
Chapter 1189: Sky-high Price Competition (Part 3)


The bloody demon's face changed slightly: "That... is the contracted alchemist of our family..."

"Are you not going to sign a contract with this quasi-saint?" The voice of the prince of arcane was aggressive: "The Geerle family has never considered a quasi-saint? Are you looking down on a quasi-saint?"

"No... No! We haven't! I, I don't mean that!"

"Go away." The prince of arcane waved his hand, and the bloody demon disappeared without a trace. It said lightly: "Taixu Treasure, what is the point of this king sitting here? Just to open the Taixu Treasure, you need the bloody demons that you have accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years?"

"Shame on you."

"Are there others?" The prince of arcane seemed to move his lips and scanned everyone: "If not, then this king..."

"Of course there are!" The little patience of the prince of arcane was almost exhausted, and the other demons dared not wait. The representative of the vanity demon bowed, took a deep breath, and waved his hand, and an old oil lamp appeared in his hand.

It was very ordinary, so ordinary that it was just the simplest brass lamp, and it was even covered with copper rust. But when it appeared, the Prince of Arcane moved for the first time.

"I really miss it..." It said simply, and then stopped talking.

"Aladdin's magic lamp." The bloody demon licked his lips, and a flash of heat flashed in his eyes: "It has no other functions, but it contains a spell... called the wishing spell."

Wishing spell!

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly jumped, the second magic weapon for the wishing spell... Is this the difference between the top upper realm and the primary upper realm? If this kind of thing is taken to the Seven Realms, I'm afraid Du Bu will take action!

"It can satisfy any wish below the late stage of Taixu! This oil lamp originally contained three wishing spells, which have been used twice. This is the last time. Even the Mondala family only has this one!" It stroked the oil lamp with some trembling, and looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "Your Excellency the Quasi-Saint, what do you think of this price?"

For the first time, the Prince of Arcane did not speak.

The things taken out may not be needed by the alchemist and may be used for other exchanges, or the other party may keep them for future use. But the wishing technique is different. This is something that can solve the urgent problem! Even... it can avoid certain deadly situations!

"Hold it!" Yuchang said in his mind: "Look behind first, don't be anxious!"

Xu Yangyi's chest was a little anxious, and he nodded deeply. He suddenly didn't want to drag it on.

This is another form of audience, another form of treasure offering conference. He is also like Kendramo, without much patience.

"Okay." He pondered for a long time, raised his head, and faced the bloody demon's fiery eyes: "Three times."

"I will open the furnace three times, and then enter seclusion. If there is anything, take it out at once."

All the demons' eyes instantly became hot, but before they finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's hands had burst out with thousands of black lights, and Beelzebub's stomach appeared in his hand again.

A thick demonic aura lingered again, but it was much calmer than when it came out of the furnace. However, it is even deeper and more solemn. If it was a radiant peony before, it is now a budding epiphyllum. It is about to bloom, but the extremely refined demonic energy seems to hook away the souls of all the demons present.

"Huh..." A neat deep breath sounded throughout the scene. Every demon closed his eyes, and even the Prince of Arcane raised his head slightly, enjoying the quiet and heavy moment.

It is it...

This kind of demonic energy... This kind of ** that makes the heart beat, Saint rank... Saint rank without a doubt!

When they opened their eyes, they were already bloodshot.

Xu Yangyi looked around with satisfaction and said lightly: "I didn't say that the three times cannot be the same person or the same family."

Boom! !

This sentence is even more fiery! The hair of all the demons present almost stood up!

Three Quasi-Saints' actions!

Three Quasi-Saints' pills!

The Demon Furnace is about to explode. How sharp can these three pills make their family's swords? !

"Dear Sir! We are willing to give everything we have! Can you wait a moment! I will contact the family immediately!" Several representatives stood up with hoarse and trembling voices. Just as they were about to speak, Xu Yangyi's eyes swept over them calmly, and he immediately suppressed his heart that was about to jump out and retreated.

"I haven't finished yet." Xu Yangyi swept over these demons with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes. The infinite truth plus the pill made by the swallowing talisman, do you really think it's that simple?

If he didn't have this confidence, he wouldn't have been prepared to make these demons bleed heavily.

"Please take a look, my dear prince." He waved his hand and sent the pill into Antonidas's hands. Then, every demon stared at it.

Antonidas took it and suppressed the ** he had swallowed, only to find that there was another layer of restriction on it.

There is a layer of restriction and the demonic energy is so strong? No... No!

Its eyes suddenly shrank. It was not like it had not eaten Beelzebub's stomach before. This pill, known as a sacred holy product, could increase the speed of absorbing and purifying demonic energy by 10% within 300 years, and... the scary thing was that it could be stacked! Up to three pills could be stacked! The pill was limited by the techniques of the great master of alchemy, and the highest... could be increased to 20%!

But... the best Beelzebub's stomach it had eaten was not as good as the one in front of it!

Take a deep breath, then another. Three seconds later, it raised its hand solemnly and tapped the pill lightly. Suddenly, thousands of golden lights bloomed, and the black demonic energy faded away. Surprisingly... the pill gradually turned red!

An indescribable demonic energy, several times thicker than before, rushed into everyone's nostrils. If the demonic energy before still intoxicated them, they couldn't even be intoxicated at this moment! All the demons were sluggish, with their mouths slightly open, their eyes like robots, staring at the pill motionlessly.

"This is not Beelzebub's stomach!" After a few seconds, with a loud shout, Antonidas suddenly stood up, and then actually swallowed the pill in one gulp!

Boom! ! Under the bandages all over its body, the demonic energy rushed out crazily! Countless bandages collapsed in an instant, and the blood-colored light and the black light intertwined in an instant, forming a series of extremely complicated chains!

The lock of the talisman.

"This is..." Andrina's eyes froze for a moment, then she took a breath, covered her mouth, and screamed: "Demon God is above!!"

Boom! ! The terrifying demonic energy smashed the broken bone fort into pieces in an instant! It was like a black nuclear weapon exploded! Within a radius of tens of thousands of meters, the wind swept across the sky, and the flags of the forbidden magic army in the distance rustled. The pressure of the mountain cleared all directions. In the dark clouds, two huge lights, dozens of meters in size, quietly lit up behind the layers of black.

True body.

The demon body of the arcane prince Antonidas!

All the demons were stunned, looking at each other, and no one knew why the arcane prince suddenly showed his true body, or... there was a reason that made their hearts scream, that is... something in this pill evoked the opponent's instantaneous explosion.

But they dared not think further. The terrifying demonic energy that swept across the field made them all half-kneel on the ground, sweating all over, and dared not move.

In the black cloud, a huge skeleton claw stretched out, with red flesh wrapped around it and countless bandages tied on it, and quietly stretched it in front of Xu Yangyi who stood with his hands behind his back: "Come... human... come to this king..."

Every demon's body trembled.

The voice of the Prince of Arcane was floating... because of the intense emotions in his heart at the moment?


Xu Yangyi smiled and stood up. This is the real power!

He knew at the moment of refining that this thing was not Beelzebub's stomach. This is his unique alchemy method. The function of the talisman is only one, but the usage is ever-changing. If it weren't for the swallowing of the talisman, the infinite truth, he couldn't do this step.

Different methods, the same materials, different creations.

This is the beauty of cultivation.

In the world of cultivation, countless 1s, adding any two together may equal 0 or 3.

The 1 of the swallowed talisman and the 1 of the infinite truth reached... ten!

His hand slowly raised up, and Antonidas' voice sounded again, but he said to everyone: "Do you know... what that was just now?"

"Andrina, you seem to understand, tell me."

"Yes... yes! Thank you for giving me this opportunity!" Although Andrina was thanking, her eyes burned into a flame, staring at Xu Yangyi, and said hoarsely: "It's a talisman lock... a bloodline talisman lock!!"

"Any demon, to advance to the demon lord, or even the demon king, can only open all the talisman locks! Just now... just now, the pill pried open the door of the talisman lock of His Excellency the Prince of Arcane! Congratulations! Congratulations to you! Hundreds of years later, no... no! This time the demon furnace erupted , you, you have a chance to advance to the Demon Lord!! "

"Hahahaha!! "The Arcane Prince roared like thunder, resounding through the sky, and even with infinite emotion: "How many years... How many years!"

"I thought I would never see that realm again! I asked so many saints, but there was no way! Now, I actually see hope in a quasi-saint!"

"Good... Very good! What a pity... It's a pity that the Demon Furnace is about to erupt! Well, no matter what, I have to fight for it! !"

"Abyss Arena, wait, wait for my personal arrival! Let me see if my old opponents have made any progress after ten thousand years!"


A sentence that made all the demons explode instantly!

Talisman lock!

As a demon, no one doesn't know what this is. To put it simply, this is the gene lock! The bloodline lock!

Opening layers of blood, becoming purer and purer, and finally reaching the level of the Demon Lord! This is the dream of any demon! The ultimate pursuit!

Why can the eruption of the Demon Furnace become a grand event in the world?

It's very simple. This is the birth of a new batch of demons. The tribe is growing stronger. It also washes away all impurities during the eruption, forming a relatively pure bloodline!

I have never heard that the Saint rank can do this! Even the God rank can't do it, but now... this human quasi-saint has actually done it!

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