
Main text Chapter 120: Pill Success (Part 3)

A Danling with the same cultivation level as Daozu Zhang Daoling!

If it's not a true immortal, it's a half-immortal!

"What kind of creature is this? Where does it come from?"

After thinking for a long time, Xu Yangyi decided not to care about him, but he had to find someone to protect him when he was refining pills in the future. The only thing that was certain was that Danling's cultivation level would not exceed that of an alchemist.

As for the guardian, is it difficult?

He dared to bet that after he figured out some things, he only needed to ask, and many people would be willing to protect him!

Calming down his mood, he began to experience the Danling he had just obtained.

The effect... was not very ordinary, but it was not the best either.

Never forget what he saw!

No matter how long he had seen something, from now on, he would never forget it after taking a look. No matter how long he had said something, he would definitely remember it as long as he wanted to remember it.

This was the special effect brought by Danling just now.

"It's similar to a lottery." He smiled and looked at the pill in his hand.

The black, round, three-patterned Chendan lay quietly in his hand like a flame.

Guling Pill, for cultivators in the Qi training stage, there are not many restrictions on their advancement. The foundation building stage is the single-plank bridge that thousands of people are competing to cross. But even so, there are too many people who cannot overcome the physical barrier before a small realm. Guling Pill is the key to strengthening their spiritual consciousness and breaking the physical barrier.

However, he does not need this pill.

Now, his spiritual energy is about one-tenth of that of the middle stage of Qi training, and it will take at least seven or eight years before his next advancement.

After a moment of silence, he said in his spiritual consciousness: "Li Zongyuan, Mao Baer, ​​come here."

Less than ten minutes later, Mao Baer and Li Zongyuan walked in with cold eyes. As soon as he came in, Mao Baer immediately screamed: "My ancestors!!"

In the training room, the sound-reducing stone was scratched to pieces, and there was a huge crack on the wall with a radius of ten meters!

And... the advanced spirit gathering array was engraved on the wall. It has been interrupted for a long time, and repairing it is a huge expense.

"Dear! Can you think of me when you are destroying things? Think of me who has devoted my life to you and will die for you!" He slapped Xu Yangyi's chest with a paw righteously: "What did you do?! What did you say you did?! Are you playing wall-dong here? Tell me which shameless guy seduced you! This real person will destroy him immediately!"

"Real person?" Li Zongyuan said disdainfully: "Dream on?"

"Even if it's not now, this real person will definitely be in the future!" Mao Ba Er snorted coldly: "Who is like you? No pursuit, no ambition, a complete 13-no personnel, who gave you the dog guts to talk to this real person? You are standing beside me just to set off this real person's supreme glory, why don't you step down?"

Li Zongyuan was obviously no match for this bitch in verbal disputes. After rolling his eyes, he walked in front of Xu Yangyi. Just as he was about to speak, he was stopped by a dog paw.

"You actually want to compete with me for favor... Huanhuan, you are getting more and more outrageous."

Who! Who is Huanhuan!

Li Zongyuan was furious and his silver teeth were broken.

However... I really came here to win favor...

"Okay." Xu Yangyi's mood has calmed down, and he smiled: "Mao Baer, ​​what realm are you in now?"

"Initial stage of Qi training." Mao Baer rolled his eyes at him: "You don't care about me at all, you are not considerate at all, where did the cute little blue child go?"

Xu Yangyi nodded as if he didn't hear anything, and looked at Li Zongyuan: "What about you?"

"Congratulations, Master." Li Zongyuan didn't care about anything around him, and bowed and said: "I have reached the bottleneck of the initial stage."

Xu Yangyi understood and ohed. After Li Zongyuan advanced, he couldn't see what kind of species he was, but the space in his stomach was twice as large.

"Take it." He stretched out his hand and flicked it, and a black thing flew over: "Eat it here, and then break through the middle stage immediately."

"Yes." Li Zongyuan took it habitually, glanced at it, bowed habitually and smiled: "Thank you, Master..."

He didn't finish his words.

No, no!

The thing just now looked familiar! It seems like I have seen it many times on ancient cultivation record videos, science and education films, and other miscellaneous websites!

The master didn't say the word "人" (human). He seemed to be in a fixed spell. His head "kakaka" mechanically twisted to his hand. He only took a look and could no longer move away.

This shape...

This fluctuation of spiritual power...

This medicinal smell...

Could it be...

Could it be...

No, it's impossible... The master must be joking with me. Oh, by the way, he said he was refining pills, but he must not be refining this pill... Is this sugar bean? mm bean? It must be like this, hehe... I'm so smart, it's definitely right...

But... it's not right... How can mm bean emit medicinal smell? Isn't it chocolate...

"Master, master, master..." When Li Zongyuan raised his head, his face was pale, his hands were shaking wildly, and his words were incoherent. He just stared at Xu Yangyi like a wooden chicken. He felt that his tongue was knotted.

Mao Ba Er actually didn't say anything, but looked at Li Zongyuan's hand in astonishment, then looked at Xu Yangyi, then looked at the black thing, then looked at Xu Yangyi... Infinite loop.

"This is... this, this is, this is Dan Dan Dan..." Li Zongyuan's face turned red and white, and the huge happiness smashed his mind like a meteorite, but he didn't dare to get too excited, because he was afraid that if he got too excited, the disappointment would be too great for him to bear.

"I just made it. Guling Dan, just in time for your breakthrough, you can try it." Xu Yangyi smiled indifferently.

After taking this one, he can produce the next one in less than a week. What's the big deal?

All things are difficult at the beginning. He can be said to have restored the King of Eternal Pills step by step and hand by hand. All the steps and key points are in his mind. He has already lost his virginity, so why talk about it again?

Guling Pill!

Three words, so light and yet so heavy!

"This, this is really, is, is it a pill?" Li Zongyuan finally said a seemingly complete sentence, but he didn't realize that his eyes were red when he said this.

"Isn't it liquid pill?!" Mao Baer was no longer in the mood to be cheap, and screamed immediately after a bark.

"You think..." Xu Yangyi stretched his body comfortably: "Will it be a mouthful of water when you bite it?"

"Master!!" Unexpectedly, the next second, Li Zongyuan immediately knelt down and touched his head to the ground: "I, I am willing to die for the master!"

No need to choose.

No need to hesitate at all.

The way of pills... has appeared in the world!

It has really appeared in the world! And it is in his hands!

I know... I know everything. At the beginning, the medicinal materials Xu Yangyi bought were indeed used to make pills! Moreover, it was not a liquid pill, but a real pill! The way of pills!

A demon pet, living next to an alchemist, the future life really shouldn't be too full!

At this moment, Li Zongyuan was completely at peace.

He didn't dare to have even the slightest crooked thoughts.

"Yangya!" Mao Baer's eyes were about to spit fire: "It's really Dan! Did you really figure out Dan Dao?!"

"Of course." Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "In the future, I will need money in many places. You should pay attention."

"Use his x!!!" After Mao Baer got a positive answer again, he immediately jumped all over the ground and screamed: "Fuck! Fuck!! This is really the most fantastic story of this century!"

"Dan Dao! Dan Dao! Dan Dao! Damn Dan Dao! It has been lost for nearly two hundred years! Two hundred years! You can still figure it out!"

"What is money? It's a bitch! I care!? I care about j8! You just need to go out and ask, and money can be poured into your pocket!!!"

It was almost incoherent, full of swear words, but this just showed that it was abnormally excited!

"Master! You are the only one in the world who has this thing! You alone!" Li Zongyuan also stood up, his voice hoarse from excessive shock and excitement: "Whatever price you say, that's the price! I bet you will become a real noble! A top cultivator!"

"We'll talk about the specific operation later." Xu Yangyi waved his hand: "Still not convinced? This is the first pill in two hundred years."

"Yes, yes! Yes!!" Li Zongyuan trembled and picked up the pill, his eyes obsessed, and even put it to his lips and kissed it, but he dared not swallow it.

"What?" Xu Yangyi frowned.

"Master..." Li Zongyuan's chest rose and fell sharply: "This, this thing is too precious, I, I, I can't bear to give it up... You! What are you doing! I'm not done with you! Wind Blade Technique!!!!"

A half-meter-long wind blade, obviously Li Zongyuan used all his strength in an instant, and shot madly at a husky that stood up and fled quickly with a pill in its two paws.

"Let go!" Li Zongyuan's eyes were red and about to burst. Xu Yangyi scratched his ears because of the loud voice. However, he didn't care about much at this moment and rushed towards Mao Baer like crazy.

Just now, when he was not paying attention, this bitch snatched the elixir and ran away without saying a word!

Mao Baer didn't say a word and quickly rushed to the door. Judging from the speed of its tail shaking, it was in a very happy mood at the moment.

Li Zongyuan wanted to kill him!

This is an elixir!

Not a liquid elixir!

It is the elixir that was reborn after two hundred years! The first elixir!

It also matches his realm! It was a reward from his master!

It was snatched away by this stupid dog under his nose!

"Quack!" A tongue suddenly flew out of his mouth and shot towards Mao Baer quickly. Mao Baer was shocked when he heard the wind: "Are you really serious?!"

"Nonsense!" Li Zongyuan's teeth were almost broken: "Come on!! Otherwise, I will fight you to the death!!!"

"Enough." Xu Yangyi finally spoke, and Mao Baer stopped. Li Zongyuan looked extremely struggling and stopped.

He was struggling whether to really kill the dog.

"Give it to him." Xu Yangyi frowned and said, "It's not like there won't be any in the future, why are you in such a hurry? You haven't reached a bottleneck yet."

"How can you be so calm!" Mao Baer got furious when he heard it: "I'm risking my life to grab something here! You act like nothing happened?!"

"Do you know what this is? Do you know its commemorative value?! Do you know..."

"You grabbed my things." Xu Yangyi smiled: "I'll give you a week to come up with a complete plan to hype the pills. If you can't do it, I'll change someone. In addition, I need three months to make twelve pills, which can be used for advertising for you."

"No need!!" Mao Baer and Li Zongyuan screamed almost at the same time: "Hype?! No need!"

"Auction! Auction! Must auction!!" Mao Baer's eyes were full of money: "I can damn sure that the entire cultivation world will go crazy because of this!!"

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