
Chapter 1172: Hunger (Part 3)

The first Yahweh attacked brazenly, followed by the second, the third, and countless others!

The galaxy's plane war has completely deteriorated here. The Yahwehs have discovered life as powerful as them. Tens of billions and hundreds of billions of light years are just a matter of time for them with endless life. The plane war has changed from planes and planes to Yahweh and Yahweh.

The supreme masters attacked one by one, and the star fields were annihilated one by one. This page cannot record such grandeur. It can only use the farthest angle to let the viewer see thousands of magnificent figures in the entire galaxy, as well as the violent explosions caused by them.

The cell planes that existed in the Big Bang were destroyed, and groups of light with a radius of light years flashed throughout the universe. From time to time, you can hear the roar that makes people's blood boil.

God War.

The earth also participated, and what's more terrifying is that there are two Yahwehs on the earth!

One is Haotian, and the other is Chaos!

Chaos was behind Haotian, but he was extremely powerful. Xu Yangyi could not see them clearly. He could only see that the universe was shaking with their movements. Their opponent was an indescribable creature that could not be described at all, as if... it was a composite of many creatures.

This period of time lasted for several seconds. According to Xu Yangyi and Yuchang's inference, this had been a battle for thousands of years or even longer. Finally, Yahweh fell.

The first Yahweh to fall was a tree-like creature. After the manifestation of the divine body, it was overwhelming. The planes under it were all under its canopy, and the fruits it produced were like the stars in the universe.

Magnificent, magnificent, rooted in the universe... These words are not enough to describe it, but it still fell. Under the attack of three equally powerful beings, accompanied by an unwilling roar, it seemed that the universe was shaking, and then, the whole body burst into a thousand-foot green light.

This piece of light swept the entire universe, and the huge power contained in the body swept out like a shock wave, instantly engulfing all creatures within hundreds of millions of kilometers, and the three Yahwehs who attacked it were seriously injured.

This result made the light that exploded everywhere in the universe calm down little by little. No one expected that Yahweh's death would cause such a huge fluctuation, the plane that produced it, the plane that invaded it, and the price of three Yahwehs being seriously injured. For a time, the universe was silent.

However, this silence lasted a lot, maybe just a second, and soon, the light from all directions shone again. Yahweh is also a creature, and they also have desires. They can't let go of the three seriously injured Yahwehs, the three fairy worlds or super upper worlds that are within their reach.

"Chained tumors..." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, and the cold sweat on his forehead was less, not because he was not hungry, but because his attention was completely attracted, and the hunger seemed to be alleviated.

"When one Yahweh dies, it radiates to the next Yahweh, who is besieged again, and radiates to more Yahwehs..." Yuchang sighed: "No one is perfect, and no god... is perfect either."

Their thoughts could not affect the Hongmeng Contract Book at all. It was like the most faithful historian, telling the most authentic history.

Time went on, and soon, all the Yahwehs felt something was wrong. They finally stopped the tens of thousands of years of war of thousands of gods, because they realized that if they continued like this, even such a powerful existence as them could not avoid the day of their fall.

All the Yahwehs sat down and signed a contract at a huge round table.

This round table was about the size of a plane, and the races of all things and the planes of the heavens were engraved below. All the races that survived this war of gods sent delegations to the void to watch.

"This..." Yuchang sighed: "It's the table we saw before."

A line of words appeared silently on the book: This is the origin of the first Ragnarok. This term was used to describe many surviving races. Before the death of the first Yahweh, "Tobo", there were a total of 2,100 Yahwehs in the universe that could be detected. After this war, there were only... 572 Yahwehs left.

These are the strongest of all Yahwehs, and among them, there are seven races that are recognized as the king of kings.

After the words were finished, the page of the book flashed, and a seemingly simple but actually complicated family emblem appeared on the page.

It was a dragon head, with countless flames behind it.

"Dragon Clan, the Three-Colored Land of the Mother Star."

Swish... With a flash of light, a sword and a shield appeared on the page.

"Human race, do not return to the fairyland, Zhenwu fairyland."

Another light, this time a roaring demon appeared "Demon race, river of fire."

"Angel race, home planet holy light dome." "Elf race, home planet Kongming peak." "Desire Walker Clan, home planet: unknown." "Zerg, home planet: Sat Ensas."

"Among them, the dragon race is in charge of protection, the demon is in charge of disorder, the angel is in charge of courage, the elf is in charge of killing, the human race is in charge of chaos, and the Zerg is the only technological plane, in charge of eternal life."

"The most dangerous is the Desire Walker Clan, they are in charge of desire. If there is a strongest among the seven races, it can be called the first. They awaken at the same time as the first creature in the universe. When the creature understands desire, whether it is hunger or lust, it will be resurrected from chaos. It cannot be killed and will live forever."

"They have experienced too many changes in the universe and even watched the mysteries of the evolution of the universe. All races agree that it will write this contract. The name of this contract is..."

"Hongmeng Contract."

Both of them took a deep breath, the Hongmeng Contract turned out to be like this!

This is a book in which the gods have carved their names!

It is a history witnessed by all races in the world!

"That's wrong!" Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and frowned: "The time is wrong!"

"At this time, the future Yahweh, Sakyamuni, Jehovah, and Chi You have not appeared! However, their names are on the Hongmeng Contract Book!"

"Furthermore, how did Yahweh store this book here? This should be a treasure in the universe! There are so many Yahweh's true names written down on it. Even if it is just a blank piece of paper, it can probably wipe out an entire world!"

Yuchang's eyes also flickered.

Time paradox.

"what do you think?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered: "What if... there is a second divine war?"

"The second time?!" Yuchang gasped. Even if he saw it on the page, it was hard to imagine the vastness of this divine battle. A second time? !

"Do you remember, the voice just said: the first Ragnarok?" Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Then... what if there is a second time?"

"If there is a second time, the timeline just unfolds to Chiyou, the generation of Yahweh, they...maybe called the second generation of Yahweh, this timeline will be..."

Before he finished speaking, he clutched his stomach so hard that he almost bit his lip.

So hungry... so hungry!

But I couldn't bear to give up everything in front of me.

This is the truth...the truth at the beginning of everything, why the earth fought a war with the Zhenwu Realm a hundred thousand years ago, why Chaos and Quetzalcoatl traveled across the galaxy to destroy the plane, and...the relationship between Xiaolong and Chaos , and Su Xingyao's true mission... This curtain is slowly lifted, overturning everything seen in the Tower of Babel.

He already understood that what was recorded in the Tower of Babel was not the original civilization of the earth, but the previous era of cultivation. This era of cultivation... is still too far away from the first divine battle that took place countless thousands of years ago in the Hongmeng Contract Book.

There was a fog ahead, but he was willing to trudge forward.

At this moment, the voice was filled with emotion for the first time, and it was extremely regretful. "But, living things are changeable."

"Especially the Desire Walkers who have mastered desire. They are known as the Lords of Desire, seven Yahwehs in one plane. They saw the fragility of Yahweh, and saw the bright spots under the scars of this war. For all the unspeakable things that followed, The massacre in which all the gods were silenced laid the foundation..."

The sound became lower and lower, and finally dissipated.

"There is one more doubt..." Xu Yangyi pursed his lips, hunger almost overwhelming his mind, and said in a deep voice: "Seven major major talismans, seven realms...isn't this number too coincidental!"

"What I know now is that indestructibility means devouring, desire, and killing. Can the protection of the Dragon Clan be indestructible, and the killing of the Minghong Clan, and the chaos of the human race, be devoured? Needless to say, desire... …And the courage of the angels doesn’t mean they are fearless?”

Before Yuchang opened his mouth, he stared at the Hongmeng Contract Book that turned white again: "I have a premonition... This is the beginning of all things... This is the beginning of all the puzzles I have encountered so far in my practice!"

"It's neither slow nor fast. It's coming slowly. This is a period of history that... was annihilated by the dust of the universe... Damn it... it's not in a hurry. I can't help it anymore!"

Before he finished speaking, with an inhuman roar, the entire castle collapsed, and a pale figure rushed to the ground.

I can't bear it anymore...

Hungry like a tide, bloodthirsty eyes scanned every corner of the black street. Yuchang followed immediately. The saint-level spiritual energy just burst out, and the people below suddenly screamed again and again. Countless demons fell to their knees.

The red moonlight shone on the pale demon body, and Xu Yangyi's eyes immediately fell on one spot.

"What an ancient industry..." He licked his lips bloodthirstyly. In his consciousness, hundreds of demons were whipping the slaves who came out of the small teleportation circle. Although he didn't recognize those races, he found a good excuse for himself.

The incarnation of justice can be swallowed without any psychological pressure, right?

Half a minute later, in a square on the black street, a vast amount of demonic energy suddenly spurted out across the place, and a fountain of demonic energy dozens of meters high suddenly appeared on the ground.

All the surrounding demons were stunned. The overseer stopped his whip and the guards raised their shields. After a few seconds, the demonic energy floated into the air. A tall demon overseer roared and waved the sharp ax in his hand, roaring: " What a pretense!"

"Roar!!" Suddenly, hundreds of demons in the entire kilometer square roared into the rolling black tide, "This is the forbidden area of ​​the Thorne family! Anyone who trespasses will die!" "Who dares to challenge the majesty of the Thorne family!? "Jiejie...a slave who came to your door?"

no answer.

After a few seconds, the demonic energy finally dissipated, and a pale figure licked its lips and slowly walked out against the bloody moonlight.

"Who?" Xu Yangyi smiled and raised his hand: "You can call me the God of Death."

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