
Chapter 1190: The dust has settled

"Two upper realms!!" The representative of the Prince of the Evil Eye had red eyes and could no longer care about anything. He screamed hoarsely: "One material type, one manpower type! Until you die! As long as you don't die, its output will belong to you! I swear in the name of the Prince of the Evil Eye Andilfero!!"

"The contract of the Prince of the Grizzlies!!" Before its voice fell, the representative of the Prince of the Grizzlies had shouted at the top of his lungs: "Provoking you is equivalent to provoking the majesty of the Prince of the Grizzlies! One percent of his resources will be shared with you! We can sign the contract immediately! ! I swear that the Prince of the Grizzlies will be very happy to sign the contract! I, I can be the full representative!"

"The three treasure houses of Grand Duke Owiluf! ! Completely open to you! I We don't ask for the first chance! We only ask for within ten times! Your Excellency! Please give us this chance! "The Code of Mr. Speaker Margok! At the same time, our Mondala family is willing to open the first thirty seats of the Senate for you! As an alien race, you will have the right to make decisions and vote in hell! Fully participate in the affairs of the original family!"

"An uncultivated star field! ! There are strong life fluctuations in it! This star field reaches 0.3 light years! Contains 232 planets! 30 stars! You can develop it at will for 30 years!" "A royal court in the Sumatra Galaxy Islands! It will belong to you forever! We will equip you with everything! If it's not enough, just add it at will!"

In an instant, screams filled the sky.

Crazy, completely crazy. This may not be a big deal for humans. Demons are naturally repelled by other flames. Moreover, due to the pursuit of alchemy, there are very few alchemy masters, and the alchemy masters who stimulate blood are even more rare. At this moment, they can no longer care about bargaining, and they throw out a heavy bomb at the beginning!

Still waiting?

What a joke!

If they can't snatch it, the forces behind them will skin them alive!

"Shut up!" At this moment, the Prince of Arcane spoke. The voice paused for a moment, and they remembered that there was a prince present!

The prince's true body...

In an instant, the ancestors of the Prince of Arcane were scolded eighteen times, but they didn't remember that all demons have the same ancestor.

The cannibalistic eyes were no longer concealed, and the heart of the Prince of Arcane skipped a beat. It felt that it would not work to suppress others with force. If it really did this, I'm afraid that more than a dozen princes would come to the door, which would be asking for trouble.

Since using force to pressure others doesn't work, then...

Before it could finish thinking, the representative of the Mondala family spoke in a deep voice: "Dear Prince, I have no intention of disrespecting you. But...can we follow the rules? The ten chairmen and vice chairmen of the Mondala family have always mentioned you, saying that you are a rare intelligent demon."

What it means is that if you are not intelligent, then...I will not care about it this time, and report it directly to the parliament, and let the speaker talk to you! They must know very well what the value of a master of alchemy who stimulates blood is.

We don't care if he is in other planes, and there are many masters of alchemy like him, but the survival situation of the Eastern Side Gate in Hell is already so bad. We have seen this one, and only this one. If we can't stimulate blood, we can be humble, but...we can't give in now!

"Your Excellency, the Prince of Arcane, the slave business between Prince Grizz and you has always been very good, and we hope that this business can be even better." "Respected Prince, I remember that at the Prince's birthday celebration a hundred years ago, you and the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant drank and talked happily, and you must have a deep friendship." "Your Excellency, didn't our two families agree to develop a star field together? Could it be..."

Layers of relationships instantly hit Antonidas, and its huge lantern eyes blinked in the black fog.

It couldn't stand it.

"Shut up!!" Another roar, all the demons were silent, and it gritted its teeth and said: "Don't talk nonsense, no matter how much you offer, I will give you one more!"

"I want three times! Three times of his furnace opening authority! I won't fight for the rest!!"

"If you don't know the hierarchy anymore, then... leave them all here for me! Remember, no matter what the price is, I will be one level higher!"

Murderous intent was everywhere.

It was determined to get these three opportunities.

Everyone was instantly silent.

They are rich and powerful...

They have a hard time reciting scriptures. Originally, the Prince of Arcane came to support and build good relations. Who knew that the elixir was different and it was beyond their authority to extract! They must report to fight for greater authority. But... the Prince of Arcane also needs to report?

It can make the decision by itself!

You want to report? Sorry, I don’t have the time in the United States. Do you want me, a prince, and a quasi-saint, to wait for you?

Get lost.

Therefore, their prices can’t match the other party’s prices in any way. The other party is playing tricks, but playing it openly, leaving them with no thoughts.

“Who else has objections?”

The thunderous voice resounded throughout the venue. No one dared to speak anymore, but the gnashing faces, staring at the other party’s eyes, seemed to want to swallow a prince.

You can... you can... catch this kind of loophole, can you be a pharmacy Bilian! You wait... wait for our family’s cooperation in the future, and a prince will definitely have a good talk with you!

“Can I say a word?” At this moment, Xu Yangyi’s voice suddenly sounded. All the demons were stunned, and all looked at him expectantly.

Speak up!

Say that this old demon is bullying others! He is destroying fair competition in the market!

Give us another day... No! In half a day, we will definitely be able to get more favorable conditions!

Xu Yangyi saw all their expressions. At this moment, he suddenly understood the creatures like demons more deeply. He didn't want to hide the structure of some ideas anymore.

The general trend was in his hands, so he just went with the flow.

"Haven't you thought about what it means for you to take action because of the incarnation of the demon god?" He stood with his hands behind his back, looking at all the demons, and asked openly.

With one sentence, all the demons pondered, and in less than a few seconds, a sound of gasping for air was heard.


They had boarded Xu Yangyi's chariot without knowing it! And by the way, they pulled the forces behind them!

At that time, they didn't think so much. Beelzebub's stomach was born, causing strange phenomena in the world. Under such great interests, how could they care about other things? But... the incarnation of the demon god didn't care who took action. They only saw that when they took action against the target of the demon god's mark, these families stopped them, and it was the prince of arcane who took action personally and crushed their army into ashes.

Treating the demon god as nothing... This is a deadly feud! And an incarnation, the mortal enemy of the demon behind them!

Now thinking about it, everyone is sweating, even the eyes of the prince of arcane blinked.

"Interesting..." The voice of the prince of arcane calmed down, and he looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "At that time, you thought of a way to resist the mark of the demon? Use us as a shield?"

"It's thoughtful and worthy of praise."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly. He noticed that when hearing this, the faces of all the demons did not change.

"Andrina is right. For the sake of great interests, demons can turn against the demons." He sneered in his heart and said calmly: "It seems that you are not going to retreat."

"Of course." The representative of the Mondala family said coldly: "Since it has been done... maybe it will be re-weighed before, but a quasi-saint who can activate blood, I think... the demons will not destroy the eighteen original families that rule for them because of this. And..."

It didn't say anything else, everyone knew it. Tens of thousands of years... God knows if these old monsters are still alive.

"Okay." Xu Yangyi finally breathed a sigh of relief. The Mark of Mammon had become his nightmare. The assassination of that scale before... No, that was no longer an assassination, it was destruction, a desperate and insane destruction.

This killing operation made him see the true strength of the Demon Mark. It is no exaggeration to say that if Beelzebub's stomach had not appeared, he would have stood on the tip of the knife.

Now, countless shields have been erected in front of this knife. Mammon is facing its descendants.

Seeing him nod, the Prince of Arcane glanced at the others: "It's settled, who has any questions?"

No, except for the other demons who cursed the Prince of Arcane into shit in their hearts, no one spoke again.

"Very good..." As the Prince of Arcane waved his hand, a small storage ring flew out: "This is a deposit for you, 30 million magic crystals, a little something."

30 million magic crystals... 30 million spiritual jade?

Xu Yangyi licked his lips and took in his consciousness. He cultivated the truth of infinity, and each advancement required a sea of ​​magic crystals. He had already used up all the magic crystals in the last advancement. Now he has reached the Nascent Soul stage, which is a timely help.

"This matter needs to be notified to the Fellers family. I will report it personally. In addition, as a major regional event, the chief steward here must also report it. Please wait for your delivery." Andrina closed her eyes, and a talisman flashed between her eyebrows: "I am calling the chief steward Xudela. It is in the Corpse Plain three million kilometers away from here. It has entered the super teleportation array and will be here soon."

"No need to be so troublesome." The Prince of Arcane was incomparably happy and even more impatient. It wanted to return to the Obsidian Temple immediately to find the materials it had treasured and had long been optimistic about. He was in no mood to stay here any longer. He stretched out another hand in the black fog and gently tapped in the void. Suddenly, countless arcane talismans emerged and formed a huge portal.

Building a long-distance portal with bare hands!

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and had a new understanding of Taixu's strength. Then, a figure appeared in the portal in a daze. As soon as it appeared, it was immediately shaken by the majestic spiritual energy and immediately knelt on the ground.

"Bye, hello..."

The Prince of Arcane didn't want to waste time talking to it. With a loud rumble, he turned into a rolling black mist and disappeared in the air. The Forbidden Magic Army sounded countless horns, rumbling the ground, and then went away.

Xudela secretly exhaled, and then looked around. When he saw it, his whole body trembled again.

Oh my God! What did it see!

Countless princes' messengers! And... there is also an original family?

"Your Highness! How did your palace become like this?" It looked around in disbelief and almost screamed.

"Shut up." Andrina frowned. No one was in the mood to stay here any longer: "Record what happened here and report it to the parliament in this year's report."


Andrina nodded to the other demons: "Start the delivery. I know you have to pay a deposit."

Xu Dela was stunned. What happened? What deposit? What happened to the princess? Is there any output in the new rhino castle?

"Of course." The representative of the Mondala family walked up with a smile, and a storage ring flew out: "Here are 10 million magic crystals. Please take a look, Lord Quasi-Saint."

When...Xu Dela, who had just taken out a pen, dropped the pen to the ground.

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