
Chapter 1158: The Gluttonous Demon King

The power of Yang Sheng, every move of his hands and feet is magical.

However, at this moment, all his spiritual power disappeared.

Sha... He stood up gently and looked at the room solemnly.

One, two, three... Three Yang Shengs, all in the early stage.

Someone actually dared to break into the castle of the daughter of the 18th original family of the Fellers family!

"Zi... It's really the master..." A hoarse voice came from behind him. He swept his consciousness lightly and his eyes flickered slightly.

Three demons... demons he had never seen before, completely different from the demons he had seen!

All three were female demons. They were wearing ancient Chinese clothes, red, green, and black. Their limbs were twisted, and they crawled in three places in the room like spiders. Their faces could not be seen clearly. On the exposed skin, the demon pattern was like a living centipede, twisting desperately.

The skin was dark black, the nails were bright red, and the dislocated limbs were firmly nailed around. I don't know when, they actually appeared in the hall.

The genealogy of the Eastern demons!

The familiar clothes did not make Xu Yangyi feel a bit familiar. Instead, he felt solemn for the first time. He did not expect that Black Eyes would contact the Eastern Demon Genealogy for a Yiya contract!

He had already heard a little about the methods of the Eastern Demon Genealogy's masters who had drifted to the West.


No mercy!

Three demons and one person, no one moved first. The atmosphere here was stagnant. He did not know what was in these three demons, but a very uncomfortable feeling, as if thousands of eyes were looking at him, passed from Xu Yangyi's body to his body.

"I have no interest in peeping." He said slowly: "I don't want to be an enemy of the Eastern Genealogy."

"I'm just a passer-by and will leave soon. The premise is that you don't come to disturb me."

Without answering, he sighed: "It seems unlikely."

"Remnant soul." "Tunyue." "Zhan Ye."

Finally, there was a response. The black lady demon named Zhan Ye scratched cracks on the wall with twisted hands and said hoarsely: "No one has ever..."

"No one has ever left Tiragangdis." "We can give you a choice." "Return to the banner of Taotie Demon King, one of the four evils, and we promise to leave and send you to Chaos Hell."

It turned out to be Taotie Demon King... The reputation is really not very good... Xu Yangyi rubbed his hands lightly, a little itchy, and said lightly: "What if I say no?"

There was no answer. The next second, three-color figures rushed up like lightning!


Extremely fast!

Obviously, they are three Yangsheng in the early stage, but their speed is faster than Marshall in the middle stage! At the same time, the three people's bodies were extremely distorted. Before they arrived, all their clothes were completely fluttering. There was no beautiful body inside, but countless distorted faces, countless arms, and countless sharp mouths!

Swish... Just as they started, Xu Yangyi had disappeared into the air. The three fierce attacks completely missed. Without any hesitation, the three demons immediately stood back to back, crawling on the ground like spiders, making rustling sounds, and looking around vigilantly.

At the level of the Venerable Saint, the control of spiritual power has been very subtle. It is impossible to have the magical power of the Nascent Soul that can move thousands of meters at will, and the plane does not allow it. Therefore, the three moves just now only caused a crack of tens of meters on the ground. But once it is touched, it will be annihilated from the inside.

"Gugugu..." Tunyue raised his head, and his dark lips quietly opened. One hair after another spread out of his mouth. In an instant, countless black waves of hair danced wildly, forming a black ocean.

Spider web.

However, they immediately found the problem. There was no shadow of Xu Yangyi in the spider web!

"This is impossible." The remnant soul spoke hoarsely, staring at the surroundings vigilantly: "His hidden figure actually disappeared completely?"

Xu Yangyi walked quietly in the void, those hairs passed through his body, but they could not touch the real objects at all, and his eyes were already extremely vigilant.

The three Yangshengs, they did not dare to act in a big way, but these three people were extremely powerful, and they were sent out as assassins, and they were assassinating the master of Dandao, and they were definitely not mediocre.

"I am really hated by people and ghosts..." He sighed, Trinity, then defeat them one by one.

Swish... Soul Hunter spread out, he did not think of escaping, escaping once, there will be the next time, only to kill back and throw the remains of these killers in front of the Eastern Genealogy, so that they can understand what is shock.

As for the revenge of the Taixu Demon King?

If an Eastern Demon King can enter the Tyranny with a big fanfare, then he is really afraid.

Invisible ripples spread in the air. The three killers seemed to feel it and kept changing their positions on the ground uneasily, while the soul hunters were approaching them like venomous snakes.

"Three seconds left." Yu Chang reminded in a deep voice, and then he didn't need to say anything. He moved to the side opposite to Xu Yangyi like lightning, and his figure suddenly flashed, and thousands of sword rains fell.

"Zi!!" Three screams sounded, and at the same time, the three killers' bodies swelled wildly, and then three demonic breaths rushed out of the bone fortress and swept across the sky!

Without holding back, the red flames and rolling demonic breaths crossed the air, leaving ugly traces. The top layer of the bone fortress collapsed. In the endless smoke and roar, the guards below were stunned for a moment, and then rushed up madly!

"The breath of the Eastern genealogy!" A demon's eyes were red, his wings vibrated, and he screamed: "Protect the adults!!"

Hundreds of black shadows rose from the ground, like a rain of arrows, but they could not hit them at all. Three more terrifying magic breaths swept across the sky, and the top of the entire bone castle finally exploded completely. A circle of vast black light swept across the sky, and broken tiles and burning bones fell down like raindrops.

"Someone is invading!!" "It's a big demon! Three big demons!" "Inform the Anthony family immediately! The Princess Castle of the Ferrers Family has been invaded!"

Instantly, Andrina's castle was in chaos. I never thought that someone would dare to invade the Ferrers Family's castle, but now it happened.

Ten thousand meters away from the Black Street, there is a magnificent castle, every brick and stone on it is engraved with runes, and the azure runes linger around, covering this gloomy huge castle with a cloud of clouds and stars.

Just as the magic breath was spitting out crazily, a furious shout came from the castle: "Eastern Genealogy... Dare to provoke the Original Family!!"

"You are looking for death!!"

Boom! ! The entire ground trembled slightly, and then, a huge figure of fifty meters in height rushed out from the thousands-meter-long castle like a meteor. No one could see its face, but only a huge skeleton Tyrannosaurus Rex, rushing towards the Black Street at a high speed.

As it appeared, more than a dozen huge shadows flew into the sky from a very far distance, roaring with anger.

"Zizizizi..." In the Black Street Bone Castle, the three Eastern Yang Saints stopped breathing and looked at each other.

"It's the Archon." "There are seven in total, the highest is half a step into the void, and the lowest is the late stage of the Venerable Saint!" "We are not opponents. If we don't leave in five seconds, we won't be able to leave."

At this moment, Tunyue was stunned, and then looked at his lower body in astonishment.

Just now, it felt a chill in its lower body, and then it was unconscious. A closer look...


Its lower body is empty!

"Zizizizi!!" The screams of the utmost strength pierced the sky, the stone slabs on the ground were all cracked, and countless low-end demons were wiped out in its screams. The remnant soul and Zhan Ye looked over at the same time, and they all gasped.

There was no sign of action!

There was no fluctuation of spiritual energy!

Something... silently cut the swallowing moon in two!

Swish... The space fluctuated slightly, and a golden light band finally spread out. One end was held in Xu Yangyi's hand, and the other end, like a venomous snake, had completely surrounded the three demons!

"What is this?" "A strange magic weapon, without spiritual energy. But... the places it wiped, completely disappeared."

"You found it very quickly..." Xu Yangyi's eyes were cold: "Since you dare to come, use your life to tell your master."

Before he finished speaking, the entire long river of light spread rapidly, and the soul hunter was wrapped in the devouring talisman, and the places it passed were completely turned into the void. The giant snake strangled, and the area of ​​100 meters in an instant became a hell of nothingness. The soul hunter infinitely extended Xu Yangyi's attack range. At this moment... It was like the innate spiritual treasure Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, devouring everything! Everything was swept!

"Roar!!" Zhan Ye roared, and a magic light bullet the size of a human head spewed out of its mouth. When it spewed out, the surrounding void was completely shattered.


Completely disappeared in the huge soul hunter curtain.

"This..." The remnant soul took a breath of cold air. The swallowing python circled around them, not giving them any time at all. Tunyue pushed it away, and countless black talismans rose up on his body. Amidst the thousands of black lights, a dark talisman spewed out of his mouth.


The same scene, the same rhythm, the talisman collapsed instantly when it touched the soul hunter wrapped in the swallowing talisman, and at this moment, the soul hunter's python was less than 20 meters away from them!

The three demons looked at each other, and a hint of determination flashed in their eyes. At the moment when the soul hunter was completely closed, it exploded!

The sky was full of black light rising from the encirclement, and thousands of guards who had just flown up were like leaves in the wind, blown away, and they didn't even have time to scream. Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly, and the soul hunter turned into golden light and dissipated in the air. There was nothing in the place where the three demons were, only a black magic circle.

"Teleportation Talisman..." He fell in mid-air, and stroked the ground in a deep voice: "Eastern genealogy, a talisman, at least a work of the Grandmaster or above."

He frowned, and at the last moment, he felt the space move, but he didn't know why.

"Killers, if they miss a strike, they will flee immediately. It's too difficult to catch them." Yu Chang was the leader, and said in a deep voice: "The way they appeared is too weird. You... have been targeted by the Eastern Genealogy."

"Four evil beasts and four beasts, four saints and four spirits, Taotie is one of the four evil beasts, and is on par with Taowu, Chaos, and Qiongqi. Boy, be careful..."

Xu Yangyi nodded and said in a deep voice: "Did you... feel the space fluctuate just now?"


Xu Yangyi stood up and looked at the original place with regret. If there were magical powers, these three demons would probably find it difficult to leave. What a pity.

At this moment, seven powerful spiritual pressures from all directions came crashing down.

The seven demons, the strongest of whom had already reached the half-step of the Great Void, were all shrouded in a thick demonic aura, their eyes fixed on him like hooks.

"Human?" A demon murmured, "Why are there humans here?"

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