
Chapter 1156: Conditions (II)


What a strong fighting power!

After cultivating to its level, it has long been understood that level is not equal to combat power, but... this is too exaggerated. Silian can't remember it clearly, and Marshall is in the middle stage of the Saint! Facing an opponent with initialized meridians and no magical powers, he didn't last ten minutes? And a complete extermination?

Relying on spiritual energy alone to achieve this... you can imagine how powerful spiritual energy is!

It suddenly felt a trace of doubt.

There is a great alchemist in the family. Once this kind of thing comes out, it will be very troublesome. Even if it is only spread among the top nobles who are cheating, they have to be on guard against poaching by the other party at all times. The foundation of those old aristocratic families is simply not comparable to that of Andrina, and even they dare not look down upon it.

This is one of the first, and the second is that when you discover that the opponent has such a strong fighting power, it will not be too difficult to advance to Taixu. When the time comes... it will be possible to steal people openly! Why did Andrina talk so smoothly without any worries?

Isn't it afraid of its own heartbeat? To be honest, if such a talent can kill Marshall with a backhand in ten minutes while the meridians are initialized, it will already be excited!

An idea appeared in its mind. It was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stood up: "Contract with Yaya?"

"Yes." Andrina lifted up her princess dress with great respect and said against Kendra Mo's strong pressure: "My niece has signed an Yiya contract with him. But... there is one thing I didn't tell him, that is No matter which branch you sign with, you won’t be able to take refuge with anyone else.”

A huge eye appeared in the demonic aura, and Kendra Mo looked deeply at Andrina: "I underestimated you."

"The Eya contract...he can get the same treatment as the direct descendants of Ferrus. This is prepared by the Demon Lord to sign the most suitable general for you. Such a powerful monk is also a great alchemist. You can't suppress him. You can Said, your Yi Ya contract has no return, and you still have to satisfy his appetite, but you still signed it. "

"Then, he is now a member of our Fellers family. I will investigate and give him corresponding treatment."

After learning about the Yiya contract, Kendramo knew that there was no need to ask further. The most important aspect of Yi Ya's contract is that he cannot betray his family, otherwise he will be killed by the Demon Lord.

Putting aside his doubts, he raised his hand and said, "Go ahead."

"What does he want? You can't suppress him, Andrina, believe me. With this status and such a powerful alchemy, you are no match for him. I don't believe you let him He will refine my birthday gift without asking for anything in return.”

"If you really don't ask for it..." It slowly rubbed its fingers that were boiling with demonic energy: "Then you have ulterior motives."

Andrina often breathed a sigh of relief, as things went more smoothly than expected, and she said: "He needs a magic at the level of the Demon Lord."

Kendramo stopped rubbing his fingers and looked at Andrina in astonishment. At this moment, he truly believed that the other party had no other plans.

"At the Demon Lord level... he really dares to speak!" After a while, it laughed loudly and said: "If you're not afraid that he will ask for something, I'm afraid that he will ask for nothing. However, this demand is too much. Even at the Demon Lord level... I don’t have one! He is a saint, but he also wants to be a demon king?”

Andrina lowered her head and said: "But... in the family..."

"That's the family." Kendramo interrupted coldly: "It has contributed to me, not to the family. Where does he have the qualifications to demand the family's things?"

Cold sweat gradually dripped from Andrina's forehead. If it couldn't get it, then... it believed that Xu Yangyi's words of "it doesn't need useless collaborators" were not nonsense.

Yes, the contract with Yiya included not betraying the family, and it was just a member of the family.

"Ah...Looking at your frightened look, you really can't suppress him." Kendramo smiled slightly and said, "But you're lucky, I happen to have a share here."

It closed its hands slightly, and suddenly, a magnificent black light flashed from between the two hands, and a triangle composed of pure black talismans spread from it, followed by the second, the third...layer by layer, circle by circle, The complicated talismans make people feel as if they have entered a void space, facing the chaos of hell.

Rustling... The black light flashed with great force. After a few seconds, like an extreme explosion, a bright black light penetrated the entire hall! It made the castle tremble slightly.

Unique power!

At the pinnacle of the Third Middle Realm, even just one item is destined to change the color of the sky.

After a few more seconds, Andrina felt the storm in front of her disappear, and then she opened her eyes.

"This is..." A thick book appeared in front of it.

About one finger thick, the cover is extremely ancient, yet extremely sophisticated. Facing it, it feels like facing the eternal starry sky.

It was pure black, with words it didn't recognize written on it. These words were like symbols, and streaks of pure white spiritual energy emerged from the symbols, clearly distinguishable from the surrounding demonic energy. But even Kendramo's demonic energy couldn't penetrate him at all.

However, this one-foot-square book was cut in half, and the lower half was missing.

"No doubt." A wine glass appeared in Kendramo's hand at some point, shaking it gently and pacing slowly: "This is a unique thing, and it was given to me by your father himself a long time ago. "

"It said: This book contains what I want, whether it's magic or power. So, I didn't deceive you, the great alchemist."

Andrina keenly caught something: "You... haven't seen it?"

"It's not that I haven't seen it..." Kendramo laughed: "It's that I can't open it at all!"

"These words are the key to opening this book, but I can't do it. Even your father doesn't know these words. In order to unlock its secrets, I collected at least hundreds of thousands of words from intelligent races, and none of them are similar to it."

It took a deep look at the book: "It's like a heavenly book, falling from the sky. I have obtained it for six thousand years and have never opened a page."

Andrina's eyes flashed, and she bowed slightly, and the book was received in her storage ring.

No deception, right?

As agreed, I brought it, you and I both fulfilled the contract, and no one deceived anyone.

"It's a good thing, but it doesn't cost anything. This book is of no use to me. And I can't risk everything on it for the rest of my life. It's the best choice to use a piece of trash to win over a great alchemist." Kendramo laughed louder and louder: "As long as he doesn't die at the hands of the killers of the Eastern genealogy. A thousand years later, the Ferrers family will have another brave general."

"Dead?" Andrina gritted her teeth lightly: "All his news should be blocked, right?"

"Hehe..." Kendramo sat down with a sneer: "Block... How can it be completely blocked? As long as there is a little wind, the demon killers of the Eastern genealogy will rush over like dogs smelling blood. Did you really not expect how dangerous his situation is?"

"Your big steward Black Eyes is not reliable at all. He has wolfish ambitions. There are many kinds of demons. It looks loyal, but it is not Ferrers. The direct line of Si, does not have the natural ability to suppress instincts like us, but just uses a clumsy performance to deceive your trust. What is it for? "

Andrina thought for a while and took a breath: "Yiya Contract?"

"Yes... the most direct promotion card for the waste demon to the great demon level, now you give it to this human, its long-suppressed nature will soon erupt. "

"Besides, do you know how many messengers from big families are heading to the black street now? They are fine, they will consider your identity as a princess, but don't forget that your dear brothers and sisters are also heading here. "

"What will they do? Once they find that they can't win over, the other party is not a demon, and they don't know that they have signed a Ya Contract with you... The only and best choice is that everyone should stop playing. Just pretend that this great alchemist has never appeared. "

Swish! Andrina stood up suddenly. After the deputy speaker's reminder, it suddenly realized that while it succeeded, Xu Yangyi's situation was extremely dangerous!

The character of the demon is to destroy what it can't get. Other families will be afraid, but its brothers and sisters will never!

There will be other councillors going there...

This thought filled its heart like ice. With Yi's character, none of the councillors in the past could survive! Unless they were high-ranking councillors, there were too few other councillors who could suppress him! And too many councillors died... I'm afraid even Kendramo couldn't suppress him!

"Niece, take your leave..." The sense of crisis filled its brain like a needle. It immediately said this and ran out with its skirt lifted. But just after leaving, Kendramo's cold voice came: "What are you going to do?"

"I..." Andrina turned back palely. After these two days of life, it never wanted to go back to the old days! And all this must be done to protect its great alchemist!

"Stupid." Kendramo snorted coldly: "If you go there now, the show hasn't even started yet. What's the point of your appearance?"

"Remember, we are deceiving demons, the lineage of all demons that knows how to use wisdom the most, completely different from the other 17 demon royal families! We know how to suppress our instincts since we were born."

"If you go there now, that person will not be grateful, never!"

"Do you understand? You have to appear when he is in the most danger! Appear as a savior! Only then can he be grateful! Really change his mind!"

The scolding echoed in the hall, and the panicked Andrina's face finally calmed down. Take a deep breath: "He has a second condition."

Let it go so quickly?

Kendramo's eyes moved slightly, it seems... this niece who got lucky is not so useless...

At its signal, Andrina whispered: "He... wants to return to his own plane, so... wants to borrow the portal of Tiragangdis."

Swish! Before she finished speaking, Kendramo's arrow-like eyes had nailed it on her body.

"Are you sure... he really doesn't know the meaning of the portal in Tiragangdis?" Its voice was already a little grim.

"I know this request may be too much..." Andrina gritted her teeth: "But... this is indeed his first time in hell, and there is no trace of hell on his body, except..."

It paused, and said in a very low voice: "He really wants to erase... the mark of Mammon..."

Before the voice fell, there was a loud bang, and the whole space was violently shaken. Kendramo's roar sounded like thunder: "Andrina, what on earth did you invite back?!"

"Why does he have the mark of gods and demons on him!?"

(End of this chapter)8)

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