
Chapter 1161: Top Nobles in Deception (Part 3)

"Dear Yi Ferrers, I sincerely wish you to join the Ferrers family. I congratulate you on behalf of the fraudster Prince Rosen." Before the second steward of the Roaring Grand Duke finished speaking, another carriage opened and a man with a full head The demon with white hair, black body, and red eyes slowly walked out and bowed in a very anthropomorphic manner. There was actually a trace of a smile on his extremely ugly face, and it was so harmonious that he could stop crying.

"It's too late... It's really damning. I never thought that a person like you... a devil... sir, would actually live in the dark streets. As long as you open your mouth, as the 'Remnant of the Holy Flame' Grand Duke Susas, Third successor, I think it will be no problem for the Holy Flame Palace to arrange a palace of ten thousand meters for you." As soon as he finished speaking, another demon with black skin and barbs came out laughing.

"Whether we need the Flower of Hell in Star Region No. 7 or the Moonlight Tree in the Elf King's Court, I think as long as you ask and are willing to mention it, we are willing to do it."

"Hello, on behalf of Mr. Andilfilo, the King of the Evil Eye, I sincerely invite you to go to the Evil Eye Abyss and his party. Look, our vehicles are ready. These are the top ten vehicles in the entire Evil Eye Abyss. They have always been Only adults' children are available..." Another dark demon walked out slowly, bowed very gentlemanly, held a blood-red invitation in both hands, and placed it respectfully in front of him.

Crash, clatter... Venus was popping up in front of my eyes.

This is what the Seven Archons felt like.

Not true... This is absolutely not true! They heard wrong... They must have not woken up from cultivation!

These conditions are just to win over a human being. The grand duke or prince personally issued the invitation. So many people came at one time. No matter who their identity was, they were enough for them to treat them seriously. Although they were both respected saints, seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister, and demons Maybe you don't understand this sentence, but you can feel the strong confidence in the other person's words.

No demon glanced at them.

The seven consuls, the big demons who usually control the situation in their own areas, turned a blind eye at this moment. A mere local official dares to get close to the prince's rank? Hahaha... I want you to know right away that the family is very strict! Even the Anthony family can't save you!

At this moment, their tails have been clamped, the devil wings are clinging to their bodies, and their faces are pale. My mind was racing, what should I could I express my position to completely eliminate their anger?

The devil's invitation was extremely straightforward, and one invitation after another was immediately handed to Xu Yangyi. Everyone calmed down and looked at him.

Xu Yangyi slightly arched his hands and said with a wry smile: "However, the current governor of the Anthony family thinks that I am suspicious and cannot leave the violent hell."

Dead silence.

The seven consuls felt sensitively that the cannibalistic gazes were fixed on them.

"What?" A female devil's housekeeper smelled the fragrance and knew the elegance. As if she had just discovered the seven consuls kneeling behind, she said in astonishment: "This is... the consul of the Anthony family? Why are they here? Breaking into the princess Territory? Are you looking for death?”

"Don't you know that Princess Andrina is the most favored niece of His Excellency the Deputy Speaker?" The butler of the King of Evil Eyes came out gloomily, his words filled with chills: "And it also disturbed another Ferrers family. Direct descendants, seems you are really not afraid of death."

niece? Most favored? !

The faces of the seven consuls ranged from pale, to livid, to extremely wonderful.

What is this and what?

Isn't she a princess in distress who was exiled to a tyrannical place, her entire family died, and she was so poor that she could only stay in the dark streets?

When did you become the niece of His Excellency the Deputy Speaker? ! Why have I never heard of it?

These thoughts were fleeting because another thought occupied their brains: they were in big trouble, big trouble.

Before they could finish thinking, the damn human voice sounded again: "What a pity, they think I am hostile to the princess, maybe... they also murdered the big devil or something?"


Suddenly, a burst of laughter rang out from all directions, as if a loud slap was slapped on the faces of the seven consuls.

"You? Murder? With all due respect... this is really the biggest joke of this era." "You have such a distinguished status, we must treat it with caution. Would you murder a great devil?" "This is such a low-status thing. "How could you do it?" "Hostile? Hehe... he is indeed the devil of the Anthony family... he never speaks through his brain."

It's wonderful, the faces of the consuls are as red as dripping blood, there is nothing better than confusing right and wrong and making irresponsible remarks!

I can't remain silent any longer. If I don't speak now, I will really die!

"That's not the case..." A previously arrogant demon trembled under great pressure: "Dear princes and envoys of the Grand Duke, please listen to my explanation..."

"Shut up!" The third prince of the Holy Flame King Susas slowly walked out and looked at the consuls with cold eyes: "I really thought that Princess Andrina was living in seclusion here, and no one from the Ferrers family would give her any help. Is it backed up? How dare you destroy the princess's castle and provoke the noble great... direct line demon, you... must be mentally prepared to pay the price. "

"Want to explain? Yes, please explain to the tribunal."

The three words "Inquisition" finally stimulated the fragile nerves of the Archon. Every family has an Inquisition, and all the people who stay there are monsters more perverted than demons! No one who enters it can come out alive!

How could this happen...for the sake of one human being, they would not hesitate to throw seven archons into the Inquisition? Do they really ignore the Anthony family?

"Gentlemen!!" The pressure like a mountain finally made them collapse. A demon turned around, crawled on the ground, and said hoarsely: "We, we just have a little misunderstanding! Really... we swear..."

"We have no hostility towards Mr. Yi Ferrers! We... we just heard the explosion here and felt the taste of the Eastern Demon Genealogy, so we rushed over to protect safety... That's right! To protect the princess's safety!"

Boom! ! Before the voice fell, a giant hand of spiritual light had pressed on their heads. The eyes of the seven archons turned blood red in an instant. A human... a mortal! A humble and weak race, actually pressed them down with a palm so that they couldn't raise their heads!

They didn't dare to raise their heads!

At the moment when Xu Yangyi took action, they felt dozens of murderous eyes around them. If they dared to break free, they would be killed!

The huge spiritual palm pressed down their proud heads inch by inch. Their eyes were almost popping out, full of bloodshot, and their teeth were almost bitten off.

Damn it... Damn it, damn it!!

"When you were so high up just now, why didn't you think of turning your hand to make the clouds?" Xu Yangyi looked at these pleading eyes indifferently. They dared to say that humans are an inferior race... They dared to put the blame on others right away... If these nobles hadn't come quickly enough, at least one archon would be lying on the scene now.

After being promoted to the rank of Venerable Saint, he had strong self-confidence. He was not afraid of anyone unless Taixu came in person. Marshall was his touchstone. My hands were itching and my knife was ringing. How could you disturb my elegance?

Those who humiliate others will always be humiliated by others. Since I didn't kill you to my heart's content just now, I will let you die without dignity now.

"When you were so self-righteous just now, why didn't you think of turning your hand to make rain?"


With this word, the spiritual palm exerted force, and the heads of the seven demons suddenly stopped in the void, with a muffled sound.

However, they had no shame. The desire to survive had covered up the shame. They admitted their mistakes and were angry. Shouldn't they let themselves go? After all... this is the territory of the Anthony family! Venerable Saint, even in hell, is a very strong fighting force. If it weren't for the grand ceremony this time, even a Grand Duke wouldn't be able to make the seven people kneel.

There was a pleading look in his eyes. With the strength of these top nobles of Ferres, a thousand of them would be buried with Xu Yangyi's words.

There was no suspense.

The butler of the Roaring Grand Duke keenly caught the murderous intent in Xu Yangyi's eyes, and felt grim in his heart. This great alchemist would avenge his flaws and revenge overnight. It's best not to provoke him. However, thinking about the other party's invisible identity, it seems... there is nothing wrong.

"Sir." It quietly transmitted a divine sense: "These seven demons...cannot be killed."

"This is the territory of the Anthony family. I don't remember which prince or grand duke it belongs to, but the status of the saint is definitely not low. This time, there are too many of us and the status is too high, so they have to kneel down. But if we kill seven archons in one breath, the Anthony family will not be happy."

Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Is it that they can't be killed, or it's difficult to kill?"

"If you are willing to help us refine a set of elixirs, my answer is yes, you can do it at any time, including here." The third prince of the Holy Flame Royal Court immediately said in a fiery voice: "The seventh wife of the grand duke, the most beloved spider queen, participated in a plane attack and injured her foundation. She has been bedridden! You are its only hope!"

"Of course, the reward will never disappoint you. At the same time, you will gain the friendship of the prince. The friendship of a core royal family!"

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at it, smiled and stretched out his hand: "Happy cooperation."

The third prince took a breath of cold air, and the blood in his body rushed to the top of his head. This cooperation is just the beginning! It swore that the cooperation with the great alchemist would never end! This is an invisible strategic resource! Unexpectedly, the other party actually agreed! No price was raised!

He shook his hand fiercely, and when he turned his head, his face was extremely cold, looking at the seven archons kneeling on the ground like dead people: "Wait for Ferres's deception judgment in a month, archons."

"No..." Seven trembling voices sounded from the crawling body, with great despair.


That's right, it's powerless. No matter how hard he struggled, it was not as good as this human's words. A light sentence made a prince's son nod his head. This... What kind of power is this!

The status between the saints is different, but... No matter how different, it shouldn't be exaggerated to this extent!

They have lost their strength. When they heard the words "deception judgment", they almost collapsed in the air. The demon wings twitched weakly, and the sound of begging for mercy disappeared.

At this moment, a red demonic energy burned in the sky.

Getting faster and faster, more and more crazy! Like a blazing sea of ​​fire, within a few seconds, a majestic demonic shadow screamed and rushed up to the sky. Then, an indescribable terrifying demonic energy spread from the sea of ​​fire like an overwhelming force, covering the entire sky.


Demon king-level spiritual energy!

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