
Chapter 1181: Power and Penance (I)

boom! ! There was a violent fluctuation, as if the space was about to collapse. Xing Tian's eyes moved slightly, and the magic formula in his hand was about to roar out, but it stopped.

"This..." It looked at the scene in front of it in astonishment. Just after the initial collision, the entire alchemy furnace buzzed, and a circle of colorful brilliance erupted from the alchemy furnace like a sea wave, impacting on the wall of the underground hall. The alchemy furnace was just shaking, and in the black and red Nanming Lihuo, the mottled demonic energy had begun to move closer crazily.

Didn't explode!

Xu Yangyi breathed a long sigh of relief and took the first solid step. There were more and more talismans in his eyes. He had already seen the spiritual light balls wrapped in countless talismans peeling off layer by layer under the burning of the innate spiritual fire, revealing more complex talismans underneath. .

With a wave of his hand, a dark crystal-like object floated up. This room was very large, about several hundred meters, and this crystal was already filled with this space, like a long black river.

Magic crystal.

Just like the spiritual jade of the seven realms, it contains the carrier of the cultivation power of creatures in this plane. He practices demonic skills, so he also uses magic crystals, but there is no need to use the spiritual jade.

"Brush!" With a backhand press, countless magic crystals rushed into the alchemy furnace. The flames of Nanming Lihuo were blazing. Covered by countless demonic energies, this innate spiritual fire was as black as ink and became alluring.

The flames are getting hotter and hotter, and colorful brilliance has flashed in the alchemy furnace. At this moment, the whole space suddenly shook, and the three people looked at each other with stern eyes and shouted in unison, "Not good!!"

Three magical powers erupted at the same time, black, white, and gold, and the three-color brilliance flashed at the same time. The next second, a terrifying wave of demonic energy burst out from the alchemy furnace.

The colorful brilliance that was so bright just now was torn to pieces in an instant. A black beam of light shot straight into the sky, directly hitting the restriction a hundred meters above the head. The restriction's brilliance flashed wildly, and countless magic patterns surged. Before it could discharge this terrifying impact to all directions, with a sound There was a loud bang, and the entire roof instantly shattered into pieces.

Boom! ! Black light shot straight into the sky, and hundreds of demons disappeared directly. This was the elixir of the pinnacle of the Grandmaster, and its explosion power was comparable to that of a Saint. Andrina's new Rhino Castle saw a beam of light with a radius of 100 meters flying into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. A huge ugly hole has appeared in the center of the castle.

Dead silence.

Originally, after the explosion of the Killing Demon, the surrounding areas except here had been razed to the ground, and now the New Rhino Fort has also been robbed. Andrina sat sluggishly in the room. It took a few seconds to come to her senses. She let out a heart-rending scream and rushed to the big gap, looking down with red eyes.

Damn it! Which damn thing! This is her family fortune! Now that not a single pill has been sold, and only a little benefit has been recovered, they immediately encountered the mark of the devil. All the top nobles are holding on to their own chips and not investing, and their hometown has suffered such a bad luck!

It is angry, but the New Rhino Fort has five floors in total. It can't see what it is, but it doesn't mean that other people can't understand it.

"Explosion furnace?" The representative of the Grizzly Bear Prince narrowed his eyes. Just now, a black light penetrated the sky, and the magic power was magnificent. It was only a few steps away from affecting it. At this moment, it didn't care at all. It elegantly held the wine glass and walked over. In front of the huge crack, he stretched out his head and looked down.

"It's screwed up..." The representative of the Roaring Archduke moved his fat, massive body covered with scales, and his seventy-two eyes flew out of his body, looking at it without any emotion.

Looking down from the edge of the crack, there were more and more weird heads, and finally, there were thirty or forty.

The red moonlight casts down from the hole above the head, as if the god in charge of destiny looks down on the world, penetrating the earth through the fragmented ground. Among them, three figures are the most conspicuous.

One, with golden body, two heads, and bones like armor. One man was covered in fluid, like boiling lava. There is another one who is like a crawling turtle, but with endless flames coming out of his carapace.

Seeing the figures of these three demons, the other top noble representatives among the deceivers all shrank their eyes, and then nodded involuntarily, turning a blind eye to them.

The original family, the violent demons, the Anthony family. The patriarch, Monroe Anthony, also participated in the battle between gods and demons in heaven and hell. Following Asmodeus, he was sealed in the twelve hells, amidst the violence.

The original family, the bloody devil, the Gerile family, the patriarch Lach Gerile, killed the angels of wisdom in the battle between gods and demons, broke through the plain of true knowledge, and sealed the seventh hell, among the blood.

The original family, the Demon of Vanity, the Mondala family, the patriarch Rosellion Mondala, defeated one of the major families, the elven Eastern Fortress in the Tomorrow Forest Plane, killed the elven Grand Marshal Dark Green, and was sealed in the eleven hells. between vanities.

The early days of the Three Saints.

At the bottom of the crack, the golden soul hunter circled like a dragon, brushing away everything, brushing away all the shock waves. However, Xu Yangyi and Yuchang among them were already covered in black dust, their clothes were torn, and they were in a state of embarrassment. The moment Xing Tian felt the shock wave, he had already sneaked into Mao Baer's body.

"Ah... are you the respected great alchemist?" The representative of the violent demon held the wine glass and looked down from above under the blood-red moonlight: "It seems that your situation is not good."

"Does it feel too difficult?" The representative of the Gerile family took a sip of wine, and the magma flowing all over his body became more intense. He smiled, but said indifferently: "It's understandable, but human being, since you have come to hell, You have to abide by the rules of hell.”

"Exchange of equal value."

"Your request must be exchanged for something of equal value."

"That's the Demon God's Mark... You hid it really deep." The representative of the Demon of Vanity also spoke hoarsely, and smiled arrogantly: "We were almost used as weapons by you, but... it doesn't matter, Ten Thousand Demons Ceremony Coming soon, countless elites will appear here. Ordinary elixirs may be useful to Kendramo's old deputy speaker, but they are useless to us."

"Only by refining Beelzebub's stomach and letting us see your true ability can the family make up its mind. Or..." it paused with a smile: "If you are willing to give your soul to the great Mundala The family is not beyond negotiation. We have complete control over a great alchemist. We have absolute confidence and endless resources to help you climb to a higher peak."

"Look, the three upper realms have provided you with supplies, is that enough?"

This is the devil.

His likes and dislikes are obvious and unabashed, and he respects his strength.

Andrina's figure appeared. It stared at the three representatives of the original family. The devil was poor and had short ambitions. It was impossible to compare its resources with those of the other party.

"Everyone." Even so, it was never willing to leave Xu Yangyi, grinding its teeth and said: "This is the New Rhino Castle, the territory of the Ferrers family! Don't you look too ugly!"

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yangyi's calm voice came out from under the abyss of the ruined castle: "Any success is accompanied by countless failures. This is just the first failure."

"It's just that the arrogant and respectful expressions of all of you have really opened my eyes to this Holy Lord."

Everyone's eyes narrowed.

"'Only' the first failure?" The Demon of Vanity restrained his smile, his eyes were as cold as ice: "Your Excellency, Great Alchemist, I have to remind you that you have no 'more' chances of failure."

"If I remember correctly, it seems that you have only advanced to become a great alchemist not long ago. Once you can complete Beelzebub's stomach bag, it means that you can move to the realm of a holy alchemist at any time. And you only have one month."

It raised three fingers: "This is also our greatest patience."

"Resisting the mark of the devil for a month, if you haven't made any progress - although I don't think there will be any progress from beginning to end. Then..." It turned and left, a crystal wine glass filled with blood-red liquid. Falling into the air. Pulling out a beautiful strip of light, accompanied by knife-like words echoed through the Bone Castle.

"The door to the hell of vanity is opened for you as the price for your attempt to play with the original family."

With a crash, the quilt was smashed into pieces, and the blood-red wine bloomed like a bit of blood at the bottom of hell.

At the bottom of the castle, Xu Yangyi slowly raised his eyes and gently stroked his clothes: "I don't like talking nonsense, are you ready to stand upright after being beaten?"

"If you slap me on the face, it will swell."

To talk to the devil, no turning around is necessary.

If you want it, come and ask for it. No, just come and kill.

He likes this style.

"Presumptuous!!" The representative of the bloody demon snorted, and turned around: "One month, remember, there are still twenty-nine days. If you really achieve it, we will give you unimaginable rewards, but if you can't complete it, , your soul...I'm afraid more than just the Hell of Vanity wants it..."

The three figures left slowly. Andrina gritted her teeth. The other top nobles also glanced down, shook their heads slightly and disappeared from the edge of the gap.

Thirty days to conquer Beelzebub's stomach was an impossible task.

The figures left. Andrina was silent for a few seconds before turning into a black light and rushing into the bottom of the crack. Before she could speak, Xu Yangyi wiped the ashes on his face and said lightly: "If I really refine it, will they? Will you kneel down and beg me?”

"Of course! There is no doubt about it!" Andrina screamed at the top of her voice: "Being so arrogant in my castle... If I were the throne, they would dare too!!"

"The Ferrers family is also the original family! They just bully the weak and fear the strong!"

Xu Yangyi smiled happily.

"Are you sure?" Andrina's mood was very complicated. Although she looked forward to forming a strategic alliance, she was also afraid.

It is afraid, afraid of the mark of the devil. I am even more afraid that the subsequent liquidation of these top nobles will not be completed.

"You know, this is what I like most about demons." Xu Yangyi looked at it with a smile: "Admit it when you are wrong, and stand upright when you are beaten. Apologize in the humblest way, only seek benefits, and always surrender to the strong. "

"You have no integrity or backbone. Whether you curse Kendra Mo as an old bastard or call your compatriots as bastards again and again, this is proven. What you pursue is only power, no matter what expression of power it is. form."

"Whether it's strength or alchemy."

Andrina didn't blush at all: "Isn't it strange? This is hell. Deception is everywhere and killing follows. However, as long as you have superhuman strength, you can go anywhere."

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Xu Yangyi looked at it deeply and smiled: "Yes, there is nothing wrong with it."

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