
Chapter 1171: Hunger (II)

"What's going on?" Yuchang also felt that his face was not right, and asked immediately.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth tightly, but in just a few seconds, his stomach began to cramp. Although it was still within the tolerable range, the more terrifying thing was...

The whole world, the whole world of demons, was calling and inviting him.

It seemed... this was a piece of fat meat, waiting for him to taste it.

The rolling demonic energy outside was like a freshly baked cake, teasing every cell of his appetite. His eyes had unconsciously turned into black eyeballs and red eyeballs. And the sight... through the wall, through the street, along the spiritual consciousness, it spread wildly, instantly covering half of the black street!

He saw those black street merchants hiding in the dilapidated castle, saw other demons, and saw more aliens, some like lizards, some like jellyfish, but the strange thing was... no aliens could bring him appetite!

Only demons!

"Sha..." The bright red tongue couldn't help licking the pale lips, and all the cells in the body became active. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked to the other side.

Andrina's castle.

He could feel that Andrina had a stronger appetite. If he was a hungry traveler, other demons were side dishes, and Andrina was a battle axe lamb chop, which could satisfy people with just one bite.

This sense of satisfaction made his body tremble before he even tasted it.

"Wake up!" With a loud shout, he suddenly came back to his senses and shook his head. Before he could speak, his stomach started to growl.

"You..." Yuchang squinted at Xu Yangyi. He could feel the fierce killing intent emanating from the other party.

That was the smell of prey.

It was the killing intent of the hunter seeing the prey.

"It seems that the Black Street will not be peaceful tonight..." Xu Yangyi certainly would not wrong himself, nor did he want to devour Andrina, so... Black Street, fill your stomach first.

His body arched up, like a taut bowstring, and the power from the demon's legs made him know that the jet force of this jump might be more terrifying than flying. However, at this moment, a golden light suddenly illuminated the entire room.

The two of them stared blankly. The Hongmeng Contract Book flew out at some point and began to flip automatically. After an infinite blank, the book... began to slowly reveal images!

All the hunger and killing intent were immediately suppressed in his heart. Xu Yangyi rushed over in one step. Yu Chang only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the other party had already flipped the book.

The golden light shone everywhere, and the image on that page became clearer and clearer. After a few minutes, a picture that had never been seen before appeared in front of the two.

"Gu..." The stomach made a sad cry again. The soreness made Xu Yangyi want to go out for a full meal immediately, but he suppressed this feeling and stared at the picture.


The original universe, without stars, planetary belts, and crystal wall systems, looked like chaos in all directions.

"The wishing technique... brings infinite truth..." Yu Chang pondered, "Could it be... that this book means that it needs one's own power to open it?"

No answer, the historical text of 100,000 years ago opened a new chapter, the mystery of the earth, the mystery of the Zhenwu world, the mystery of the rise of the seven worlds, the mystery of Yahweh... Xu Yangyi had already suppressed his hunger instinct, how could he still have time to answer Yu Chang.

I don't know how this painting was left on the Hongmeng Contract Book. It is not a dead thing, but a living thing. It can be clearly felt that this universe is fluctuating.

This is a picture from the Hongmeng period, or even the Chaos period!

This dark, empty universe is spinning quietly, and suddenly, a flash of light flashes, and in an unknown state, a terrifying explosion suddenly unfolds.

It is indescribably magnificent, the Chaos Explosion, even if you read it from a book, you can feel the power of destroying the world.

The red shock wave formed countless mushroom clouds, and then swept the entire universe layer by layer. The chaos was split apart piece by piece. In the strong explosion, a little bit of the void slowly condensed, and then more and more, and later, the camera pulled away, and this star field finally formed the prototype of countless planets.

They were broken, but they had the taste of primitive times.

They were new, but they were full of vitality.

These planes and planets evolved at a slow speed, moistening things silently. Ten thousand years passed in a glance. I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years have passed. After billions of years, these first-generation planes have deviated from their courses and entered the long galactic plane journey.

"This is the birth of the universe, the chaos explosion..." Yuchang sighed: "Does this book... start from here?"

"Gurgle..." The sound of hunger came again, Xu Yangyi frowned, gritted his teeth and pressed his stomach tightly, not wanting to miss a single minute, who knows if these pictures will appear next time!

On the page, the camera pulled away again, and after countless billions of years, these planets have absorbed countless planetary belts around them to form super giant stars, and finally, there was another round of violent explosion.

The explosion shook the Milky Way and shattered the starry sky. The supergiant stars exploded again, forming hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of fragments of varying sizes, breaking away from the gravity of the parent star and drifting farther away.

Continuously adsorbing and exploding, it didn’t take long on the page, probably just over ten minutes, but in the universe, it’s probably hundreds of billions of years.

Finally… the stars stood in a forest, and the galaxy was finally no longer chaotic, and had a slight appearance of the current starry sky.

"Is this how planes and stars are created..." Xu Yangyi thought thoughtfully, and Yuchang sighed: "It's just like cell division and proliferation..."

"Yeah..." Xu Yangyi nodded with stern eyes: "Then...have you ever thought about it?"

"What are the first cells?"

Yuchang gasped, shook his head, and continued reading.

Next, there was endless peace, so calm that Xu Yangyi's stomach played a concerto. A few minutes later, light suddenly appeared on some planes.

The camera zoomed in as if it understood their mood, and they saw that all the races in the world had finally taken shape in this long transformation.

On one plane, some creatures with huge heads and plant-like bodies have occupied the entire plane, and have begun to possess racial consciousness.

In another dimension, countless five-color dragons fought, but the place where they built their nests already had traces of construction.

There is another plane where creatures like water droplets all over the mountains and plains have begun to gather together, and they have even listened to the squirming sound of the largest water droplet.

Of course, there are also human beings. The earliest human beings were hairy and drank blood. They had weird shapes and had not yet adapted to walking upright. There were only a few humanoids standing up on the entire planet.

Each one represents a race in the universe. They are now hidden in the starry sky above everyone's head, hundreds of millions of light years away.

Time moved slowly, and Xu Yangyi held his stomach in pain. Tens of seconds later, several planes shone brightly, and several huge figures suddenly appeared.

Powerful, extremely powerful!

The first batch of creatures after tomorrow, intelligent creatures! Dinyun Tunxia, ​​among countless creatures, has reached the top of the plane!

"Could this be..." Yuchang's eyes flashed as he said, "Yahweh?"

"The prototype of Yahweh?"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and nodded. His extreme hunger had made him not want to talk, but he also thought so.

These creatures are very ignorant and have not yet fully evolved. They are devouring the most powerful primitive spiritual energy in the universe - at this moment, the periphery of all planes is enveloped in extremely thick pure spiritual energy. These spiritual energies are getting thinner and thinner as they are devoured by huge creatures over time.

Finally, when only the last layer was left, infinite light erupted from the bodies of all the huge creatures, and then they all became phantoms.

There was a majestic but indifferent look on their faces, and they looked quietly at the plane below, and some even stepped in to modify something.

Xu Yangyi immediately looked at the plane and discovered to his surprise...


Civilizations have appeared on all these planes! But it was a civilization earlier than slavery, even before clan culture!

Totem worship, worship of all things.

But they never know that just as the process of civilization is advancing, above their heads, there is already a pair of eyes that have experienced hundreds of thousands, millions, and tens of millions of years, looking at the progress of civilization indifferently.

"It should be Yahweh..." A trace of cold sweat broke out on Xu Yangyi's pale skin. He gritted his teeth and spoke hoarsely: "They have absorbed the power of faith from the entire plane. They are almost co-existing with intelligent creatures. They are the first ones after the creation of heaven. The number of intelligent beings is at most a few thousand, so pitifully small compared to the beings like the sand of the Ganges River... Damn! I'm starving to death!"

He couldn't help but swear when he heard it, but Yuchang didn't persuade him to stop, but distracted him: "Yahweh... needs faith to succeed?"

Time passed by minute by second, and several minutes passed. On many planes, people were already rising into the sky. Countless huge shadows looked at the "strongest" monks on these planes indifferently, and rushed in with great joy. Space, the first step into walking the galaxy. The other party cannot see them.

Brush... A piece of azure brilliance, one after another, thousands of people soared into the sky. One of them turned out to be a golden lotus. Xu Yangyi immediately looked at it. An old man wearing an extremely ancient Taoist robe with disheveled hair was standing in a blue position. Outside the face, looking down calmly.

God’s indifference and God’s mercy are actually expressed through a pair of emotionless eyes.


Neither of them spoke, they just exchanged glances.

It should be the first Yahweh of the earth, the original Yahweh!

It turns out... it is quietly outside the earth, turning into a canopy, silently observing all the changes on the earth.

Is there love in heaven? Is God ruthless?

No one can guess the will of the gods, but soon, the scene changes again.

Some of the first monks who flew out of the galaxy traveled who knows how far. Finally, they discovered other civilizations.

And then... came war.

Endless wars, brilliant sparks of war erupted throughout the starry sky, and war started everywhere, including the earth. The plunder of the original monks and the instinctive desires of human beings finally broke out after discovering alien races, vast lands, and abundant resources.

The Yahwehs still watched indifferently until...the first cultivation civilization that was about to be destroyed appeared. A Yahwei who looked like an octopus and had countless tentacles finally took action.

Above the plane, countless voices cheered for the patron saint. However, they simply did not anticipate the consequences.

Once nuclear weapons are revealed, it will lead to the destruction of the world.

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