
Chapter 1180: Simple and crude

However, the more he looked, the more his brows began to wrinkle slightly.


It was extremely complicated. Although he had been mentally prepared for it, even with his majestic consciousness, he felt a slight headache at this moment. For any alchemy master, every new elixir is a new world, a brand new building. Medicinal materials are the foundation, techniques build tall buildings, and ultimately all spirits unite to form elixirs.

If we want to compare it, the elixir he refined before was Times Square, and this elixir is the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. The basic structure is the same, but the techniques are several levels higher. Although the spiritual consciousness is up to standard, there are many construction techniques that he has not had time to learn. In my mind, those boiling silver threads and green light spots have outlined each other and become a completely incomprehensible building.

"Huh..." With a muffled groan, he suddenly opened his eyes, breathing a little quickly, Yuchang immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's difficult." Xu Yang spoke concisely and pursed his lips slightly as he said, "It's the most difficult pill I've ever encountered. There are many parts that I can't understand at all."

"This is a work that is one step away from the great master. The elixir of the same level as Xi Xinghai... one month. Within this month, you must be promoted to the level of Mr. Jiang." Yuchang muttered: "Otherwise... one month After that, if you break your trust with others, Andrina will be the first one to kick you out of the castle.”

"It doesn't dare, because I will kill it myself if it dares to say this." Xu Yangyi said calmly. Then he looked deeply at the parchment, took several deep breaths, and then said in a deep voice: "I have an idea."

He slowly stretched out his hand, and a storage ring floated out. When Andrina gave him the recipe, she had already given him the tools for practicing.

Swipe... Hundreds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures flew out, floating around him like a sea of ​​stars, exuding sparkling brilliance.

Xu Yangyi looked at these materials solemnly, slowly raised his hand, and a miniature black hole appeared in his hand.

This was just an idea of ​​his, an idea that was not yet mature. Because of this idea, he dared to put aside his grand talk of refining this elixir for a month.

Silently, the swallowing talisman rotated, and the heavenly materials and earthly treasures from all directions buzzed in unison. Pieces of debris floated from above, rushing toward the black hole formed by the swallowing talisman like a whirlpool.

And the pupils of his eyes have changed.

Countless talismans were constantly rising and dying in it, and a powerful demonic energy instantly filled his body. His muscles rippled as if alive, and the skin all over his body began to turn white.

"Is this... the truth of infinity? Devouring talismans?" Yuchang's eyes shrank, then suddenly brightened: "Are you going to..."

Look beyond the surface!

Its heart was shocked. At this moment, it completely understood Xu Yangyi's crazy thoughts!

No alchemy master dares to do this... Mr. Jiang does not dare, the Alchemy Alliance does not dare, not even the Seven Realms Alchemy Sage, the Great Sage Guanghan does not dare!

Because they don't have this condition!

One of the conditions: swallowing the talisman.

Nothing cannot be swallowed. However, Xu Yangyi changed the usage here, not to swallow, but...


Swallow the remnants of those elixirs, leaving only the most essential parts!

Don’t look at appearance, function, or category! Just look at it for what it is! Only the essence remains!

"In other words... you don't need to deal with heavenly materials and earthly treasures? Just skip this step!" It took a deep breath and murmured: "If it weren't for swallowing the talisman, no one could do it!"

Uniquely blessed.

It looked at Xu Yangyi with some shock: "But, what is this essence? How to integrate it? Others can't do it... However..."

It took a deep breath: "Infinite truth!"

The second condition is infinite truth.

Devouring the talisman decomposes the medicinal properties, Infinite Truth peeks into the origin of the talisman, and then uses the method of Wanhua Zhenjian to combine it.

Simple and crude.

Xu Yangyi ignored Yuchang, he could no longer concentrate at all. Infinite Truth studies genes, talismans, and the origin of all objects. Even a person's appearance can be changed into a demon. In his sight, the twin towers were rapidly decomposing and reorganizing, turning into tiny talismans. There was no longer any alchemy in his eyes, only a sea of ​​talismans.

Brush... Silently, countless blue light bands emerged from behind. This is the alchemy technique of Wanhua Zhenjian. The so-called technique is to make alchemy easier and faster. For example, divine consciousness transforms into thousands, and all spirits move together. He let these spiritual threads wrap around countless talismans, and then...

Put it together quickly.

Yuchang's eyes shrank, it didn't bother, but at this moment it also saw that Xu Yangyi's combination technique... was not Beelzebub's stomach bag!

"He...even abandoned the method, but combined according to the essence of the talisman. If this talisman of this heavenly material and earthly treasure is similar to that piece of talisman, then combine it. Abandon the ones that are not similar?"

"It's really... so bold!"

Xu Yangyi's forehead was already sweating. This is exactly what he did. In front of the infinite truth, there are no secrets, only countless gates, which can be arranged in countless combinations.

Among the countless spiritual light belts flying, the originally extremely complicated alchemy path turned into...


It is far different from Alchemy, but surprisingly similar in approach and approach.

I don't know how long it took, about half a day, Xu Yangyi was surrounded by ashes, which were the waste rejected by the swallowing talisman. Dozens of light groups shone in front of him, which were the purest medicinal properties among the treasures of heaven and earth. It looks extremely ugly, like a ball of light, with red, green, and blue colors in it, but... there is no fluctuation at all! Quietly terrifying!

"Unbelievable..." Yuchang looked around in shock. These light balls gave him a feeling of peace rather than danger.

Fusion from the foundation, fusion from the talisman, ugly on the outside, but truly integrated on the inside.

In silence, Xu Yangyi wiped the sweat from his forehead. In just half a day, the spiritual consciousness consumed was terrifying, but the effect came out.

"What are you doing?" A voice appeared beside the two of them. Xing Tian also appeared at some point, with a well-hidden hostility in his voice: "Don't tell me that these mottled things... are the basis of elixirs close to the Grandmaster level."

"Whether it is or not, you will know after trying it." Xu Yangyi took a deep look at the other party. Why would Xing Tian be hostile to him?

Xing Tian said hoarsely: "I was watching just now. A total of three hours... You used only three hours to purify all the medicinal power?"

"Is this simple and crude method really the way of alchemy? The way of alchemy that has been passed down for thousands of years in China?" It turned its eyes away, and its eyes twitched a little. The magic energy on its claws could not help but rise and fall: "I don't admit it. I don't approve of this method of randomly gathering power. It is absolutely not feasible!"

"He doesn't need your approval." Before it finished speaking, Yu Chang had already retracted his surprised gaze. Seeing that Xing Tian's magic energy was unstable, he said in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

Xing Tian chuckled, but did not speak.

Yuchang flew between the two calmly, looked at the light balls around him again, and said after careful consideration: "This method is feasible!"

"Everything is made up of talismans, and the technological plane is called genes. This is integrated genes! Just like a person, he may have an extra hand or an extra foot, and may look defective, but..."

It took a deep breath: "That's still a person!"

"Genes don't change, species don't change!"

"But this is completely out of the way of alchemy!" Xing Tian said hoarsely: "Are you sure these things can stimulate the medicinal properties? The way of alchemy has a long history! It has been passed down from the time of Emperor Huangdi to the present! It is one of the biggest reliances of the Eastern genealogy! Any elixir is made by taking natural materials and treasures, purifying the medicinal properties, and then stimulating it with fire. It is sealed with spirits and finally forms elixirs, and..."

"And the times are changing." Before he could finish, Yuchang interrupted him calmly: "Now... if the elixir is compared to a person, it is still a person, at most a disabled person, but as long as the gene is here, it skips understanding the medicinal properties, skips purifying natural materials and treasures, skips fusion... Now we just need to study how to make people not disabled. It is countless steps simpler than the regular alchemy!"

Boom! Xing Tian's whole body was full of demonic energy, and he slowly stepped forward: "This is a development that will subvert the alchemy!"

Swish! A black sword light was like a tide, Yuchang did not give in, and said with his hands behind his back: "The side door is simple, but the road is simple. Who said that the winding path cannot lead to the secluded?"

The two looked straight at each other, not giving in.

"All right, you two." Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Practice makes perfect."

This bold... even outrageous idea, this idea that belongs to me and can only be done by me, whether it can succeed or not, depends on the pill.

Both of them retracted their gazes. Xing Tian paced a little irritably, with murderous intent hidden in his eyes. He looked at Xu Yangyi more than once, and then left secretly.

It swore that if it had the strength it had before, it would definitely kill the other party without hesitation.

It's too dangerous for such a person to stay in the Western genealogy! It can't even remember how many years ago it had such murderous intentions towards a junior? Huangdi? That must have been thousands of years...

After practicing to this point, it always has some perception of danger, and this person's perception can actually make it lose its composure? This is the source of its demonic fluctuations just now.

"Then let me see..." It licked its lips, suppressed its killing intent and said, "See if your argument is successful."

"If it is not successful, the original family will not resist the demon mark for you, don't count on me... I wish you would die here immediately, you are too dangerous... too dangerous to exist in the world..."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly. A demon without a physical body, the threat was pale and powerless. He didn't take it seriously. He looked at the alchemy furnace with a serious look and slowly raised his hand.

"The True Mirror of All Changes..."

"Walk on the sun and the moon."

Swish! The whole ground suddenly paused, and those well-organized spiritual light belts suddenly danced wildly, flying rapidly towards the group of dragons behind Xu Yangyi. After a while, they actually formed a blue spiritual light tree.

The branches waved gently, and he used his majestic consciousness to form a net of branches and leaves, and then surged out like a tide, enveloping every spiritual light point, and rushed towards the alchemy furnace like a star falling from the sky.

Yuchang and Xingtian's eyes flashed, and they subconsciously formed a spell with their hands. There was only one consequence for merging powers without considering the attributes.

The furnace would explode.

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