
Chapter 1169: Choice

Neither Xu Yangyi nor Yuchang opened their mouths.

In the underground hall, you can hear a pin drop.

The Eternal Demon Lord did not hide it. It called itself Eternal. It was obvious that after creating this technique, it hoped to use it to achieve eternity.

The advantages are obvious, including a long lifespan and always in peak physical condition. Moreover, this technique is very suitable for Xu Yangyi, a "traveler of true knowledge" who pursues the truth.

But the shortcomings are equally obvious. Just by guessing, you can think of the terrifying amount of calculations. Unless there is a supercomputer on the earth, if it is calculated using the body of a monk, I am afraid that Taixudu...


Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up, he stood up suddenly, and said in a voiceless voice: "Super computer?"

"Supercomputing?" Yuchang was stunned, and then looked at Xu Yangyi as if he had seen a ghost: " did you come up with this thing?"

Yes...the human brain simply cannot achieve this terrifying calculation power. The Eternal Demon King has seven upper realms and extremely manpower. He must have used Taixu and Zunsheng to calculate, but he still can't do it.

Mechanical...but it doesn't necessarily work!

"Once I return to the earth... I will definitely go back. Angel is there, and my roots are there... Over the past few hundred, or even thousands of years, the earth has changed into something unknown. Supercomputing... It’s possible to calculate it!”

"Ten years, fifty years for one incarnation? I can wait, even a hundred years is not impossible..." He pursed his lips: "But... the Eternal Demon Lord has never seen technology in his hundreds of thousands of years of plane travel. Plane?"

"Keep your ideas and be brave enough to practice." Yuchang said solemnly: "In any case, this is the closest solution at present."

Xu Yangyi nodded, put down this idea, and continued: "I won't mention this, but please recall, how did I obtain the demon body?"

Yuchang's eyes moved slightly: "Swallowing Talisman and Desire Talisman? Could it be..."

"That's right! Talisman is the foundation of everything. Rather than saying that I swallowed the devil, it is better to say that I swallowed the part of the talisman that belongs to the devil. These two talismans must have a great background. They swallowed other talismans... This has already set the stage for this film. The exercises laid the foundation.”

Yuchang nodded. It knew that Xu Yangyi was not a hot-tempered person, and there was only one chance to "wash the spots". Although this technique seemed to have found some solutions, it didn't know whether it was reliable or not. Ten thousand years of demon kings have all fallen because of this, and the hidden dangers cannot be said to be small.

Once you decide to re-order your talents, everything in the past will disappear, whether it is the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra or the Journey of Thousand Miles, starting from scratch. The other party will definitely compare carefully before making a decision.

There was silence, both of them deep in thought.

After a long time, Yuchang finally opened its mouth. It felt that it had an obligation to provide some reference for the sword master in the face of such a major decision.

But don't interfere.

"The further you go, the more your initial talents will be smoothed out. To practice to become a saint, no one is too imaginary to be an amazing and talented person. These realms require too much time and spiritual energy to promote them. The state of mind keeps pace with the times. It also trains people's perseverance." It considered for ten minutes before speaking slowly.

"You are advancing too fast now. You are a sage of more than 400 years... I have searched through the history of cultivation, but I am afraid that there are only a handful of them. I am worried... this too fast speed will make you lack perseverance in the future, and haste makes waste." Da. You have a lot of time to practice and review the alchemy path. Instead of flying at the same speed, you will suddenly slow down and become restless and uneasy after encountering a bottleneck. crack."

"Practice cannot be questioned. Once there is a crack in the Taoist heart, it will fall into a process of self-questioning and self-verification. This is very dangerous. Countless geniuses have fallen here. Once it passes, they will naturally improve, but... 99% of them cannot survive. These dangers, Avoid it if you can, it’s not necessary.”

"This is my opinion. Just for reference."

Xu Yangyi nodded. This was an experienced statement. Although his realm was similar to that of Yuchang and his strength should be much higher than that of Yuchang, Yuchang had lived for too long and had thousands of years of experience. Such timely advice Far more important than itself.

To practice solitude, you need someone like this to guide you.

He didn't decide immediately. After dozens of minutes, he raised his head, with a decision already in his eyes.

"Decided?" Yuchang asked.

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Indeed, as the practice reaches the later stage, the time becomes longer, and the cultivation of the mind comes first, and the gap in talent has begun to be slowly smoothed out. Only by building a Taoist heart that is persevering and has a clear mind, can it be possible Peak Asking Sword."

"Abandon formulas, abandon gestures, and only look at the prototype of the talisman. Abandon the skin and go straight to the essence. This is about real skills. I think..."

He slowly stretched out his hand and placed it gently on the book. In an instant, demonic energy surged, and countless black lights poured into his body. "I should have it," he smiled.

brush! Jet-black brilliance filled the entire underground hall, and the brilliance flashed, and the Hongmeng Contract Book and the Infinite Truth were submerged in his consciousness.

"Just decide." Yuchang breathed a sigh of relief. It didn't know whether the current choice was right or wrong. However, how can one be a wolf behind a tiger in spiritual practice? Don’t do it if you don’t know clearly? Often only adventurers can get the first share of the pie.

After thinking for a while, it said: "You are missing a vital skill now."


"Incarnation outside the body." Yuchang muttered: "In your hands, do you have a corpse to raise a fetus? Those are two excellent things. Others Yuanying has the art of clones, but you haven't practiced it yet. I believe it. I, when you return to the Seven Realms, it’s no exaggeration to say that you have more than a dozen upper realms and hundreds of thousands of smaller worlds below, so how about you take care of them yourself?”

"Furthermore, external incarnation has an excellent advantage for the infinite truth..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already smelled the fragrance and knew the elegant meaning: "Experiment?"

Yuchang nodded and said: "Yes, your clone can also practice this technique. Try it out at the same time to see what the race you guessed is like. The clone... may only be a tactical method for other monks, but for practicing the infinite truth You are definitely a strategic genius!”

"Then...let's get started." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, and his spiritual consciousness began to invade the infinite truth in his mind. When this technique reaches the point of being revered as a saint, he will be the one to completely kill Descadripo Valley. when.

The human form and the demon form were complete, only the demon form was incomplete, and in this form, he had no choice from the time he devoured the opponent's right arm.


Chaos hell.

It is not too far from the Eighteen Hells. Here is a void of eternal night, with countless giant mountains suspended in the air, and the bones of giant dragons building bridges among them. Huge, faded animal skins were spread on it, outlining ancient totems in a Chinese style.

This is the territory laid down by the former military master. There are not many demons in the records of China, including Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​and then there are them - the four ferocious beasts that now dominate the Chaos Hell.

Taotie, chaos, Taotie, Qiongqi.

This place adheres to the style of the war master, which has not changed for countless thousands of years. It has a strong primitive tribal style and is full of totems. And those real demons all live in the cave Daze, which is rich in demonic energy. Rare on weekdays.

As for the tribes, they are basically creatures they captured from all major planes, most of them are humans, and there are also many nondescript human-demon hybrids.

In a huge cave, the outside is covered with vines, but there is a cave inside. Countless treasures, all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures are filled with the cave. The treasures are shining. There is a monster with long green hair on its body and a green face with fangs like a lion, about two hundred meters. Big and small, they are crawling among countless treasures.

Its breathing made the surrounding mountains tremble.

Its demonic aura left no living creature within a thousand miles.

The golden light here becomes the brightest place within tens of thousands of miles every night - the light of those treasures cannot be blocked even in the dark night, but no one dares to take a step forward. For tens of thousands of years, all creatures that dared to cross have become skeletons at the door.

Low-level demons from China appear from time to time among the treasures of heaven and earth. If you take a quick look, you can count them in the tens of thousands. The giant green lion was indifferent and looked at the person kneeling in front of him indifferently.

"Are you sure he is the alchemy master?" The voice was dull, filling the cave like rolling thunder.

"That's right... sure. Lord Taotie." Kneeling below was a humanoid creature wearing a heavy cloak. His voice was very old and hoarse.

"Interesting..." Taotie grabbed a luminous pearl several meters in size with his huge claws, and played with it happily: "If you don't surrender to the Chaos Hell, you dare to kill the envoy sent by this king... According to the Eastern genealogy, According to the rules, he should be a dead man."

"Yes...but sir, he...seems to have a lot of connection with the Ferrers family. Some time ago, some inaccurate news came out from the Deception Palace. We are unable to do anything about it, but it should be related to the elixir. "

Licking the bead with his red tongue, Taotie narrowed his huge eyes with satisfaction: "No matter what, the Eastern genealogy and the Western genealogy are incompatible. Either one or the other, he is our enemy in the name of the Ferrers family."

"You know what to do, Fahai."

"If I don't see his head within ten years, you don't have to come back."


Fahai left quietly, and Taotie continued to play with the night pearl. After a few minutes, it said hoarsely: "I remember that I didn't invite you here. If you come uninvited, you are a bad guest."

The void slowly fluctuated, and another voice sounded faintly: "I don't believe you didn't feel it. The soldier master's mark fluctuated."

"Crack!" The luminous pearl that had been carefully played with by Taotie just now was shattered into pieces in an instant, and the sound of Taotie's teeth gnashing resounded through the cave: "So what!"

Countless low-level demons around them disappeared into the pile of treasures with screams. The huge green body stood up, grabbed open the countless money around, and said irritably: "Soldier Master...Soldier Master! It's Soldier Master again!"

"It's like a tight spell! We can't be reincarnated if it's bound!"

"This is the last thing the Soldier Master told me." The voice said slowly: "Yes, the monster in the Soldier Master's realm has not appeared in the world for tens of thousands of years. But are you sure it is dead? If not, I advise you to do this well."

"Tiragondis has not taken the initiative to enter the non-returning immortal world for ten thousand years. How dare you bet that this person is not the figure that the soldier saw?"

"If so, and the soldier master is not dead, how will you explain it then?"

Taotie heaved all over, casually grabbed a flaming hydrangea and played with it, and said bitterly: "That's why I let this old guy who ascended halfway up give it a try."

"If the vague figure that the military commander saw back then can't even resist this old thing, he will die if he dies. What's the pity?"

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