
Chapter 1183: Carrion Flies (I)

"During this time, I have been thinking about why you are hungry." Yuchang looked at Xu Yangyi who was holding his stomach and said: "Finally, I came up with an answer. When life forms evolve, a lot of energy is required. And you are a devil. The evolution of form should require demonic energy.”

Before he could finish speaking, a violent whirlwind had formed at the bottom of the abyss. Xu Yangyi was like an endless whirlpool. The magic crystals shone with dark light, crystal clear, and were sucked into his greedy stomach.

I don’t know how long it took, but the black tide finally disappeared at the bottom of the pit, along with the magic crystals all over the sky.

"Is there anything left?" Before the dark tide faded completely, a figure appeared in the center. Xu Yangyi's voice completely lost the anxiety before, but instead revealed a trace of...satisfaction?

"It's enough for you to practice dozens of times." Yuchang smiled.

The handsome and handsome man stepped out of the dark tide, and all the demonic energy disappeared as if he saw his master. Yuchang looked at Xu Yangyi quietly, his eyes became more alert, but other things... remained unchanged?

This shouldn't be the case. His intuition told him that the Infinite Truth technique was full of mysteries and could never be surpassed. But why had there been no changes after practicing to the Nascent Soul stage?

Not only does it have a human form, but it also doesn't have a demon form. Xu Yangyi's demon form has no advantages over the human form, let alone immortality, demon wings, and demon breath shadows.

But now is not the time to talk about this.

"Where's Mao Baer?" Xu Yangyi asked after scanning around.

Yuchang shook his head: "It is said that... I don't want to die with you and develop its next power. Not to mention it, Xingtian will not let anything happen to his host body. How do you feel?"

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

The whole world is very different.

He could see smaller substances, and everything... including the ground beneath his feet could be faintly covered with a thick layer of talismans.

This is the essence of life, another manifestation of genes.

These things were very active, as if they were the cells that made up the world. His consciousness permeated one of the talismans, and he finally felt a sense of intimacy.

It was as if these active little things would change according to his thoughts. He had a hunch that after he figured this level out, his strength would grow by leaps and bounds!

The Gate of Taixu, which was once... thought to be out of reach, has quietly opened a crack, a crack leading to the master of the plane.

"It feels great." He concealed his excitement and his eyes trembled slightly under his eyelids: "It has never been so great."

Yuchang smiled: "So, are you ready?"

Are you ready to let those top nobles surrender to your magic?

Xu Yangyi slowly opened his eyes, his eyes clear: "Of course."

The bottom of the abyss was shrouded in restrictions, and no one knew that Xu Yangyi was awake at this moment. Compared to the deathly silence below, Andrina's days seemed like years.

I don't know how much time passed. It lay quietly on the bone bed, without blinking, looking at the blood-red moon in the hole, like a prisoner waiting for the sentence.

From being uneasy, anxious, and irritable at the beginning, to now feeling calm, it also wonders why it can feel calm, but now it is like this, and nothing can arouse its emotions anymore.

No, not Shisui.

It's stagnant water.

Mousavis knelt tremblingly beside the abyss. The blood of the thirty-seven superior demons below made him breathless. However, he was still trembling, suppressing the fear in his blood, holding his breath and stretching out his head. Look down and expect to see miracles.

It has done this action countless times in the past twenty days, but the reason why the miracle is called a miracle is because it is unique.

"Master..." It retracted its head again. It was cautious and did not dare to disturb the noble group of demons below. It hoarsely touched its forehead to the ground: "Humble Mousavis... can... go outside and take a look first... …”

Andrina lay on the bed like a dead body and did not respond. After a long time, she said in a hoarse voice: "You can't leave..."

"When the thirty-day deadline comes, everyone related to him, except me, will have to be buried with him... You are in hell, so you should know better than your master what the four words "original family" mean."

Mousavis trembled even more, how could he not know... that was the true master of a huge star field that represented a hell, a collection of several planes! A glorious family that has experienced the battle between gods and demons! The most powerful existence in the demon plane! If the Seven Lords don’t appear, there will be no one!

Twenty-nine days...

It’s been twenty-nine days! There is no movement below!

Why is this happening? Was it wrong for me to seek refuge with a great alchemist?

Thinking that during this period in the Wolf Chief's plane, one word could be the law of the world, it felt extremely entangled in its heart.

"The last twelve hours..." Andrina looked at the clock in the corner with dead eyes: "He said at the beginning... he might be able to do it..."

It retracted its gaze and stared blankly at the sky. The devil was not fearless. Even it felt a deep chill at this moment.

The blood moon is so bright, it actually feels peaceful.

"How ironic..." A mocking smile hung on his lips. This blood moon with a black halo was like an eye looking at him coldly... Wait!

It was stunned for two seconds, then suddenly jumped up from the bone bed as if a needle had pricked it, its expression solemn as never before.

"Mousavis..." It stood quietly on the broken floor, staring blankly into the sky, its voice trembling: "Look carefully... Is this princess looking at the flowers... the moonlight... a little... wrong?"

As the twenty-ninth day came, Mousavis felt that the whole demon seemed to have aged a lot, and his black scales were turning white. He took a look and said dejectedly: "Yes, the demon furnace is about to erupt... …Planar resonance…there are some black traces…”

Before she finished speaking, Andrina had already raised her hand, her voice trembling even more, like a butterfly in the wind: "Have you ever heard of a legend..."

"Alchemist, great alchemist, holy alchemist, divine alchemist...corresponding to the master, the grand master, the alchemist, the alchemist..."

"In the realm of Grand Master... in the path of alchemy, one has become a master, enough to establish a sect. Any elixir can point directly to the origin. Once there is an iconic... elixir that is enough to become a Holy Alchemist..."

boom! ! ! !

Before he finished speaking, the entire Bone Fortress suddenly trembled, and a golden beam of light with a radius of 100 meters shot straight into the air!

It is so shining, so violent, so brilliant, completely filling the huge abyss of the previous explosion, and the violent shock wave points from the underground to the sky like a sword! Andrina's long flaming hair suddenly floated up, and countless fragments were mixed in it, rising slowly.

"Then...the world resonates..." Andrina turned around blankly, like a robot, looking at the huge beam of light that filled the sky. It's obviously demonic energy, but it's extremely majestic. It's obviously desire, but it's filled with soaring hunger, as if a huge mouth has opened between heaven and earth, swallowing everything.

One of the Seven Monarchs, the gluttonous demon, Beelzebub.

The elixir named after it is exactly like this.

The golden light illuminated the eternal night, casting long shadows of their two figures into every corner of the dilapidated castle. A direct line of deception demons, a low-level demon, so insignificant in front of this golden light that fills the world.

"My... the devil..." Mousavis looked sluggish, and then fell to his knees with a plop under the terrifying power.

At that time, the stars came out of the sea and illuminated the sky.

Now, Beelzebub's stomach was torn apart by the bloody night.

The holy alchemist, the symbol of the grand master, resonates with heaven and earth!

"It's... it's... he's... he's done!?" Andrina was equally sluggish, looking at everything in front of her with red eyes, and then she laughed crazily to the sky: "He's done! He's become ! Hahahaha! God bless me, the great Lord Felus!

Arrogant laughter filled the entire damaged bone fort, and the anxiety and anticipation of the past month all burst out at this moment. There was no need for it to laugh. All the representatives of the top demons and all the representatives of the original families who were still here opened their eyes at this moment. After being stunned for a second, they rushed towards the abyss where the golden beam of light erupted like crazy.

"This..." The representative of the Mundala family was the first to rush to the side, and stretched out his hand tremblingly. From all directions, the terrifying demonic energy chilled him: "It's so scary... such pure demonic energy!"

"Is this the top-secret alchemy in the East? Is this what they call the Grand Master? The Holy Alchemist?!"

"Thirty days... He, he really became it?! Silently, he actually made Beelzebub's stomach pouch?!"

Its incredible screams matched Andrina's wild laughter. Before it could finish laughing, more than thirty figures from all directions rushed over crazily. Everyone had disbelief on their faces and stared blankly. This beam of light.

It is a beacon in the dark night, a mountain of dazzling light. The surging demonic energy makes the demonic flames around it rush straight upward, and they turn a blind eye to it.

The representative of the Grizzly Prince stood blankly beside the light beam. At this moment, he felt extremely complicated in his heart.

An emotion called shock rushed into my heart, Holy Step... Holy Step! How many holy steps does one hell have? All concentrated in the hands of the original family! There won’t be more than ten people living outside! And...this scene is appearing in front of me!

This was power, different from absolute power, but another form of expression of power. This form made the hairs on his body stand up, and he almost couldn't help but kneel to the ground.

Absolute worship of power from the soul.

"It's unimaginable..." It suppressed its trembling legs, the muscles on its face trembled like dancing, and its mouth never closed. In front of this huge light beam, the devilish energy all over its body and its red pupils were reflected in gold. , murmured: "This is impossible... This is simply impossible..."

"How on earth did he do it!!"

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