
Chapter 1188: Sky-high Price Competition (Part 2)

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, the representative seemed a little anxious, and said anxiously: "Sir, there is an old saying in China, it is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. As long as you agree to Prince Fantus to get the first furnace opening permission, you will definitely be treated with the highest standard. Can you get it in other families? Prince Fantus will definitely remember your kindness."

"Ridiculous." Before the voice fell, a low voice sounded. The representative was stunned, and then angrily said: "Who!"

"Provoking the majesty of Prince Fantus, you..."

Before the voice fell, it disappeared, just disappeared in the air without any spiritual power or demonic energy fluctuations.

Everyone's pupils shrank, and the next second, endless black light burst out from all directions, building and spreading, and actually... began to build the prototype of a palace!

At the same time, a terrifying demonic energy began to boil the sky.


Taixu Demon King!

Everyone took a deep breath and half-knelt on the ground, but Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered and he didn't move.

Prince of Arcane...

This is the Prince of Arcane himself! Not a projection!

"A ruined palace?"

"No, how can a Saint hold his first press conference in such a place?"

"If there is no palace, I will give you an extremely luxurious venue!"

"If there are no servants, I will send you thousands of servants for your pleasure."

"Mr. Quasi-Saint, look, with such sincerity, can we finalize its fate here? This king has heard... the cry from the soul, I need it... This king has not tasted the taste of Quasi-Saint Elixir for hundreds of years... Damn Eastern Genealogy..."

Boom... As its words sounded, magnificent columns, gorgeous arches, and finely carved golems rose from the ground, making Andrina's ruined castle instantly bathed in the magnificent magic aura, more majestic and more magnificent than the former New Rhino Castle.

But no one paid attention to the castle. Everyone looked into the distance, and every demon had an extremely ugly face.

Taixu took action himself... Can you save Bilian? What does it mean to compete with a group of juniors?

The moment Taixu arrived, they would no longer dare to hold back! Because... I'm afraid they only have one last chance to bid.

One price.

Success is success, failure is to get out.

"Damn it..." The representative of the Mondala family was livid: "Although we are all original families... we are just representatives... Your Excellency came in person... the importance is different! If I had known... I should have reported to the family earlier! Invite a demon king to help!"

"What's the point of saying this now?" The representative of the Prince of the Evil Eye was right next to him, looking at the distance like a cannibal. There, the rolling demonic energy had already blocked the blood moon. It gritted its teeth and whispered: "Let's think carefully about what price we can pay to eat this pill!"

"That's right... This is the price set by this quasi-saint. The price in the future will probably not exceed it. If it is too high, we can't afford it. I hope that the demon king can consider the face of the major families..."

In the far distance, the forbidden magic army covering the ground formed an endless black torrent, and at this moment, all the torrents separated, and an extremely tall figure slowly walked out of it. Every step made the ground tremble.

It was an extremely tall demon, about a hundred meters, like a hill. The steps were very steady, and elk-like bone spurs stretched out from its body like branches. On each "branch", there were dozens of bone lanterns, emitting golden light. Countless demon babies the size of human heads flew around the sea of ​​lanterns, forming a beautiful sea like a sea of ​​fireflies on a summer night.

On the back of the giant demon, there was a huge demon throne about ten meters long. The whole beast carried only one person. The carving of the throne was extremely complicated, and it looked majestic and ingenious. With the sound of the giant demon's footsteps, all the steel torrents within a radius of ten thousand meters knelt down and shouted in unison.

"Welcome His Excellency the Prince of Arcane!"

"Swish..." When Xu Yangyi was still a hundred meters away, the huge demon opened his mouth, and a carpet of magic extended over. At the same time, rows of servants, exactly the same in appearance, walked out of the demon's mouth, each holding a golden tray with dazzling treasures on it, and half-knelt respectfully on both sides.

Xu Yangyi took a rough look, all of them were natural treasures of the Seven Realms A-level!

A pale foot stretched out from the throne, and immediately a tall demon bowed to form a human ladder, stepped slowly, and walked gracefully in the silent black tide.

"What a grand show..." Yuchang took a deep breath, Xu Yangyi did not speak, but looked deeply at this demon-the first alien Taixu he met.


It should have turned into a human form, with yellowed ancient bandages wrapped all over its body, and endless magic spread from it. The first sight was like seeing a sinful abyss and a sea of ​​magic.

Humans cannot walk and measure the ocean. In front of this magnificent demonic energy, Xu Yangyi's heartbeat could not help but beat along with the contraction of the other party's demonic energy.

Extremely powerful.

When it appeared, all the demons around, including the original family, except Andrina, all touched the ground with their foreheads, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably. Even Andrina was pale.

"So strong... I don't know how scary it is, I can only feel strong... very strong! Even... maybe stronger than Xiaoqing!" He pursed his lips, and just when the Prince of Arcane entered 50 meters, he finally stood up and half-knelt and said: "Welcome to the Prince of Arcane."

Before he could kneel on the ground, a gentle force had lifted it up. The dry voice of the mummy was not as cold as imagined, but like a spring breeze: "Mr. Quasi-Saint, do you have any opinions about this king?"

The hand wrapped in cloth strips held Xu Yangyi's hand, and Antonidas smiled and said: "If I dare to accept your audience, I'm afraid the old guys of the Saint Rank will spray me to death. You have your power, I have mine, so there is no need for us to be too restrained."

"As an apology for not considering this, they are given to you."

Antonidas waved his hand slightly, and all the treasures in the hands of the servants in the back flew up together, and then they were combined quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they formed a storage ring.

Xu Yangyi smiled on his face, and his heart was extremely alert.

This storage ring... is made up of all the treasures of heaven and earth! It is priceless!

It is not cutting some parts, but in just a few seconds when the Prince of Arcane waved his hand, it squeezed all the treasures of heaven and earth from who knows how big they are into a small ring! And keep the original value! Change the form!

Is this Taixu...

He let out a long breath: "Then, I will be disrespectful. Prince, please."

Seeing him accept the ring, Antonidas nodded and said indifferently: "Get up."

All the demons dared to get up.

It waved again, and another throne appeared. It sat on it and smiled: "It was very interesting to see everyone bidding just now. Continue. I just happen to have some idle things and plan to support the Saint Master. Let's start now?"

"As compensation for coming uninvited, I can tolerate you to make an offer first."

All the demons' teeth are about to break!

In the transaction of the Saint Order, no one will default on it. Even if they come, how many things need to be reported to the family? And this is the lair of the Prince of Arcane! You can take out countless treasures anytime and anywhere without reporting. Is it really okay to bully people like this?

All eyes were on Xu Yangyi, and he nodded slightly. The bloody demon took the lead and took a step forward, with a deep hatred for Antonidas, and said loudly: "A resource-based small world! Directly allocated to you! From now on, it belongs to you! Our Gerile family will let it go! As long as you nod, the transfer contract will be signed immediately! I can make the decision on this matter on the spot!"

The opportunity of a fixed price, the boiling point was instantly detonated because of Antonidas's arrival!

"In addition!" It didn't finish, and said after a pause: "The Antonidas family is willing to bear all the test costs of the quasi-saint..."

"Hehe..." Before it finished, the vanity demon of the Mondala family sneered and said, as if they had never known each other: "Bear? It sounds good, who doesn't want this kind of bearing? We are also willing to bear it! Don't say these useless things! Just a resource-based small world is not enough for the quasi-saint to nod. If the sincerity of the Geerle family is only this..."

"Of course not!" The dagger was revealed. The Taixu Demon King was present, and they knew that they only had one chance to bid. The representative of the bloody demon gritted his teeth and took out a black box without hesitation.

The box was very ordinary, but there were countless bans engraved on it. Even if you looked at it, you could feel that the sealed things were unusual.

"Ten million magic crystals, plus..." It took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Pandora's magic dice."

Antonidas, who was sitting on the throne, finally moved his eyes slightly. Even Andrina suddenly raised her head and looked at the representative in surprise like other demons.

It stared at Xu Yangyi and said hoarsely: "Pandora's magic dice... is a pair with Leviathan's treasure... This treasure is a six-sided dice, it... can make Leviathan's treasure open treasures of specified aspects!"

"Sir, as long as you speak, as long as you nod! The treasure of the Taixu level is waving to you! By the way, the Taixu items opened by Leviathan's treasure may even have the opportunity to open a super treasure of the half-step demon lord level! You have to know that this kind of thing can be used as a treasure to suppress the world in other planes, the universe... no! The upper realm that has just been promoted!"

Xu Yangyi's hand holding the armrest tightened.

This is their bottom line...

The fragrance of the alchemy is as fragrant as a blooming flower on this moonlit night. This fragrance is enough to make these demons lose their minds! For the only chance to speak, they would rather bid a premium and must grab this opportunity before the demon furnace erupts!

"Heh..." Without waiting for others to speak, the arcane prince tapped the throne with his slender fingers and sneered: "That's all?"

"How can I remember that when the bloody demon first won over the holy level, the additional price offered was a thousand years of output in the upper realm?"

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