
Main text Chapter 119: Pill Success (Part 2)

Chen Dan!

Xu Yangyi suddenly lowered his head and looked at the pill in his hand in astonishment.

Three pill patterns... the symbol of Chen Dan!

He knew that Zuo Dan was all due to his good luck. If it weren't for the rich spiritual energy here, the pill would have problems. However, he never thought that he could make Chen Dan!

"No... I didn't make it..." A thought suddenly flashed in his mind: "Rich spiritual energy leads to higher quality of the pill. And the Whale Absorption Pill Technique absorbs the spiritual energy in the entire room, which also includes..."

He looked at the blue inner pill in the center of the formation and smiled: "You!"

"There is no better place for the demon pill of a thousand-year-old demon than this environment. So, you were born as Chen Dan." He smiled and stroked the pill in his hand, and the joy in his heart burst out like a tide.


Finally succeeded!

It took two years and eight months. I had the guidance of the King of the Eternal Pill Scripture, but I didn't have the guidance of a master. I broke down the steps and analyzed the text by myself. I practiced boringly for nearly a thousand days. Today, everything was worth it!

"Three-patterned minister pill..." He felt the burning heat in his palms and closed his eyes tightly, but if you look closely, you can see that the veins on his hands were exposed and his eyelids were trembling.

It was impossible not to be excited.

At this moment, suddenly, the magnificent voice of the King of the Eternal Pill Scripture sounded again in his spiritual consciousness.

"The spirit of the pill has risen, and the spirit of the essence has not hidden."

Before he could think about what this meant, the next second, the whole pill furnace trembled slightly.

In the furnace, the medicinal materials that he had once refined to waste, as if they were summoned by something, turned from coke to youth! In Xu Yangyi's puzzled eyes, they turned into Danzhu fruits and trees, and then... they rose slowly and began to form a small whirlwind several meters high in the air!

Xu Yangyi looked at everything in front of him calmly. The King of the Eternal Pill Scripture had never mentioned such a situation.

"Swish, swish, swish..." The whirlwind swayed gently. Three seconds later, with a "flutter", all the medicinal materials turned into white spiritual butterflies, dancing wildly in the air. Then, they all gathered together to form a butterfly that was only the size of a palm, but with extremely rich spiritual energy!

As soon as it was formed, it immediately danced wildly in the air, as if trying to escape from this room. Xu Yangyi smiled: "Want to leave?"

He kicked his feet lightly, and the whole person rushed towards the butterfly at lightning speed, but he stopped immediately after rushing out three meters.

He carefully stretched out a hand and gently touched the opposite side.

There is something...

An invisible crystal wall, I don't know when it was across from him, and on the other side of the wall, the butterfly was flying around the room, trying to find an exit.

"Is this what it made?" His eyes lit up. Although he didn't know what it was, the thing that the King of the Eternal Pill Sutra specifically mentioned must have its peculiarities. He definitely didn't want to let it go.

"Just right, let me try it with you." He cracked his knuckles, making a crackling sound, tightened his abdomen, inhaled, and twisted his waist. One hand was stretched out in front of him to make a palm, and the other hand was clenched into a fist and placed on his waist. The whole person didn't look like the magical power of a Qigong cultivator, but more like the martial arts of a mortal.

However... his hand on his waist seemed to be holding something, and a series of mysterious red talismans were faintly seeping out from under his skin, and a trace of dazzling red light was looming between his fingers.

At this moment, if there were cultivators who had fought with Xu Yangyi standing here, they would definitely be ready. Because, now, the power of this hand of his is no weaker than that of the Ten Directions Red Lotus!

Canglong aspires for the throne!

After three steps, all magical powers have been obtained. However, his rest time was only enough to get a preliminary understanding of the magical power brought by releasing the medicine.

He had no time to understand the magical power brought by the condensation of the pill and the formation of the pill.

He learned this move very quickly because... this is a rare physical skill among the magical powers!

To be precise, among the human cultivators, there is absolutely no physical skill! Because the human body is not naturally suitable for body training, on the contrary, the physical skills of the demon race are everywhere, but because of the different physiques, they cannot be practiced by the human race at all.

Of course, there are always exceptions.

The founder of the Yulin Guard, Jindan Zhenren Yunhe, once fought with the demon body of Heishan Zhenren for thousands of moves, and even the surrounding mountains collapsed, the rivers flowed backwards, and the land was red for thousands of miles. It was nothing else but the physical training!

The human race, if there is no physical training, it will be fine. Once it appears, it must be a unique skill that will be passed down through the ages! Although it is powerful, the training conditions and the degree of hardship of practice are not something that ordinary cultivators can endure.

Pure physical skills are even rarer!

When he got this move, Canglong Wending, he was unexpectedly surprised. Fist to flesh, close combat, is definitely his favorite fighting style.

"Canglong..." He stared at the crystal wall in front of him with burning eyes, and the momentum in his body became stronger and stronger. The butterflies on the other side of the crystal wall seemed to feel it and flew more wildly.


"Boom!" With his cathartic roar, the spiritual energy of the entire training room was shaking wildly! Then, a red light, very thin, but extremely sharp, rushed to the opposite side at a speed that the eyes could not see clearly!

There was even a visible trace in the air!

At this moment... the air was cut! Like an invisible dragon claw, grabbing here!

"Crack!" A crisp sound! The crystal wall caused almost no obstruction and collapsed immediately! Immediately afterwards, opposite Xu Yangyi, a spiritual pressure that was not weaker than his was instantly raised!

What's this?

Xu Yangyi's eyes darkened.

This butterfly formed by the gathering of spiritual energy... is actually in the middle stage of Qi training!

At this moment, the butterfly's wings vibrated so much that he could not see clearly. Then, a large area of ​​​​wind blades flew out from the butterfly's wings like raindrops!

"Fuck!" Xu Yangyi didn't have time to think of anything else. He crossed his arms as a conditioned reflex and shouted: "Fuck you!"

With his improved cultivation, Gui Fu actually condensed a golden light shield in front of him. As soon as it solidified, there was an endless "crackling" sound of rain hitting the pipa.

"Crash!" In the training room, stones were cut and flying everywhere! Cracks as thick as an arm and half a meter deep filled the entire training room almost in the blink of an eye! It's like an invisible sword master has placed a flurry of swords here!

The air seemed to be torn apart!

Xu Yangyi's arm suddenly sank. He didn't expect... this extremely small butterfly to be so powerful!

"Sacrifice yourself!" He used the second move without hesitation. The golden light shield had been dimmed under the blows of countless wind blades. Immediately, the golden light shone brightly again!

However, this situation only lasted three seconds.

The attack like a violent storm ended with a slight "ding". The butterfly dodged the red light left and right while sending out wind blades, but... it was not fast enough.

In other words, red light is faster!

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and looked at the butterfly coldly. Just now, the red light hit it head-on.

It was motionless at the moment.

that's all?

Xu Yangyi was a little dissatisfied. This was the magical power after the Ten Directions Red Lotus. The Ten Directions Red Lotus was quite high in terms of power, appearance, and pretentiousness index. How could this move be so silent after being struck?

"Perhaps, I should find someone to try next time..." He looked at his fist thoughtfully: "Which one is better, Mao Baer or Li Zongyuan?"

"Boom!!!!" The moment he lowered his head, circles of ripples visible to the naked eye exploded around the butterfly! That's a shock wave formed by violent vibrations in the air!

"Boom!!" Immediately afterwards, the wall opposite him, layer by layer... the black wall made of Chenyin stone, dented inward layer by layer, starting from the butterfly that was "nailed" to the wall. , suddenly densely covered with spider webs! If you use more force, the room may be opened in the next second!

"Ka...ka...ka..." The shattered silk-like wall let out bursts of mournful screams. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with excitement. He almost understood the secret of Canglong's bid for the title.

Inch strength.

Before it hits someone, it seems harmless, but once it hits someone, the instantly overwhelming!

Moreover, there is such a terrifying speed...

Dragons roam the world, and not a single blade of grass grows!

"Brush!" Before he could finish thinking, the butterfly suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, and then turned into thousands of red light spots and flew leisurely towards Xu Yangyi. It soaked into his skin bit by bit.

"Buzz..." A memory rushed into his mind without warning. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he immediately closed his eyes and sat up to meditate.

After more than ten minutes, he opened his eyes with a complicated expression.

"Elixir..." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. From the memory just now, he already fully understood what it was.

Alchemy spirit, a spiritual creature from heaven and earth that may appear in any alchemy refining, even the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra cannot explain what it is. He only mentioned one sentence: "It has existed since ancient times" and then dismissed it hastily.

It has some special functions hidden in it. Some can make people improve their cultivation greatly, and some can make people more sensitive. According to legend, there are even top-level elixirs that can cleanse menstruation and cut marrow, and directly turn people into babies. spirit!

"The memory just now should have come from the elixir." He thought to himself: "I once mentioned that there was an ancient alchemist who practiced a Yuan Dan, and the elixir that appeared allowed him to immediately break through to the next great realm... How powerful is this..."

However, he was not relaxed, because while Danling brought opportunities, it also brought challenges.

Dan Ling has basic wisdom.

They instinctively refuse to be captured unless defeated. However... the more advanced the elixir, once the elixir appears, it may even turn into a dragon or a phoenix!

With such an alchemy spirit, let alone capturing it, the alchemist is lucky not to be killed by it!

In the memory of Dan Ling, no one has captured the Dan Ling whose aura transformed into a dragon and a phoenix!

"And... this isn't even the best..." Xu Yangyi's eyes narrowed. There was also one thing mentioned in this memory...

On the day when Zhang Daoling's Dragon and Tiger Great Pill was completed, what appeared... was a humanoid pill spirit!

Not only does he have the same level of cultivation as Zhang Daoling, but he also possesses... wisdom far beyond that of ordinary people!

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