt this way the moment it got Ivy. But it didn't expect that the real surprise was still at the end! The niece it had decided to ignore... yes! It's my niece! Gave it an incredible surprise!

"I'm sure this is the recipe I'm looking for. The great alchemist told me personally." Now there is no room for hesitation, Andrina answered affirmatively.

"Can any demon be devoured?" A voice that was neither light nor heavy fell into everyone's ears, and the eyes of the nobles below all lit up. This sentence touched their hearts.

Once all demons can take it, it is not just a birthday gift, but a thick gold chain! Enough to cover the eighteen hells!

This is the real highlight. Even if Kendramo wants to leave now, he must answer this question before leaving! Otherwise... they won't do it! They want to throw a tantrum! They want to roll over! They want to hang themselves! This question is like a piece of fat cake, hanging in front of their noses, and they will never feel at ease without a positive answer!

And the person who spoke was one of the ten vice-chairmen! And it was "Sad Kurt" who ranked in the top three. He was in charge of the defense of the entire Deception Palace. All the external military operations between the Deceptions must be approved by it.

Hoarse, like a venomous snake, the nobles swore that they had not heard wrong.

Andrina's pores opened up, and she bowed slightly. The etiquette that she usually hated was now like instinct, flowing like water, and she smiled and said: "Of course."

I don't know how many nobles clenched their armrests because of this sentence, but it didn't end there. Andrina added the last knife: "And there are no side effects."


The discussion that could no longer be suppressed spread among these nobles like a tide, and everyone's eyes flickered slightly. The identity of the great alchemist would not be spread to too many people. They knew very well what the attitude of the Eastern genealogy was towards the great alchemist who left. Almost all of their own great alchemists died at the hands of Eastern assassins.

And the few remaining ones could not meet the needs of the family at all. One more was equivalent to an extra rich way to make money!

"Go..." A prince looked deeply at the main stage, and a divine sense had spread out in a very obscure way: "Look around, are there any 'idle people'? Once found, expel them immediately."

"But...but there are many nobles outside..." The voice answered hesitantly.

"Nobles?" The prince narrowed his eyes, looked at Andrina, and licked his lips grimly: "In front of the prince, there are no nobles except the speaker."

"They have been driven out, so they should not stay here. It means that they are not qualified to access certain secrets. If I tell you to drive them away, just drive them away, don't talk nonsense! Believe me, you will see other top nobles soon."

It was not wrong. In the face of common interests, the top nobles among the deceivers finally took action and brutally swept away all the people who did not belong to their circle. Wealth could be shared, but only with equal strength.

Exclamations came one after another outside, but fell on deaf ears in the hall. All eyes were looking directly at Andrina. Although they knew it was unwise to ask for sales now, their fiery eyes had already betrayed their hearts.

"All demons can actually use it... This is equivalent to extending the life of the entire group by 500 years..." Deputy Speaker Kurt stood up in deep thought, with a solemn tone in his voice, which made people think that they were discussing military and national affairs. It said towards Kendramo: "However, the effect has not been proven yet."

"I will report all my feelings to the parliament." Kendra Mo also spoke solemnly.

"No." Kurt shook his head: "I mean, there are some things that you can't be too cautious about. What I mean is that I hope to test it myself. In three years, I will live forever... What are you doing? What look?"

The eyes of other congressmen were filled with contempt, yes, contempt.

God's turning point...

Talking nonsense in a serious manner, this kind of skill is really beyond the reach of the devil... He is indeed an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

"Sad Kurt...don't you never celebrate your birthday?" Kendra Mo said gloomily.

"This is just some necessary discussion. After all, this thing is of great use to demons." Kurt was serious, but his eyes never left Kendramo's hand. Kendramo firmly believed that if it was willing to "experiment, "This elixir will disappear in its hands immediately.

So it was put away and faced Kurt's fiery gaze.

"Yes." Another deputy speaker stood up and sighed slightly: "My king's long live birthday is coming soon, why not hold it together in three years."

"Yes, this is a good suggestion." Kurt nodded.

Not bad, you X!

Is it really okay to rob like this openly?

Everyone looked at Andrina, especially the prince and the princess, and they already wanted to strangle this bitch to death!

This is robbery...blatant robbery! It's better for them not to go!

Not going? underestimate me? Do you really think you dare to look down on the powerful people because you are your direct children?

Hearing the screams from the wallet, no one looked good. No one expected that it was this cockroach from the underworld who had the last laugh! God knows where to find such a great alchemist!

Kendra Mo said coldly: "The tenth deputy speaker... If I remember correctly, your birthday is still three thousand years old. Is it too early for you to celebrate your birthday in advance?"

"It's not early, we just want to spend time together. This will save you from having to spend money again in a few years. This is for your sake..." the deputy speaker said to the prince and princess in a serious voice.

No! need! want!

The lips of all the princes and princesses were trembling. The robbery was so great and upright, but they couldn't find any reason to refute it.

"Peter..." The eldest prince's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and sent out a spiritual message: "Immediately... check Andrina's castle for me! I want all the information on everyone in it!"

“Especially an Eastern genealogy, if you see it, pay attention immediately!”

The demon known as Peter immediately replied: "Yes, master, are you going to arrest him?"

"Are you an idiot?!" The eldest prince almost didn't spit out his words: "He is now being paid attention to by countless powerful people and the deputy speaker! Caught? How many lives do you have left to die!"

"Win over... win over at all costs! Andrina's current status is based on that person! As long as he is brought over, its glory today will be my reappearance tomorrow!"

It took a deep breath and then said inaudibly: "If we can't win over... let's talk about other things..."

The same order came from the mouths of countless princes and princesses. They couldn't tolerate it. They were actually outcompeted by a bitch of two hundred!

"Okay." Kendramo looked around and raised his hand: "This is the end of my birthday. I am no longer in the mood to continue. I hope everyone understands."

Everyone understands that if you get this kind of treasure, how can you feel at peace if you don't swallow it?

What it said was also addressed to all the princes and princesses. If there was a holy medicine that existed for more than five hundred years, it would not mind depriving Andrina of her rights.

It was looking forward to it. The devil's greed is endless, but unfortunately, there is no such thing. None of the princes dared to meet its expectant gaze, and all lowered their heads.

A bunch of trash...

Kendramo snorted coldly and waved: "Come together."

"This is an extremely rare life-extending elixir that even I have never seen before. I know you can't bear it for a long time."

Before he finished speaking, nine figures had already walked onto the main stage at the same time. That's right, no one has too much lifespan, they really can't stand it anymore. If Kendra Mo hadn't been sitting here and there was someone else, Andrina would have become their niece today.

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