
Chapter 1197: Devil's Lighthouse

What I wrote before:

I’ve had some insights recently. After reading some other books, I’ve become aware of things I didn’t realize before. I’m integrating some things, such as being more streamlined. I wonder if any readers have noticed that the chapters from yesterday to today lack a lot of psychology. The description of scenery is to tell stories and create atmosphere.

This can be regarded as an insight during this period. The writing was a bit stumbling, but I clearly feel that it has improved. It has not been fully integrated. It will probably take a few more pictures to fully grasp it.

There is no manuscript saved, and due to the adjustment status, there may be only one update in the past two days. Please forgive me. I will make up for it when there are manuscripts saved in the future. I feel that this is the third improvement of my book. The first time is the European chapter. , the second time was after ascension, and the third time was here. Each time the progress was not small, I hope to achieve greater progress this time.

Dear readers, I'm sorry, it will be restored soon, and the third update on Sunday will also be restored. First, please allow me to save some manuscripts...


A strong wind arose.

New Luyard's body visibly turned into countless gravel and rolled into the air. The huge body formed a tornado of wild sand, bringing up the broken bricks, claws, wings, head... until the last blood-red eye. , with an unwilling roar, a huge black hole formed in mid-air, frantically pulling it out of the consciousness space.

Kakaka... Infinite cracks appeared in all directions, and bright white light emerged from them. With the annihilation of the Morning Star Demonic Dragon, the space it constructed also died.

"Can't you avoid it?" Yuchang looked at the brilliance in the sky and said thoughtfully.

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly: "This is the power of divine consciousness, it is inevitable."

"Is there anything strange?"

He shook his head: "No, this is a space built by New Luyard. It is completely isolated from the outside. If there is any difference, I'm afraid you can only know it when you go out."

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding light burst out, completely engulfing their figures.

The familiar space inside the Space Demon's body appeared before him again. The moment it just appeared, Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly narrowed, and a feeling he had never felt before emerged from his body.

Condensed, evil, twisted, indescribable, just like the first time he saw the Mark of Mammon, a dark wave instantly erupted from the leaping space demon. Its huge body shook suddenly, and then hundreds of One eye lit up, and a faint red circle appeared.

"" Waves of unbearable whistling sounds came from its mouth. The body of hundreds of meters rose and fell, and it actually stopped traveling through space. It was like a pufferfish that was stimulated, and the tumors all over its body were bulging. got up.

"Thinking disorder?" In another room, Andelina stood up suddenly, her eyes widening in disbelief.

As the Space Demon fell into momentary confusion, violent vibrations occurred in the internal space, and the brilliance of various talismans appeared one after another. Andelina opened her eyes wide and said in shock: "How is this possible... The Space Demon has completely wiped out its self-awareness, leaving only Instinct... What is it that suddenly makes it unable to control itself? "

At this moment, a circle of dark ripples swept through the air. Andelina's clothes were dancing without any wind, and her fiery red hair undulated with the waves. Amid the turbulent black tide, its eyes also had a rare flash of light. Bright red, breathing suddenly and rapidly. It gasped and suddenly covered its right eye with its hand.

"This is..." A trace of blood-red breath spurted out from between his fingers. The trace of bright red was like blood-red ink, quickly eroding the entire white of his eyes.

"This is Taixu...the Demon King...the Demon King's curse! No wonder it can mobilize the instincts of lower demons! Damn it! Which Demon King dares to challenge the authority of the original family!!"

boom! !

Almost instinctively, a circle of silver-gray brilliance suddenly erupted from the center of its brows, and the shadow of the roaring ram descended instantly. The space in all directions fluctuated wildly, as if an invisible giant hand was fighting with the mark of the deceitful devil. In just a few seconds, then With a buzzing sound, all the black waves in all directions were bounced away.

Andelina gasped and sat on the ground, covered in cold sweat, but without thinking about it, she immediately picked up her skirt and rushed towards Xu Yangyi's room.

It felt that the strange black tide was emanating from here.

The distance of 100 meters is very short, but when it reached Xu Yangyi's door, it did not dare to go any further.

Right in front of it, the restrictions that Xu Yangyi had previously placed were shattered by an invisible force. The cracks in the space were densely covered with runes. With its state, it could not walk through this broken space. But it didn't pay attention to this. Instead, it stared at the center of the room and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Right there, Xu Yangyi was like a luminous body in the dark, with an ocean-like black light coming out of his forehead. Behind him, the pale shadow of Mammon grew visible to the naked eye, filling the room a hundred meters away. With pale wings, thousands of golden eyes, and the shape of a giant dragon, this demon god that only exists in legend has projected its terrifying figure.

"Damn..." Andrina's chest rose and fell rapidly, leaning against the bulkhead, feeling cold sweat on her palms. As far as the eye can see, this black tide has not disappeared at all, but has cut across all directions like a razor, rushing into the endless void of Tiragandis.

Buzz! !

The situation changed, and the black tide twisted into a huge beam of light and rushed into the sky. This scene only existed in the eyes of some demons, as if a trumpet was blown to them.

In the third hell, a huge church built of human bones, covering an area of ​​3,000 meters. Countless demon cavalry and gargoyles linger around. At the moment when the light column rose between the tyranny, a tall figure stood up on the top floor of the church, looked a few times, and then prostrated himself respectfully.

"It is the call of my Lord..." Its three-meter-long body trembled with excitement, and the calm flames all over its body began to rise: "After tens of thousands of years, the oracle finally came... Come... Go crazy, pray... The whole army of the Mad Black Church will respond to your visit!!"

In the seventh hell, in a continuous mountain of flames, three pairs of ancient eyes slowly opened.

"Avatars ranked in the single digits... My Lord, they... I'm afraid they haven't appeared for tens of thousands of years?" "Not only in the single digits, but also in the top three. I wonder if it's the morning star, the scorching sun, or the bright moon?" "This lord personally issued a curse? Why?"

Silence, after a few seconds, the voice sounded again: "No matter why, as believers of the Demon God Association, it is our principle to sacrifice for our Lord."

"The top three can already represent the will of the adults themselves! They must have discovered something and had to use us."

"You call, we respond, the ancient contract has never been torn up."

The tenth hell, the eleventh hell, the seventeenth hell... Silent figures opened their fossil-like eyes from under the nine netherworlds, and endless inferior demons crawled out of the cracks in hell, condensing into a killing frenzy under the towering black shadows that may not be recorded in ancient books.

The appearance is different, but there is one thing in common, that is, their eyes are all black and white. In their eyes, the world is completely different.

Sixteen Hells, between tyranny...

In the interlayer between this hell and the deception of the twelfth hell, a human figure shines like a beacon in the dark night. Even if they are separated by an unknown distance, they can see each other clearly like insects attracted to light!

In a valley of deep green flames, the ground cracked with a rumble, and three eyes burning with flames appeared in the center of the crack. It seemed very excited, looking at the sky for a full few seconds, and then laughed wildly.

"Human... Hahaha! Poor human!"

"My strength and status in Deskadribo Valley cannot activate such a powerful mark at all! This is a single-digit incarnation that completely stimulated the seal of Lord Mammon! I don't know where the other incarnations are, and all I found are some cowardly wastes! But this lord must know... it must know!"

At this moment, the black tide suddenly burst into a thousand-foot golden light. Although it was in the rolling demonic energy, it was majestic and magnificent.

"The one who kills this man will have his bloodline upgraded by one level. I will personally preside over the bloodline promotion ceremony for him."

"Don't get close to the Deceitful Palace of Sin, he is there, just like the despicable human race of rats hiding under the wings of Lord Ferrus. But... ninety-three years later, the demon furnace erupted, and I saw him participating in the Abyss Arena. The believers of Lord Mammon are there, ninety-three years later today, the king wants to see his ugly head!"

Countless ancient demon texts surged out of the demonic energy, and this sentence was imprinted in the eyes of all the demons who could see these words. Just a few seconds later, their vision returned to darkness, and only a dazzling morning star flickered in the darkness, illuminating the eternal sky.

"This is..." Deskadri Bogu was trembling with excitement, and his huge body crawled on the ground like a rabbit, and he bowed his head hoarsely and excitedly: "Morning Star..."

The decree of the Morning Star!

The Morning Star Dragon, the first incarnation. Its existence represents the will of Lord Mammon!

"Yes!!" The sound of landslides and tsunamis came from all hells. With their response, the rolling demonic energy was sucked into the invisible cracks like the ebb tide, and there was no abnormality.

At the same time, in the space demon, the light on Xu Yangyi's forehead finally went out. However, he did not look relaxed at all, but looked at his hands solemnly.

"What's going on?" Yu Chang asked with a deep breath. The mark of the Morning Star Demon Dragon was so fierce that it burst out with overwhelming power as soon as it came into contact with the outside world.

Xu Yangyi did not speak. After a few seconds, he turned to look at Andrina: "What's going on?"

"Don't you know?!" Andrina was almost going crazy. She covered her mouth and screamed: "What did you do just now?! Did you encounter a demon incarnation ranked in the single digits?!"

It was trembling all over. The excessive anger made it unable to speak. After a long time, it gritted its teeth and said: "Who knows if Mammon exists? Even if it exists, its power has been weakened after countless light years of plane travel! The demon incarnation that was chasing you If the strength of the body is not high, it cannot really activate the Mammon Mark! So your Mammon Mark can only be sensed by the incarnation of the demon god in the tyranny! "

"But the incarnations ranked in the single digits are completely different! They... are the creations that the demon god has invested a lot of effort in! Maybe their realm is not high, but they have inherited some of the power of the demon god! The most terrifying thing is..."

It gritted its teeth and looked at Xu Yangyi: "They can really awaken the demon god's mark! Now it's not just the tyranny, even the whole hell! Those old monsters who have been hiding for tens of thousands of years! Can all see you!"

"Do you know what you are now! A bloody piece of flesh thrown into the sea! Those deep-sea predators will rush over soon! Damn it! If you had met it earlier, I would never have allowed you to go to the Deception Palace!"

"They are all lunatics! Demons with faith! Some monsters rejected by the mainstream demon society! Have you heard of the gods? Have you heard of the fallen angels? Have you heard of the twisted heart? These horrible monsters will make the Deception Palace a mess! You..."

Before it finished speaking, it could no longer speak.

Xu Yangyi's aura-transformed big hand pinched its mouth and said indifferently: "Remember, you don't have the option of tearing up the contract with me."

"So, go to the Deception Palace at full speed."

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