
Chapter 1155: Conditions (I)

The ten vice-chairmen turned into rolling demonic energy and disappeared. Andrina also disappeared, leaving only a silent scene.

Everyone at the scene looked at each other and left tacitly. They had more important things to do. That was to win over this upstart.

At the same time, at least hundreds of demon envoys had rushed to the black streets that they would never go to normally.

The chief steward of the Grand Duke von Sende family... The chief steward of the Prince Murat family... The seventh son of the Grand Duke Solain... The senior staff officer of the Grizzly Marshal's Illusionary Army...

What? Marquis?

Sorry, a great alchemist, the Marquis family is not qualified to compete for it. Under the relentless pursuit of the Eastern Genealogy, the number of alchemists remaining in the entire Deception Room is no more than 500.

But how big is the Deception Room?

As for the great alchemist...

He must be protected by his own powerful forces!

The feast and carnival were over in an instant. The usual atmosphere of staying to exchange feelings after the feast did not appear at all. One by one, the top nobles left in a hurry. Ten minutes later, in the central hall of the huge Deception Palace, only all the princes and princesses were left, all sitting in their seats, like clay sculptures and wooden carvings, not moving.

No one guessed the beginning, but the ending, and this bitter fruit was too bitter for them to digest for a while.

"It seems... there will be one more name in this round table meeting..." After a long time, the sixteenth prince gritted his teeth and said, "Although it is impossible to get a real nomination, as long as it appears, it will be a great threat."

"Yes, there are only four of us at ordinary times, and I didn't expect... a humble, long-forgotten, exiled bastard would come out from the side." The fourth prince licked his lips that were cracked due to excessive anger and said, "Can you bear it?"

No one answered.

Because the smart people, the messenger also rushed on the way to the black street.

The atmosphere was very awkward, Zhuo Andong twisted his hands awkwardly, and didn't listen to what others said. There was only one thought in his mind.

What to do!

Should I admit my mistake? Should I bow my head? Will Andrina, that narrow-minded bitch, believe it?

Everything here has been reported to the family... I'm afraid... what awaits me is the scapegoat...

Damn... After thinking for too long, it stood up angrily, and then found that there was no one around.

No one knew the situation in the hall. The ten vice-chairmen had gathered in Kendramo's castle. A magic weapon can create an unparalleled strongman, but a great alchemist can create a strong family. In the era of galaxy conquest, the power of race has long surpassed personal power.

This is a strategic resource.

Kendramo's castle is a fortress built on the basis of the black giant beast skeleton. This is the aesthetic of the demon world, advocating this primitive and rough style. Only the lowest civilians will like the buildings in the black street that imitate other planes.

Andrina had already been sent to the depths of the castle. Kendramo had no servants. Ten figures walked slowly in the intricate castle, looking lonely and gloomy.

Outside, countless red planets can be seen floating around Tiragangdis. They walked in silence all the way to a suspended bone bridge. Kurt suddenly spoke: "Kendramo, since your wish has been fulfilled. Shouldn't we get down to business?"

Kendramo paused and sighed: "The Six-pointed Star Round Table Council... I thought I had no chance to participate... But wait a few days."

The other vice-chairmen nodded slightly. They understood that the other party must swallow this pill first.

"Can't delay any longer." Kurt said slowly: "Three days, at most three days later, the meeting must be held. The ruins of the Abyss Arena of the Eighteen Hells have shown abnormal movements, and the major families have begun to count their numbers."

"I know." Kendramo nodded and disappeared into the void.

Silence. After a few seconds, Ronald had put away his previous appearance and murmured, "This time is a bit subtle..."

"In a hundred years, the Demon Furnace will usher in its first eruption in tens of thousands of years, and the Abyss Arena has already taken shape... This round table meeting is to discuss the allocation of quotas, and a great alchemist came at this time..." Another deputy speaker pondered, "It's too coincidental, so coincidental that it's really unbelievable... Do you think he is also coming for the Abyss Arena?"

"It's worth pondering." Kurt shook his head and said, "Once Kendramo obtains If the life span is extended, the mind will not be twisted. At this point, we are only one door away from the devil. It knows what it should do. "

"Wait, in three days, it will definitely dig out all the information of this great alchemist. The title of 'Extinct Kendramo' is not called for nothing. It will never let go of any creature that threatens the Ferrers family. "

In the fortress, in a dark room, Kendramo was suspended in the void, and took out the pill again, and stroked it with a slightly trembling hand, not missing a single thing.

Then, wrap it in your hand, only in this way can it feel that it has grasped the entire life.

"Great Alchemist?" It did not swallow it immediately. Taixu's consciousness swept over it, and it already knew clearly that there was no problem with this pill, but it just looked at it deeply, thinking: "This is a troublesome person who can cause a small-scale conflict between the East and the West. It is a double-edged sword. Why come to Tiragangdis now, at this time? "

"Does the Eastern Genealogy know?"

"But... this is no longer important compared to my life span..." It sighed. This hall was hundreds of meters in size. With this sound, all the surrounding demonic energy fell down, revealing There are huge astral beast skeletons hanging all around, and a short demon in the center.

It was similar to a human being, with white hair, dark body, two horns like antelopes, the devil's wings were broken, but its tail was a poisonous snake, and its body was covered with snow-white damaged tattoos. There are several exquisitely carved ornaments hanging.

The elixir flew in front of it, and its eyes moved slightly. It was as if the surface restrictions set by Xu Yangyi did not exist, and it looked directly into the innermost part.

It saw the spiritual energy nodes one by one, hovering in the majestic sea of ​​medicinal power, and saw the spiritual lines, like bridges, between the spiritual energy nodes.

"No matter how many times you see it... it can be called a work of art. It's a pity... Demons are born unable to master other flames. Tiragandes gave us an invincible physique, but cut off our access to other doors... "

The words fell and he swallowed them in one gulp without hesitation.


Two days.

These two days were the most comfortable days Andrina had ever had since she was born.

This is the highest point of the entire castle. It has never woken up from the warm flames of hell like it is now. Open the window and you can overlook the entire Palace of Deception - the center of deception. The only one who can have this honor is the dozens of other towers within sight, as well as the Tower of the Seven Lords in the center.

It truly returned to its status as a princess. Countless invitations were sent to it through Kendramo's butler. With just a wink, a servant demon would immediately bring a gold-plated and jade-carved utensil to it. It had not tasted it for hundreds of years. of gourmet food. As long as you make a slight sound, someone will immediately push the latest services and luxury goods at the moment, transporting all kinds of heavenly materials and treasures from all over the world, and place them in front of it for free.

It finally realized that its own treasures were definitely not as valuable as those kept privately by a demon king for thousands of years. You could tell by looking at what was placed in front of it now, but it was just the right time for it to win.

At this moment, a spiritual consciousness suddenly sounded in his mind. It was slightly stunned and immediately flew towards the castle.

The speed was so fast that when the servant demons along the way saw its magic light, they all half-knelt on the ground respectfully. It came all the way to the central fortress. In front of it, a dozen 20-meter-high obsidian arches had been opened layer by layer, revealing the center of the majestic ancient castle. An iconic building like a skull and sheep's head.

"Meet the Vice-President." Flying into the palace, there was only one person inside, sitting on the throne. Andrina immediately bowed to pay homage. At the same time, he quietly swept it with his spiritual power.


This was its first feeling. Although Kendramo had completely restrained its demonic energy and only placed it in the Nascent Soul realm, Andrina still felt extremely rich.

It was a land full of vitality, like the arrival of spring. The roots of countless plants covered the earth, making this piece of demonic energy solidify like a sea and as powerful as a tide. There was no sign of aging at all.

The elixir worked...

But after it felt ecstatic, all that was left was anxiety.

It's time it paid its price.

It knew very well that all of this was brought to it by the invisible man far away in the dark street. If it could not solve Xu Yangyi's demands on it, the consequences would be disastrous.

"You're here." Kendra Mo's voice had no trace of Higurashi's, and was extremely rich. A big demonic hand gently held it: "Get up, I said, you are my niece, and we are part of the family. , no need to be so restrained.”

Andrina still stood up respectfully and sat on a chair next to her. There were only two figures in the huge hall, and neither of them spoke.

"Tell me about it." Kendramo was the first to speak: "What kind of creature is he...the great alchemist, whose roots are in the plane of the warrior master? a human being?"

"Yes." Andrina replied with a smile: "A... very scary human being."

"Scary?" Kendra Mo's demonic energy moved slightly: "Does it make you feel scary?"

Andrina pursed her lips slightly and took a deep breath: "Yes... I feel terrible. He... is self-centered, disrespectful to gods and Buddhas, and has a heart as hard as iron. I once sent two congressmen to threaten him. He wanted to win over him at the lowest price, but he had no intention of letting him go. He was not afraid of Tiragandis."

Kendra Mo's voice was thoughtful: "Interesting... Someone reported to me that Marshall and Silian's consciousness disappeared. Is it them?"

"That's right..." Andrina seemed to remember something, and her body trembled slightly: "Cillian... only lasted twenty seconds in the hands of the opponent, and Marshall... only lasted seven minutes. And the great alchemist The state is in the early stage of Zunsheng, and even the meridians are in an initialized state."

Kendramo's eyes suddenly brightened.

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