
Chapter 1194: The Sight of the Lord of Greed

The voice was extremely sad: "These godheads are the godheads of the first generation of Yahweh. After thousands of years and tens of thousands of years of hard practice, those who obtained them finally...some people have reached the same level as us! The universe... has ushered in the second growth period of Yahweh. These Yahwehs are called the second generation of Yahweh."

The fluctuations of emotions echoed in the galaxy. Xu Yangyi looked around in amazement and took a breath.

The second generation of Yahweh...

Chiyou, Jehovah, Huangdi, Allah, Sakyamuni... This... is the second generation of Yahweh!

This timeline is very close to the present era!

From billions of years to thousands of years, he finally felt close to the secret.

At this moment, the void in front of him suddenly fluctuated, and the next second... a feeling of vastness and boundlessness suddenly appeared in front of him.


It's like a person standing in front of a king, the feeling of great and small instantly hits the heart.

It's indescribable.

It's like standing in front of the big bang at the beginning of the chaos of the universe, shocked by the magnificent beauty.

"Damn it!" Xu Yangyi and Yuchang fell to their knees, not because they wanted to, but because their bodies instinctively refused to consider nerves and paid tribute to the indescribable power.

It was a phantom.

And it was a phantom transformed by this book. Just this alone was unbearable for them.

"What kind of monster is this!!" Yuchang gritted his teeth and tried to support his body, but he couldn't do it at all.

"Yahweh... This must be a Yahweh." Xu Yangyi's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Do you feel that it has a sense of familiarity?"

When facing danger, some people's minds are a mess, while others have never been clearer. He happened to be the latter.

Although this pressure made him succumb temporarily, his consciousness immediately felt...

This pressure is very familiar!

Very familiar!

Where have you seen it?

His mind worked hard, and his photographic memory was instantly used. He searched from his memory bit by bit, and finally, his eyes lit up.

"Su Xingyao!" He suddenly raised his head and looked at the huge figure in front of him: "When I accepted the Talisman of Desire, a terrible will came! It feels... exactly the same as him!"

The figure is huge.

The spiritual light phantom formed by pure power, countless light points flashing in the body, it is the universe, and its body is as huge as a plane, no... as big as a star! At least hundreds of times the size of the earth!

Swish... In silence, it slowly stretched out its hand, and the godhead slowly flew into its hand as if it heard the call.

The voice finally sounded: "Remember its feeling... It is the culprit of the second Ragnarok, the most insidious and powerful race in the universe, the original Taixu of the Desire Walker, and the first generation of Taixu in the universe."

"You don't need to know its name, you just need to know that before you have the power to match Yahweh, any place with this feeling is a forbidden place. Because there are Desire Walkers who bring disaster, killing, and destruction. If you encounter any creature with this feeling, stay away from it."

"It is extremely intelligent and extremely careful. When all of us, the first generation of Yahweh, are working for the first When the second generation of Yahweh appeared and was excited, it... discovered the existence of the godhead. "

"It killed several second generation Yahwehs without notifying anyone, and finally confirmed its idea. They were born of desire and grew up with desire. This discovery brought it terrible ambition. "

The voice paused for a while, and then he spoke hoarsely: "Creatures, call us gods. Humans call us immortals. But they don't know that among the Yahwehs, no Yahweh has ever become a god king or immortal master. "

Yuchang took a breath of cold air, and the phantom in front of them began to dissipate, and the pressure gradually dissipated.

Just as he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he gritted his teeth and said: "To... the limit?"

Xu Yangyi did not stand up.

He didn't want any tiny movement, and now he could watch for one more second. He participated in the war of all realms, understood the cruelty of the universe, and walked alone in the upper realm to find the truth. He has more feelings for the earth than anyone else. He wants to know this secret more than anyone else.

It is this secret that makes his purpose of cultivation "to find the truth."

At this moment, the black spiritual energy in his body has become thinner and thinner, his face has turned red, his whole body is ups and downs violently, and he is sweating profusely. It is clear that his spiritual power has been output to the limit. As a Yuanying, he can only see this part!

Yuchang did not persuade him, it understood this feeling.

Go your own way. Although it seems ridiculous to others, it is also your own persistence.

The voice has begun to drift, and the phantom has almost disappeared into the air. Although it is difficult, it continues: "It wants to be the creator, the creator of Yahweh, the supreme existence in the universe. It is this crazy idea that has brought about the real catastrophe of the entire universe. In later generations, it is called the second Ragnarok of the 'Eternal War'..."

Buzz...As these words fell, Xu Yangyi groaned as if he had left. Suddenly, the sound stopped abruptly. Yuchang sighed and immediately flew to Xu Yangyi's side.

"Nothing..." Xu Yangyi covered his cramped right hand, took it off the Hongmeng Contract Book, looked at the vast starry sky around him, without regret, but said firmly: "One day, I will regain the lost dignity for my home planet."

"Dodge and dodge, cover up... But it's useless! One day... I will personally uncover this hidden secret! Let it become a gift to the perfection of my Tao heart!"

Every word was sonorous, and the illusory galaxies and planes around seemed to be recording the voice of this earthling hundreds of millions of years later.

Swish... The Book of Hongmeng Contract was closed.

Kakaka... The joints were painful, and seeing Yuchang's worried eyes, he shook his head: "Just take a break, the spiritual power is overdrawn too much, but I have been mentally prepared, and the feeling of loss is not as heavy as last time."

He was about to stand up, and suddenly, he grabbed Yuchang, his eyes flashed and stood still, the little remaining spiritual energy burst out, and the killing field spread around without hesitation, looking at all directions with great vigilance.

Yuchang was stunned, there was absolutely no living thing in all directions, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly took a deep breath, and the sword body burst out with thousands of black lights, immediately guarding Xu Yangyi.

Long-term partners, no need to say more.

Yes, there is indeed no life, the galaxy is still the galaxy, and it is still the witness of history, but...

The galaxy has not disappeared!

The Book of Hongmeng Contract was clearly closed. This was the concrete scene of the book. Xu Yangyi even left the book, but the galaxy showed no sign of dissipating!

It was as if... something was looking at the two remaining living people in this bottomless universe.

Bump, bang, only the sound of heartbeats could be heard. A few seconds later, an even weirder scene occurred. The phantom that had just collapsed gathered again from all directions! Crazy rolling! In just a moment, an equally huge phantom, with rolling magic energy, formed in front of the two.

Hula la... The black tide was like the sea. The two gritted their teeth and were pushed out thousands of meters. This was not pressure, not magic power, but the other party's unconscious movement, or it could be said to be wind pressure, but this wind pressure blew Xu Yangyi, who had almost no opponent among the saints, out thousands of meters like paper, without any resistance.

"Monster..." Xu Yangyi stretched out his hand, his chest rose and fell, and the fish intestines hummed, and instantly fell into his hand. One man and one sword, like a taut string, were ready.

This is not a record in the book...

Something strange has found them here through this book!

After a few seconds, the demonic energy was blown away, and the huge monster like a star finally appeared in front of them.

It was a demon.

A pale demon, a demon that had never been seen before.

It seemed to be a variant of a dragon, with bone spurs all over its body, huge dragon wings, four limbs on the ground, blazing flames on its tail, and a bone shell all over its body. It was obviously very strange, but at first glance, it didn't feel strange at all.

It could only feel powerful, majestic, mysterious, like the brightest star in the galaxy.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's eyes shrank, he recognized what it was!


This is the phantom of Mammon! Exactly the same as the Mammon mark on him!

The legendary seven monarchs of hell, he...may be the first person to see the true body of the devil in tens of thousands of years!

"No..." He looked carefully and shook his head: "There are some differences."

"What's on me should be Mammon's body. This... is 99% similar, but there are still a little differences."

Swish... The dragon demon spread his wings, and Mammon's tightly closed eyes opened one by one, like thousands of stars shining at the same time in the dark. Finally, there was a huge golden eye on his head. This scene was like stars lighting up the sun. It was obviously a great crisis, but it made people feel the ultimate twisted beauty.

"My name is Xin Luyad, the Morning Star Dragon." A magnificent voice resounded through the void, and the imaginary planes on all sides shattered at the same time. Countless cracks appeared in the void with this sentence, and terrifying white light sprayed out from it, as if the plane collapsed.

"Many creatures call my body the Lord of Greed. We finally meet, human."

It's very strange. It's obviously the legendary demon god's phantom, but there is no arrogance. Instead, people feel boundless awe, not from words, but from the bottom of their hearts.

Xu Yangyi did not speak. His nerves were so tense that he had no time to speak. In front of a legendary creature, the first generation of Yahweh, no one had the right to be proud.

Even if it was just a phantom.

A huge phantom like a star.

The golden eyes looked at Xu Yangyi: "Don't be nervous. I am the first incarnation of Mammon, the incarnation of will, and I am almost exactly the same as Lord Mammon. There are millions of incarnations of the demon god, and each is a different individual. We will only report to it after selecting the things we cannot solve... I hope you can answer a question for me."

Is it really an incarnation...

Xu Yangyi's face has calmed down. This monster... at least started from Taixu! The incarnations are like this, how terrible is the real Mammon?

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