
Chapter 1167: Infinite Truth


"Xuanxu..." Yuchang's eyes flickered, and he sighed, and then looked deeply at Xu Yangyi. His heavy breathing was very obvious, and his whole body's spiritual power was already at a point where any further output would cause complete chaos.

“Haste makes waste, what are you going to do now?”

A somewhat dejected sigh passed by, and the room became quiet again, leaving only the rustling of book pages blown by the wind. But now no one is in the mood to look at it. After a long time, Xu Yangyi sighed: "I understand a truth."

"Kung Fu...I need Kung Fu! Now, my spiritual power is constant, I use less and less. But with Kung Fu, I can replenish it as I use it, and Kung Fu can increase my spiritual power, at least... I can finish reading this page!”

“That’s the condition of watching it.”

As if following his mood, the sudden strong wind finally calmed down, and he sighed slightly. He was about to put the book away, but just as he stretched out his hand, he stopped.

Not just him, Yuchang's eyes also suddenly lit up.

Didn't stop.

The pages of the book kept turning!

There is no spiritual input, no sudden strong wind, and no kinetic energy. However, it was as if someone invisible was actually turning the pages of the book, looking for something. The pages were still turning by themselves.

The two looked at each other, and their hearts that had just calmed down began to beat wildly again.

Is there still a chance?

As if responding to their thoughts, the pages of the book turned faster and faster, and the sound became louder and louder. At the end, it even made a loud noise. A few seconds later, a vague word actually rang out from the turning pages.

Mixed in with the sound of turning, it was very messy, but it sounded clear to the bottom of my heart.

"What is your wish?"

Dead silence.

There was dead silence in the hall, and both of them looked at this scene in surprise. When no answer was received, a voice sounded for the second time as the pages of the book were turning: "What is your wish?"

"Wish-making technique!?" Yuchang suddenly stood up and looked at the book in disbelief.

"What is a wish-making technique?" Xu Yangyi had never heard of this name before and asked in a deep voice.

Yuchang didn't answer. When the voice sounded for the third time, it turned around, took a few deep breaths, and said solemnly: "The wishing technique belongs to the category of divine magic. The technique has the same name and can satisfy any of your requirements. As long as it is with You are on the same plane, within a radius of 10,000 meters, any wish can come true!"

"This is a legendary magic. It is much more powerful than the Christian blessing magic and divine grace magic on earth. Even though its name is ordinary, if it weren't for Yahweh... it would not be possible to cross infinite places. You can travel through countless spaces to realize your wish! I only saw it recorded once in the Pope’s ancient books!”

Is that so?

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly became hot, and he suppressed his ecstatic heart and slowly closed his eyes.

A wish from the gods.

One minute, his brows furrowed slightly, then the frown deepened, and three minutes later, he finally put on a smile and breathed a sigh of relief.

The surrounding void began to buzz and ripples appeared. A muffled sound like a deep space slowly resounded through the ground.

"How is it?" Yuchang looked at him expectantly and asked.

Xu Yangyi had a burning look in his eyes, staring at the node where the demonic energy gathered: "I made three wishes."

"It couldn't open the book, which was my first wish. It couldn't tell me the truth, which was my second wish."

He paused and licked his lips, which were dry from the heat and his voice was a little hoarse: "But, it can give me a true Doppu Kung Fu! This is my third wish!"

"I hope to fully interpret the Hongmeng Contract Book with my own strength. I hope... to unravel the truth of this hundred thousand years ago with my own hands."

boom! ! As he spoke the last word, all the demonic energy gathered at one node, tearing out an extremely deep space crack. The entire void was already shaking crazily!

God’s promise comes across countless light years and countless time.

Endless demonic energy boiled around, turned into a pitch-black talisman at the end, spread into the center of the space crack, and intertwined into a vague object. The diffused demonic energy caused fluctuations in the void, layer upon layer like ocean waves, hitting the surrounding walls.

"The Dubu Technique..." Yuchang looked at the whirlpool solemnly: "This is the real wish-making technique. You make a wish, and it will grant it. is crossing countless planes and traveling through countless spaces to bring it to you. The result of desire.”

Yahweh is coming.

As the space fluctuations became more and more violent, Xu Yangyi and Yuchang looked at each other and half-knelt on the ground respectfully. At the same time, the whole underground shook with a loud roar! It was as if the pole of the universe exploded from here, and the vortex in front suddenly spun wildly. An indescribable and magnificent will, desolate and ancient, descended on this space extremely domineeringly!

boom! The ground screamed desperately, Xu Yangyi and Yuchang took a breath of cold air at the same time, and pressed their bodies downwards. The inexplicable pressure swept across the eight wastelands and Liuhe, and Mount Tai pressed to the top! It makes people unable to move at all!

Here we go... so strong!

Cold sweat broke out from their foreheads. This was the third time... The third time they faced Yahweh's will, but they still couldn't raise any resistance.

They are the supreme beings in the universe, and even their wills seem to be facing a starry sky.

It is boundless and vast.

Swish, brush, brush! From around the castle, spider webs cover the ground, and endless demonic energy rises into the sky! Let this become the kingdom of all demons and the kingdom of Yahweh!

Far away from the Black Street, there is a magnificent castle. The Prince of Arcane was sitting in the castle. Suddenly, he stood up and looked at the sky in surprise.

"Sir, what are you doing?" A charming succubus asked in confusion, but before he finished speaking, his neck was twisted into a knot.

The scene was dead silent for a moment. The Prince of Arcane took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

Something is coming... He felt it for sure, something is approaching!

It was so terrible that he had never felt it before... It was not a physical object, but a will, an indescribable consciousness. It broke through the void, and it didn't know where it came from. It paused for a few seconds outside the crystal wall system of Tiragangdis, and then it broke in with a bang!

The invisible meteor shot straight at the Black Street.

"Kakakaka..." It didn't need to feel it. The speed of this will was too fast, far beyond all imagination. In an instant, the whole Black Street roared, the ground trembled violently, and the flames in the sky were shaking.

"What on earth is this!"

Not only it, this will is so powerful and majestic that it has just broken through the crystal wall system. Almost all the demons of the Anthony family above the Great Void have all felt it.

In the darkness, huge figures suddenly woke up, and countless eyes looked up at the sky in surprise. "Something knocked on the crystal wall system? No...has it broken through the crystal wall system?" "This has never happened in hundreds of thousands of years! What on earth is this? Such a terrifying will!" "It is so rich that it has not changed for has formed a substance, it is simply...just like a demon!"

Dozens of divine consciousness rushed out from those ancient castles, and the majestic divine consciousness swept the entire tyranny, but there was no harvest at all. They could only be sure that there was indeed something, a will that had never been seen before, descending on this ancient plane.

The gods descended, but they could not see it.

The gods left, but they could not figure it out.

However, they were not the ones who felt the deepest. At this moment, the entire black street, with a muffled sound of dong dong dong, all the demons in tens of thousands of square kilometers, their brains had not yet reacted, and they fell to the ground with a bang.

Instinctive fear.

In the Bone Castle, Andrina was holding a wine glass and shaking it gently. Suddenly, the throne and wine utensils all shattered! It just cried out in surprise, and its body had already knelt unconsciously.

"What... what is this!" It trembled like a sieve, without any sign, and suddenly descended on the entire Black Street. Its own Taixu-level protective magic weapon could not be used at all. Its hands were firmly grasped into the ground, and cold sweat dripped: "It's terrible... this... is this the return of the demon god?!"

In the entire Eighteen Hells, in the most central palace, eighteen surprised eyes opened, turbid, long, with the vicissitudes of time, all shot at the tyranny.

"Demon... God?" "It doesn't look like... it doesn't belong to any demon god. The demon god has disappeared for too long." "Then what is this?" "I don't know, the demon furnace is about to erupt, and such a powerful existence has come. I suggest that this area be blocked immediately." "Okay." "I agree."

The Black Street Underground Palace, the rolling black tide swirled in it, so quiet that only the pounding of the heart could be heard.

Something is here... Xu Yangyi, Yuchang, and Hongxian, who was lying on the ground and shivering, did not speak, but everyone knew that this place where nothing could be seen had entered the eyes of a god.

Tick-tock... tick-tock... one could even hear the sound of sweat dripping on the ground. The few seconds seemed like years to Xu Yangyi. Finally, the will turned around him and disappeared quietly.

No one dared to stand up. After a full minute, Yuchang trembled and said, "Leaving?"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and stood up. His sweat had soaked his vest. He hummed hoarsely.

The sudden grandeur and unprepared majesty, only one glance, but this glance was enough to make people remember.

This is Yahweh.

After taking several deep breaths, the demonic energy underground had dissipated, and in front of them, a complete ancient book was lying.

"Unique Kung Fu..." He licked his lips, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and grabbed it in his hand.

This is the creation of the devil.

The book was filled with demonic energy. Touching it was like touching a layer of hell. In the rolling demonic energy, four demonic words emitting black light stood out.

Infinite truth!

"Interesting." Xu Yangyi gently flicked the cover of the book and spoke hoarsely: "Human, demon, devil, I have all three factors in my body, but it chose the devil body as the carrier."

"Let me see what the content of this demon clan's magic technique is."

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