
Chapter 1185: Carrion Flies (Part 3)

"Kill!!" The shouts of killing were like a tsunami, shaking the entire bone fort in an instant, and even the brilliance of the blood moon was trembling because of this killing intent. The black tides and flames from all directions swept madly towards the bone fort in the center of the storm, and could devour it in the next second.

The black torrent engulfed everything, the ground trembled violently, and the demonic energy that covered the sky and the sun dyed the world black, as if in response. At this moment, a black halo suddenly erupted in the new rhino bone fort, and the tide of carrion flies spread in all directions like a shock wave. An indescribable breath, which opened the pores of all demons, permeated the air quietly.

Very light, but it was refreshing and made people linger.

Very light, but it seduced the souls of demons and made them color their souls.

Silent urging.

Come on, it's time to choose a position! "Allies"

The earth-shaking vibrations resounded around the Bone Castle, and all the representatives turned a blind eye. They closed their eyes and opened them again, with a struggle between heaven and man in their hearts. When they opened their eyes for the last time, the representative of the Anthony family had bloodshot eyes, and his voice was hoarse, but he was extremely determined: "The demon god who disappeared for tens of thousands of years... a few clones want to ride on the head of the original family?!"

"You... are looking for death!!"

With its determined roar, a pure black skull cross flew out of its mouth, swelled up against the wind, and instantly grew to a size of 100 meters, floating above the castle like a tombstone. On it, a statue of a woman hanging upside down seemed to come alive, slowly opened her eyes, and burst into a red light.

The original family finally chose to say no to the demon god!

This sound was like an attack horn. In an instant, more than 30 eerie voices rang out of the broken bone castle, and more than 30 rays of light flew out almost at the same time. Suddenly, the sky was full of light.

"Don't be so arrogant... Demon incarnation." "We ignore you because you are the incarnation of an adult, but that doesn't mean you can make laws." "We... are the original family..."

The demons are coming, and the New Rhino Castle is like an isolated island in the sea. Under the protection of many top magic weapons, it is about to face the earth-shaking first round of impact. Everyone's expression is extremely solemn.

At this moment, the sky hummed, and it was still shaking gently at first, and no one noticed it, but in less than a second, the entire void, stretching for tens of thousands of meters, was wailing wildly!

Something is coming...

Something terrible is about to fall here...

The heart-pounding feeling made even the charging demon believers stunned, and a huge uneasiness grabbed their hearts, and they looked at the wildly shaking void around them in horror.

"You... do you still remember that this is the territory of the Prince of Arcane?" A murderous voice resounded through the air: "You... do you still remember that this is the territory of the Anthony family?!"

"Disdain the original family... annihilate! Lowly maggots!"

As the last word fell, a group of extremely complex talismans, with a heart-shaking magnificent magic, slowly appeared in the void.

Complex, majestic, magnificent... It is impossible to express its horror in words.

"Demon God!" Andrina just rushed to the window, and she didn't even have time to exclaim, and immediately lay on the ground without hesitation.

"Oh my God!" The representative of the Mondala family screamed, and his wings immediately wrapped around himself, like a frightened cat, lying on the ground and not daring to move.

"The Great Void Demon King!" "The Prince of Arcane! It's the Prince of Arcane's Forbidden Arcane Spell!" "The Demon King has taken action... The Demon King has taken action! Saint-level alchemists... The Demon King has lost face and is the enemy of the Demon God?"

Shouts came one after another, but a more magnificent voice dominated everything and became the only master of this sky.

"The Forbidden Arcane Spell... Everything is void."

Boom! ! ! Countless arcane torrents fell from the sky, deep purple, destroying the world, without any hesitation!

There were no screams or exclamations, because all objects that touched it were turned to ashes in an instant.

Everyone lay on the ground, and the shock wave swept across their backs crazily. No one dared to speak. I don't know how long it took, when they looked up, the blood moon was still the blood moon, the night sky was still the night sky, but the previous demon army had been reduced to ashes.

However, this was not the end!

Just as they were still in the aftermath of the shock, the entire ground sounded like an earthquake.

Rumble, rumble, rumble... like countless giant drums beating, countless armies emerged from the darkness, and in the sky, thousands of flying gargoyles lined up in neat rows and appeared in the sky. On the ground, the team of black armor and blood swords turned into a long black dragon, rushing towards the new rhino bone fort from all directions.

"Is this... the forbidden magic army of the arcane prince Antonidas?" All the demons blinked, and their hearts, which had just calmed down for a moment, suddenly hung up.

It's not that they are afraid of what the prince will do to them... but... your fucking battle is too big! Are you trying to snatch people from us!

We have been waiting here respectfully for thirty days! Thirty days!

"Damn it!!" The representative of the evil eye prince screamed, and then turned into a long rainbow and flew away without looking back, heading straight for the bone fort.

The other demons were stunned, and then they cursed and rushed towards the bone fort.

No matter what, they must leave a first impression on the other party! The arcane prince has decided to be shameless, and they can only be more shameless than the other party! No matter what, we have to leave a good first impression on the Holy Alchemist!

The blood moons lost their color under the golden light column, and in their eyes, only each other remained.

Buzz... The golden light pillar trembled, and the next second, a sharp scream resounded throughout the entire world, and a majestic shadow suddenly rose from the light pillar and disappeared into the void. Immediately afterwards, a huge mandala slowly condensed in the starry sky.

It's full of demonic energy, yet strangely sacred. God and demon were originally separated by a thin line.

All the demons stopped outside the Bone Castle and held their breaths as they watched this scene, the birth of a quasi-saint... They were all too aware of the meaning contained in it.

In the complete silence, the representative of the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame bit his lip, took several deep breaths, and then half-knelt on the ground respectfully.

This is the nature of the devil.

They are not stupid, but direct. When you have no use value, they are just maggots. When they have enough value, they are willing to kneel down for all the maggots in the past and are willing to hold all the ants in the past on the altar.

Just like Andrina's arrogant attitude. As the representative of the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame half-knelt on the ground, the other demons looked at each other and without any psychological barriers, they all half-knelt in the void.

Obey instinct and pay tribute to power.

Rustling... One after another figures knelt down silently. As the mandala slowly rotated in the void, the golden light pillar became thinner and thinner. Finally, the world shook slightly. When the light pillar disappeared, a human figure Feng Xuyu appeared. The wind rises slowly from the void.

Standing proudly against the crowd in the bloody night.

Compared to the devil, it was not that high, but it made everyone stare at him with blazing eyes, like a hook that they couldn't move away from.

It's not majestic, but it makes everyone feel that he is like a mountain at this moment, unattainable.

"Congratulations, congratulations to Mr. Yi Ferrers for groping the edge of the holy steps!" In the silence, Mousavis's heart-wrenching congratulations, more like tears of joy, screamed. Then, Andrina covered her mouth like crazy, with only ecstasy in her eyes, and said hoarsely: "You did it... you did it! You did it, right?"

A pin drop could be heard, and the two voices were extremely abrupt. But no one objected. A second later, from all directions, first the city guards of New Rhinoceros Fort, and then Antonidas’s demon-forbidden army, one by one, knelt down in an orderly manner, with a fiery voice, earth-shattering. He shouted: "Congratulations to the Quasi-Saint Alchemist for arriving!!"

The sound spreads like a wave, the quasi-sage arrives, and all the demons come to pay homage.

All the representatives did not speak, but stared at Xu Yangyi with eyes that were almost melting. They were waiting, watching, waiting for Xu Yangyi to come up with something decisive. Although everything before has shown that the other party has succeeded, they will not be reconciled until they see the real thing.

Xu Yangyi looked at everything in front of him without sadness or joy. It was so ridiculous that in the blink of an eye this month, the top noble representatives who were so arrogant a few days ago were groveling and half-kneeling in the void.

"What are you waiting for?" He slowly stretched out his hand, and the breathing of all representatives suddenly became rapid, because they could clearly see that in the palm of his hand, black light was projected out like diamonds. The representatives of dozens of nobles and nobles rotated their necks with one hand, which was extremely ridiculous.

Xu Yangyi sneered: "Waiting for this?"

Brushes...a bright black color stretched across the sky.

No matter how bright the moonlight is, it is hard to compare with its beauty.

It seems to contain the universe, hesitating and hesitating, and the whole elixir seems to be alive, beating gently. Silvery white light spots form a light belt in the center, flowing continuously, as if carrying the mystery of the universe, which is fascinating.

Quasi-holy level elixir, Beelzebub's stomach bag.

"Boy." Yuchang said quietly, "You...this is not Beelzebub's stomach..."

Xu Yangyi sneered and said: "It has to be good. Completely different alchemy techniques are naturally completely different creations. Believe me, this thing will make them crazy. But, I am not going to tell them first."

"Come on, let's fight for it, I'm going to scrape every drop of oil and water off them!"

"Gudu..." A burst of unbearable sounds appeared all around. The forbidden demon army, the city guard army, and even Mousavis forced himself to swallow a mouthful of saliva at this moment.

A quasi-saint-level elixir...

Today, when the alchemists are being hunted down by the Eastern Genealogy... This kind of thing has only been heard in legends, but now it actually appears in front of them! And...that damn scent! He simply wanted to provoke his most fragile nerves, and even his heart beat with the flickering light.

"Ha..." The representative of the Demon of Vanity took a deep breath, feeling like his soul was about to fly out, and he groaned in comfort.

All the reserve and nobility were gone at this moment.

There is only the worship of power and the ultimate respect for another kind of power.

There is nothing to hide in your true nature.

Xu Yangyi looked at these people coldly. They took action, which meant that the two sides could no longer separate. They didn't understand why yet, but after they went back to report, these nobles would definitely understand. But will they regret it?

No, it's impossible!

From the groveling half-kneeling of these demons here, he knew that he had truly received strong support this time, a true ally far more powerful than Andrina, a demon who dared to support him in a world of great conflict. expensive.

However, this does not mean that he will forgive the other party's rudeness.

When you make a mistake, you must admit it, and when you are beaten, you must stand upright. Since you like to kneel to the powerful, then follow everyone's standards.

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