
Chapter 1157: Conditions (III)

The sudden burst of demonic energy pushed Andrina back dozens of meters. She was covered in cold sweat and did not dare to say a word.

"Do you know what the word mammon means?" Kendramo gritted his teeth and walked over step by step: "It's because they have disappeared for who knows how long. The last battle between the digital demon gods is not sure whether it is true or false. But there is no denying that they existed.”

It walked to the edge, waved, opened all the windows, and gritted its teeth and said: "Look, take a closer look at Tiragandis outside."

"It is so majestic, so mysterious that it can even distort its appearance. It is hidden in the void without any demonic energy fluctuations. How many planes have we invaded? As far as I know, there are no less than dozens of upper realm alliances that resist demons, but , none of them have ever found Tiragandes.”

"And these are all the world built by the Demon God, and there are countless clones of the Demon God, and countless fanatic followers of the Demon God. Anything related to the Demon God, I dare not touch based on my status. And you, you actually signed a contract with the other party. "Contract of Yaya"

It looked deeply at Andrina: "You brought back a huge trouble, damn it."

Andrina pursed her lips tightly. It didn't know this, but it knew better that without this person, it would never be able to struggle out of the quagmire.

"Then what if I expel him now?" it tried to ask, even though it was extremely unwilling.

"It's too late, idiot," Kendramo said angrily: "I don't know if this news has spread or not. The Demon God's mark is what the Demon God's clone must capture. The moment he came to Tiragandis, the other party sensed By now, I’m afraid we have already thought that our Ferrers family is shielding this person and it doesn’t matter whether we make friends with him or not.”


Kendramo planned the other party's conversation irritably, walked to the window, and said deeply: "Actually, the demon gods have not appeared for so long, so I don't have much need to worry about them. You are right. Who knows they will still be there?" Doesn’t exist.”

"However, as long as it exists, this will be a huge trouble that even the Ferrers family cannot afford."

"But" it turned around, its mentality suddenly calmed down completely: "Any trouble can not be solved without a price."

"There are so many clones of the demon god. If the seven monarchs really still exist, their eyes will never fall on one saint. Therefore, it depends on whether his value is worth it."

It smiled deeply: "The price is very high, it depends on whether he can afford it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a page of parchment flew out of the void and fell into Andrina's hands. Kendramo spoke word by word: "You, remember, when you go back, tell him the test he should accept, to erase Mammon. Mark, there is only one way to make all demons speechless, and that is the pinnacle of the Eighteen Hells, the devil's furnace among the original ones."

"It is known as the artifact of the universe. It gives birth to everything and destroys everything. Only it can eliminate the mark of the devil."

"And to gain the qualification to enter the peak of the original world, there is always only one way. You know this way and tell him word for word."

It looked at the parchment in the opponent's hand and said calmly: "Finally, if he can refine this elixir, I will approve his qualifications."

"Otherwise, I won't mind handing him over to the Demon God Association after a hundred years. Remember, there are only a hundred years, and I will only wait for a hundred years."

Andrina looked at the parchment and her eyes flashed.

The elixir that surpasses the great alchemist

Satan's Mercy is the level of the Great Alchemist, but it is completely different from this one. The materials on this one are at least twice as many as its own, and it also uses some completely incomprehensible symbols and densely marked lines. Just by looking at it, I felt dizzy and almost fell into this ocean of numbers.

And the effect

Live eight hundred

Extend life by eight hundred years

"I know that any life-extending elixir can only be taken once. This is the elixir that I specially collected from Demon King Taixu. To refine it, you must surpass the great alchemist." Kendra Mo said again like a greedy mouth Opening the bottomless abyss, he said with a sneer: "Only by surpassing the Great Alchemist can I take this risk for him and give him the right to enter."

Andrina carefully put away the parchment and asked softly: "Will he believe it?"

"Does he have any room for disbelief?" Kendra Mo said lightly: "This is the opportunity given to him by the devil."

Andrina didn't dare to say anything more, bowed deeply, and then left.

No matter what, it will take nearly a month to get to Black Street from here. It must send a letter to Xu Yangyi, at least telling him that it has won a great victory here. There should be no need to be reminded of what you will face.

Kendramo sat back on the throne quietly, picked up a bone wine glass, and shook it gently, as if thinking about something.

"Master." After a long time, a figure appeared in the void, and his whole body was also enveloped in demonic energy. He said respectfully: "Why do you give such advice to a child who has no qualifications?"

"Devils are taboo in hell. You should not bear this responsibility."

Kendramo sneered and said without looking back: "The great alchemist signed a contract with Andrina. Andrina took his heart. I control Andrina. Cause and effect." Wouldn’t it be great if Andrina did it?”

For demons, feelings are really not as clear as interests.

"Then will you really allow him to enter the original space?" the voice hesitated: "That is the important place of the demon clan. He is just a humble human being."

"If he can really fulfill my request, what does it matter if I give him this right?" Kendramo replied coldly: "Even if he returns to his original plane, will the transaction stop? No, instead, let us There is nothing wrong with taking a risk and erasing the Mark of Mammon."

"And" its eyes became cold: "If you want to enter the primeval space, welcome the great eruption of cosmic artifacts that occurs once every tens of thousands of years, and witness the birth and destruction of demons, you must come out of the Abyss Arena. At that time, all the genealogies of the East and the West will Demons gathered together, he is very strong, but I don’t think he can kill seven in and seven out in the Abyss Arena now.”

"That's where the essence of all the holy demons lies. The truly powerful demon gathering place in the entire hell. Once it opens tens of thousands of years ago, the four ferocious beasts from the east, the pure-blooded demons from the west, the original demons, and the plane demons will come from all directions. They When the planes they fought return to here, the river of fire will baptize them for just one weak human being."

"It can never be done"

Xu Yangyi had no idea what happened during the deception. Not even aware of their situation.

He lived a very leisurely life. Of course, his spiritual consciousness was sweeping the entire black street all the time. If there was any disturbance or a change that he could not control, it would mean that Andrina had failed, and he had to leave.

A servant demon respectfully brought up the grilled blood-red unknown meat steak, and received a look of disgust from Xu Yangyi. He really couldn't accept the taste of the demon.

"Where's the black eye?" He asked just as the servant demon was about to leave.

"I don't know." The servant demon replied in a low voice: "We have no right to ask where the housekeeper is going."

"Old slave is here." Just as he finished speaking, Black Eyes walked in with a face full of joy, glanced at it, and the servant demon immediately retreated.

"Congratulations, sir." As soon as it knelt down, it said with great excitement: "Between deceiving and deceiving the palace of evil, your elixir shines and becomes the focus of the entire birthday. Now, countless representatives of demon nobles have been going to the underworld for thousands of years." The old slave almost thought that it would never be time to reach the glory of the past again."

"Stop your poor acting skills, black eyes." Xu Yangyi glanced at it, looked at the same scenery outside the window, and said calmly: "What about my business?"

"The princess said that your work has been completed, but"

Black Eyes paused, seeing that Xu Yangyi had no reaction to its desperate attempts, he sighed and became more respectful: "But I'm afraid there is a slight discrepancy."

Before he finished speaking, a turbulent evil aura swept through its body like a wave. It was obviously a demon, but now it seemed to see death. In this evil aura, it would not have any bones left.

Princess, why don't you hand over the Ya contract to him and not to me, who has been following you for so long?

The fear in his eyes was accompanied by an unspeakable tremor. Suddenly, the evil aura disappeared abruptly, as if it had never appeared before. Xu Yangyi said calmly: "It's best to give me a convincing explanation."

"Yes." His heart was beating fast. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with dark eyes and said softly: "Deputy Speaker Kendramo agreed, but you need to create another work. The drawings have been sent to the old slave. Now I will take you to find the raw materials.”

Xu Yangyi smiled very happily.

"Black Eyes." He hooked his fingers, but Black Eyes didn't dare to come over at all. He didn't force it, he just looked at the other person with a smile and said slowly: "Do you know that I am a weapon refining, elixir refining, or a great alchemist of talismans? Warlock"

"I don't know." Black Eyes had an extremely bad feeling in his heart and walked back quietly.

Xu Yangyi still smiled, but this smile fell in his eyes, colder than ice: "Then why did you just say that my elixir is so brilliant?"

"You still can't hold it back. Both Andrina and I know that before it comes back, I won't walk out of here at all. Where do you want to take me?"

The voice was very soft, but the hairs on Black Eye's body immediately stood up. After screaming, he turned into black light and rushed out like crazy.

That's too late

It's too late to know

If you don't kill him now, when Andrina comes back, Yi Ya Contract will never get it back. It must be done this way.

Xu Yangyi looked at the flying figure of Black Eyes coldly. He slightly bent his fingers and flicked. Then, the surrounding void shook with an invisible force and rushed towards Black Eyes. Search Baidu for "The Strongest Monster" Read the latest chapters for free as soon as possible.

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