
Chapter 1196: The Fall of the Morning Star and the Double Curse

The steel torrent hit the desert of sand and blood, the Western knights formed a silver ocean, the cavalry suppressed the infantry phalanx, the dialogue between barbarism and civilization, the silver spear instantly rushed into the yellow ocean, the first row of Eastern infantry was immediately dispersed, and turned into countless yellow gravel flying into the sky.

Kakaka! The long spear dragged a dazzling fire on the ground, mixed with the earth-shaking sound of thunder and anger. The tide of hundreds of thousands of cavalry was enough to make the earth tremble, and the long spears, swords and shields combined into a strangling frenzy. The moment the first batch of Eastern soldiers collapsed, the Western army had already combined into more than a dozen cone formations in the blink of an eye, killing towards the Eastern world behind like a sharp knife.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly. As the first batch of soldiers collapsed, he actually found that his consciousness had some collapse, although it was only a small part.

"Don't be careless!" Yu Chang shouted at the side: "In a battle of spiritual consciousness, it is not the one with the larger volume who will win! The exquisiteness of operation also occupies a great proportion! Because of the existence of the Book of Hongmeng Contract, it cannot devote all its spiritual consciousness, but don't forget that it is a real demon king!"

"Do you know puppet show? Now you are the ones who control the puppets. Whoever can operate this scene more exquisitely and control more puppets will be the winner! And these lines are also composed of talismans! What you have to do is to make your silk thread thicker and more flexible than it!"

Before the voice fell, a string of ancient magic words sounded from the opposite castle, magnificent, desolate, with an ancient breath, those intricate threads, like puppets, pulling the spiritual consciousness silk threads of the Western Knights, suddenly burst into a thousand feet of black light.

Countless golden talismans invaded the bodies of Western knights along with the silk threads. The next second, all the knights burst out with monstrous golden light. The dark demonic energy and the holy light surged out from under the armor of each knight. They were obviously demons, but they formed a picture of gods and demons dancing together.

Sigh! Countless marks appeared on the horses, and the tips of the spears dragged out golden rays. The bodies of each knight grew larger out of thin air. Originally, this wave of sea tide had been resisted by endless Eastern soldiers, and the successors were weak. However, at this moment, a storm of killing was set off again in the tsunami that was about to end, and dozens of passages were forcibly cut out!

The consciousness was annihilated quickly!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. Sure enough, every demon king was not simple. At this moment, he did not hold back at all. His eyes flashed, and his pupils had turned into two black holes.

Circles of talismans were attracted to them, and the whole world turned gray and white before his eyes. The infinite truth was activated, revealing all the truths in the world.

Countless elemental symbols flew before his eyes. These were the cells of the world, the most basic talismans. Before, he had only used the technique of the Wanhua Zhenjian to use his spiritual consciousness, but now... he was weaving the "strings" of the puppet one by one.

With the talismans as the foundation and the Wanhua Zhenjian as the technique, similar talismans were forcibly twisted together, even if they were far apart before. The combinations became more and more numerous and larger. After dozens of seconds, the void around him began to vibrate slowly. The next second... a brighter blue light than before, like opening a fountain buried for thousands of years, burst out from the city wall!


The sky was falling.

Countless blue spiritual consciousnesses intertwined and swirled into a beam of light hundreds of meters thick, shaking the virtual universe and rushing into the deepest part of the darkness. New Road Yade, who was staring at the bottom, suddenly raised his head. In the vast night above his head, thousands of blue rays penetrated the endless darkness and projected hundreds of thousands of blue lights of stars.

Like falling stars.

"This is..." Xin Luya took a breath, and then said in disbelief: "Spiritual consciousness... This... is spiritual consciousness?"

"Not the quantity, but the quality! Not only is the quantity large, but the quality is also incredibly high?! In the way of spiritual consciousness, he has already infinitely approached the realm of Taixu?"

How is this possible!

Everything is composed of talismans, and the spiritual consciousness threads are the same. These threads control the warriors who differentiate their spiritual consciousness, and they are also fragile or not.

For example, the weaving method of a rope, some will break when pulled, and some can't be stretched. This has nothing to do with quantity, but only with one's own accumulation! This is related to the weaving of talismans, which is close to the origin of the world. It never thought that the other party could actually touch this level!

"Further up, there is the chain of talismans... or the chain of order... How could he, a mere human being... a mere saint... possibly find out this far?!"

At this moment, victory or defeat is not important. Its original intention was to use a small but elite force to directly break through the opponent's human wave tactics, but now, the opponent's control is not weaker than his! At this moment, he knew that he would definitely lose.

The important thing is that it has the intention to kill.

"Why did Lord Mammon leave a mark in person? You must have touched something you shouldn't have touched, and I understand... Lord may think that with your growth rate, you may be able to unlock some of Lord's taboos..."

"You are an unpredictable number... Lord hopes that we can wipe out this unknown you..."

It took a deep breath, and thousands of eyes went out. Instead, thousands of mouths grew out of the eye sockets, and a string of extremely strange magic words chanted together.

"The True Mirror of All Changes." Xu Yangyi stared at the battlefield below. The first incarnation of Mammon appeared. He wanted to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys and tell all other incarnations of the demon god that whoever dared to come must be prepared to die!

He raised his hand slowly, and the talisman and the sky and the earth merged. He was the controller here. The blue light flashing in the sky trembled with his grip.

"Liu Suifeng."

Boom boom boom! The stars fell and turned into blue threads, spreading from the sky to the bodies of the Eastern soldiers on the ground. It was as if the hand of God were controlling the puppets.

This is just one of the Wanhua Zhenjian, which is used to control various medicinal powers and make them blend together perfectly, and he used it to control his soldiers.

The alchemy technique, which cannot be used in combat at all, has now been turned into a weapon to defeat the enemy under certain circumstances. With the huge spiritual consciousness as the backing and the infinite truth as the bridge, he has weaved his own divine consciousness thread.

The blue light was like rain, and Xu Yangyi's form could be clearly seen at first. After a few seconds, the strands of spiritual threads turned directly into a blue light film. It was impossible to count how many there were. Each Dongfang soldier was connected to dozens of spiritual threads. In front of them, the overwhelming Western knights had swept hundreds of meters. However, with a crisp sword cry, they finally encountered an endless wall.

All the Eastern soldiers' whole bodies erupted with a green-black brilliance. Talisman patterns spread across their armors. Sharp swords and shields appeared in their hands. In the interplay of light and shadow, an army that was many times more powerful than before was armed to the teeth. The powerful army slowly rose.

"Woooooo!" At the same time, a desolate horn sounded behind the Eastern soldiers. Then, all the armies separated together. Sand filled the sky and iron hooves shook the ground. Behind the huge shields, dozens of huge flags howled in the strong wind. , Qi, Lu, Qin, Yan, Zhao... the cavalry of the seven countries formed a black torrent and rushed out of the castle like a violent wind.

Armor, spears, bows/crossbows, far more than the number of Western knights. With a loud cry of killing, all the soldiers in front raised their shields, and hundreds of thousands of crossbow arrows were aimed at the front.

kill! !

The Eastern heavy cavalry burst out with a bloody roar, one silver and one black, like a Tai Chi wheel, instantly crisscrossing at the front of the battlefield, accompanied by a rain of sharp arrows that filled the air, and large swaths of silver appeared every minute and every second. , black aura flew into the air.

But obviously, the losses of the white spiritual light were more heavy. The quality was the same, but the quantity was an overwhelming advantage. With the addition of the heavy cavalry, the black tide instantly swallowed up three thousand miles, hunting with flags, and pointing its sword at New Luyard, thousands of miles away.

A Taixu Demon King, on this virtual battlefield at this moment, was actually defeated by a sacred consciousness, and his army was defeated like a mountain, and his armor was shattered like sand.

One thousand miles, two thousand miles, three thousand miles...the rout of the cavalry, the rout of the pikemen, the rout of the archers... From the moment I was able to hold on until now, the building will collapse within tens of minutes, leaving only endless black on the entire land. The torrent was already less than a thousand miles away from the castle. New Luyard's consciousness was strangled crazily, and parts of his huge body turned into powder and flew into the air from time to time.

Today, only a third of its form remains.

At this moment, all the retreating Western armies burst out with a shout, and a golden brilliance floated from everyone's body. They all gathered into the castle, and New Luyard's huge body finally stood up.

"I really didn't expect..."

"You...have become so strong."

It spread its wings and stared at Xu Yangyi with its only remaining eye: "The sage can actually match the devil in the exquisite control of his spiritual consciousness. You have saved a life, but... as long as my lord's mark is If you don't disappear for a day, you...will never be able to escape this eternal curse."

"Eternal Life Spell!!"

Buzz buzz... As soon as the words fell, the space around it shook. The void collapsed in all directions, and strange magic patterns rushed out of the void, forming a strange whirlwind that surrounded the entire space.

"Double curse." Xin Luyard looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "This is my curse. The winner... will live forever. However, if there are other curses on him, this curse will be expanded ten times! "

"Come on... welcome my curse, you will become the beacon of the whole hell! All the believers of the devil will see you! Even if you hide under the wings of the devil of Felus, the believers in the original world can smell it. My sign! Endless followers will tear you apart!"


With a loud noise, all the talismans rushed into Xu Yangyi's body in an irresistible form. In an instant, the mammon mark between his eyebrows burst out with thousands of rays of light. Xu Yangyi was stunned, and pointed his hand towards the castle. Suddenly, countless Eastern armies rushed into New Luyard's castle like a tide.

"Human..." New Luyard's huge body was annihilated as the castle was shattered, leaving only one blood-red eye: "Abyss Arena, I am waiting for you..."

"Only by killing me can you erase my curse, and then you can touch Lord Mammon's mark... Don't try to erase it, don't try to escape! Come on, face me, face the wrath of Morning Star!"

Boom! ! All castles were shattered and everything turned into ashes.


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