
Chapter 1182: Power and Penance (Part 2)

Andrina wanted to leave, but when she reached the door, she gritted her teeth and turned back: "You... can really practice it?"

"Who knows?" Xu Yangyi looked at the sky from the ground. Looking from here, it was blood red, like a well of blood.

Andrina gritted her teeth and finally left.

Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and a restriction blocked everything, turning into a layer of rolling black mist. Xing Tian appeared again, and the three of them were thoughtful.

"What happened just now?" It finally couldn't help but ask: "Exploding the furnace? Sure enough, this method is not suitable for alchemy, boy... I will talk to this dog after you die. Presumably, now The incarnations of the devil and their fanatical followers are waiting for you to completely collapse."

Yuchang closed his eyes, and his consciousness suddenly came out.

The night was blood red.

The surrounding area of ​​the black street is as smooth as a mirror, but right on the edge of the mirror, intertwined with the infinite black, are blood-red eyes, like hungry wolves, staring at the new Rhinoceros Fort in the isolated mirror lake.

Just when Yuchang's eyes were about to move forward, suddenly, a dark green consciousness came over, and the two consciousnesses collided, causing the void to shake. Yuchang frowned and silently withdrew his consciousness.

A lonely city on a bloody night, surrounded by wolves.

Like the approaching storm on the sea, murderous intent lurks.

"This is the demon army incarnated by the demon god." Xing Tian also felt it, and smiled very happily: "Look... they have told everyone nakedly and unabashedly that they are here. Among them, I feel the seven levels of saints The spiritual energy, this does not include the killers of our Eastern genealogy, I think they must be hidden in a corner. "

"There should be something wrong with the combination of the talismans." Xu Yangyi didn't care about this at all, and said in a deep voice: "After all, I can't see the smallest unit yet, I can only see the talismans on the upper level. It's a problem with the technique."

"What can I do?" Yuchang asked.

"The gap is not very big, but a small gap can still cause explosion." Xu Yangyi considered: "I feel that if I look at one more layer, at most two layers, I can find these flaws."

"This method is feasible." He looked at the alchemy furnace with blazing eyes and clenched his fists: "This time the furnace was exploded, it was not that there was a problem with my method, but that the process of the method was not precise enough. I decided to first use the infinite truth Cultivation to the Nascent Soul stage..."

"Looking for death?" Xing Tian sneered: "With your level, it takes at least twenty-seven or eight days to practice a skill to the Nascent Soul stage, and then start the last three days... Do you really think you are the master of alchemy?"

Xu Yangyi sneered: "Then, do you want to try it?"

try what?

Try to be arrogant in front and respectful in back, and then move forward humbly in the face of strength.

Xing Tian didn't speak.

It doesn't dare to try.

This method is too unbelievable, but... the fault is not the method itself, but some steps. It knows very well, let alone three days... even two days, one day! There is a possibility of success!

Once successful, this avenue will be completely opened up, and the road to alchemy will be limitless!

"Could it be that... another prototype of an Alchemy Sage is about to be born?" It turned around silently, with mixed feelings in its heart: "After the old ghost Shennong, there were only two or three Alchemy Sages in China, and another Alchemy Sage was born thousands of years later. ?”

"Come on." Xu Yangyi blocked the line of sight without hesitation and began to practice the truth of infinity.

Time passed very quickly. Andrina did not repair the Bone Castle at all. Once it succeeded, it would immediately deceive the Palace of Evil. Once it failed... it would not have the money to repair this place.

Every day, dozens of eyes vaguely scanned the forbidden area, but they found nothing.

"Is this kid scared?" On the edge of the gap, a representative squinted and looked back: "Is he stalling for time?"

"He didn't dare." Several demons sat in the shattered room. They did not feel dissatisfied at all. They held the bone wine glass and said slowly: "He knows very well that this is a matter of life and death. Demons never make deals without profit."

"From the moment the Demon God's Mark appeared, his identity as a great alchemist changed. There must be higher requirements to make this enthusiasm blazing again. Before the Demon God's Mark, there was no huge benefit, and no one dared to help. . Even the great alchemist."

It took a deep look at the broken crack and said slowly: "But... the Holy Alchemist is different."

"There is no demonic energy fluctuation?" In another room, the representative of the bloody demon was lying on the huge bone bed, tapping the edge of the bed with his fingers, looking at the crack and hoarse: "What do you think?"

Representatives of hypocritical demons and tyrannical demons are nearby. This is their circle, faintly above the top nobles. The two demons tasted the blood wine, and one of them stood up, slowly walked to the window and looked out.

It's daytime now, but at the edge of the black street, cracks in the void have appeared, and countless magic powers have begun to gather here. Saving up and worrying, as long as these people dare to leave, they dare to tear everything here into pieces.

"Bold." The violent demon retracted his gaze and snorted coldly: "I hope it won't take him too long."

"I don't want to face these fanatical believers of the devil at all."

The representative of the bloody demon said with a ferocious smile: "'s not good to be too long...human beings...such creatures always like to struggle in despair. After practicing asceticism, they will see deeper despair...A great alchemist should usually You are our guest, now... Fufufu..."

The three demons sighed and looked down with deep and cold eyes. It took a long time before anyone spoke.

"It can only be said that if you are not favored by the gods, you meet the wrong demon at the wrong time, and you bear the wrong mark. Master Mammon's reputation... just take it with you and fall into the abyss of hell. It is also considered us. Give those rat-like demon clones an explanation..."

"From the beginning, we knew that you would never succeed. If you did achieve the impossible, then I would be happy to bow down to your power."

Time passed day by day, without any eyes leaving here, fifteen days, twenty days... twenty-five days! They still didn't detect any fluctuations!

Every day, all representatives will stand proudly on the top of the layers of abyss and look down below, but they can see nothing except the prohibition.

Andrina stood on the highest floor, biting her lip and looking down every day and every night. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest, but she didn't dare to say a word at all.

Below it, the powerful demons looked toward the bottom of the abyss.

"Your Highness the Princess." An indifferent voice sounded. Prince Grizzly Bear's representative raised his head and squinted his eyes and said, "Is Your Excellency the Great Alchemist enjoying the last thirty days of his life?"

No chaos!

Andrina's hands holding the skirt were clattering, her face was pale, and the backlight just happened to prevent the demons from seeing it. It rubbed its huge fangs and said politely: "He won't do that."

"Really?" Another representative raised his head: "In the last five days, Your Highness, we have done our best."

Andrina nodded frantically and walked away while maintaining her last bit of grace.

Returning to a place where no one was around, it grabbed a wine glass and tried to smash it out, but stopped when it saw the castle that had turned into an abyss.

Be calm...

Now the slightest noise will become a fuse! This silence that pinches the heart almost makes it go crazy! Streams of flames spurted out from its huge mouth, and its fiery red hair turned into flames and floated.

"Damn..." It squeezed the skirt tightly: "What the hell are you doing!"

His voice was like a mosquito trembling in the cold wind: "Do you know... as long as you make a mistake... you will definitely die! The demon god transformed into an army and pressed down on the country because he was afraid of the original family! Once they leave... you will die... I... ...I’m afraid my brothers and sisters will send me down to accompany you!”

It almost screamed at the last few words.

Mousavis' huge body emerged from the darkness, kneeling on the ground respectfully, his face pale with fear, and said in a trembling voice: "Princess..."

"Shut up!" Andrina yelled from between her teeth: "Open the soul link... I want to talk to him... No, forget it... forget it! If he is refining alchemy, if I disturb him... "

The sound of clattering hooves on the ground fully expressed the owner's anxious mood. It came down from the unobstructed abyss. Representatives of the top demon nobles below raised their heads and looked deeply at the huge hole in the center of the castle.

"It seems... our princess is very uneasy..." Anthony's representative said hoarsely: "But unfortunately, this is the law of the devil."

"So what?" A nobleman opposite it took a deep look at the abyss: "For teasing the original family without paying the price, such a creature would have been torn apart by demons in the long river of history."

They didn't know that at the same time, a pair of burning eyes opened at the bottom of the abyss.

"Hungry!!!!" An earth-shattering roar came from Xu Yangyi's mouth.

Extreme hunger filled his entire stomach, and he looked at everything around him with red eyes. His body had been completely transformed into a demon. The pale demon appeared again, and the majestic demonic energy swept around.

If it weren't for the restriction, the devil above would have discovered all of this.

"So hungry..." He wanted to gnaw the ground clean. In this extreme hunger, he finally realized that he had overlooked one thing.

Every time the Infinite Truth breaks through a realm, it will bring endless hunger. This is a process of physical evolution. This time, it breaks through two realms in a row, bringing the Infinite Truth to the Nascent Soul level. That kind of hunger... is simply overwhelming. He can't open a furnace to make an elixir!

Just have something...anything... He was panting and looking around, when suddenly he was shocked and looked up.

There are so many delicious smells coming from above, each one more delicious than Andrina's, which is simply unbearable at this time!

"No!" It bit its lip hard, lowered its head, and devoured these demons. The consequences would be too great.

"Where's this?" Suddenly, the voice of Yuguang sounded, and along with its silhouette, there were countless magic crystals.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but took a deep breath and felt a sense of mental comfort.

That's right...

that's it!

Deep demonic energy, my own delicious taste!

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