
Chapter 1187: Sky-high Price Competition (I)

Mousavis was flattered, this was a saint... He was still the original demon, his voice was trembling, and when he was about to speak, Xu Yangyi said coldly: "Remember, you are my agent, a quasi-saint level alchemist. As an agent of the Master, there is no need to surrender to those who are seeking help from me, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Mousavis's body trembled, and he suppressed the fear of the upper demon in his heart and stood still.

"Tell them my decision." Xu Yangyi raised his chin and said.

"Yes..." Mousavis took a deep breath, his heart beating wildly, and finally admitted... The quasi-holy alchemist finally admitted in front of everyone that I am an agent. From now on... I no longer need to take a step forward. Gangdis step! He is already the center of attention!

It knows very well who all this comes from, so at this moment, Xu Yangyi can take all of its soul, and it is eager to do so!

"Dear Sirs..." It cleared its throat, stood up straighter, and said in a deep voice: "Princess Andrina has already said that a press conference will be held in one month."

"Isn't this a month from now?" one representative asked, seemingly confused.

"It turns out to be the representative of Archduke Siro." Before Mousavis could speak, Andrina had already stood up and said with a smile: "Why do you pretend to be confused because you understand?"

It suppressed its smile, looked at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone is either a core dignitary of hell, or an original family. I don't have to hide it. I just want to ask, how many holy alchemists are there in an original family? ? "What about other families?"

No one answered. When it came to business, all the demons began to ponder. Wasn't their groveling before just for now? They can let it go then, but not when the results show up.

"Don't dare to say? Don't want to say? In fact, this is not a secret." Andrina raised her finger: "Three."

"As far as I know, there are three holy alchemists in the Ferrers family. It is said that there is one divine alchemist, but I am not sure."

"The Ferrers family is undoubtedly the most powerful family in the Sixteen Hells. They have no less than a hundred billion demons, and these hundreds of billions of demons rely on the works of three alchemists who stand at the pinnacle of alchemy. And. Among them, there is only one Dan Dao!"

It bowed and continued: "The pursuit of Eastern genealogy is the number one reason. The Ferrers family is like this. I don't believe that other families will have more. Master of Holy Alchemy, I bet that your family will not exceed Three, and up to fifty great alchemists! Let me ask you, a newly minted quasi-saint who is truly a top honorary guest, do you want him to hold his first press conference in such a dilapidated castle?"

Everyone was silent.

Holy order...that is the real distinguished guest who talks directly to the Demon King! Every time he arrives, a red carpet is laid out to greet the super VIPs who are his direct relatives! How many demon kings have condescended to seek other ways? Especially... there are really too few alchemy methods, and the cruelty of Eastern genealogy can be seen tonight. No matter whether you come from the same plane or not, you are either me or the enemy! Kill without mercy!

"Do you think that a holy master should hold his first press conference in hell in a place like this? Do you really think that a holy master should work hard without complaining? Believe it or not, if he says even one word in his circle, your family will be rejected by other holy masters. ?”

None of the demon representatives spoke.

Andrina's intention should be to return to the Palace of Deception and hold a press conference in the political, economic and cultural center of the Hell of Deception. That kind of influence would undoubtedly be the greatest. but……

How many nobles will come then! ?

There are now thirty-seven! Will there be 370 stores by then? !

I'm afraid all the old ghosts from the second hell will come! How much more will this cost? The high cost is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that you haven’t got it yet after fighting for it! Watching others eat alone is intolerable!

It has only been about a hundred years since the Devil's Furnace was fully opened. For a saint, others would open the furnace every day? Opening it once every ten years is considered diligent! This time is the most promising time. If you miss it, the future competition will become more and more cruel with the arrival of the Ten Thousand Demons Festival!

Therefore, they will not let go, and they will never let go until the last moment!

The bayonet made of gold has quietly risen.

"Your Highness the Princess." Prince Grizzly Bear's representative's eyes flashed: "Why don't you listen to Your Majesty the Quasi-Saint's opinion?"

"Excuse my rudeness..." The representative of the bloody demon also stood up: "Please also forgive me for my bluntness... Your Excellency Quasi-Sage, if you are seeking influence, there is no need. Your name is the best sign. If You seek to maximize your profits..."

It paused, and a bright golden light erupted from its lava-like body: "How do you know that the funds we are preparing to bid for are not as good as those who deceived the Nie Palace?"

"This is..." The Demon of Vanity took a look and gasped: "Did you bring that thing?"

Before he finished speaking, the bloody demon's body suddenly exploded. Instead of dying, it turned into countless fire elves. Under the dance of the flame elves with a radius of more than ten meters, guarding a golden box in the center, emitting blazing light like the sun.

Waves of indescribable pressure erupted from the box. It was very faint, but every trace of it made the surrounding sky tremble. He does not belong to Zunsheng, and superior to Taixu. Countless pictures are rising and dying around, including flowers and plants, creatures, planes, and even... the Milky Way.

"Sure enough..." Prince Evil Eye's representative took a deep look at the box and gritted his teeth: "What a big gesture."

"Leviathan's treasure." The representative of the bloody demon licked his blood-red mouth, ignored the others, bowed to Xu Yangyi who was sitting on the throne, and said hoarsely: "If you open it once in five hundred years, you can open it once." Here comes an item that belongs to the Taixu Demon King... Jie Jie... The master of the house has already told you that if you succeed, no matter the cost, this is just a 'small' meeting gift for us."

"Master Quasi-Sage, are you still satisfied? I can guarantee that even if it is held in the Palace of Deception, our increase will definitely be considered sincere. Once you nod, we will give you even more generous gifts."

The flames in Xu Yangyi's eyes jumped and he immediately suppressed it.

Marvel at the generosity of these original families. The accumulation of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years has given them vast wealth like the sea. It is a quasi-too virtual item when it is released. There is only one thing of this level in his body now, and that is the infinite truth of the unique realm. But don't forget, this is just a skill, no magical power, no magic weapon! You have to collect these by yourself!

Remuneration is always directly proportional to strength. As his realm improves, his strength increases. For the first time, he steps into the exchange field of Taixu as a revered saint. No one dares to disobey.

In the silence, Andrina's spiritual consciousness whispered in her ears: "Saint level, there is never any exchange of magic crystals. It's all bartering. In addition, if it is the alchemy path, magic crystals of equal value to the elixir will be given. This is a common practice. In other words, Beelzebub's stomach bag is worth at least five million magic crystals. After they give you the selected item, they must also give you five million magic crystals. Otherwise, they have broken the rules. Don't The holy order will reject them. Believe me, they cannot bear this kind of rejection from a circle."

"Zi..." Yuchang took a deep breath and said in Xu Yangyi's consciousness: "This... is simply a robbery!"

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but there was also a flash of confusion in his eyes.

This is the dignity of alchemy.

This is his power!

A specific time, a specific place, and a specific side door create an unmistakable power. After Alchemy reaches a higher level, it finally begins to show its fangs.

Yes, it was an obvious robbery, but the other party had to smile apologetically and dare not say a word no! I don’t even dare to mention my previous attitude!

As perverse as a dog.

All his micro-expressions were caught in the demon's eyes, and this wave of emotion had long been captured by other demons. There was no need to remind him. With a seemingly hearty smile, another representative walked out.

"Leviathan's treasure..." It took a deep look at the Bloody Demon, licked its lips, and said with a hint of determination in its voice: "It is indeed a rare treasure. As the original family, the Bloody Demon is indeed extraordinary, but ...There are many treasures that can rival it. After all, they are just quasi-treasures."

It took a deep breath, waved its hand, and a golden feather appeared in the field.

It is about one foot in size, but the brilliance it emits is not demonic energy, but... a power that has never been touched before!

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at the pupils of the infinite truth. He suddenly discovered that the way this power formed the talisman was completely different from anything he knew. This... came from other civilizations, and it was a very powerful civilization. treasure!

Once you can get it, it will be of great benefit to the cultivation of infinite truth, and its value will not be lower than the treasure of Leviathan, which is a lottery!

"The feathers of a high-winged angel." The representative suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and bowed to Xu Yangyi: "Every high-winged angel is above Taixu, a real Taixu, not 'accurate.' This One stick is something that survived the battle between gods and demons. Through it, you can understand the truth of Taixu. I think the quasi-sage will not stop at respecting the saint, right?"

The sweetness of the alchemy, now suppressed by all the demons, spread out from a crack that slowly opened. The fragrance is fragrant and intoxicating.

The instigator, Xu Yangyi, was so intoxicated that he did not expect that the bargaining chip offered by the other party would be so precious just because of the difference between two words, Holy Level.

"Calm down." Yuchang was calmer on the contrary, although these two things also made him breathe a little faster: "I once saw Zhang Daozu's elixir press conference, and that was the elixir... The bidding there was magnificent, one Every leader, every sage, even Taixu takes action, the real good things are always at the end.”

"Jingxin, this is your home court, and you are the king here. If you don't let the ministers bring out the best, you can't nod."

Suppressing the desire to open his mouth several times, Xu Yangyi nodded slightly and tried to keep his face as calm as possible.

Andrina didn't speak anymore. All the decisions were in the hands of Xu Yangyi. It knew the demons too well. Although it rejected them, they would seize every opportunity before Xu Yangyi nodded!

Treasures that are usually invisible are short-lived, and the price that is usually unimaginable, if you don't say it for the first time, there will be no chance later.

This opportunity is enough to make this secret war boil. But now, with the treasures of Leviathan and the feathers of the winged angels, all the other demons began to breathe a little less smoothly, and their eyes became a little red.

A feather from a winged angel and a draw from Leviathan are not enough to make a quasi-saint nod.

The boiling point is coming.

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