
Chapter 1162: Prince of Arcane

/p\u003e        Everyone's eyes flashed, and then they half-knelt without hesitation: "Meet the Demon King!!"

There was no answer, but at this moment the sky was like destruction, erupting countless flames. No creature dared to approach here ten thousand meters. The extreme horror atmosphere was beating with the heart of the person.

Xu Yangyi's heart was also beating like a drum, Taixu... the real Taixu! The second time in his life he faced Taixu!

Back in Danxia Palace, Xiaoqing was the first time, but the other party was banned and deliberately suppressed his spiritual power, so he didn't feel anything. Only when he really faced the majesty of Taixu did he feel...

As vast as the sea and as vast as the sky, facing it is like a lone rock in the sea, facing the endless sea, isolated from the world, not touching the sky above and not touching the ground below.

"My name is Antonidas, the Prince of Arcane." A towering figure like a mountain appeared in the air, as if it could be seen, but when you look closely, there was nothing, only the raging fire waves: "You should have heard of this king."

No one spoke, and silence was used to show respect.

However, just because they didn't speak, it didn't mean no one would.

Just as the projection of the Prince of Arcane descended, the seven archons who had already been desperate suddenly burst into a strong vitality in their eyes!

The Prince of the Anthony family has arrived!

The other party represented countless princes and grand dukes, but... their grand dukes did not come in person! And the Prince of Arcane sent down his projection!

Sure enough... Sure enough, the family is on their side!

Swish... Everything around was completely sealed off. Only dozens of people at the scene could hear the voice of the Prince of Arcane. Before he could speak, "Bang Bang Bang!" The seven archons knocked their heads and shouted hoarsely: "My Lord! Your Excellency! We really didn't mean to offend! We didn't know at all..."

However, before they finished speaking, an arcane torrent fell from the sky, instantly turning the screaming archon into arcane dust.

All the voices stopped abruptly, and the remaining six archons stared blankly at the prince of their family.


Why is this?

The next moment, they heard a desperate voice.

"Yi. Ferrus, I never thought that there is a person like you hiding in my territory. Very good... I happen to have an invitation here..."

Stupefied, stunned for a moment.

Just now, they thought they saw the hope of life, but what greeted them was boundless coldness.

Invitation... or invitation!

The arcane prince Antonidas unexpectedly appeared as if by accident, and handed over the invitation as if by accident...

"My lord..." The other archons, whose bodies had turned pale due to excessive fear, crawled on the ground hoarsely: "I have always been your loyal servant..."

"Oh?" The voice of nothingness seemed to glance at them and said indifferently: "I don't need stupid servants."

"Boom boom boom!!" Before the voice fell, five arcane torrents covered the entire sky, without a trace of mercy, without a single scream, and the five archons turned into ashes in an instant. Then, an illusory voice rang in Xu Yangyi's ears: "There is one left, it's called Milofen, it's in charge of this area, all your materials will pass through its hands, so I leave it to you, I believe it will never dare to have the slightest thought of resistance from now on."

It really doesn't dare.

Milofen was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly kowtowed desperately, sometimes to the Prince of Arcane, sometimes to Xu Yangyi, his nerves were already broken by fear.

"Is the Great Alchemist satisfied with this treatment?"

"Your Excellency can handle it impartially, I am really satisfied, but I have a demon servant, it may be my spokesperson in the future, will Milofen..."

"It dares?" The Prince of Arcane said lightly: "It's settled, I have a precious medicinal material, which will be sent to the castle after Andrina comes back, I'm not in a hurry, I can refine it within two hundred years."

As soon as the voice fell, the red demonic energy rolled up Milofen and left quietly.

There was no sound, and after a full five minutes, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

The pressure on Taixu was so great that no one dared to speak.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were calm, but there was a flicker in his eyes. Yu Chang said in a deep voice: "Are you thinking about Taixu?"

He nodded silently: "People's horizons are always elevated with the things they come into contact with. When I was in the Nascent Soul stage, I dreamed of being a saint. When I really reached the level of a saint, I found that this was only the first step in the middle three realms, and there were still dangers at every step. If you provoke someone you shouldn't provoke, you will die like the six archons, and your death is worthless."

"You are too self-deprecating." Yu Chang shook his head: "But it's okay, this is knowing the importance and understanding the truth. In fact, among the saints, your combat power is definitely not much in the heavens and the worlds, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are rare."

"These six saints are not strong in themselves, but they are high in the sky. realm. And... look at the people who came today, they are either princes or grand dukes. They are not kneeling to you, but to the identities of these people. Each demon they represent is a super power that has been entrenched for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years. "

"Remember the pressure that Yan Wangsun put on you?"

"Demons know the horror of power better than humans, and they are absolute believers in power. So, they kneel and beg for mercy, which doesn't look strange. Don't use human ideas on demons. "

"You are very strong, very strong, and with your strength, as long as you surrender, you will get resources that are a hundred times more powerful than them. No Taixu dares to insult you. Believe in my vision. "

Xu Yangyi nodded deeply. He also felt something when he saw the six sages killed by a Taixu in an instant. Now, the knot has been untied.

They are them and I am me.

They are not Xu Yangyi, nor are they himself who came up from the lower world with a Void Spirit Immortal Body and two talismans.

They are not taken seriously because they are demons. But why can I be the guest of every major family when I am also a saint?

Tiger cats have their own differences.

The scene was very quiet. Everyone could see what the great alchemist was thinking, and no one disturbed him. A few seconds later, Xu Yangyi woke up from a dream and nodded: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time."

"Everything will be decided when Andrina comes back. Let me say this first, as long as there is benefit, I will never shirk it."

All the families nodded deeply, they understood Xu Yangyi's position.

Don't take sides, only take sides with interests. If you have interests, make elixirs, and you will never be in trouble with wealth. This was also the result they most wanted to see, and, almost before departure, this was the best result they expected. After all, as long as he dares to take a clear side, he will be greeted by the wrath of other grand dukes and princes.

"Sir, you are very smart. Here, I wish the Holy Flame King Court and your friendship will last forever." After getting the answer they wanted, no one was in the mood to stay any longer. The third prince nodded, and the carriage moved like lightning. Leave.

"Then, goodbye." "That's a very good answer. I can go back and deliver the work. I look forward to meeting you soon between deceptions." "My words are valid at any time. As long as you come, a palace and endless medicinal materials will be available at any time." All prepared for you.”

The building is empty, and the devil's directness is really annoying sometimes.

All the demonic energy was removed, and the departure of the high-level demons caused the suppression of the bloodline to disappear in this space. Those soldiers who had been gathering around for a long time, Andrina's soldiers finally dared to surround her.

Xu Yangyi made a spell, and his soul fluctuated. Immediately, Mousavis, who was far away, received the news.

"Honored Sir." Before refining the elixir, Xu Yangyi sent it to the Wolf Chief's plane to collect resources and survey the terrain that he had not finished surveying. Seeing Xu Yangyi's call at this moment, he immediately prostrated respectfully and said: "What do you have to say to the humble Mousavis?"

"Come to the Black Street." Xu Yang said concisely: "From now on, you will be my spokesperson, and all my news will be released by you. When I leave here, you will continue trading with Andrina on behalf of me. In addition, we are now Transact on behalf of the Ferrers family. You contact the great demon Milofen directly, and the Arcane Prince of the Anthony family has already nodded."

After saying that, he cut off the contact, and Mousavis, who was far away in the Wolf Chief's plane, was stunned for three seconds before screaming excitedly.

I'm coming!

Your chance has finally arrived!

It’s worth waiting so long! The noble person in your life has finally appeared!

Representatives of the Ferrers family...Arcane Prince...Consul Milofen...names that it considers unattainable are all placed in front of it. How can it not be ecstatic?

"I, I will come right away! Distinguished master!"


In the dark street, Xu Yangyi turned his head and looked at the broken bone fortress, feeling a little helpless.

With Andrina's poverty level... it's probably impossible to rebuild the castle. It seems that she still has to shoulder the responsibility of a nanny?

Of course, it was not for Andrina, but he also felt that it was too shabby for a venerable saint and alchemy master to live in a castle where the wind came in and the rain came in.

What's more important is that such a castle is absolutely unable to portray advanced magic circles, Eastern genealogy... These killers in the darkness have discovered themselves, and they will never give up.

At this moment, there was a flash of light in the sky, and a black light shot directly at the broken bone fort, penetrating into the bottom of the bone fort. Then, Andrina appeared on top of the ruins with an excited face.

"'s so nostalgic...where is the...bone castle I'm familiar with?!"

The last three words, it almost screamed out.

Damn Yi! He, what on earth did he do!

How did my only shelter become like this? !

"The assassination of Dongfang Genealogy, the collusion of dark eyes." A faint voice came from not far away, Xu Yangyi walked up from the void and spoke calmly.

Andrina's eyes flashed. According to Deputy Speaker Kendra Mo's speculation, at this point in time, when the other party and he were fighting to the death, it was... already over?

Suppressing the doubts in its heart, it took a deep breath, gritted its teeth and suppressed its excitement: "Congratulate me."

"The elixir successfully attracted the attention of His Excellency the Vice Speaker." It came up and held Xu Yangyi's hand, and you could hear the heavy breathing: "I also got what you asked for, but."

It narrowed its eyes: "I think it's time for you to know the truth."

"Everything you need, the portal, the Mark of Mammon, Deputy Speaker Kendramo asked me to tell you word for word. You will know what kind of choice you face."

"You will come into contact with the core that travelers from other worlds can never come into contact with in hell, lift the veil about the cosmic artifacts, the devil's furnace, and the most bloody and cruel abyss gladiatorial arena. It seems that after hearing what I said, you are still determined to leave , then, I won’t stop you.”

(End of chapter)

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