
Chapter 1186: Stand at attention when being beaten

Falling stars could be heard in all directions, except for the sound of heavy breathing. Xu Yangyi's eyes playfully swept over all the half-kneeling demons, like knives.

All the demon representatives secretly exchanged expressions. Why don't they understand what the other party is waiting for?

Waiting for them to slap themselves... I am too lazy to take action.

Don’t you worship power?

Then, please kneel before me. Take back what you said before.

"What?" Xu Yangyi said in a slow voice, "Don't want to?"

"No!" As soon as he finished speaking, a voice below almost gritted his teeth and said: "Your Excellency Quasi-Saint Alchemist...Five Great Thousand Worlds!"

Even the fish intestine hidden in the spiritual consciousness was stunned, what a big gesture!

"Half of the resources of the five great worlds in fifty years are yours as long as you nod." The person who spoke was the representative of the Demon of Vanity. There was no trace of anger on his face, only a solemn look and Hexi's incomparable smile: "No need Any mortgage! As long as you nod! We only strive for a designated recipe!”


Xu Yangyi sneered, weren't you the devil who threw the cup from the sky? Talk to me about this now? Don't you think it's too late?


However...he never expected that he would be interrupted rudely as soon as he finished speaking.

What interrupted him were six loud slaps, but they were not slapped on his face, but on the face of the representative of the Demon of Vanity. The force was so fierce that even the opponent's blood flowed down and turned into flames floating into the air. .

The person who slapped it was itself. Six hands slapped it hard on its face, but there was no anger on its face. Instead, it was...


Xu Yangyi rubbed his eyes, thinking he saw it wrong, but he didn't.

Damn that's flattering!

The representatives of the three original aristocratic families were all Zun Sheng, who were in the same early stage as him, but at this moment they were full of flattery. Just like Zhuji seeing Nascent Soul, he wanted to lick each other's feet.

"Do you think it's enough?" The other party's eyes were hot, and his smile never disappeared. He smiled sincerely, from the inside out, and said, "If it's not enough, you can do whatever you want?"


This script is wrong.

Xu Yangyi looked at the other party in astonishment, and suddenly realized that he had overlooked something.

That's how much the devil doesn't want Bilian!

This won't work! I’m not happy yet! You are under so much pressure to refine this thing. Shouldn't you gnash your teeth and hate me so much that you have to kneel down and lick it?

Who the hell wrote this script? Hot chicken! I want to refuse to act! Stop playing!

Maybe he saw it wrong... This demon is more unique... Well, that must be the case... So, Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered to the second person, the representative of the bloody demon.

"Pah!!" A loud slap appeared just as his eyes came into contact with the other person, without any worries or any precautions. It was clearly a fluid body of magma, but it actually slapped him harder than the Demon of Vanity. A dozen eyes flashed all over his body, and his voice was extremely gentle.

"it's all my fault."

"I really didn't expect that there is such a noble creature as you in the world, and he actually completed an impossible task in thirty days. I am really blind, I want to go back this time... No! No need to go back! I will go back now I have the discretion to provide you with whatever price you want! "

Xu Yangyi felt a ghostly fire in his heart: "You..."

"Sir! You are the eagle high in the sky, and I am just a maggot in the mire. Why do you need to be as knowledgeable as a maggot?"

God interrupts!

Xu Yangyi's mouth was almost full of anger, wake up! Wake up! Remember your identity, you are the original family! Can you buy Bilian from the pharmacy? Come anally with me!

I've been holding back a lot of will-o'-the-wisps, you idiots are now trying to make trouble?

However, his voice was obviously ignored. He suddenly remembered that he asked Andrina if she really succeeded in practicing it, would she kneel down and admit her mistake?

Andrina’s answer is: Definitely! There is no doubt about it.


It must be your sister! Isn’t this a fucking admission of mistake? They are so happy masochistically! I'm afraid that if I want the other party to jump into the river of flames, the other party won't say a word, okay?

I never knew my ability to complain was so powerful...

"Good luck, good luck." The fish intestines flew out and gently touched Xu Yangyi's back, which was very angry. It was shocked by the devil's shamelessness.

So... is the Catholic description of their character still positive?

This... is a complete collection of negative energy!

Deception, arrogance, cruelty, shamelessness, hypocrisy, lack of dignity... I can't name them all, but as long as you are strong, as long as you can achieve huge benefits, want to abuse? casual. Is the whip enough? Not enough to add more wax? You look at the vibrator nipple clamp and hum, I am not a demon, as long as you give me what you should give me...

Xu Yangyi was very angry.

"What the hell..." He used a rare curse word and glanced at all the demons, regardless of male or female. Although he couldn't tell the male and female demons at all, as long as he looked over, his face was filled with a flattering smile, gentle and cute. , cute.

The hand is still ready to attack at any time. As long as he sees him opening his mouth, he will definitely slap him without hesitation, just like setting up a button wizard.

Hey, there is no other way. You want us to stand at attention and we will never rest. Who made us offend you? Look...have you calmed down a bit?

It's gone a little... Can we start to talk business?

What? Still not? Then what do you think? If you say go east, never go west. If you say hit a dog, never chase a chicken.

Your body is the most important. Take care of yourself. Why are you angry with us maggots? Look ahead, look, there, do you see a road paved with magic crystals? And take a look at us waiting for you to speak? Time is precious, dear.

The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable. This is not good.

"I fucking understand..." Xu Yangyi's mouth twitched, and he magically read these implicit words from the eyes of all the demons: "Materialism is too hurtful. These things need to be transformed by Marxism-Leninism!"

Unhappy... Too fucking unhappy, facing the demons who were enslaved in an instant, fight, these are upper demons, all have immortal bodies, and can't be killed without specific methods. And there is no need to kill them, which is equivalent to turning against your future strategic alliance.

Don't fight, you have to let the old man slap you in the face, right? As a result, before he could do anything, his face was already swollen.

But others didn't care!

How could physical torture compare to mental torture? He would not be satisfied if he didn't torment these birdmen.

"Get out of here." After a few seconds, he finally waved his sleeves with gritted teeth and frowned.

All the demons stood up quickly. The bloody demon representative and the vanity demon representative exchanged glances. Xu Yangyi saw it and understood it magically.

Bloody: I ​​said, no creature can withstand our shamelessness.

Vanity: That's right, this trick works every time, especially for creatures like humans who actually have strange emotions such as dignity.

Bloody: Yes, the immortal demon body is a good thing, I think we can develop it in depth. I envy you very much, you actually have six hands. I can't do six slaps in one second.

Vanity: That's right, next time I will choose a better angle to attack, and try to make the other party let go of their previous grudges with one slap.

I have a sentence MMP, but I don't know if I should say it...

With a dark face, he turned into a stream of light and flew down when he saw everyone stood up. All the demons were stunned, and immediately followed him like sharks smelling blood... No, followed him.

"How do you feel?" As soon as he arrived at Andrina's dilapidated secret room, the other party's face turned red with excitement, and he said hoarsely: "Is it cool? At this time, no matter what you ask them to do, they won't say a word."


Xu Yangyi glanced at it and sat on the chair unhappily. There was only one chair here, which was Andrina's former throne, but it was very sensible and had given it up long ago. Standing respectfully aside, even holding a glass of red wine.

"I'm too naive..." Xu Yangyi muttered as he looked at the more than 30 figures flying like flies above.

"I'm naive too..." Yuchang also spoke faintly.

Andrina smiled like a sunflower. Looking at Xu Yangyi's face, she suddenly said with some doubt: "Yi, why do you seem unhappy?"

"No... I just think these demons are too unprincipled... They are the original family..."

"Principalty? What is that? Is it delicious?" Andrina was even more suspicious: "When I said 'Isn't this good', didn't you say with a strange look: 'Yes, this is very good'?"

That was because I was not experienced enough in the world... The young boy didn't know that there were such shameless people in the world...

Xu Yangyi felt that the corners of his mouth were cramping again, and he held back.

The thirty-seven figures were extremely fast, but they didn't exceed Xu Yangyi by a bit. There were no other chairs here, and they didn't care at all.

"I knew that the adults must be able to distinguish the importance." The representative of the Grizzly Prince smiled and said: "Dear Saint-level Alchemist, time is very tight..."

Xu Yangyi restrained the will-o'-the-wisp in his heart, good, very good, don't be lecherous, right? If I don't let you bleed a lot today, I can't let this breath go smoothly.

He glanced at Andrina, who hesitated for a second. Before she could speak, Mousavis came out impatiently, his huge body like a hill, respectfully prostrating himself on the ground: "Dear distinguished guests..."

"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to stand here and talk to me?" Before the words fell, a cold voice fell, and the flattering smile on the face of the representative of the Vanity Demon instantly disappeared without a trace, and a vast demonic energy of the initial stage of the Saint surged out of his body, looking at Mousavis indifferently.

"This is the agent I appointed." Without waiting for it to finish, Xu Yangyi said lightly.

In an instant, a smile bloomed on the face of the Vanity Demon, which was like an ice cube. The expression changed very naturally. He smiled and walked up, personally helping Mousavis up: "So it's the agent, hey... why didn't you say it earlier? There is still a long time, I hope to communicate more with the steward in the future..."

Xu Yangyi took the wine glass handed by Andrina, but it was squeezed and made a crackling sound. The strategy of inspiring dignity from these creatures is useless. These things have no idea what self-esteem is!

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