
Chapter 1165: Hongmeng Measurement Method

"It deceived you?" Yu Chang's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice.

Xu Yangyi did not speak. Just when he touched it just now, a wave came from the book. But it disappeared quickly, as if it was swallowed by the book.

"It is probably because of insufficient spiritual power... A demon king of the unique level needs so much spiritual power even to open it?" He stood up, and the spiritual power in his body was no longer reserved. It surged into his hands like a tide, and he pressed the book with all his strength.

Swish... In an instant, a circle of pure white light rippled in the entire space, buzzing in all directions, and the white tide hit the surrounding black walls, turning into a spiritual light spot. And on the book, infinite white light finally shone.

As soon as it appeared, it immediately turned into a huge silver-white vortex, without waiting for his reaction, like an endless sea cave, desperately absorbing his spiritual energy.

"Such a big appetite?" Xu Yangyi was stunned, and then smiled: "Then let you eat enough!"

Boom! ! The spiritual energy was like a tide, surging like a dragon, rushing thousands of miles, the silver-white vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and the white light was getting hotter and hotter. Five minutes later, a circle of dazzling white light whistled out, and he couldn't help but close his eyes.

Silence, the white light circle passed, and the world seemed to return to the original silence, and no sound could be heard.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were slightly stunned, and the fish intestines also flew out, looking around in astonishment: "Is this... the universe?"

They were no longer in the underground hall.

In front of him was a universe composed of countless stars, vast and boundless, magnificent and boundless, and countless, forming a vortex of the Milky Way under his feet.

Stars flew slowly to the left and right, and countless meteorite belts formed a magnificent chain. People in front of it can only feel extremely small.

But the most eye-catching thing is not the galaxy, but a huge table in the center of the galaxy.

A stone table.

It is huge, like a plane, surrounded by countless meteorite belts, and nebulae floating around, reflecting the majesty of this galaxy stone table.

It is very vicissitudes, even if it is far away here, the infinite desolation and simplicity, even the eternal universe, can't be compared at all.

Is it Yahweh who is dining on this table?

I don't know who, I don't know when, carved this huge stone table in this unknown starry sky. Under it, countless biological stone sculptures crawled under it, lifelike, as if worshiping. It seems that layer by layer, thousands of layers of waves finally arched up the magnificent tabletop.

Each layer is a category of creatures. There are humans, demons, and angels, like the pagodas of all races, magnificent and gorgeous, majestic and worshipful.

"It's... incredible." The two were silent for a long time, and Yuchang took a deep breath and said. At the same time, the red line also flew out to confirm that this was not an illusion.

"It's not an illusion... In other words, this is the world, the real world?" Xu Yangyi pondered, "The world in the book?"

Without waiting for Yuchang to consider, his figure suddenly rose. Such a large starry sky stone table can only be seen at the highest place.

I don't know how long he flew, and finally passed the surface of the stone table. He continued to go up. After dozens of minutes, he finally saw the whole stone table clearly.

This table top has three rings.

The outermost circle is engraved with twenty-three symbols, and no one does not recognize these symbols!

"O, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ, Ⅶ... XX, L, C, M..." Yuchang took a breath: "Ancient numbers, Roman characters..."

No one spoke, the inexplicable magic king's skills, the ancient book that could not be opened, the huge starry sky stone table... engraved with clues about the earth...

Too weird.

"XX is twenty, L is fifty, C is one hundred, and M is one thousand." Xu Yangyi continued to look inside, and the two groups of rings inside also had words.


"Ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, billion, trillion... Jing, Gai, Rang, Gou, Zheng, Zai, Ji... Ganges sand, immeasurable..." He pondered and said, "The innermost ring is recent ancient times, medieval times, ancient times, ancient times, Hongmeng, chaos..."

"Hongmeng measurement method!" The two spoke almost at the same time, with burning flames in their eyes.

Su Xingyao once told him that if you want to understand the secrets of 100,000 years ago, you can use Hongmeng measurement method to see if you encounter something you can't understand at all.

At this moment, he completely understood what it meant.

Only Su Xingyao knew this measurement method, and Andrina, the direct descendant of the Ferrers family, didn't know it just now. And the things calculated by this measurement method are likely to be... related to the great secrets of the earth 100,000 years ago!

Why is this book here? What book is this? In the silent silence, this question surged several times, and Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice, "Mobis Roulette."

"It's very simple and very ancient. Arrange all the correct numbers in a line, and you should be able to open this desktop."

Yu Chang nodded: "It seems simple, but people who don't understand the Hongmeng measurement method have no idea where to start. Moreover, there are earth characters on it... The earth has existed for more than 14 billion years, and I don't know how many secrets there are. These are not modern characters. The earth has been destroyed and reborn. Now it is sealed by the seven realms. There are very few people who can know these characters."

Xu Yangyi nodded, flew down, and gently stroked a huge Gai character in the center with his fingers. I don't know how many centuries these characters are separated from the modern Chinese characters. They are intertwined and the original shape can be seen in front of you.

"This is the Xia Dynasty text." Yu Chang was very sure.

"Xia?" Xu Yangyi pondered. This is the oldest dynasty in China. The starting point of all dynasties, China's Xia, comes from here.

He flew slowly above it, calculating the sequence of combinations of the roulette wheel in his mind. It was not difficult, but it required a huge amount of calculations.

"Fifty thousand years ago is called the Modern Era. Half a million years ago is called the Ancient Era. One million years ago is called the Ancient Era. Tens of millions of years and above is called the Ancient Era."

"And one hundred million years is called Hongmeng."

"After Hongmeng, there is chaos."

Su Xingyao's words rang out again, and finally, he landed next to the word Jing.

The strong wind blew up the yellow sand fiercely, and a person was no more than one-tenth the size of this ravine. Standing on top of this extremely ancient Chinese character for Beijing, one actually felt a gut-wrenching feeling.

"Get up!!" Taking a deep breath, the spiritual energy rushed into the Beijing character. In an instant, this huge character burst out with thousands of white lights, illuminating all the surrounding darkness. At the same time, an extremely old voice, as if carrying the original dust of the universe, echoed in his ears.


"a chance."

"Originally... I wanted to erase this piece of history, but in the end, I kept it."

"It should not be erased. It is the history of the struggle and development of the galaxy. No Yahweh wants it to exist, but I quietly stayed."

"It is the beginning of everything, the origin of everything. It... triggered the war in the fairy world and destroyed the infinite plane... We have done too much, and we see the creatures in the plane thriving, but we don't feel it is wrong..."

"There will always be creatures digging into it, and there will always be people who notice that in the distant galaxy, the two immortal worlds launched this epic transformation... This is a real epic, an epic of creatures, and a blueprint of the universe. It It shouldn’t be buried…”

"I don't know how you got here, I don't know if you are a demon, a human, an angel, a dragon, an elf... But you are lucky, you have the opportunity to know the secret that even Yahweh hides in your heart. So, you Should have this opportunity.”

"Once your spiritual power is input, there is no turning back. If it cannot be unlocked this time, it will leave with my record and go to the next plane..."

It is indeed Yahweh...

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. When he saw this terrifying stone table, he guessed that Dubu might not be able to do this. Sure enough...

His heart was as calm as water, the white light around him filled the sky, and the sound had disappeared. He did not untie it immediately, but checked his loopholes again, the second time, the third time, and the tenth time.

After six hours, he finally opened his eyes.

"Thank you." He cupped his hands in a certain direction without sincerity - as if this was the direction of the Seven Realms. He thanked the dead Su Xingyao, then slowly raised his left hand, and the blue-black spiritual energy suddenly burst out, with a palm Take a photo.

boom! ! ! White light shot up into the sky, more violently than before. From under the table, there was a sound of rocks turning. The Beijing character, which covers an area of ​​at least tens of millions of square meters, slowly started to work.

Galaxy Round Table, a human puts his hand on the tabletop, wandering in the environment of the universe. The entire table, which has existed for countless years, seems to have come to life, with white lights lighting up from the gaps and spinning like a roulette wheel.

After several minutes and ten minutes, a violent roar finally sounded from the tabletop as big as the planet, and Jingzi stopped, facing the I above.

Ten trillions equals one capital, followed by dozens of O's. He suddenly realized that this was manual labor.

"It doesn't matter..." He looked at the endless roulette wheel with emotion: "I... still have a lot of time."

There are no years in the universe, and this is not a real universe at all. He is responsible for starting, the fish intestines count at the top, and the red line helps adjust the position. After several hours. With a loud noise, the white light in all directions went out.

Behind a huge I, there are countless zeros. The second roulette wheel is Jing, and the third roulette wheel deals with chaos.

"Did it succeed?" Yuchang looked down nervously. Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and shook his head: "I don't know, but this is the only way we know to solve it."

Dead silence. Like the execution ground before trial.

A few seconds later, when...a majestic bell sounded from the void, a circle of soft white brilliance enveloped the entire grid, and the three rings became one, which could no longer be shaken!

Sure enough.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief silently, but they saw that the white light around them became stronger and brighter. In an instant, the entire table was surrounded, swallowing up all figures.

"Brush!" Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes.

The hall is still the hall, the ground is still the ground, as if the fantastic journey just now has never happened.

He is still under Andrina's castle.

But right in front of him, the dark black book had been opened at some point, and on the first page, six large blood-red characters, with the Xia Dynasty characters in the first row, and countless other languages ​​below, came into view.

The Book of Hongmeng Contract!

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