
Chapter 1159: Top Nobles in Deception (I)

Outside Andrina's castle, there were seven demons and one person, all looking at each other.

"Tell me. What happened just now." After a few seconds, a figure finally stepped out slowly and asked in a deep voice.

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. He realized that he was really hated by people and hated by ghosts. It was obvious that he was assassinated, and it was very inconvenient for him to say anything now.

How to say?

Said that the demon of Eastern genealogy assassinated himself? Why?

There is only one reason why Eastern Genealogy would take such a big risk to enter Andrina's castle, and that is the presence of a wandering alchemist.

"When Andrina comes back, I will give you an explanation." He muttered, and after finishing speaking, he walked towards the ruined Bone Fortress.

Just when he turned around, several rays of demonic energy surged down, forming a formidable demonic energy barrier in front of him. Xu Yangyi's eyes grew colder and he turned around slowly: "What does this mean?"

"Nothing else." Another figure stepped out and sneered: "Human beings... are really rare in the hell where all races gather. But I remember that there seem to be many human beings in the plane of the warrior master's lineage."

Sure enough...

"Have you learned the taunting skill?" Yuchang was stunned: "You are the troublemaker in the spiritual world, you can already achieve this achievement, right?"

"You've learned too much." Xu Yangyi shook his head and smiled bitterly, then stopped his smile and raised his eyebrows: "What does it have to do with me?"

"Who knows if it's related..." A big demon said hoarsely: "A human appeared in the castle of the direct descendant of the Ferrers family... The princess happened to be away, there happened to be nothing at the scene, and something happened at the level of a big demon happened. Qi collides, don’t you think it’s a coincidence?”

Xu Yangyi's smile was already cold: "Oh?"

"I'm asking you to answer, not you. Clear your position and speak to us in a polite manner, humble race." Another Archon stepped out, and seven demons surrounded him in a circle. Full of anger, he stared at Xu Yangyi with unabashed ferocious eyes, and said hoarsely: "Your expression disgusts me very much, it reminds me of the so-called arrogance of your weak race. However, this is between tyranny and cruelty. Useless."

"You'd better understand one thing. This is the territory of the Anthony family. The entire tyranny is under the shadow of the Anthony family."

"If you don't want to accidentally evaporate in hell, you'd better tell me clearly, honestly, and plainly what happened. Do you understand? Mortal."

Xu Yangyi smiled peacefully, and the murderous intention in his heart had spread through the cracks in the ban, enough to make the air feel cold.

"Now, I ask and you answer." A consul said calmly: "Your fate depends on your attitude and whether the answer satisfies us. Do you understand?"

With a slight sigh of relief, Xu Yangyi smiled and took out his hand from behind his back, stretching it slowly, his joints crackling due to the suppressed killing intent.

The seven sages... are just seven sages.

In a head-to-head fight, he is no match, but... it is not too difficult to kill one or two of them.

As long as they dare to take action, he can guarantee that no one will be able to go back intact.

As for the covenant with Ejah?

No, he didn't bother to say this. He had no choice but to use force to suppress others. There was no comfort in repaying the enemy face to face.

It never takes ten years for a gentleman to be happy and happy.

"My lord! My lord!!" At this moment, a hoarse voice sounded from the ground, with black eyes and blood all over his body, and he kowtowed desperately: "I know who he is!"

"Oh?" A consul glanced at him. The demonic energy trembled slightly and softened too much: "It turns out that he is Princess Andrina's housekeeper. Can you tell me?"

A Yuanying, a sage. The Yuanying who treats demons is extremely gentle, but the Yangsheng who treats a human being has no face at all.

This is naked racial discrimination.

"He..." There was an extremely malicious light in the black eye. It was all him... all this person! He had spent thousands of years assisting Andrina, without credit or hard work, yet he actually gave Yi Ya as a contract to this person! This human being! Such a weak race!

This thought was entrenched in his heart like a poisonous snake. When Andrina was there, it did not dare to explode. But after Andrina left and heard the sensation of deceiving the evil palace elixir, it finally couldn't sit still.

kill him……

Kill this humble race! At that time, the contract of Ejah will be an ownerless thing! Andrina's return is a done deal! There is still hope for it!

"He... once blocked our demon army in the wolf chief's plane!" It gritted its teeth, eyes filled with hatred, looked at the ground, dug its hands into the earth, and hissed: "Let us Unable to enter that plane, Lady Andrina had no choice but to invite him back. As for what happened just now, I have no idea. I dare to swear that I never saw any big demon entering here just now!"

"I also don't know why other demons appear in Lady Andrina's castle!"

Swipe, swipe, swipe... Seven gazes burned on Xu Yangyi like flames. Xu Yangyi looked up to the sky and smiled. Then, countless spiritual lights gathered into a giant hand and smacked the black eyes on the head!

"You alone dare to talk about the rights and wrongs of a saint?"

"Bold!! Inferior race! This is the tyranny of the Anthony family! You, a mere human race, dare to challenge the noble devil?! Even if it is just Nascent Soul, it is far superior to you, the noble saint of a humble race! In front of us Who gave you the courage to kill a hellish demon? "

Boom boom boom! Seven demonic energies surged in an instant, with a thunderous roar, rushing towards the giant hand of spiritual light like a sea tide. It just flashed lightly, and the giant hand of spiritual light was annihilated in an instant.

After all, there were seven saints, and Xu Yangyi, who was in the state of meridian initialization, was not their opponent.

The demonic energy penetrated the air, and the guards of the Andrina family around were stunned. What was going on? Why did they start in the territory of the Ferrers family? There were unspoken rules between demons. As the same original family, this situation would never happen!

The surrounding blue-black spiritual energy and black demonic energy rolled, and the black eye was completely wrapped in it, as if it was in the center of the universe, in chaos, and its body was shaking with excitement.


Go to hell! Only if you die, can I get that direct promotion card! Only then can I ascend to heaven in one step and step into the main vein of the Ferrers family!

So... for me, you humble human! The great alchemist who got lucky, just lie here with peace of mind... Seven archons, you are definitely not their opponent! The three killers of the Taotie Demon King recruited you for the first time. If you don't accept it, you will never have another chance!

"Are you looking back on the past and looking forward to the future?" At this moment, a calm voice appeared behind it. The black eyes immersed in his dreams trembled all over, and then, the head turned around like a machine, kakaka, and looked behind him in disbelief.


But the voice that frightened him came from behind!

It subconsciously looked around, rolling demonic energy, mixed with seven hazy figures, and the other party's majestic consciousness covered the surroundings like a giant net. It couldn't figure out... How did this person come behind it! The seven saints didn't find it?

Devouring itself, even the space god couldn't find it, let alone others.

It wanted to shout for help, but its neck seemed to be tightly pinched by an invisible giant hand. Its dry lips opened several times, and its eyes were full of bloodshot, but it couldn't shout a word.

It wanted to cry for mercy, but the spiritual energy behind it was like the wings of a war god, completely enveloping it. At the moment of life and death, it suddenly felt how ridiculous it was to plot against a saint.

Or, how ridiculous it was to plot against this person.

"Mercy..." It knelt down tremblingly, and spoke incoherently. Its body aged rapidly due to excessive fear, and its muscles began to relax, but before it could finish a word, its head had already sank slightly, and something pressed on its crown.

It was sweating profusely, and the majestic spiritual energy was like a touch from the gods. It trembled like a sieve, and dared not say a word.

It was a hand.

A human hand.

"Boom!!" The next second, infinite spiritual energy rushed into its bones, and with a heart-wrenching scream, thousands of spiritual lights poured out from all the pores of its body, instantly becoming a pillar of light that shot up into the sky, carrying its miserable howl, echoing over the entire bone fortress.

The magnificent aura instantly dispelled all the evil spirits. Layers of evil spirits surrounded them like waves. The seven archons were stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned around and looked at everything below in astonishment.

There, Xu Yangyi's figure indifferently grabbed Heiyan's body, and his aura was like a flame, burning Heiyan into ashes.

How did he do it?

Everyone's eyes paused. Under the blockade of the seven archons' consciousness, the other party could actually do this! He passed through their blockade like a ghost and killed Heiyan in front of them!

"Ant..." An archon looked at him blankly, and then roared angrily: "You ant!!"

Don't give face to the seven big demons!

Just now, I said that the humble human race, even the saints, can't compare to the demons of the Nascent Soul. The next second, the other party slapped them in the face. Black Eye's life or death is irrelevant. What matters is their face. The seven archons faced a human saint, and they couldn't save a single demon. They watched the other party kill Black Eye.

"You... won't die happily!!" Another archon's body also collided rapidly, roaring: "Provoke in the tyrannical hell, you will be subjected to the most terrible torture of the Anthony family!"

"Your soul will be torn into pieces! Your body will be crushed into powder! Your bones will be thrown into the river of fire forever, burning for ten thousand years! Your head will be hung on my palace to warn those aliens who dare to challenge the authority of the devil! Accept your fate, tiny alien! Here, the devil is the king! You can only crawl forward! Bow down and be subservient!"

The sky shook, and the seven archons attacked in anger. The power can be imagined. Seven claws condensed with demonic energy covered the sky and the sun, and grabbed towards Xu Yangyi frantically.

But at this moment

Swish... a silver-grey flame spread above Xu Yangyi's head, forming a huge family emblem that completely enveloped Xu Yangyi.

"You are looking for death!!!" An extremely angry voice came from far away, and then... a crack appeared on the horizon, and a row of more than a dozen demons, dressed much more luxuriously than the Archon, rushed over from the horizon with endless rage.

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