
Chapter 1191: Xudela's Confession

Its movements were so abrupt that all the demons looked over.

"What's wrong with you?" The Grizzly Prince's representative looked at Xudra displeasedly and frowned: "Can't you write anymore? Do you want me to teach you?"

"I, I'll write right away!" These words woke him up, and he immediately took out another pen, his face turned red from excessive excitement, and he wrote desperately.

The Black Street ushered in its first spring this night. When the second 10 million was reported, Xu Dela almost crushed his pen!

Then, the third, the fourth, the fifth... until the tenth ten million was reported, it was already shaking with excitement and writing as hard as a chicken blood! The magic cipher text in front of it has been rolled out two or three meters. Normally, it would have been impatient, but today it felt that writing had never been so enjoyable!

One hundred million...

I have never seen so many magic crystals!

However, it doesn’t stop yet!

"Ten million." "Ten million. There is no need to return it. I will tell you when you start to take action, but I hope it can be done before the devil's furnace erupts." "Ten million. In addition, here is the gift from me on behalf of Archduke Korok. A small gift from Master Quasi-Sage, three million magic crystals. Please accept it as a testimony of our friendship. ""Ten million, if you have time to go to the Seventeenth Hell, I think the patriarch will be very happy." Really, as soon as I saw you, I felt that you were particularly close to the clan leader."

Each voice resounded in Xudra's ears. He wrote hard, he worked hard, he kept writing, and he kept updating. Those ten million sounds formed a beautiful chapter in its ears, two hundred and eighty million, ninety million...three hundred million!

As the last sound fell, its pen trembled.

Three hundred and fifty million!

It appeared a little out of sorts, its eyes were red, its breathing was rapid, and its chest was heaving. The Grizzly Prince's representative glanced at Xudra with disgust. Due to Andrina's face, he didn't say anything more, but changed to a smiling face and asked: "Your Highness, are you about to enter the realm of deception with the Great Alchemist?"

Andrina nodded and lifted her skirt politely: "Of course, it's too unsafe here. I don't think I have the strength to resist those crazy demon believers now. In fact, there are also dangers in the Palace of Deception. They Like flies...sorry, air. I'm self-aware, sir."

"Then, I think we will have many opportunities to communicate in the future." The representative of the remnants of the Holy Flame smiled meaningfully: "Can the Demon King I represent have this honor? Dear Quasi-Saint?"

"So are we... I think our Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and all the clan elders are all waiting eagerly." "That's right, the largest pool of blood in the entire Deception Palace is in our Sidro family. I'd love to have you go. "Whatever you need, just say a word."


These two words sounded like a bell on Hydra's nerves. It seemed to understand something and immediately turned its head following the sound. But I saw a pair of calm eyes.

When... the second pen in his hand fell to the ground again.

It's him?

That weak human being?

Xu Yangyi felt its gaze and glanced slightly. No more energy is devoted to it. Then, surrounded by all the demons, he walked towards the foundation of the new Rhino Castle.

Xudra just stood blankly in the sky, not moving for a long time. I don't know whether I am sad, happy or lost. At this moment, it suddenly understood that from the beginning, it had not been noticed by the other party.


I don't know how long it took, but finally someone rang in its ears: "Hello, my dear Great Demon."

It was a Nascent Soul Demon. Xudra turned back somewhat dully, nodded dullly, and lowered his head dully.

Mousavis was a little stunned. This big devil...why was he so stunned? Aren’t the deception demons of the Ferrers family intelligent?

It tentatively asked: "Hello, I am the designated agent of Mr. Yi Ferrers. I wonder if we can open the Alchemy Store of the Twelve Hells from here? If we don't open it for a hundred years, we will eat it for a hundred years. That kind of thing? Taking the route of noble customization?”

Xudra let out a sigh of relief, and suddenly raised his head with needles all over his body. His face was extremely complicated, and finally it was replaced by a sincere smile. He held the hand of the demon in the Nascent Soul stage and said sincerely. Said: "So you are Mr. Yi's agent? It's's really great!"

"When I first saw you, I knew you would definitely stand out from all the demons!"

Their figures were chatting in mid-air. Xudra was extremely respectful, but no one noticed that in the darkness far away, the ground suddenly moved.

A bit of black light turned into a spiritual eye and flew out. After scanning for half an hour, the dark ground moved. Then there was a crashing sound, and a mound as big as a round table rose.

"Ha..." After a few seconds, the soil on the mound fell one after another, and then, a... crab appeared?

It is the most common crab on the earth, but much bigger, about the size of a table. Its pea-like eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly. It lay like a rock for an hour, and then it flashed a black light with great caution, and two people were wearing cloaks. The figure slowly walked out from the opened carapace.

"Taixu Demon..." A figure was obviously a demon. The figure under the cloak was short and thick, with a large bulge on the back. His voice was trembling: "It's the Arcane Prince! took action! But, but it Why would you take action for a great alchemist!"

The other figure was human in appearance, silent, with hands clasped together like an ascetic.

"Young Master Wu Guang, please say a few words! Us, what are we going to do? The incarnation of the devil has contacted at least five more incarnations! Tens of thousands of mad believers have now been destroyed by the Arcane Prince with one move. They... I'm afraid they are going crazy! We are completely unable to complete the mission of the Gluttonous Demon King! Going back... is a dead end!"

"The four demon kings never need waste... This... this has been a rule for thousands of years... I... I have never seen anyone survive without completing their mission!" It seemed to have remembered something, and its whole body started to stir. trembling.

"I heard that you are a traitor to the Ferrers family." Young Master Wuchang finally spoke, his voice was hoarse, not like a young master at all.

The cloaked demon was stunned for a moment, not expecting the sudden topic. After half a second, he hugged his trembling body and said, "That's right..."

"I heard that the Ferrers family is known for their wisdom. Didn't you notice something?" Young Master Wuchang said slowly and calmly.

"No... little... no research on alchemy..."

There was a smile in Mr. Wu Guang's voice, and he looked at the devil with complicated eyes under his cloak. After a long time, he said: "That is a grand master-level elixir."

"As you call me, I'm a quasi-sage."


The demon's trembling stopped at the horrific news. He was stunned for a moment and almost screamed: "You, you mean, this human being has broken through the Quasi-Saint Alchemist in a short period of time?! This, how is this possible!"

Mr. Wu Guang looked at the ruins of the New Rhinoceros Castle with his eyes, and said quietly: "Nothing is impossible..."

"This aura... I am so familiar with." He gently raised his right hand, where a broken chain was emitting a pale golden light. His pupils shrank: "Back then, he left it for me when he was refining Qi. I was so impressed that with a mere refinement of Qi, I was able to escape from the hands of Taixu and Zunsheng, and detect the mystery of the entire Danxia Palace... I really didn’t expect... Donor Xu, when we meet again, you have already We have reached this state.”

"Your aura is very scary... I feel frightened by it. I am not sure of victory. Even when I wanted to take action several times, I felt as if I was seen by a pair of dark eyes in the void..."

He put down his robe and looked at the sky with emotion: "In the age of the end of the Dharma on the earth, I can stir up the storms of thousands of miles, but you can only stand in front of me and tremble like small fish and shrimps. Now... you are already standing in hell. Even though I have a solid foundation, I am still a duckweed without roots, relying on others, and fate is playing tricks on people..."

"We are all the same people. As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, who will."

The demon looked at Mr. Wuchang in astonishment and sighed. The identity of the other party was unknown, but the four demon kings valued him. He was extremely powerful, and... this human had the mark of Taixu on his body. He was a very powerful Taixu. The four demon kings The Demon King speculated that this person had lived with a powerful Taixu for thousands of years. This Taixu was at least at the level of a prince, and even close to the level of deputy speaker.

Such a monster is undoubtedly a big mountain to Nascent Soul, but... now this big mountain makes it feel...


That's right, it's cold, an extreme chill, as if... the god of death is coming.

The horror in his emotion made him take a few steps back involuntarily. However, Mr. Wuchang seemed to feel it immediately and looked at him with a faint gaze: "You said that meeting an old friend in a foreign land is the four great joys in life. I will continue to live under someone else's roof and be my rootless duckweed. How about the faces of the four devils in everything? Or should I defect to a former junior who has now established a foothold in hell and is now a guest of all the great dignitaries, a quasi-holy alchemist?"

You want to rebel!

The demon instantly understood where the murderous intention came from. It trembled and took several steps back. It suddenly screamed and turned into black light and flew away. The heart-rending scream resounded throughout the sky: "The devil will never let go." It’s better than you! The Eastern lineage is more powerful than the Western one! If you rebel, I’m afraid the devil will kill you and him!”

"Boom!!" Before he finished speaking, Mr. Wu Guang didn't make a move. It had turned into a flower from the other side and exploded into the air.

"Amitabha." Mr. Wuchang clasped his hands together, chanted the Buddha's name, and lifted his cloak. The old face, tattered monk clothes, and six scars on his head were none other than Fa Hai.

"There is no self for me. I am alive when I am born. In the boundless plane, you and I meet again. Donor Xu, there is nothing more unpredictable than this in life."

"Now, if I come to offer you money, do you dare to accept it?"

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