
Chapter 1192: Crisis and Surrender

At night, the stars are intoxicating. Mousavis stood respectfully next to Xu Yangyi.

A huge space demon, about one thousand meters in size, like a skinned frog, with dozens of meters of demon wings on its back, actually propelled it into the air, suspended outside the ruins of the ruined castle.

Under the service of a group of servants, Andrina sat in the center of the ruins like the stars and the moon. Its eyes never moved away from the space demon waiting in the sky. Only an hour after the news that Xu Yangyi wanted to return to the Palace of Deception spread, Deputy Speaker Kendra Mo personally took action and had already teleported the Space Demon.

Although the surroundings are in ruins, although it is covered with stars and moons, and although it has to leave the dark street where it has stayed for thousands of years, it only has boundless joy in its heart. It was so enjoyable that I almost screamed to the sky.

It looked deeply in the direction of the Deception Palace, and the hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly. After a long time, it turned back: "The establishment time of the Deception Palace cannot be measured. From the time of its original establishment, the deception period has continued. Already established."

Xu Yangyi understood Andrina's mood very well, but he had no idea to communicate. He just raised his eyebrows slightly. He knew that this was Andrina telling him the "rules of survival" to deceive Nie Gong.

"Deception Palace and Deception Palace were established at the same time. The tallest gray tower of Deception is the palace of Lord Mephistopheles. It is there all year round. There are no major events and it will never interfere with the operation of Deception Palace. Therefore, Over thousands of years, countless ancient families have been formed.”

Xu Yangyi looked calmly at the space demon hovering in the air and said slowly: "A major event?"

Andrina restrained her smile. Even if it returned to this political, economic and cultural center of deception, she felt uneasy and excited. She solemnly said: "For example... the devil's furnace erupts once every tens of thousands of years."

"Andrina, I'm warning you..." Xu Yangyi took a sip of wine: "Don't play tricks with me. We agreed before that you give me the ticket and I will be your backing. Don't try to find me now." Excuse."

His voice became cold: "Otherwise...I will let you know that devils are not the only ones who break contracts."

Andrina looked a little ugly, pursed her lips and said: "I will try my best... I just want to let you know the tension of the situation in advance."

Xu Yangyi looked at the liquid in the cup indifferently, reflecting the intoxicating brilliance under the blood moon: "You speak, and I listen. As for if you don't try your best to keep me, you still can't. The right to judge is not yours. "

Andrina did not refute. It already knew that this quasi-sage was very powerful. Those who obeyed me would prosper and those who went against me would perish. Although he was unwilling to massacre, it did not mean that he did not have the strength to massacre.

The target of the massacre includes himself, even if it is the princess.

After considering it for a long time, it said in a deep voice: "Do you think you are safe now?"

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi's answer, it continued: "Yes, in the Palace of Deception, the fanatical believers of Mammon will be rejected, but they are pervasive. If you don't eliminate them, you will be in danger every day. If you talk about the black street The danger level is ten, and the threat level of Mammon Mark in the Palace of Deception is four."

"But, what I'm talking about is the threat level of the Mark of Mammon."

"The Palace of Deception, as the entire plane, is the core of deception. It is not just strength that eats people. There are Taixu, Zunsheng, and even Dubu here. Every force that can survive has woven a A huge, tangled web. I once told you that only the Demon Furnace can remove the demon's mark. How precious are these places?"

It took a deep breath and looked at the sky. Xu Yangyi did not speak. It was a little worried and gritted its teeth and said: "When it comes to the Palace of Deception, I will take you to see a forbidden magic weapon called Mephisto." Eye. You can use it to see the true appearance of the Demonic Furnace. Maybe you can wait until the Demonic Furnace condenses for the first time. You will never forget that scene, and you will also know what kind of challenge you are facing. "

Xu Yangyi smiled.

It is precisely because of challenges that people will never be lonely.

It is impossible for him not to return to the Seven Realms. The Origin Blood Realm is there, and the seven great talismans are also there. In a world of great strife, the road to immortality is still there. There was a reality he had lost for a long time.

"Continue." He put down the wine glass and stood up to look at the sky, where the moon gave off an ominous bloody light, covering the entire earth with a blood-red color.

Andrina nodded: "Perhaps the language is pale, but after you see that grand scene, you will understand how important the Demon Furnace is to the demons. Every time the Abyss Arena is opened, Tilagang A grand gathering of all races in Des. As a foreigner, you can imagine how difficult it is to get a place designated by the Demon Lord."

"Every time before the quota is set, there is a carnival of planes. Only the truly strong can get the tickets, and then in the abyss arena, the peerless geniuses who are killed among the demons based on the trillions fight to stand. At the final pinnacle, there are ten places in the original family. Think about it... how many deceitful demons are there who rule the sixteen hells? "

"I don't know the specifics, but it will definitely be no less than tens of billions!"

"So..." it pursed its lips and said solemnly: "Maybe... the risk index of deceiving the evil palace... is one hundred!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly.

How smart he was, Andrina didn't say it clearly, but he understood it.

These ten places belong to all the deception demons, including the Grizzly Prince, the King of the Evil Eye, and the remnants of the Holy Flame! Also included...hundreds of princes and princesses!

Who doesn’t want to raise millions of troops to the side of West Lake and immediately reach the first peak of Mount Wu?

How glorious is it to stand in front of the demonic furnace, a cosmic artifact that erupts once every tens of thousands of years, on behalf of your family? Not to mention, it can also purify blood, and he can completely make the mark of Mammon disappear.

Whether it's fame or fortune, this upcoming grand event in all realms is enough to bring these people to the top. Who will let them go?

Who can let it go?

"Right now, Prince Grizzly Bear and others don't know that I, as a Quasi-Saint, will participate in the Abyss Arena. What will their attitude be like once they find out?" He seemed to be muttering to himself, and Andrina nodded deeply without saying a word. Hearing him continue, "Where are those princes, princesses, princesses? They are born close to the water, how can they tolerate a foreigner taking away their quota?"

"And...where are the chairman, deputy chairman, and even the superior Demon Lord?"

Andrina gritted her teeth and said: "And what about the attitude of my father, the legendary Mephistopheles who participated in the battle between gods and demons, the king of deception?"

"Yi, this is a huge whirlpool. A vortex that erupts once every tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. There are also crazy followers of the devil who follow them everywhere. There is no Eastern genealogy that has taken action yet..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's voice interrupted: "No."

"I mean, strength."

"Since I represent the family, I must choose the strongest one. As long as the strength is enough. As long as I can enter the selection within the family, I will make them willing to give me a bet." He looked at Andrina with a smile: "That's it. This is the true purpose of the Ya contract, right? With the name of Felus, I am fully qualified to participate in this deception."

Andrina looked at each other as if she had seen a ghost.

It almost thought it had persuaded the other party, but... it was obviously an illusion.

Where did he get the confidence to stand out from the whole deception? !

Did he really think that the original family had no powerful demons? Yes, it admits that the opponent is very strong, but how strong it is cannot be seen from its perspective. However, is it really just because of the name of devil that demons dominate all the heavens? No alien has stood before the Demon Furnace in thousands of years. Does he really not understand the advantage of playing at home?

"You do not get it……"

"I understand it very well." After being interrupted again, Xu Yangyi calmed down and said calmly: "As soon as you get to the Palace of Deception, prepare to declare it for me."

Andrina didn't speak. After a long while, she sighed: "Okay."

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at it: "No need to remind me over and over again, I don't need others to decide my affairs."

After saying that, he turned into black light and left. All the city guards in the air were equipped. The space demon began to flap its wings, and the space magic began to tear the void apart. It was ready to transfer.

Andrina looked at his back from behind, and after a long time she looked up to the sky and sighed.

"You have no idea what the Devil's Furnace means to demons... and you have no idea about the blood and scale of the Abyss Arena... Maybe the language of the dialogue is too much for you to understand, but... I believe you will before the plane election. change one's mind."

"The pressure from all parties and the grand scene of empty streets are enough to make you understand that you are facing a big mountain, a mountain that can never be crossed. This weight is enough to make anyone give up the dream of climbing it."

"Even if you are a quasi-sage, you are still a human being..."

Xu Yangyi didn't care about Andrina's thoughts at all. In front of him, the Space Demon had opened its mouth, a long stone tongue stuck out, and the city guards on both sides knelt respectfully on the ground. Just when he was about to enter, the void suddenly fluctuated slightly, and then, a figure wearing tattered clothes appeared in front.

There was silence, and then all the city guards stood up and shouted, "Protect the Lord!!" "Who dares to trespass on the princess's territory!" "Are you provoking the Ferrers family! Human beings!"

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then looked at the old monk in front of him in surprise, shook his head and raised his eyebrows: "Why... why are you here?"

"The poor monk doesn't know why." Fa Hai smiled bitterly and clasped his hands together: "Back then, a huge force landed at the bottom of Danxia Palace. Xiao Qing, the benefactor, chatted with the other party for a moment. The seal broke and the sun soared. However... that force The power is mainly aimed at Xiao Qing, but it does not care about the life and death of the poor monk. It is probably because the pulling power is not enough. After entering the super teleportation, the power is exhausted. It took me about seventy years to discover this place. "

He looked around with some emotion: "This plane is so powerful and evil. I originally thought I would die here for the rest of my life, but I didn't expect to meet you."

He turned his head and looked at Xu Yangyi: "I never thought that the qi refining at the bottom of Danxia Palace would reach such a height hundreds of years later... Donor Xu, how confident are you that you are better than Lao Na?"

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