
Chapter 1193: Godhead

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and he looked deeply at Fa Hai. After a moment, he smiled.

“Are you from Eastern genealogy?”

Fa Hai recited the Buddha's name: "I once served under the Taotie Demon King, but I just killed his messenger."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Because you saw the birth of the quasi-sage? Do you think it's better to hang out with me? Apply for a certificate?"

Fahai was still old-fashioned, and the sparkle in his eyes moved slightly. Before he could speak, Xu Yangyi said calmly: "It's okay to hang out with me. We have a relationship and no hatred. It can even be considered that I have suffered a lot when I was refining my Qi." Your care, but..."

He said word for word: "There is a Lord, a Lord."

Fahai turned the rosary in his hand and said, "Just right, I think so too."

Xu Yangyi gently stroked his sleeves: "There is still time, why don't we decide the priorities now?"

Before Fahai had time to reply, in an instant, a sea of ​​spiritual energy, as majestic as a tide, suddenly enveloped the space.

It is full of killing intent. Although it is still in the early stage of Zunsheng, it is terrifyingly solid, as if it is an indestructible iron block! The void in all directions trembled because of the appearance of this terrifying spiritual sea. Almost all of the city guards rolled their eyes and fainted instantly.

The full explosion of Zun Sheng’s strength!

This was the first time since he became a saint that he used force to suppress people in front of others. He didn't want to fight with Fa Hai. It would be best if the other party retreated in the face of difficulties. If not...then he would use his fists to decide the priority.

The rolling black wave, with the dead silence of killing, was like the devil's huge mouth opening in the sky. Andrina was flying into the sky. Suddenly her body shook, and a great sense of crisis enveloped it, and she gasped. He was so angry that he immediately knelt down in the air and sweated like rain.

So strong!

very scary!

Is this the real strength of that person?'s obviously a big demon level, but it makes people feel like they're facing a demon king?

A strange thought suddenly appeared in its mind, maybe... this person really has a chance, there is such a tiny bit... a chance that is too small to be seen.

There was silence in all directions, the nearest Space Demon was trembling all over, its mountain-like body was shaking like chaff, and fainted city guards fell like raindrops from all directions. Fahai stood in the boundless black tide, his calm eyes suddenly sharpened, he looked deeply for more than ten minutes, and nodded towards Xu Yangyi: "Terrible."

"There is no need to compete. I have been imprisoned for thousands of years, and my old wounds have not healed yet. I am definitely no match for you. With this spiritual pressure, I am afraid that even the late Saint will not be able to survive in your hands."

"We always have monsters like you on this earth."

After saying that, he paused and coughed dryly: "It would be great if Donor Xu could give me a pill to heal my old wounds for the sake of my old friend..."

Xu Yangyi looked at Fa Hai with a smile but not a smile: "Then it depends on whether the fellow Taoist is sincere in his surrender."

Fahai's scheming was so deep that he never dared to forget it.

This is a sick tiger. Whether you can completely conquer it during the illness depends on your own methods.

As soon as he withdrew his spiritual power, he walked straight up to the Space Demon, followed by Fa Hai, and then Mousavis dared to fly up from the ground and followed him step by step. Finally, Andrina wiped the cold sweat off her head and followed.

The space demon was divided into countless rooms. Fa Hai and Xu Yangyi were separated. He chose the largest room, which was about fifty meters in size. After entering, the interior is made of stone, engraved with golden runes, and the floor is covered with thick bright silver plush carpets. There is a gentle light that is not dazzling around. Everything is very comfortable, except for the glaring thing in the center. .

"Why are you here!" Xu Yangyi's calm expression showed cracks, and he glanced at the black and white husky: "I thought you died on the underworld."

"Damn ghost!" Mao Ba and Mao Ba stood up, with one paw on their hips and the other pointing at Xu Yangyi: "It's ruthless to pull out the x! Seeing that the slave family is getting old and wan, I'm ready to kick him out! Say, you are Get ready to find some bitch!"

"Shut up!!" Before it finished speaking, Xing Tian's voice resounded through the room with anger. Mao Baer's eyes were confused for a moment, and then he fell down dizzy.

A phantom appeared in the sky, Xing Tian's face was equally ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "The fusion between it and me is not over yet, it really begins when it reaches hell. Be careful, boy, if you are caught up by this king, you can't tell the priority." Gotta turn it upside down."

After saying that, a huge mouth of demonic energy appeared in the void and swallowed Mao Baer in one breath.

"Do you feel any pressure?" Fish intestines flew out and said with a smile.

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "There is no entity, only a soul. This soul has been wandering for thousands of years. If I am caught up by it, I can really commit suicide and apologize."

"I guess it's lucky that it recovers 60% of the time."

After saying this, he waved his hand to create a ban, and the void in all directions began to fluctuate quietly. It seemed ordinary, but it was the strongest ban he could create so far. Not to mention demons, under the great void, even flies could not fly in.

Yuchang's eyes met with his for a moment, and there was only fire in his eyes.

The Book of Hongmeng Contract!

This secret book records the truth of a hundred thousand years ago. The truth of hesitation and infinite has broken through to the Nascent Soul level. They should be able to see new pictures!

"I didn't have time because of the nobles' rebellion, but this journey lasted a full week." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and solemnly took out the Hongmeng Contract Book.

The black cover and mottled ancient ruins revealed heaviness and eternity. His spiritual power had already been adjusted to the best state, and he captured it with one palm in an instant.

boom! !

Under the moonlit night, the huge space demon was already surrounded by rays of magic light. However, due to this shock, the magic light was instantly chaotic. Its frightened eyes scanned for a long time, and then its figure blurred and escaped into the space orbit.

Within its body, Xu Yangyi's room was filled with black light. The Hongmeng Contract was written by Yahweh, so even the sage could not see the full picture. No matter how abnormal Xu Yangyi was, his current strength was far different from that of Taixu, so he did not dare to do anything. Reserve it, spiritual energy rushes in crazily.

On the empty pages of the book, golden light shines brightly. His black aura was like ink, outlining this heavy history. Gradually, the ink on the page finally gathered into a pen and fell gently.

Buzz... The void trembled slightly, the ancient secret door opened, and a majestic picture appeared looming.

It was a broken universe.

The plane collapses, intelligent creatures are gone, the planet ruptures, and is on the verge of explosion anytime and anywhere.

"This is the trace after the War of Gods." Yuchang said with certainty.

All the Yahwehs disappeared, and they no longer protected their birth plane. At this moment, the previous voice sounded again, "At that time, we all thought this was the end, but no one thought that this was just the beginning. "

"Yahweh, the Creator, the Lord of Eternity, and the Lord of All Worlds. Their birth, growth, and continuation have swallowed up too much energy in the universe. I have been to the technological plane. They have a very interesting law that can be explained. What you’re about to see below.”

"They call it conservation of energy."

"It means that energy does not disappear out of thin air, but can only be transferred from one object to another, and the forms of energy can also be converted into each other... We are too young, and we have not yet understood a lot about Yahweh's long life. What does the death of Yahweh represent..."

Shulala... The writing fluctuated. In the universe, after Yahweh left, I don’t know how many thousands or tens of thousands of years passed. All Yahweh’s flesh and blood were corroded, and all that was left were the immortal bones. , these bones floated with the energy of the universe, some attached to other planets, and some were swallowed by other creatures to form new creatures... But after these bones were separated, a strange thing happened in all the dead Yahwehs. of crystals.

It was a hexagonal crystal, the same as all Yahwehs. It was crystal clear, without any luster, and could not feel any power fluctuations. In the vast universe, its existence could not be discovered unless it was known in advance.

"It..." the voice appeared again, with incomparable emotion and anger. For the first time, this voice had emotions: "It paved the way for the second Ragnarok, and also for the human race, one of the seven major races, that A race that is weak in nature but great in spirit finally made that choice and laid the foundation.”

"The creatures who are reading this book... You are finally about to enter this grand cosmic epic, and see what kind of mentality the great human race used to destroy the upper realms of their subordinates when everything in the universe was facing a desperate situation... how I don’t know if their home planet still exists when you read this book, but please remember these great names..."

"I will not return to the immortal world, but to the true martial arts immortal world."

"Different paths, but in the end they choose different paths to reach the same destination. There are also Haotian, Chaos, the first generation of Beiming Emperor, and Jie Tianren. These names should not be erased by time."

"Keep reading... As you can see here, you should also have the strength to be quasi-Taixu. I hope... you can realize the crisis of the species. This crisis is enough to push you to the point where we are waiting, and then... Come to us...join us..."

"We will always protect you in the depths of the universe..."

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips tightly, and the spirit body of Yuchang was also fluctuating. What kind of way? What choice? Could it be... just to forge seven talismans? Compared with the preface, they are the only ones born from the destruction of the plane, so what does this mean?

The thick curtain of the mystery that has spread from the earth to the present is slowly being unveiled.

Brush... As the voice fell, the entire book burst into brilliance, forming a huge black vortex that swallowed the two of them instantly.

Feeling severe dizziness, when Xu Yangyi opened his eyes, he was already at the center of an illusory universe.

There are wreckage on all sides, and there are only a few interplanetary shuttles flying between the planes occasionally, and they are extremely withered. The damaged planetary belt, atmosphere, and all the worlds are recovering from this horrific war.

In front of him, there was a crystal. The dark brilliance spread out slightly and merged with the universe.


With a trembling voice, he sounded again: "This is the Godhead! This term spreads from here to all directions in the universe!"

Its voice became excited: "Eternal energy. When Yahweh died, the laws of the universe prevented their terrifying energy from spreading, but it was concentrated here in another way! This contains the participation of a Yahweh. Enlightenment, understanding of the Dao, the universe, its bloodline talent, personality...etc. are the true treasures of the universe!"

"We were too young at that time... we didn't realize this! We foolishly allowed these gods to be lost... they scattered in all directions, drifting into multiverses, and finally there were creatures... who obtained them..."

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