
Chapter 1179: Initiative

"So, they still 'kindly' and 'generously' continue to give opportunities."

"This is waiting, waiting for an opportunity to convince myself, waiting for me to come up with a reason that can make their family take action. Don't you understand? They didn't want to stop from the beginning, they just wanted to increase the stakes! They want to take action, but they feel that the price is not enough!"

He stood up and looked deeply at Andrina. Andrina unconsciously tightened her body. It felt very strange to Xu Yangyi now. The momentum completely overwhelmed it.

"Do you know the difference between a partner and a strategic partner?"

Andrina shook her head blankly.

"You don't know." Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "You should watch more news broadcasts."

"A pure interest alliance is easy to break because it is too fragile."

"Their enthusiasm was suppressed by the Mammon mark, but once I refine this pill, their enthusiasm will be hot again and completely burn! Forming an unbreakable alliance with me is far more than a simple exchange of wealth!"

"As long as I can refine it, if this alliance continues, I and these original families will hold each other's secrets. The other party knows my demon god mark, and I know that the other party dares to defy the demon god for the sake of profit... This is a true strategic partner who grasps the other party's big secret. This is riding the wind and taking advantage of the situation."

When Beelzebub's stomach appeared, he had already tasted seven flavors.

Opportunities always go with danger.

Silence, as Xu Yangyi finished the last sip of wine, Andrina stood up suddenly as if she was stabbed by a needle, covering her heaving chest, pointing a finger at Xu Yangyi and trembling, unable to say anything.

It is not as smart as Xu Yangyi, but not stupid.

It knew too well the difference between ordinary partners and real alliances, and Xu Yangyi could understand the other party's psychology so thoroughly, which made it both terrified and hot all over.

"You are a lunatic..." It panted, and said after a few seconds: "At this time, you can still find such a way... I really regret it... I shouldn't have dragged you to hell!"

"Too late." Xu Yangyi put down the wine glass and sneered: "It's easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away. Haven't you heard of this saying?"

Andrina walked around the room with her skirt lifted, breathing heavily, and spoke hoarsely after a long time: "What if they don't want to?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes were cold: "Believe it or not, I will go to the demon god incarnation right away and expose all these things of theirs. Do you think a demon god who may still be alive will be shocked when he hears the original family openly challenge his power? What will be the reaction after the strict enforcement? "

"But they are doing it now!"

"This is why you can only hang out in the underworld." Xu Yangyi said slowly: "Some things are known to everyone. But it is wrong to say it out loud."

"The devil has the majesty of the devil, and the attitude of the devil. Facing its incarnation, it must express its position and establish its authority. It just so happens that there has been no reason to establish its authority for tens of thousands of years. The so-called killing the chicken to scare the monkey, do you think my chicken is bigger than the chicken of the original family? "

Andrina was trembling all over. This person is too scary... Who said that the human race is a weak life form? This person is even scarier than the deputy speaker in some places!

Facing the devil's mark, facing the original family's increase, and the pressure of the devil, he actually opened the third door silently when the other party didn't realize it!

The choice that didn't exist at all was found!

The other party might not have thought that this increased pill, Beelzebub's stomach, would bring him so much trouble! However, this person thought of it the moment he got it!

"Don't think about leaving me." Xu Yangyi saw the other party's flashing eyes and said lightly: "We are allies, aren't we?"

Go to hell!

Andrina's teeth were grinding. She was scared, really scared. The other party was very friendly and had never used force against her, but she felt terrified at this moment.

If possible, she would rather never have seen Mousavis!

The so-called alliance was completely overturned at this moment.

"Okay!" After a few minutes, it finally spoke: "I'll reply to them right away!"

Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "You are so sure that I can refine it."

Andrina had a blank expression: "It's not that I am sure, but I have no way out."

"And..." It gritted its teeth and looked at Xu Yangyi: "I don't want to die in the hands of a madman."

Xu Yangyi raised a finger: "One month."

"After one month, let them see the miracle from the East."

"If they can't wait, just let them go. But..."

Boom... The door opened and closed, bringing in his last words: "Don't regret it when the time comes."

The door closed tightly, the light disappeared, and Andrina sat down on the chair dejectedly.

This was considered a briefing. It had intended to keep these words in its heart, but the unknown incarnation of the demon suddenly took action and changed its elbow, making it unable to consider these. It didn't expect that it finally witnessed the true face of the other party.

Hard-hearted as iron, cunning as a wolf.

"Damn it..." It put its hands into its hair for a long time before taking them out, sighing and looking at the door: "You are the devil... the real devil... the devil with the noblest bloodline! How could I find a monster like you!"

"You are right... as long as you can get in touch with the Holy Alchemist... and refine this elixir... we will truly form a strategic alliance with them. We will know each other's secrets, not just a simple exchange of wealth..."

"Once you can't do and I...our little boat that just set sail...I'm afraid we will never see the beautiful scenery of the future again..."

After sitting quietly for a long time, its face calmed down, it slowly stood up, opened the door, and with the help of several newly purchased servants, it gracefully walked down the newly decorated spiral staircase.

The staircase is very long, very demonic, rough and primitive. When it goes down more than 20 meters, a luxurious hall appears in sight.

In this hall, a full forty demons, sitting on luxurious bone chairs, looked at it silently.

"Your Highness, I hope you can give us a good answer." An old demon, with a golden family emblem, Tyrannical Dragon, squinted at it.

"If we trade with him, it means that we, the original families, start to disrespect the demon god. It means that he uses our hands to resist those demon god incarnations who are hiding somewhere unknown." Another female demon also said lightly: "Isn't this price too high?"

Andrina's eyes were filled with pity. These nobles probably don't know what kind of taste the monster has smelled from this contract...

It smiled and said: "Disrespect? Have we ever been respectful since the demon god disappeared ten thousand years ago?"

No one answered, but a series of proud, reserved, and inquiring eyes were all on it.

Andrina looked at each other calmly. The situation of its alliance with Xu Yangyi was not good, even very bad. But it was not without a way to turn the tables.

According to past practices, those who dared to deceive the original family, and they were also aliens, could only look for each other's bodies in the river of fire.

However, no one left now.

Andrina glanced around, bowed slightly, stood up and said in a high voice: "Dear gentlemen."

"In a month, Andrina's New Rhino Bone Castle will hold the first work release conference of the great alchemist. Mr. Yi. Ferrers. I have prepared guest rooms for you. When the time comes, everything will be judged by your eyes."

"One month?" A spider-shaped demon with purple scales and blue pupils glanced at Andrina: "Your Highness, this number is ridiculous. Don't disappoint the nobles who are eagerly waiting here... Alchemists don't know how great the opportunities for demons are when the demon furnace erupts, but you can't be unaware... I think my master would rather take action than remain silent."

Yes... In the face of great interests, in front of the supreme honor that comes once every tens of thousands of years, what is the devil who has disappeared for tens of thousands of years?


In the underground hall of the New Rhino Bone Castle, in a black practice room with a radius of 500 meters and countless prohibitions carved on it, Xu Yangyi sat cross-legged and looked at the furnace in front of him thoughtfully.

"I heard it all." Yuchang floated out slowly and looked at him solemnly: "There is a sword of Damocles hanging over your head. You... have finally touched the eyes of some existence."

Xu Yangyi did not speak for a long time before saying: "Sooner or later, there will be such a day. Maybe I have been waiting for this day. The confrontation with Mammon, the Yahweh who has existed for who knows how many tens of thousands of years, will accumulate too much experience for me in the future."

"You mean..."

Xu Yangyi's expression was calm: "I may meet more Yahweh in the future, as more and more of this dusty truth is revealed."

"So, cherish the relatively peaceful time in front of you." He smiled slightly, and the parchment appeared again in the golden light.

Everything, all decisions, all depend on whether its work is successful.

The top nobles of the Ferres family came across several hells, expressed their opinions in person, and left agents. Everything was developing in a good direction. However, because of the appearance of the killing demon, everyone was deterred. Cool down from the heat.

They are waiting.

Waiting for the next motivation, waiting for the motivation they saw with their own eyes, waiting... the motivation that can make them feel excited and fight against the devil.

"You want motivation, I will give it to you." Xu Yangyi sneered, and his consciousness suddenly spread out and rushed into the parchment. The existence of the Danling who can remember everything at a glance, the text, requirements, and effects, were quickly recorded in his mind. He slowly closed his eyes, and in his mind, the high-rise building about this pill began to be gradually built.

Brush... countless information, combined with the knowledge of the alchemy he had acquired, emerged in his mind, forming flashing nodes, and silver lines outlined in them, forming a skyscraper.

This is the world of the Grandmaster.

Not looking at the text, but looking with the eyes of the Grandmaster, looking at the structure of the pill, looking at the combination of natural materials and treasures, and looking at the method of alchemy. He has begun to explore the essence through the surface.

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