
Chapter 1163: The Secret of Hell (I)

The two slowly walked into the castle. Although it was dilapidated, the momentum was completely different. The bone castle used to be complete and majestic, but Andrina was just an ugly duckling living in it. But now, although the Bone Fort is damaged and dilapidated. Before Andrina walked, she had unprecedented confidence, and even her steps became brisk.

The master's mental outlook can easily affect other demons. Those escorts who turned around and ran away when they saw the surprise attack were now standing like javelins in the airy castle, and no demon dared to make a loud noise. They both bowed and saluted the two people who were approaching.

Andrina nodded slightly, extremely arrogantly, and all the confidence returned to it, and returned to the hall - Xu Yangyi had made a big hole here, but it turned a deaf ear and took Xu Yangyi's hand and sat down.

"Don't you ask about Black Eyes?" As soon as he sat down, Andrina poured him a glass of wine herself, and Xu Yangyi asked, shaking it gently.

"What's the question?" Andrina seemed surprised: "You said it betrayed, it betrayed. As for the process and the truth, are the process and the truth important? Anyway, it is dead, and its importance is completely different from yours. world."

Xu Yangyi smiled, the devil also has his own cleverness.

Andrina took a deep breath, stood up, held up the hem of her fashionable skirt, and bowed without hesitation.

"Thank you." It closed its eyes silently, and its body trembled slightly: "In so many years... I have tasted the taste of power for the first time in so many years. This taste... makes me want to leave."

It is very clear that everything now is based on this person.

"It's just mutual benefit." Xu Yangyi accepted the gift calmly and said eagerly: "Where are the things?"

He was fed up with living without magical powers.

If so, the three previous Yang Saints would not be able to escape. The magical power is to use language, gestures, and internal and external fluctuations to resonate the amplitude of spiritual power to an extremely high wave band, which is much more powerful than simply using spiritual power. Although there is nothing the soul hunter cannot do now, once the opponent breaks it, he really has no other trump card.

In the demon world, this feeling made him feel insecure.

Andrina pursed her lips and said: "I brought the things naturally, but..."

It looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "I admit that I concealed something before. But...the truth is often cruel, and you really want to know the price you paid for this truth."

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but calmly and firmly raised his chin.

"Okay..." Andrina closed her eyes, thought for a long time, and then slowly said: "All demons come from the Demon Furnace, which was created hundreds of millions or billions of years ago. Every time It will erupt once every tens of thousands of years, and the longest record is hundreds of thousands of years. Except for the Demon Lord, no demon has the ability to reproduce. The Demon Furnace is the only way to increase the number of demons, but now, it is only guaranteed. It’s just a relative balance of birth and death.”

Xu Yangyi nodded thoughtfully. He knew from Mao Baer that the moment the demons erupted, they were all evil demons. After hundreds of years of devouring and killing each other, these evil demons finally opened their minds. What's even more fortunate is that I happen to encounter a call from another plane.

Only then can we embark on the path of a servant demon. Every time the demon furnace spews out, we don’t know how many demons will be spewed out, but in the end, there will definitely not be many who survive.

This is also the reason why demons, although they have a much longer lifespan than other creatures, choose to stop immediately after occupying too many planes - there are no more soldiers to replenish them. If the Demon Lord comes forward, even if the lower plane is swept away, who will manage it? Who will explore the other values ​​of the plane? Just relying on a word from the Demon Lord? Those natives just throw their heads and blood? Is it possible?

Andrina waited for him to finish thinking with a wink. Seeing the other person's eyes light up again, she continued: "Each eruption will absorb the demons that turned into residues and failed to evolve in the previous eruption, and turn them into the next eruption. Raw materials. Do you understand what this means?"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly. He hated this way of speaking, but just as he was about to speak, a bright light suddenly flashed in his mind. He took a breath and looked at Andrina with burning eyes: "Creation?"

"That's right..." Andrina obviously said these things, but also took great risks, and said solemnly: "Creation... every eruption is a process of creation."

"It is impossible for any magic weapon to achieve this balance between birth and destruction. According to the records of all demon kings, among the infinite planes they have been to, only the demon furnace can achieve this step."

"Only birth and no destruction, that is eternity, which violates the laws of the universe. With only destruction and no birth, the entire universe will die alone. This is also the law of the universe. And things that can possess both are called artifacts."

"The Devil's Furnace is an artifact. Even our powerful Tiragandes only discovered this artifact. Before Yahweh disappeared, he built Tiragandes around this cosmic artifact. Tens of thousands of The birth and destruction that happens once a year, you should be able to imagine what a gorgeous event this is.”

Xu Yangyi nodded lightly. It can be imagined that this is a process of racial continuation, which is definitely much grander than the Spring Festival on earth. It is the true common celebration of all heavens and all realms, all planes under the demons, this plane.

Andrina picked up a glass of wine, moved her fangs, and did not talk about this topic again: "Among the demons, the demon king is undoubtedly the most powerful. They have survived for hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years. Witness the The birth of Lagandis, their bloodline is called the strongest bloodline."

"When the Demonic Furnace erupts, all demons have one of the eighteen bloodlines, but they are extremely rare. The advancement of demons depends not only on cultivation, but also on bloodlines. Whoever can awaken more bloodlines can get closer to the status of the Demon Lord. And the Demonic Furnace... as long as anyone stands at the top of the primordial space one hour before it closes, they can remove all impurities from their bodies and return to the purest bloodline state."

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Remove all impurities from the body?"

Andrina raised her glass slightly: "All, including the Mammon mark."

"This is also the only way to remove the Mammon mark so far."

Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "The Demonic Furnace should be the most important treasure of the demon clan. How can we reach the peak of the primordial space."

Andrina sipped her glass. After taking a sip of wine, his voice was extremely solemn: "There is only one way."

"I just said that the Demon Furnace can remove all impurities. You should be able to imagine how powerful this is for demons. For countless years, in order to fight for this right, countless powerful demons have died in mutual battles. The damage they caused is unimaginable. In the end, the eighteen demon kings worked together and set a rule."

It stood up, walked to the huge hole made by Xu Yangyi, squinted and said: "Abyss Arena."

It stretched out its hand and felt the heat in the space: "I have been to the human plane, where the sky is blue, and you probably think that the sky of hell is fiery red? Hell is always gushing with flames, right?"

"Isn't it?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not." Andrina looked at the distant sky that was spewing flames: "This is the precursor to the explosion of the Demon Furnace. The fire elements of millions of light years around are all gathered here. If it weren't for Tiragangdis, other planes would be burned to ashes by these sky fires."

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi stood up in disbelief and looked at the fiery red sky outside: "You mean, igniting the flames of the Demon Furnace will cause Tiragangdis to become a real hell before the eruption - just like now?"

"That's right." Andrina said calmly: "The entire Tiragangdis, the starry sky throne hundreds of light years away, is now because of the Demon Furnace. ignited and turned into a sea of ​​fire. This is just the prelude. After a few decades, when the Demon Furnace has absorbed all the fire, the second change will occur. "

"Aurora, the aurora of fire. Countless red curtains were pulled down from the sky, reflecting the planes where the flames absorbed by the furnace passed through like a mirage, just like a huge curtain was pulled up over Tiragangdis. The eighteen hells and the creatures recorded in trillions will all see it. "

"This is brewing. Finally, when the Demon Furnace devours millions of light years of fire elements..."

Xu Yangyi took over with a twinkling look: "Eruption?"

"That's right." Andrina said as if looking forward to it: "When the time comes, You will see a spectacle you have never imagined, comparable to the creation of the world. The demon furnace will form a sun several light years in size, burning stars, countless demons, black spots, and flies erupting from it. You can see it in any corner of the Eighteen Hells. "This eruption will last from one to several months. Countless new demons will enter the process of growth and destruction, and the lower forces of hell will usher in a small reshuffle. At the same time..." It turned its head and looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "The terrifying explosion will tear eighteen cracks in the sky above Tiragangdis, forming a cosmic abyss that has not been seen for tens of thousands of years. "Eighteen demon kings will work together to tear these ten The eight abysses were transformed into eighteen terrifying arenas. Only the true geniuses recommended by the family could enter them. They were divided into three major battlefields: Yuanying, Zunsheng, and Taixu. All of them were 1v1 battles. No matter life or death, only win or lose was considered. Only the top three in each realm were qualified to stand in front of the Demon Furnace. "

"If you want to go now, I can take you there. However, before the Demon Furnace erupted, there were only eighteen suspended cities. Only after the start of this grand ceremony would it become a battlefield of flesh and blood. Countless prominent families and famous families would gather here to cheer, sponsor, and support the demons they favored. Even the Demon Lord would project his image to watch. "

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