
Chapter 1168: Truth and Eternity

The pages are very old, with an ancient atmosphere, as if it has been immersed in the long river of time for thousands of years. Touching it is like touching the vicissitudes of time.

At the beginning, there is a string of demon language. He can't understand it, but he understands what it means strangely.

"Talismans exist in the early days of the universe. From the big bang at the extreme point of the universe, the first thing to appear is the talisman. They form planes, form galaxies, and melt into infinite organisms."

"Could this method be about the practice of talismans?" Yu Chang looked at the introduction and said thoughtfully: "Talismans are indeed very important, but they are also very ordinary. It is precisely because of their ordinariness that they are ignored by too many people, because as long as you practice, your understanding of talismans will increase. But they are all miscellaneous and not refined, and even many people don't understand what the talisman does, but this does not prevent them from practicing to the peak."

Xu Yangyi laughed: "According to you, talismans are dispensable? In fact, it is not just other people's ideas. , even I think so. I once studied the talismans of Wu Hou in the underground, but it did not bring me a significant increase in strength. "

"That's right." Yu Chang nodded and said, "Only the talisman practitioners of the side sects have some research on talismans, but that is to express the talismans in the form of magical powers, which can only be regarded as borrowing, not clear."

Xu Yangyi turned a page of the book: "Let's take a look. This method can reach the unique stage, and it is definitely not a mediocre product. And... have you forgotten the strongest killing move of Nanhua Butterfly Mother?"

"That... is the ultimate use of talismans."

Jinse Mi Ying, dragging people into dreams to kill, the trapped dragon world spirit, who was also in the Taixu realm, was defeated by this move.

The second page has a lot more words than the first page, and it is obviously entering the general outline.

"Talismans have many names. In the technological plane, they are called cells and genes. In the cultivation plane, they are called blood and talismans, but in reality, they are just the original components of all things."

"Anything cultivated is composed of talismans. The skills are the foundation of the talismans. The magical powers are the branches and leaves attached to the foundation, but the most basic composition of any of them is a small talisman. Even for cultivators, it is the same. The heavens and the worlds, countless planes, tens of thousands of races, this is their most basic composition."

It doesn't look like the handwriting of a demon at all.

On the contrary, it is eloquent, easy to understand, and has the demeanor of a master. In just a few words, the nature of the talisman is explained.

The general outline is only a few words, Xu Yangyi turned the page again, but this page is a picture.

At the beginning, it was humans. On the left, there was a sentence "Humans, the most numerous race in the universe, have too many talismans integrated into them, but have achieved a perfect balance. Suppose, the talismans belonging to humans are dispelled and other talismans are implanted, causing imbalance in the human race. What will happen?"

Xu Yangyi and Yu Chang both frowned. If the preface and the general outline were still calm, at this point, this method finally revealed its grandeur.

"This saint has done an experiment. If the talismans are simply transformed into attack, defense, speed, superpowers, reaction, special, and emotions, I erase the existence of other talismans and only leave the attack. As a result... a very interesting situation has emerged."

In the picture below, both of them took a deep breath.


Humans have become demons!

There is no trace of humans at all, the whole is in the form of demons!

"This..." Xu Yangyi felt incredible: "Gene conversion?"

"Species transformation?"

Next to the demon image, there is a line of words "If you erase this part that belongs to the attack, replace it with a special..."

Another picture, and this picture...

A person wearing a white cloak, male or female, golden light emanates from behind, two huge wings, and a long sword emitting azure light.


It's an angel!

Free transformation between species! Genetic change!

No one expected that this seemingly peaceful book would immediately become a peak when entering the main text! What is displayed is not cultivation, but species change!


No one knows, it is hard to say which is better between demons and humans. Although demons are powerful, they are deprived of the gift of fire. And humans are not as powerful as demons, but their fertility and side doors make humans more powerful.

Angels have not been encountered yet, but there is no perfect race. If races can transform each other and change genes, wouldn't it be...


This is how Taichu deprived other creatures of their genes and evolved to the pinnacle of all things!

This... is actually a method to teach creatures how to move towards perfect life!

"I understand..." Xu Yangyi said with emotion: "Microscope, all things, according to the research on the earth, are composed of atoms, neutrons, and even protons. According to the understanding of this book, these things are talismans, the basis of all things."

"This is really... too incredible!"

"Who can come up with such a terrifying method? Every race has its potential, its strengths and weaknesses. If this method can really transform their respective races, then doesn't it mean that the body has no weaknesses? The real body is holy?"

Yu Chang also felt incredible: "Changing every talisman that makes up all things, quantitative change causes qualitative change... It seems that there has never been such a precedent in the world?"

"Yes!" Xu Yangyi said with a burning look: "Nuclear weapons."

"Starting from the smallest things, an indescribable chain reaction is formed. Moreover, this is a process of laying the foundation. Just imagine, our human body is likened to a sand castle. The talisman is the sand grains that make up the castle. If these sand grains are replaced by What about cement?”

"This is a building, a house, that has been completely transformed into another living thing. The idea of ​​this exercise should be the same. After careful study bit by bit, in the end, your body will be transformed into something comparable to Yahweh, which will never be erased. "

The two paused for a moment, then said in unison: "Real!"

"Abandon the surface and only look at the inside. The body is of no use to those who practice this technique. It can theoretically transform between any living creatures... Boy, your devil form has changed your own genes and completely erased them. Got part of the talisman.”

"The foundation of all things... this is the reality... the eternal reality, the reality of the universe. No wonder... no wonder this technique is called the truth of infinity. However, are you sure it is correct?"

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "A Duppo, I am not qualified to question whether the other party is wrong. This is the crystallization of the other party's wisdom of tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years. People standing at the foot of the mountain can guess what the scenery on the top of the mountain is like significance?"

He continued to read.

"This skill is both a skill and not a skill. It teaches the process of the transformation of talismans, how to deprive one's own race of talismans, and how to deprive oneself of unnecessary talismans during practice. In this way, one can evolve bit by bit and gain The strengths of other races eventually lead to the supreme throne.”

"It has no magical powers, because theoretically, once it is transformed into another race for the first time, all the magical powers of that race can be practiced. Appearance is no longer important to the monks. After getting familiar with it, they can switch to other races in an instant. After three hundred and four thousand years, this saint already has twelve races in his body. All their specialties can be used, and at the same time, the advantages of other races can be used to make up for each other's shortcomings. "

"Twelve?" Yuchang frowned: "Twelve in more than 300,000 years?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "I think it's not that he can't do it, but that the amount of calculation is too huge."

"Just imagine, a race will definitely know its physical weaknesses and skill weaknesses after the transformation. While inheriting the advantages of the race, it also inherits the flaws. The initial genetic transformation may be easy to do, just one or two Race, but what next?”

Yuchang tried to calculate, and then took a breath: "This is the square algorithm... The following is to make up for the shortcomings of this race, and at the same time, this race must make up for the shortcomings of the next selected race to achieve perfection. Balance. This is too much information!”

"Every form must be carefully selected and finalized after countless calculations." Xu Yangyi muttered: "And I have now decided on three forms. Human, devil, and demon. If you practice this For this skill, the choice of the next form is very important, balancing the disadvantages of these three races and bringing forward the advantages of the three races. This is destined to not be a corner, but to roam the galaxy. "

Continue reading, turn the page, and another paragraph of text appears: "However, even if you inherit many races, genes, and talismans are too mottled, every time five races are merged, the capacity of the skill reaches the peak of the waveform, and it must be dormant. Yes, pure dormancy. The physical body is powerful and incomparable. It is all-encompassing. It only takes a long time to adapt to it, so that the talismans of these races can form a unique talisman chain through habit..."

"At that time, a new race will be born. It will include all the advantages and disadvantages of the five races, and it will not belong to any race. This will be a devouring pyramid. In the later stages, the majestic data calculations are simply beyond human reach. This book The Saint has seven upper realms and has been working together for hundreds of years to deduce the next needed race.”

"However, monks who practice this technique have a long life span. The death of a monk, or the death of any living thing, is the complete destruction of body functions or complete aging. This is also the secret of longevity. And the body functions , the organs, the talismans that make up long as I reach a state like mine, I can endlessly refresh the body's functions through devouring it, so that the talismans that make up the body will always be at their peak state."

"This... is a technique that can die with the stars. Unfortunately, even this saint cannot deduce the races required for the thirteenth to twentieth sequences. However, even so, this saint can still survive The lifespan of a demon king is several times greater than that of other demon kings - the lifespan of a demon king without the protection of a demon god is generally around fifty thousand years."

"Now, decide. The following is the text of Infinite Truth. This is the name given to it by me, the Eternal Demon Lord Hayatan. Turn this page and you will usher in a new chapter."

"You do not belong to any legendary god's creation, nor do you belong to any formation. You are born the day after tomorrow, but you are determined innately. You create yourself, you are your own creator god."

"Although I have fallen and been daunted by the huge amount of calculations, I am sure that someone will be able to reach the top of the pyramid."

"At that time, you will be God, the God of all things."

"The true God who upholds the goodness of all things and endures forever."

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