
Chapter 1173: Death is coming

Under the moonlit night, the murderous intent is endless, but the scene is peaceful.

With the delicious meal right in front of him, Xu Yangyi seemed to have stopped being hungry. Although his blood was screaming, he looked around with interest.

This is a castle.

Probably because they didn't dare to build it higher than Andrina's bone castle, this castle was not high, but it was very huge.

He is now standing in a thousand-meter square, the ground is stained with blood and covered with totems. Surrounded by a dense black castle, a bunch of bows and crossbows are already aimed at him.

"Death?" The flames were burning, and the crossbows glowed with cold light from all directions. The three-meter-tall demon in the center finally felt at ease. He stood up from the ground and looked down at Xu Yangyi: "Just you?"

The three-meter body made a roar when walking on the ground. Compared with Xu Yangyi's body of less than two meters, the contrast was really obvious.

"You are also a devil." It was covered in black armor, and the barbed whip in its hand rustled like a snake. It laughed hoarsely: "But you think a devil can provoke the Thorne family? In the midst of violence, Baron Thorne... …”

Before he finished speaking, the devil's golden eyes suddenly widened, and he was shocked to find that the sky was gone.

There was only one hand, so majestic that it occupied all its sight, replacing the sky. In the palm of its hand, a purple talisman shone, and it suddenly felt...

All the spirit, demonic energy, flesh and blood in the whole body are leaving the body?

"What, what is this?" After being stunned for a second, it suddenly burst out with an incredible scream: "Kill it! Kill it!! Report to the chief manager immediately! There is a foreign enemy..."

Before it even finished speaking, its whole body immediately surged with demonic energy, and it rushed into the purple talisman with a bang.

Swipe, pull, pull... Its skeleton still stood in the same position as shouting. Half a second later, there was a scattered sound, and it fell to the ground in the shocked eyes of all the demons, forming a tombstone of white bones.

"It feels good." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and the feeling of satisfaction spread from his limbs, like an extremely hungry person swallowing the first bite of bread.

It was this feeling...this feeling of demonic energy filling his whole body... He took a deep breath and scanned the whole place with blood-red eyes.

Lamb for the slaughter.

"Zi..." A few seconds later, gasps suddenly sounded from all directions. All the demon guards and supervisors finally recovered from the extreme shock and looked at the center with their mouths wide open.

Where is the warlord?

Why did it suddenly disappear?

Disappeared without saying a word? Could it be... was it really eaten?

Is it really the devouring god of death?

The chains were put on the slave's feet, and the clattering sound caused by the drag suddenly stopped. The slaves, who were originally looking dull, all turned their heads mechanically at this moment, and then, an extremely strong life force erupted in the eyes that were already stagnant. color.

"Sir!!" A slave with a bird's head and human body suddenly rushed out. He didn't care about the shackles on his hands and feet. He pulled the people around him and shook them, but he didn't care at all. He stopped his head on the spot with all his strength and hoarsely. He opened his mouth and said: "Please! Save us!"

"I am the young patriarch from the Umontan plane! As long as you are willing to lend a noble helping hand! I, I will definitely dedicate the supreme treasure to you!"

All the slaves were stunned for a moment, and then they all understood. No one needed any wisdom, and they all knelt down, screaming at the top of their lungs, and their heart-wrenching prayers suddenly started.

"Sir! Help!!" "Sir! Please! Help me!!" "Please, sir! I, I don't want to be a slave to the devil!"

Comprehensible and incomprehensible calls for help echoed around, rising suddenly, like waves on the ground. These prayers finally awakened the minds of all the demons, and with a scream of "Kill!!", countless silver weapons appeared in all directions. The light spot and the river rushed towards Xu Yangyi like an inverted river.

Arrows fell like rain, piercing the night wind, but it was useless. A silver-gray circle of light suddenly expanded, and all the arrows turned into fly ash when they touched it.

At this moment, all the slaves prayed even more crazily, crying, screaming, and so on. Xu Yangyi said indifferently: "Shut up, this Holy Lord."

In an instant, there was silence, leaving only the eyes of the slaves flashing with unbearable excitement, their trembling bodies kneeling on the ground with great respect, and touching the ground with their foreheads, without exception.

This is the strong one.

The strongest.

Before they met the demon, they didn't know how powerful the demon was. That one warlord could frighten half of their plane. But now that warlord was wiped out by the demon with just a raise of his hand. Whether they can survive depends on it. In this person’s hands!

The slaves were excited and excited, and the entire Demonic Castle was nothing but shocked!

"This, what kind of realm is this!" On one of the tallest towers, a purple demon looked at the center of the square with dumbfounded eyes. The white demon standing in front of the corpse of the warlord was strolling in the courtyard, with the blood-red moonlight shining on him. It was really... It's like death coming.

"Nascent Soul! At least it's Nascent Soul!" "It should be Nascent Soul Dzogchen!" "Infinitely close to a monster in the third middle realm!"

Xu Yangyi ignored the praying slave at all. If he wasn't hungry, why would he interfere in such nosy matters? He just moved his lips slightly, and his consciousness had already swept away all the demons around the square.

"Five hundred and seventy-two demons...the highest golden elixir middle stage, most of the foundation better than nothing..."

He raised his hand slightly, and then squeezed hard.

Yang Sheng's actions are all based on magical powers.

The pupils of all the demons suddenly became sharp, and the blue-black demonic energy surged out, engulfing the entire castle like a tide. The black hell spread in the moonlight, and an indescribable pressure enveloped the four fields.

"Oh my God..." Several demon captains also saw this scene. At this moment, the rain of arrows calmed down because they suddenly realized what kind of existence they were facing.

"Yang Sheng..." A demon captain shrank back a few steps, then turned around and ran like crazy, screaming at the top of his lungs: "Yang Sheng! Yang Sheng! Yang Sheng who deceived the demon clan! It's the original family!!"

This crow-like voice spread throughout the square because it was too terrified. Hearing this, all the demons no longer had the will to fight.

The eighteen original families, a small baron, can make them all disappear with a flick of his finger.

Yang Sheng's men, there is no escape.

"Yang Sheng!" "Oh my god... it's actually a Yang Sheng!" "Run! Run! Get out of here! The Thorne family is definitely not a match for the original family!!" "We are not enough to make them breathe!" "Run!"

The devils screamed in fear one after another. Xu Yangyi licked his lips excitedly, and he had already seen the sumptuous meal in front of him.

"Don't devils succumb to power?"

"Then... dedicate yourself to power."

The devil's desperate screams filled the entire square in an instant.

"No!! Please... spare my life, sir!" "I am willing to succumb to you! Be your loyal servant!" "Spare my life! Sir! I..."

The answer to them was a light snap of the fingers.

Suddenly, the begging for mercy turned into a miserable cry, and the invisible god of death passed through the fog. More, there were demons without screams, turning into dry bones in an instant.

He just stood calmly in the square, and those slaves didn't dare to raise their heads, and kowtowed like pounding garlic. In front of this killing god, they didn't dare to say a word.

After several minutes, Xu Yangyi's frown went from tight to relaxed. Finally, the black mist gathered in his body like a tide, bringing countless essences of demonic energy, and the whole square was quiet.


Two seconds later, the sound of countless hard objects colliding with the ground sounded, and all the slaves trembled like sieves. They knew that all the demons here had been devoured by the death god in front of them, leaving only the sound of bones falling to the ground.

Devil...Death god!

"Feel good?" Xu Yangyi clenched his fists, and a stronger feeling emerged in his body. He clearly saw that part of the human genes were quietly expelled, and replaced by a layer of black talismans.

Devil talismans.

These talismans are very mysterious. Obviously, he swallowed demonic energy, but with every breath he took, it was actually transforming into spiritual energy, and his spiritual energy had increased by about one percent during this swallowing. The feeling of hunger almost completely disappeared. In terms of fullness, it was about six points full.

He ignored the slaves and looked at the innermost castle. At this moment, the castle was in complete chaos. Countless demons screamed and closed the gates. Groups of armored guards had already walked up to the top of the city wall and aimed their trembling crossbow-shaped magic weapons at him. The whole castle was ablaze with flames.

"Aren't you coming out yet?" He walked slowly forward: "Do you think a little appetizer can satisfy me?"

As he moved forward, countless slaves on the ground who kowtowed silently made way for him to walk slowly to the innermost castle like Moses' water-dividing staff.

"Your guards are so scared that they are still thinking of resisting. I don't believe it unless someone forces you to. Your spiritual energy is very well hidden, but it's useless."

This is the main course.

This spiritual energy is very obscure. If it weren't for the guards' unusual movements, even he wouldn't be sure.

Imagine that a Yang Saint is here and kills hundreds of demons in an instant. Other demons dare to resist?

Unless there is an equally sharp knife behind him, who would have such courage? It's good enough if he doesn't kneel on the ground and tremble like a wind chime in the wind.


Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly brightened.

Spiritual energy?

There is spiritual energy in this castle? Not demonic energy?

No wonder I didn't notice it just now!

What I was looking for just now was food, and my focus was on demonic energy. A spiritual energy suddenly appeared here, hidden and obscure, no wonder I didn't notice it.

He felt it carefully, the early stage of the Venerable Saint, Yin Venerable.

"Not coming out?" The square was killing in the middle of the night, the wind was like a knife, blowing the flames to jump, no demon dared to speak, only his voice was like a monologue, neither slow nor fast.

"It doesn't matter, anyway you can't escape."

"I'm also very curious about the demon that produces spiritual energy."

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