
Chapter 1166: The True Name of Yahweh

"Book of Hongmeng Contract?" Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly sharpened, and a profound memory appeared in his mind.

The plane of the wolf chief, the unknowing divine guide, the unknown Yahweh... Finally, the other party said the words "Book of Hongmeng Contract".

But no one expected that the remaining chapters of this book would actually end up in the hell plane.

"Let me see what this book that can be remembered and mentioned by Yahweh actually says..." He suppressed his racing heart and gently touched it with his hand.

A desolate and lasting taste instantly filled my mind. It was a wonderful feeling, as if I had touched the universe.

I don’t know what the paper is, but my fingers can actually draw ripples on it. I can’t feel a trace of aura or devilish energy in the whole book, but it feels like it can’t be destroyed at all.

Under the Hongmeng Contract Book, there were translations of countless other words, and he didn't recognize them.

There was nothing on the first page. When he turned to the second page, his pupils immediately shrank.


Countless words appeared on the second page in no particular order, like stamps scattered across the page, extremely messy. Each paragraph of text is not long, but as soon as you take a glance, an indescribable and magnificent power suddenly appears.

Shrouded in the body, silently staring.

This place is obviously underground, but it gives people the feeling of being seen by an unknown majestic existence. It is impossible to blaspheme any text.

"What on earth is this..." He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and took a deep breath. The article was so messy that he didn't know where to start. But at this moment, hundreds of years of habit allowed him to discover the most familiar text. .


"Jiang Ciqi?" His brows furrowed deeper and deeper, who is this?

The text was written even earlier than the Xia Dynasty, with some oracle-bone inscriptions in it, and I almost didn't recognize it.

"Jiang Ciqi?" Yuchang was also stunned, but immediately began to ponder. Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you heard of it?"

"I've heard of it!" Yuchang was very sure: "I heard this name... once... very early... very early on, I heard Taigongwang say it once."

"Tai Gong Wang?" Xu Yangyi interrupted the other party with a deep look: "Tai Gong Wang... his surname is also Jiang..."

Yuchang frowned and walked away a little irritably: "Where have you heard of it? This name is very important... but I only heard it once by chance thousands of years ago, and Tai Gongwang said that this name must be forgotten... Jiang... Jiang’s surname…”

Suddenly, it paused, and then immediately rushed forward. The spirit's hand trembled, stroking the name one stroke at a time, and its eyes widened due to excessive shock.

"This... this is..." It took a breath of cold air, and then began to search for it. For half an hour, the spiritual energy in its body fluctuated extremely violently. Without saying a word, it turned around tremblingly, deeply He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "This is the roster..."

"And all the names on this list should be... Yahweh..."

Book of Yahweh? !

Xu Yangyi blinked and couldn't believe it: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Yuchang closed his eyes and his chest rose and fell sharply: "Jiang Ciqi...Jiang must have heard of its other name."

"Chi You!"

"Is Jiang Ciqi Chi You?" Even Xu Yangyi's eyes widened at this moment and he couldn't help but said: "I don't study well, so don't lie to me."

"How could I lie to you about this kind of thing!" Yuchang didn't smile at all and gritted his teeth: "The name Chiyou is a transliteration of Chinese characters. Its original name is phua yau, or yeuf chik, and qend yul.”

"phau - times, chik - bestow, qend - enlightenment. Phaw, yeuf, yul, these names have only one meaning..."

"The ancestor, the beginning, the earliest, the most primitive demon, and the only real demon king recorded in the history of China. The word "Chi You" comes from the annals of the Han nationality. The pronunciation of the word "Chi" is similar to the previous three pronunciations, and it is used to describe dementia, Ugly. Only then did the word Chi You come into being. However, Chi You’s real name has long been submerged. Current research on the earth only knows that his surname is Jiang, and Chi You is just a title.”

"This is its real name. If I hadn't heard it once, I would never have remembered it! This is the real name of Yahweh!"

Xu Yangyi felt that the amount of information was a bit overwhelming. Chi You's real name was Jiang Ciqi? real?

"The high probability is, and, look." Yuchang pointed to the second name.


"If I say Chi You, I will admit it wrong, but I will never admit it wrong with this name! During the Great War of All Realms, the East and the West merged. Zhuanzhu went to the Parthenon and found the most broken pillar. Every day at sunset, it was You’ll see the sun shining through this extremely inconspicuous name.”

It closed its eyes: "Χ?ο?...Ancient Greek, meaning...Father of Chaos."

"Father of Chaos?" Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, then took a deep breath: "Chaos?!"

"And this." Yuchang's fingers trembled as if he were having a stroke, and he pointed at the other one.


The same word as YHWH.

" means Lord, and there is only one god called Lord."


"If you still don't think this is a name, then what do you think this... Beichen is?" "This is Haotian. Mao Shi Zhuan of the Western Han Dynasty said, 'The primordial energy is great, so it is called Haotian. Looking far into the vast sky, it is called Cangtian. This is the body of the sky, which is Canghao, and is not included in the list of stars.' It is talking about the Yahweh of China, Haotian."

"All the Yahwehs on Earth have left their marks on it. Those creatures and gods that were originally thought to be legendary can all be found! Including the Seven Lords of Hell! There are probably hundreds of marks on it... and the Yahwehs on Earth occupy one tenth!"

No one spoke.

This fact is too shocking. Those Yahwehs... those gods, those high-ranking monsters, the masters who overlook the common people, their names are all recorded in the Hongmeng Contract Book!

What contract?

Why do so many Yahwehs have to sign contracts? And record their true names of gods? Why are the Yahwehs on Earth also involved?

It is obvious that there must be Yahwehs from the Zhenwu Immortal Realm on it, but they no longer recognize them.

The dust of history, the fog of 100,000 years ago, was gradually unraveled. This heavy feeling, the sense of terror, even the words, had the power to crush people into dust.

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, his chest rose and fell for a long time, and when he opened his eyes again, he was clear-headed and ready to open this page.

He couldn't wait to see what the Hongmeng Contract Book mentioned by Yahweh recorded.

The moment he opened it, with a slight rustling sound, endless golden light gathered, and several words he had never seen appeared on the page, but these words made people recognize them directly and entered their minds.

"In the first Ganges sand era, I woke up in chaos..." Xu Yangyi read softly, but then his brows furrowed deeply.

"What's wrong?" Yuchang asked anxiously, the handwriting on the book appeared slower and became less and less clear.

"Spiritual power." Xu Yangyi said concisely, a blue-black spiritual energy madly condensed at his fingertips, and he rushed down suddenly.

Yuchang's eyes tightened, and every word was devouring Xu Yangyi's spiritual power, and at a very fast speed!

This is the "price."

It suddenly understood that this was the price of reading this book.

This book of the Hongmeng Contract, which was secretly recorded by the unknown Yahweh and circulated in the heavens and the worlds, recorded unspeakable secrets. It is likely related to the battle between the two immortal worlds 100,000 years ago, but the price of reading it is to be at least not far from Yahweh.

"Can you hold on?" It asked immediately. No matter who it is, for this sudden opportunity, a glimpse of the dust of history, and the opportunity to open the door 100,000 years ago, no one can let it go.

Xu Yangyi did not speak. The book has become a funnel, madly devouring his spiritual energy. He didn't even have time to speak.

Can't hold on!

In just one minute, he immediately understood that if he forced input, he would be sucked into a mortal. Now he began to feel muscle pain, as if his bone marrow was being sucked out.

However, his eyes never gave up. This is the truth. The truth he pursues, there is no possibility of giving up.

The second line of words slowly appeared, "My name is Xuanxu. I have always thought that there are zero creatures as powerful as me in this universe. I slowly walk through the universe and witness the growth, rise and fall of each plane..."

Damn it!

Swish! Xu Yangyi's hair fluttered. He wanted Xuanxu to finish his words in one breath, but the other party was not impatient and started from the beginning. This feeling of standing in front of the door and waiting for the door of history to slowly open almost tortured people crazy!

"Forget it if you can't hold it!" Yuchang made a quick decision. For this thing, Xu Yangyi's safety is more important. The book is in his hands, and he will talk about it later when he has a chance.

"No..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth fiercely. In just one or two minutes, his whole body's spiritual power was almost empty! Only the last ten percent was left. With a determined heart, three jade bottles fell around.

Wash the star sea, and... all the pills given to him by Jiang Lao.

A bit of starlight flew away, and Xi Xinghai swallowed it into his mouth without hesitation. Then, he swallowed all the pills. In an instant, a magnificent spiritual power rushed out from his dantian, and instantly traveled through his limbs and bones, and even his bones were stretched to the ground and creaked.

However... this still couldn't keep up with the speed of absorption!

"Finally one day, I came to a plane. It was very big and very strong. I had a hunch that I would meet my kind here, people as strong as me..."

Hold on for a while!

Xu Yangyi's eyes were red. At this moment, one more word was good. The main text of history was gradually opened, and he almost greedily tasted every word.

"Yes, it does exist. I met the first creature as strong as me. It belongs to a race called humans, a country of the Xia Dynasty, and its name is Haotian..."

Swish! ! A harsh sound rang out, and all the golden light flew away. This sound was like a pump without follow-up, and it stopped abruptly, and all the words on the page disappeared in an instant. The strong wind brought by the fluctuation of spiritual energy blew the book of Hongmeng Contract page by page and began to turn slowly, but it was all blank.

"Damn it!!!" Xu Yangyi roared to the sky, stood up suddenly, his chest heaving sharply, and looked at the book with gritted teeth.

China's Yahweh! It is very likely the first Yahweh in China! He was sure that this was the main text of history from 100,000 years ago! That history that no one had ever mentioned! The first era of cultivation! The door just opened a crack, and then it was ruthlessly closed.

The regret and regret in his heart, how could it be vented with a roar?

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