
Chapter 1195: Battle of Divine Consciousness (Update Notice~~

Due to the Zongheng annual meeting, I have been in the state of depositing manuscripts since the 13th...Now that all the deposited manuscripts have been sent out, I am traveling from Beijing to Chengdu today. I originally thought that I could start typing in the afternoon. However! I didn't bring my key! Parents are not at home! I stayed alone in the cold wind until 8:30 pm! SO…

There should be an update tomorrow...maybe 2, maybe...


"I'm weird."

"I have warned you, why do you still have the confidence to look for this matter? Originally, I would never cast my eyes on you, but..." It looked at the void around it: "I really didn't expect... Master Xuanxu You actually left something like this behind... If it weren't for the mark of Mammon on your body, I wouldn't have discovered it..."

"I hope you can tell me, mortal, where did you meet the true form of Lord Mammon?"

Mammon’s true form?

Xu Yangyi was stunned, what on earth is going on?

"My patience is limited, human being." Thousands of eyes were a little cold, and the voice became colder: "Your mark was planted by Lord Mammon himself... I don't know why, but I really want to know your true identity. Tell me where you are and I’ll give you a treat.”

Xu Yangyi said nothing and exchanged glances with Yuchang. Both of them had extremely shocked eyes.

Mammon's true form... They had actually encountered the real Mammon without even knowing it! One Yahweh!

who is it!

This mark was planted before leaving the Seven Realms and coming to hell. At that time... there was only one person around me...

Ou Fangyu?

Or the Nascent Soul whose two names I can barely remember?

There was a mess in his mind. The information revealed by the new Luyard was too shocking. If it was Mammon, it planted the mark of the devil on itself... Then the subsequent action of the Fire Demon Lord might also have something to do with it!

It...could it be what it wanted to do in hell?

Was all this already doomed at that time?

"I don't know what you are talking about." After pondering for a moment, Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his eyes and said calmly.

The golden eyes seemed to narrow, and he said after a long time: "Did you know... Descadripo Valley has contacted me, and my body is traveling across the galaxy to Tiragandes."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "If you dare to mess with Mephistopheles, I will be afraid."

Brush, Yuchang pointed diagonally, and he said calmly: "But you made me understand one thing."

"If I ever meet Mammon, and it chooses to put the devil's mark on me instead of killing me, but the mark wants to destroy me, it means... it can't do it!"

"It can't do it. Even if you are the first incarnation, it is still impossible for you to do it!"

"Stop bluffing. What have I touched? What are you wary of? Over the past few decades, I have received the attention of several Yahwehs. It seems... the things recorded in this book are really remarkable. You guys The secret that I’m trying so hard to hide may be here.”

New Luyard didn't speak, and after a few seconds he said, "You are very smart."

"I like smart people, so I'll give you two choices."

"First, if I don't participate in the Abyss Arena and stay in Tiragondis forever, I can treat it as if it didn't happen. I won't tell the adults."

"Second..." It seemed to smile, and the terrifying demonic energy all over its body exploded, and the wind roared across the starry sky: "Human... don't think that I can't kill you!"

Xu Yangyi laughed loudly. After laughing enough, he lowered his head: "Then, just give it a try."

"If you can do it, you can take action the moment it comes. This is the world of the Hongmeng Contract Book! The Lord of Greed... the Lord of Desire... the Lord of Desire glanced at me, and then the will of Mammon came, What is the connection between them..."

"Enough!!" A thunderous roar resounded through the starry sky, and then, a string of extremely ancient magic words sounded, and the entire starry sky trembled crazily: "Humans, being too confident is arrogance, and they die of arrogance. "You should repent."

Rumble... The starry sky collapsed piece by piece, but without any lethality. The endless white light in the cracks illuminated the entire universe. The light was so powerful that Xu Yangyi closed his eyes.

Three seconds later, when he opened it again, the surrounding scene had completely changed.

Two castles.

New Luyard's huge body was on top of a castle thousands of miles away, and he was standing on another castle.

Facing each other from a distance, with the setting sun shining slantingly, between the two castles was a piece of dark brown soil stained with blood, with broken flags and countless swords, guns, swords and halberds stuck on it. Outside the castle, a dense and endless phalanx of soldiers was standing hundreds of miles outside the city.

Killing intent boils in this land, and souls roar in this sky.

Before he could take a closer look, a magnificent spiritual consciousness burst out from the castle opposite, forming black threads and submerging into all the soldiers. Its soldiers were all ancient European-style swordsmen and knights. On Xu Yangyi's side, They are ancient Chinese warriors.

Swishing, swishing, the silent eyes awakened from the black eyes, broken ancient swords were held in the opponent's hands, the war horses roared, flags flew, and in just a moment, the castle opposite seemed to come alive.

"The battle of spiritual consciousness!" Yuchang took a deep breath and shouted in a deep voice: "Boy! Hurry up and inject your spiritual power into these puppets!"

"This is a battle of divine consciousness! It cannot use its body! Power, most of the divine consciousness cannot descend, this world is the product of its divine consciousness! Whoever can control more, whoever can control more exquisitely, will win this war."

"We are all divine consciousness pulled in. Don't think it's just a concrete thing, but if you lose here, you will forget everything in the real world, and your divine consciousness will be completely destroyed! Become an idiot! This guy's real strength must be above Taixu! Only Taixu can do this!"


Under the opposite castle, thousands of soldiers are ready to fight at any time. Thousands of soldiers are waking up from their slumber. Rows of knights are gathering into a torrent of steel. Dozens of soldiers wearing European tin barrel armor have stood on the castle and blown their horns of attack.

Xu Yangyi still did not move, his eyes like an eagle, sweeping the opposite side bit by bit. One minute, two minutes... After five minutes, the figures gathering on the opposite side finally stopped, and at this moment, a large army of hundreds of thousands has gathered!

The armored heavy cavalry in front, the spear team in the back, and the crossbow and bow team protected by the big shield army were in good order, and the killing intent was boiling.

"You don't have the first choice now, human." The voice of Xin Luyad echoed in the air: "Here is where you will die."

"For my Lord... Kill!!!"

Woo woo woo, the soul-stirring horn sounded, da da da... The heavy cavalry ran, and it accelerated slowly at first. In less than a minute, it was as fast as lightning! The whole body was shining with pieces of flames.

Ten thousand horses ran together, as powerful as thunder.

"New Luyad." Xu Yangyi suddenly spoke: "You can only use the consciousness of the Venerable Saint level now?"

"It seems that you are indeed restricted by the Book of Hongmeng Contract."

"It is the consciousness of the late Yin Zun." New Luyad's bloodthirsty voice responded: "Are you desperate enough to give up?"

Xu Yangyi nodded. The countless heavy cavalry charges made the ground tremble, as if thunder was coming from all directions. In this situation, he was still at ease. This scene can't be said to be weird.

"If you come in person or projection, I will flee. But..." He finally raised his hand slowly: "You chose the most wrong way."

New Luyad's golden eyes narrowed.

"You may not know that my consciousness is much higher than that of the cultivators of the same level. I haven't tried it myself. How terrible it is now..."

"And, I seem to have just been promoted recently..."

The pupils of the golden eyes suddenly stood up, and a very bad feeling surged into his heart. Before it could think about it, the next second, a blue light burst out from Xu Yangyi, and unexpectedly... a brilliant blue sky was formed in an instant!

His hand gently pinched the magic formula, which he used every day in the past thirty days, and it almost formed an instinctive handprint that condensed instantly, and the truth of all things was reflected in the fleeting light.

Swish... In the sky, endless blue spiritual lines flew down, and the waterfall fell straight down three thousand feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way fell from the sky. It pulled the sky and the earth into a magnificent blue rain curtain, just like when Xu Yangyi was refining the elixir, but he used the technique of refining the elixir to control the soldiers.

Buzz... If the soldiers of Xinlu Yade were awakened in rows, they were awakened in pieces here with Xu Yangyi! Just like the ocean when a storm comes, one wave after another, but in an instant, thousands of Chinese soldiers responded to his call and returned from hell.

A large flag was raised high, and then an old voice said: "All troops are on alert!!"

Woo woo woo! The desolate sound of the horn echoed, and the flags like the sea tide were raised. This was the collision between civilization and barbarism when the Chinese warriors faced the Crusades.

The cold air spread through the golden watchtowers, and the cold light shone on the iron armor. The sharp arrows emitting cold rays formed an endless wave, all aimed at the knights in front. And before the sea of ​​arrows, countless ancient shields had already stood up.

100,000, 300,000... 500,000... 1 million!!

When the knights rushed to one-third of the way, they were facing the Chinese soldiers who had surpassed their own numbers! The invincible annexation armor! Endless spears rose from the shields, like the fingers of the god of death who harvested life, quietly waiting for the roar of flesh and blood in front.

"This is..." The scene seemed to be dead silent at this moment. Half a second later, Xin Luyad's unbelievable voice came from the other side's castle: "Quasi-saint... You are a quasi-saint!"

"No... The consciousness of a quasi-saint alchemist cannot be so huge! By the way... You are from the Eastern genealogy, you... are their side door grandmaster!"

At this moment, it regretted it.

Indeed, it chose the wrong method, but who could know that the person who opened this book was actually a side door grandmaster of the Eastern genealogy?

Through the location of this book, it knew that the other party was in Tiragangdis. How many humans are there here? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? How many side door monks are there among them? What about the grandmaster?

But, no buts!

The person who opened this book is a quasi-grandmaster!

Once the bow is drawn, there is no turning back. Its eyes, mixed with dark green and gold, have already taken on a touch of blood. Looking at Xu Yangyi, who was calm and composed on the tower in front of it, it took a deep breath.

There is no room for redemption.

The swords are all longing for flesh and blood, and it... is also longing for it.

Whether it's the other person's or your own.

Boom!!! With a thunderous roar, the armies of both sides finally collided. The Western knights who rushed with thunder and lightning and the Eastern torrents who were ready for battle began a bloody fight on this real yet illusory battlefield.

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