
Chapter 1160: Top Nobles in Deception (Part 2)

/p\u003e        Holy Saint!

Or a great demon of the Holy Saint level! Three in total!

Realm, initial stage, middle stage, not as good as the Archon. However, all the Archons took a breath.

As a demon, the names of the top nobles must be clear, this is their survival rule.

At this moment, right in front of them, above Xu Yangyi's head, the silver-gray flame slowly burned, forming an angry giant bear.

Too familiar...

All seven Archons stared at this emblem in a daze, this emblem was too familiar.

The Fellers family, the Prince of the Grizzlies!

"This!!" An Archon retracted his hand as if pricked by a needle, and looked at the horizon in shock. Not only it, but the other six Archons did the same.


Why is this?

The Prince of the Fellers family came forward to protect a human?

A small, weak, humble human race?

Boom boom boom... The crack in the sky slowly opened, becoming a black line. Three purebred hellfire war horses, wearing extremely complicated battle armor, ten meters tall, appeared in the sky.

The war horses were nothing special, but they were pulling a car behind them, an ordinary carriage. In front, a headless demon wrapped in a black robe was holding a bone lantern and sitting on the shaft of the car.

"This is..." A consul took a look and trembled all over. He exclaimed in surprise: "This, this is the welcoming car of the Grizzly Prince!! It will only be dispatched if the prince nods in person! How could it be, how could it appear here?!"


These two words are too heavy for them, not to mention the Anthony family, this is the top noble of the Deception Demon! The lord who dominates the deception! Even if the prince of the Anthony family is here today, he must be welcomed with great courtesy!

Any prince must be at least in the Taixu period!

Not to mention the terrifying forces under their command, thousands of saints, millions of Yuan infants, various extremely rich planes, minerals... It is no exaggeration to say that for a consul, as long as the prince is willing, the Anthony family must hand them over.

Boom, boom, boom! The Hellfire Warhorse is extremely fast. In less than ten seconds, it has rushed to the range of the black street like lightning. Before the seven consuls can speak, a black light, carrying rolling magic energy, flew out of the carriage. Shining over the entire sky.

Grizzly Clan Emblem!

The roaring grizzly bear, which is a hundred meters long, made the seven consuls change their faces. What happened? Why did the prince even use the clan emblem? If it is not an important person, the clan emblem will never be used. What kind of important person is worthy of the grizzly prince crossing several hells to come to the tyranny? And personally use the clan emblem?

No one dared to move, but as people who have cultivated to the level of saints, they all had a bad premonition in their hearts at the same time.

The carriage stopped steadily in front of the ruined castle, the door opened silently, and a thin old demon slowly walked down. The seven archons took a breath together, because... they knew this person.

The third steward of the Grizzly Family, Masus, late Saint.

"Third steward..." The seven archons had no idea what was going on, and could only greet him instinctively, but Masus didn't even look at them, and rushed past them like the wind, accompanied by an angry "Get out of the way!"

What... happened?

Their doubts were immediately answered, and they turned from confusion to shock, and from shock to horror, looking at everything in front of them in disbelief.

"Respected Mr. Yi. Ferrers." Masus's face was not cold at all at this moment, but in just a few seconds, facing the sea, spring flowers blooming, he held Xu Yangyi's hand affectionately: "I'm late, I'm late, I'm really sorry to have frightened you like this."

Shock, fright? !

The archons were stunned, what is fright? A weak human actually killed a distinguished demon witness in front of seven archons! They were the ones who were frightened!

"Daoyou?" Xu Yangyi smiled and shook his hand. He guessed about 70% in his heart, but still asked cautiously.

Yuchang curled his lips. Bitch is just hypocritical.

"It's our first meeting, but I think we will meet many times in the future. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Masus, the third steward of the Prince of Grizzlies. I came to the black street specially. The prince said that this thing must be handed over to you in person."

Before the voice fell, in the pale faces of the archons, a demonic energy rolled, and an invitation card with the demonic language "Muro Ferrers" was written on it, engraved with exquisite magic patterns, and was handed to Xu Yangyi.

"This is impossible!!" An archon finally screamed unbearably, an invitation from the prince! Why why why! ! They have been guarding this area conscientiously and have never received an invitation even from the Grand Duke! At most, it is a banquet for the Duke! How can a human get the favor of the prince!

"He just killed an important and honorable demon witness! Mr. Masus, are you mistaken!!"

Masus's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the demonic energy surged all over his body. There was no trace of old age. The red body was covered with demonic patterns. He said coldly: "Gentlemen, are you questioning a prince's representative?"

All the archons felt cold in their hearts and shook their heads instinctively.

"What happened just now?" Masus seemed to ask, but before they answered, he said lightly: "The prince didn't see it."

What? !

The archons looked at each other, and they finally realized that they... might have offended a great person.

The prince didn't see it.

It’s not that it didn’t see it!

This is the prince himself speaking. No matter what happened, it couldn’t see it. It only wanted this person!

“Ah… Are you afraid? You came here without knowing anything? It doesn’t matter. You can’t get to this level yet. I can forgive you on behalf of the prince.” Masus said quietly: “But I’m afraid they won’t be so easy to talk to. After all, it’s very rare to find a royal family as tolerant as the grizzly prince…”


These two words made the archons stunned for a moment, and then, as if they remembered something, they turned their heads mechanically and saw a scene that made them despair.

At the end of the sky, the crack that had just closed opened again, and this time… not one, but thirty!

One after another, thick demonic energy rose into the air, desolate, ancient, with the long meaning of time, all of which showed their long history. What made the archons even more chilling was that in the center of these demonic energies, a clan emblem rose.

That was a clan emblem they had never thought of, with human-shaped skeletons, fire bats, and rotten elks... Every time they looked at it, their bodies would tremble a little more, because... these clan emblems all represent the top nobles in the Deception Zone!

Open the map of Tiragangdis, and swipe your finger to the Deception Zone, you can see these terrifying families with unknown long histories, surrounding the roaring ram Ferrers, and encroaching on the entire Deception Zone that spanned several light years!


The minds of the archons were blank at this moment. They were not stupid. They immediately realized that everyone was coming for this human!

How could this be... Almost all the top nobles in the Deception Zone were dispatched! They all sent representatives to come to this tyrannical zone that was unknown how far away, just for a human?

"Boom boom..." The majestic demonic energy crossed the sky, and Xu Yangyi stood with his hands behind his back. The demonic energy in front of him was as vast as the sea. Dozens of carriages that were extremely luxurious were pulled by hundreds of pure-blooded monsters and slowly stepped out of the cracks in the void.

The magic power of the top nobles of the Ferrers family immediately filled the sky above the black street. The terrifying blood suppression made countless demons in the black street stick their heads out of the houses, and then they shrank back screaming.

A black wave had formed on the horizon, tens of thousands of meters long. The silver-gray family emblems shone in the sky, not interfering with each other, like a tide moving forward in unison. The Anthony family must have discovered something unusual, but the archons found in despair...

No one came out!

What did they provoke?

Even with Xu Yangyi's taste, completely denying the aesthetics of demons, he had to admit that these dozens of carriages were works of art. Because no matter which one, it was carved out of a whole piece of at least A-grade natural treasure, beautiful and ingenious. The luxurious material has completely obscured the difference in aesthetics.

"Dong..." A archon knelt down with cold sweat on his head, followed by their companions. Before today, they had never thought that the treatment of the same saint would be so different. And now, before the carriage arrives, at least dozens of divine senses have been nailed on them, monitoring them clearly from inside to outside.

It has a strong hostile meaning.

The high-level demonic energy across the sky oppressed them so much that they dared not raise their heads. They didn't kneel to this power, but to the names of these families.

Prince of the Ferres family, Paine, the King of the Thousand Throats... Prince of the Ferres family, Andilfero, the King of the Evil Eye... Grand Duke of the Ferres family, Sanbik, Roaring Grand Duke, Royal Family of the Ferres family, Rosen, Fraudster...

Names that resounded through the Eighteen Hells, the family emblems descended, like the king himself!

Dare not not kneel, must not kneel!

No carriage stopped around them, as if they didn't see it, the Hellfire Warhorse held its head high, passed the seven saints, and came directly in front of Xu Yangyi, and then stopped together.

"What happened?" A female demon opened the car door and walked out. She just glanced around and immediately ran to Xu Yangyi. Her ferocious face actually showed a worried look. She held his hand and asked, "How are you? Are you okay?"

The Archon in front of him trembled, and the second steward of the roaring Grand Duke... Now... Now he actually held a human's hand and asked about everything!

It's obvious that if I asked him "how is he", there will definitely be no good end!

Exile to the frontier of the galaxy may be my best choice...

But... it's still that question, the question that puzzled them.

Why is it like this!

(End of this chapter)

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